Scott Steiner challenges Triple H to a bench press contest: Raw, January 13, 2003
Scott Steiner's bench press challenge ends in a brawl....
published: 07 May 2014
Scott Steiner challenges Triple H to a bench press contest: Raw, January 13, 2003
Scott Steiner challenges Triple H to a bench press contest: Raw, January 13, 2003
Scott Steiner's bench press challenge ends in a brawl.- published: 07 May 2014
- views: 301
0-250 km/h : 911 Turbo S VS F-Type R Coupé (Motorsport)
0-250 km/h : Porsche 911 (991) Turbo S VS Jaguar F-Type R Coupé
F-Type R
ENGINE : V8 comp...
published: 07 May 2014
0-250 km/h : 911 Turbo S VS F-Type R Coupé (Motorsport)
0-250 km/h : 911 Turbo S VS F-Type R Coupé (Motorsport)
0-250 km/h : Porsche 911 (991) Turbo S VS Jaguar F-Type R Coupé F-Type R ENGINE : V8 compressor POWER : 550 ch WEIGHT : 1 625 kg 911 Turbo S ENGINE : Flat six biturbo POWER : 560 ch WEIGHT : 1 595 kg ➢JOIN US ON FACEBOOK http://www.facebook.com/MagazineMotorsport?ref=hl ➢WEBSITE http://www.motorsport-magazine.fr ➢MOTORSPORT DIGITAL http://www.relay.com/Motor-sport/numero-courant-1183.html?origin=2AF8600C99BD43CD- published: 07 May 2014
- views: 1519
Triple H reveals why he continues to target The Shield
The WWE COO unveils his plan to give each member of The Shield the chance to "redeem thems...
published: 07 May 2014
Triple H reveals why he continues to target The Shield
Triple H reveals why he continues to target The Shield
The WWE COO unveils his plan to give each member of The Shield the chance to "redeem themselves" on SmackDown.- published: 07 May 2014
- views: 441
0-312 km/h : Jaguar F-Type R Coupé (Motorsport)
Come onboard the new Jaguar F Type R Coupé for a top speed at 312 km/h !
published: 07 May 2014
0-312 km/h : Jaguar F-Type R Coupé (Motorsport)
0-312 km/h : Jaguar F-Type R Coupé (Motorsport)
Come onboard the new Jaguar F Type R Coupé for a top speed at 312 km/h ! ➢JOIN US ON FACEBOOK http://www.facebook.com/MagazineMotorsport?ref=hl ➢WEBSITE http://www.motorsport-magazine.fr ➢MOTORSPORT DIGITAL http://www.relay.com/Motor-sport/numero-courant-1183.html?origin=2AF8600C99BD43CD- published: 07 May 2014
- views: 3744
H-name Africano Wach Tay3ref L'afrique ?
H-name Avec MOMO sur Hit Radio
published: 06 May 2014
H-name Africano Wach Tay3ref L'afrique ?
H-name Africano Wach Tay3ref L'afrique ?
H-name Avec MOMO sur Hit Radio https://www.facebook.com/momo.hitradio.ma http://www.youtube.com/MOMOBOUSFIHA http://instagram.com/momoofficiel- published: 06 May 2014
- views: 1909
www.ducme.tv -Cà Phê Tối- Một người dân tộc H'Mông bị kết án 24 tháng tù...
www.ducme.tv -Cà Phê Tối- Một người dân tộc H'Mông bị kết án 24 tháng tù giam theo Điều 25...
published: 07 May 2014
www.ducme.tv -Cà Phê Tối- Một người dân tộc H'Mông bị kết án 24 tháng tù...
www.ducme.tv -Cà Phê Tối- Một người dân tộc H'Mông bị kết án 24 tháng tù...
www.ducme.tv -Cà Phê Tối- Một người dân tộc H'Mông bị kết án 24 tháng tù giam theo Điều 258 BLHS, ngày 07.05.2014.- published: 07 May 2014
- views: 708
Da$H - "Parachute Escape / Counseling" (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO)
Da$H - "Parachute Escape / Counseling" prod. by Mordecai Beats
Featured on Da$H's 'V.I.C....
published: 05 May 2014
Da$H - "Parachute Escape / Counseling" (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO)
Da$H - "Parachute Escape / Counseling" (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO)
Da$H - "Parachute Escape / Counseling" prod. by Mordecai Beats Featured on Da$H's 'V.I.C.E.S' LP Directed: Daughter of Ra Filmed: Alice Millar Edited: Tony G Visual FX: Kyle Rogers In Association with Peerless USA Twitter.com/HeirDash Instagram.com/HeirDash Facebook.com/HzDash heirdash.bandcamp.com Hz-Global.com- published: 05 May 2014
- views: 6373
Tarcísio Meira's Band - Homem com H (SuperStar)
Confira e baixe todas as músicas já apresentadas no programa.
