Melarcode is a village and Gram Panchayat in Palakkad District, Kerala, South India. The population of the village is 25,000 as of 2011 census. Males constitute 49% while females constitute 51%. The literacy rate of Melarcode is 99%. Melarcode has a very good cultural background. Melarcode has produced many fine artists in the field of Devotional Music.Melarcode consists mainly of Hindus who live in Vadakkethara and Thekkethara. Christians live in Kambolam and Muslims live near the main thazakottu kavu. Kambolam consists of a church built