No iTunes: http://som.li/1ip...
published: 06 May 2014
Tarcísio Meira's Band - Homem com H (SuperStar)
Tarcísio Meira's Band - Homem com H (SuperStar)
Confira e baixe todas as músicas já apresentadas no programa. No iTunes: http://som.li/1ipYAZz No PC ou em qualquer Android: http://som.li/1uq9ML4 Inscreva-se em no canal da Som Livre: http://som.li/17zrII2 Siga a Som Livre nas redes. http://facebook.com/somlivre | http://twitter.com/somlivre | http://plus.google.com/+somlivre/ Saiba mais sobre o programa SuperStar: http://som.li/1mDIqvz- published: 06 May 2014
- views: 1029
0-100 km/h : Jaguar F-Type R Coupe loud sound (Motorsport)
0-100 km/h : Jaguar F-Type R Coupe loud sound
Engine : V8 Compressor
Displacement : 5000 ...
published: 05 May 2014
0-100 km/h : Jaguar F-Type R Coupe loud sound (Motorsport)
0-100 km/h : Jaguar F-Type R Coupe loud sound (Motorsport)
0-100 km/h : Jaguar F-Type R Coupe loud sound Engine : V8 Compressor Displacement : 5000 cm3 Power : 550 PS Weight : 1665 kg ➢JOIN US ON FACEBOOK http://www.facebook.com/MagazineMotorsport?ref=hl ➢WEBSITE http://www.motorsport-magazine.fr ➢MOTORSPORT DIGITAL http://www.relay.com/Motor-sport/numero-courant-1183.html?origin=2AF8600C99BD43CD- published: 05 May 2014
- views: 5505
WWE Extreme Rules 2014 - The Shield Vs Evolution Triple H, Randy Orton, Batista
WWE Extreme Rules 2014 - The Shield Vs Evolution Triple H, Randy Orton, Batista
WWE Extrem...
published: 05 May 2014
WWE Extreme Rules 2014 - The Shield Vs Evolution Triple H, Randy Orton, Batista
WWE Extreme Rules 2014 - The Shield Vs Evolution Triple H, Randy Orton, Batista
WWE Extreme Rules 2014 - The Shield Vs Evolution Triple H, Randy Orton, Batista WWE Extreme Rules 2014 - The Shield Vs Evolution Triple H, Randy Orton, Batista WWE Extreme Rules 2014 - The Shield Vs Evolution Triple H, Randy Orton, Batista WWE Extreme Rules 2014 - The Shield Vs Evolution Triple H, Randy Orton, Batista WWE Extreme Rules 2014 - The Shield Vs Evolution Triple H, Randy Orton, Batista WWE Extreme Rules 2014 - The Shield Vs Evolution Triple H, Randy Orton, Batista WWE Extreme Rules 2014 - The Shield Vs Evolution Triple H, Randy Orton, Batista WWE Extreme Rules 2014 - The Shield Vs Evolution Triple H, Randy Orton, Batista WWE Extreme Rules 2014 - The Shield Vs Evolution Triple H, Randy Orton, Batista WWE Extreme Rules 2014 - The Shield Vs Evolution Triple H, Randy Orton, Batista WWE Extreme Rules 2014 - The Shield Vs Evolution Triple H, Randy Orton, Batista- published: 05 May 2014
- views: 7540
08. Suave (con H Roto) - Domenica (prod. por G.Fernández)
Grupo: Suite Soprano Disco: Domenica
Producción & artwork: Elhombreviento
Ambientación mus...
published: 05 May 2014
08. Suave (con H Roto) - Domenica (prod. por G.Fernández)
08. Suave (con H Roto) - Domenica (prod. por G.Fernández)
Grupo: Suite Soprano Disco: Domenica Producción & artwork: Elhombreviento Ambientación musical & webmaster: GonerSTUDIO Contratación:Alejandro@pluralform.com Más información: www.suitesoprano.es/domenica Os presentamos Domenica, nuestro segundo álbum. Dentro de él se encuentran 16 canciones que reflejan nuestro primer cuarto de siglo de vida. El porqué de este título tiene dos razones: En primer lugar, va en la línea de ese estado de reflexión que se suele tener un domingo, ese espacio personal dónde todos ponemos un poco nuestra vida en orden y le damos vueltas a los aspectos de nuestra existencia que uno no comparte con nadie más que consigo mismo. En segundo lugar, representa el momento justo antes de pasar al siguiente Lunes (Lunedi), entendido este Lunes como el primer paso a una nueva etapa de la vida, ese primer paso a la edad adulta. Está la pérdida de la infancia, el momento en el que te haces consciente de que ha muerto el niño y comienzas a verte de cara con todo ese tipo de cosas que, de forma natural, conlleva crecer. En esta nueva fase, seguramente la incertidumbre sea el rasgo más característico. Es por ello que en Domenica están reflejados todos eso miedos, inseguridades y dilemas a los que de alguna forma nos toca enfrentarnos. El no saber por dónde tirar, el qué va a ser de ti mañana, el verte próximo a los 30 sin apenas certezas a las que agarrarte. Este trabajo sigue una línea más suave en lo musical de lo que venía siendo habitual en nosotros, y además de forma intencionada, queríamos así fuese. Tratamos de cerrar algunas heridas, y empezar esta nueva etapa de la vida con ellas cicatrizadas. Seguramente nunca más volvamos a sacar un disco así, Domenica es una fotografía del momento que en el que nos encontramos y un repaso a todo lo que ha sido nuestra vida hasta este punto. Este álbum tiene una fuerte carga emocional, hemos intentado en todo momento ser lo más honestos y sinceros posibles con nosotros mismos, alejarnos de estereotipos y adornos, y reflejar sólo nuestro YO más profundo. Y creemos que lo hemos conseguido además. Han sido dos años de trabajo, muchas horas invertidas, muchísimas. Nos hemos implicado en absolutamente todos los aspectos, hemos querido sacar un disco conceptual con una idea bien clara y definida, y tratado de cuidar todos y cada uno de los detalles. No sólo la letra, y no sólo la música. Todo esto de forma autogestionada. Ahora os esperamos en nuestra nueva gira donde iremos presentando Domenica por todas las ciudades, que comenzará en Septiembre. Le hemos dado una vuelta completa a nuestro show en directo, con el objetivo de crear una atmósfera diferente y nueva. Os invitamos a que acudáis, ya que será algo completamente distinto al espectáculo que solíamos ofrecer presentando el disco "Nada más lejos". Nos sentimos muy orgullosos de Domenica, esperamos de corazón que lo disfrutéis. Agradeceros todo el apoyo que nos dais siempre, sin ese soporte todo esto carecería de sentido. Muchas gracias a todos. Suite Soprano.- published: 05 May 2014
- views: 4749
美移民新规 H-1B持有者配偶可工作
美移民新规 H-1B持有者配偶可工作
published: 07 May 2014
美移民新规 H-1B持有者配偶可工作
美移民新规 H-1B持有者配偶可工作
美移民新规 H-1B持有者配偶可工作 来源:http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2014/05/07/a1108180.html 【新唐人2014年05月07日讯】美国国土安全部和商务部周二(5月6日)宣布: H-1B签证持有者的配偶,在绿卡接受审批的过程中,允许在美国工作,以期吸引这些人才留在美国。<br><br>这项新规,目前只限 相关联接: 新唐人电视台 http://www.ntdtv.com 美移民新规 http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/articlelistbytag_%E7%BE%8E%E7%A7%BB%E6%B0%91%E6%96%B0%E8%A7%84.html H-1B持有者 http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/articlelistbytag_H-1B%E6%8C%81%E6%9C%89%E8%80%85.html 配偶可工作 http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/articlelistbytag_%E9%85%8D%E5%81%B6%E5%8F%AF%E5%B7%A5%E4%BD%9C.html- published: 07 May 2014
- views: 44
Vimeo results:
Director: Diego Rojas Sastre
Productor Ejecutivo: Fredy Del Pino
Asistente de dirección: ...
published: 11 Jun 2013
author: H Films
Director: Diego Rojas Sastre
Productor Ejecutivo: Fredy Del Pino
Asistente de dirección: Camila Ortiz
Director de foto: Manuel Barrera
Jefe de Produccion: Javier Pradenas
Musica: Cristián Michu Schmidt
Post productora: Poston
Agencia: Ogilvy
100 Frames H is for Hipster
See more at www.100Frames.com
100 Frames is a brand new collaboration between Animator an...
published: 27 Apr 2012
author: Fraser Davidson
100 Frames H is for Hipster
See more at www.100Frames.com
100 Frames is a brand new collaboration between Animator and Director - Fraser Davidson, Actor and Writer - Dan Jones and Producer - Matthew Harvey. We work together with a small team of colleagues, including Simon Tibbs and Morgan Samuel.
With over 20 years experience in the entertainment industry, the trio aim to create an exciting forum in which to combine animation, comedy and art. The unique quality to our site is to attract like-minded people who want to create and showcase their craft.
Applying the moniker - '100 frames', there are only a few simple rules to what the content on our site can be. Firstly, each creation must be no more than 100 frames of animation. Secondly, it must be funny. Thirdly and most importantly, it must be artistic and beautiful.
We hope you enjoy.
Fraser, Dan & Matthew
Written & Directed by: Stephan Zlotescu
Director of Photography: H1
Original Music: J-Punc...
published: 10 Oct 2012
author: H1
Written & Directed by: Stephan Zlotescu
Director of Photography: H1
Original Music: J-Punch - https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/true-skin-soundtrack-ep/id591191251
Producer: Christopher Sewall
Manager: Scott Glassgold / IAM Entertainment
An N1ON Production
News and updates @ http://facebook.com/N1ONFILMS
[Channel H] Fisrt channel id - friendly conversation socialmedia channel
Client : channelh _ HSOUL
Art Direction, Design = Hyun ki hoon(HSOUL)
Animation, Compositi...
published: 22 May 2011
author: Hyun Ki Hoon
[Channel H] Fisrt channel id - friendly conversation socialmedia channel
Client : channelh _ HSOUL
Art Direction, Design = Hyun ki hoon(HSOUL)
Animation, Compositing = Hyun ki hoon(HSOUL)
Date: 22_05_2011
Format: 1280x720 HD AVI XDVID CODEC
Tool : Cinema4d R12, Aftereffect cs5.
object = Cinema4d R12, animation+simulation = Cinema4dR12 compsiting = Aftereffect cs5
frendly conversation socialmedia channel
Channel H is Social medeia,
visit my naver blog(korean blog),
Facebook, Vimeo.
Blog = http://channelh.kr
facebook = http://www.facebook.com/Hsoulimageworks
I want many people visit my blog and facebook.
Thanks :D
Youtube results:
Clint H. - AA Speaker - Amazing Speaker shares from the heart!
One of the best parts about listening to Clint H., (one of the best AA speakers we have in...
published: 07 May 2014
Clint H. - AA Speaker - Amazing Speaker shares from the heart!
Clint H. - AA Speaker - Amazing Speaker shares from the heart!
One of the best parts about listening to Clint H., (one of the best AA speakers we have in our collection), is the way he draws you in and you become completely engaged in what he is saying. This tape, which is a little bit shorter than most of ours, is designed to lift anyone's spirits in a fifty minute span. I have listened to this talk a few times to "recharge my batteries" and Clint always touches my heart. I get something new out of it each time I listen. From the book Alcoholics Anonymous: "In spite of the great increase in the size and span of this Fellowship, at its core it remains simple and personal. Each day, somewhere in the world, recovery begins when one alcoholic talks with another alcoholic, sharing experience, strength, and hope." What is the Twelve Step Model? How is it a "treatment for alcoholism" or "alcohol abuse?" You can find out more at: http://www.aa.org - Alcoholics Anonymous Official Site (And as should be blatantly obvious, we are in no way affiliated with them or any other 12 step program. We are just looking to provide hope to those suffering from alcoholism or addiction.) It is important to note there are several ways for one to address his or her "alcohol abuse treatment." "Substance abuse" is a very serious condition. Many need inpatient stays or counseling. The importance and purpose of this video, and all our other videos, is to show that recovery IS possible and to give hope to those who are struggling with substance abuse issues. Help IS out there! :) From the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous: "Abandon yourself to God as you understand God. Admit your faults to Him and to your fellows. Clear away the wreckage of your past. Give freely of what you find and join us. We shall be with you in the Fellowship of the Spirit, and you will surely meet some of us as you trudge the Road of Happy Destiny." Follow us on social media at: Twitter- http://www.twitter.com/odomtology Facebook- http://www.facebook.com/odomtology Pinterest- http://www.pinterest.com/odomtology Please share with anyone, anywhere at anytime! We listen to every speaker tape ourselves and can guarantee that it is QUALITY recovery material! :) Namaste, friends :) Channel Home- http://www.youtube.com/odomtologybooks- published: 07 May 2014
- views: 29
K.I.M. (FRA) vs TWO.H (KOR) | Grand Beatbox Battle 2014 | Semi Final
SBX-Vlog: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuUUXUht1Osb9PVZayL14NA
G+ Community: https://p...
published: 03 May 2014
K.I.M. (FRA) vs TWO.H (KOR) | Grand Beatbox Battle 2014 | Semi Final
K.I.M. (FRA) vs TWO.H (KOR) | Grand Beatbox Battle 2014 | Semi Final
SBX-Vlog: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuUUXUht1Osb9PVZayL14NA G+ Community: https://plus.google.com/b/108511530713322494019/communities/101953208815582717072 website: http://www.swissbeatbox.com/ vk: https://vk.com/public39196640G+ Profile: https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/108511530713322494019/108511530713322494019/postsfacebook: facebook: https://www.facebook.com/#!/swissbeatbox twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/swissbeatbox pepouni's twitter: https://twitter.com/pepounisbx K.I.M. (Fra) vs TWO.H (Kor) - Grand Beatbox SHOWCASE Battle Semi Final 1 - winner: Two.H (Kor), qualified for the final round and K.I.M enters the small final Congratulations to both artists for passing the hard Elimination / Show round. It was not easy for the judges. judges: Reeps One (UK), Bee Low (Ger), Skiller (Bul), Alem (Fra), Phil Merck (CH) & Babeli (Ger) Swissbeatbox.com provides video clips from professional beatboxers and new talents all over the world, film concerts and battles and has a vision to bring beatbox to another level. Please support us and share this and our other videos on the social networks, press the like button favourite the clip and please leave a comment. Here is the link for our channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/Pepouni?feature=mhee Thanks for your support Swissbeatbox.com- published: 03 May 2014
- views: 6658
Cristiano Ronaldo vs Valencia (H) (English Commentary) 13-14 HD 720p
Cristiano Ronaldo vs Valencia (H) (English Commentary) 13-14 HD 720p
FACEBOOK: https://www...
published: 04 May 2014
Cristiano Ronaldo vs Valencia (H) (English Commentary) 13-14 HD 720p
Cristiano Ronaldo vs Valencia (H) (English Commentary) 13-14 HD 720p
Cristiano Ronaldo vs Valencia (H) (English Commentary) 13-14 HD 720p FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/AshStudio7 TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/AshStudio7 Real Madrid vs Valencia 2014, Real Madrid vs Valencia 2014, Real Madrid vs Valencia 2014, Real Madrid vs Valencia 2014, Real Madrid vs Valencia 2014, Real Madrid vs Valencia Real Madrid vs Valencia Real Madrid vs Valencia Real Madrid vs Valencia Real Madrid vs Valencia Real Madrid vs Valencia Real Madrid vs Valencia 2-2 Real Madrid vs Valencia 2-2 Real Madrid vs Valencia 2-2 Real Madrid vs Valencia 2-2 Real Madrid vs Valencia 2-2 ~ All Goals & Highlights 4/05/2014 Real Madrid vs Valencia 2-2 ~ All Goals & Highlights 4/05/2014 Real Madrid vs Valencia 2-2 ~ All Goals & Highlights 4/05/2014 It's a goal! Cristiano Ronaldo (Real Madrid) scores with a brilliant shot into the right side of the goal after being released inside the box by a superb lofted pass from Angel Di Maria (Real Madrid). The score is 2:2. كريستيانو رونالدو رائعة مرر الكرة هدف - مباراة ريال مدريد وفالنسيا 2-2 克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多神奇Backheel目标 - 皇家马德里vs瓦伦西亚2-2 Cristiano Ronaldo Fantastic Back-Heel Goal - Real Madrid vs Valencia 2-2 Real Madrid looked well on their way to a home defeat against Valencia on Sunday night. 2-1 down in the 93rd minute, Cristiano Ronaldo salvaged a result with a fantastic Zlatan Ibrahimovic-esque backheel goal. The 2-2 draw keeps Real Madrid well in the title race. Cristiano Ronaldo's brilliance is almost incomprehensible. IGNORE TAGS: Games on La Liga, UEFA ChampionsLeague, Copa del Rey, Spanish Super Cup, European Super Cup, FIFA Club World Cup, South American Qualifiers and Friendlies. Matches against: Real Madrid, Porto, Villarreal, Osasuna, Atletico Madrid, BATE Borisov, Racing Santander, Mallorca, Viktoria Plzen, Athletic Bilbao, Zaragoza, Milan, Rayo Vallecano, Levante, Santos, Osasuna, Betis, Malaga, Real Sociedad, Bayer Leverkusen, Valencia, Racing Santander, Sevilla, Granada Mallorca, Zaragoza, Almeria, Panathinaikos, Getafe, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Brazil, Switzerland and much more. Ronaldinho, Deco, Eto'o, Henry, Saviola, Messi, Xavi, Iniesta, Kun Agüero, Gonzalo Higuain, Angel Di Maria, Mascherano, Cesc Fabregas, Alexis Sanchez, David Villa, Dani Alves, Pedro Rodriguez, Piqué, Puyol, Cuenca, Tello, Ronaldo, Marcelo, Abidal, Yaya Toure, Casillas, Pepe, Ibrahimovic, Neymar, Abbiati, Seedorf, Robinho, and much more Cristiano Ronaldo Fantastic BackHell Goal - Real Madrid vs Valencia 2-2 ( 04/05/2014 ) HD Cristiano Ronaldo Fantastic BackHell Goal - Real Madrid vs Valencia 2-2 ( 04/05/2014 ) HD Cristiano Ronaldo Fantastic BackHell Goal - Real Madrid vs Valencia 2-2 ( 04/05/2014 ) HD Cristiano Ronaldo Fantastic BackHell Goal - Real Madrid vs Valencia 2-2 ( 04/05/2014 ) HD Cristiano Ronaldo Fantastic BackHell Goal - Real Madrid vs Valencia 2-2 ( 04/05/2014 ) HD Cristiano Ronaldo Fantastic BackHell Goal - Real Madrid vs Valencia 2-2 ( 04/05/2014 ) HD كريستيانو رونالدو رائع BackHell هدف - مباراة ريال مدريد وفالنسيا 2-2 (2014/04/05) HD كريستيانو رونالدو رائع BackHell هدف - مباراة ريال مدريد وفالنسيا 2-2 (2014/04/05) HD كريستيانو رونالدو رائع BackHell هدف - مباراة ريال مدريد وفالنسيا 2-2 (2014/04/05) HD كريستيانو رونالدو رائع BackHell هدف - مباراة ريال مدريد وفالنسيا 2-2 (2014/04/05) HD كريستيانو رونالدو رائع BackHell هدف - مباراة ريال مدريد وفالنسيا 2-2 (2014/04/05) HD Cristiano Ronaldo Fantastic BackHell เป้าหมาย - เรอัลมาดริดเทียบกับวาเลนเซีย 2-2 (2014/04/05) HD Cristiano Ronaldo Fantastic BackHell เป้าหมาย - เรอัลมาดริดเทียบกับวาเลนเซีย 2-2 (2014/04/05) HD Cristiano Ronaldo Fantastic BackHell เป้าหมาย - เรอัลมาดริดเทียบกับวาเลนเซีย 2-2 (2014/04/05) HD Cristiano Ronaldo Amazing Backheel Goal! - Real Madrid vs Valencia 2-2 Cristiano Ronaldo Amazing Backheel Goal! - Real Madrid vs Valencia 2-2 Cristiano Ronaldo Amazing Backheel Goal! - Real Madrid vs Valencia 2-2 Cristiano Ronaldo Fantastic Goal Real Madrid vs Valencia (2-2) 2014 HD Cristiano Ronaldo Goal Scorpion Back Heel vs Valencia ~ Real MADRID VS Valencia 2-2 2014 Cristiano Ronaldo Fantastic Aerial Backheel Goal - Real Madrid vs Valencia 2-2 ( 04/05/2014 ) HD Cristiano Ronaldo Fantastic Aerial Backheel Goal - Real Madrid vs Valencia 2-2 ( 04/05/2014 ) HD Cristiano Ronaldo Fantastic Aerial Backheel Goal - Real Madrid vs Valencia 2-2 ( 04/05/2014 ) HD- published: 04 May 2014
- views: 301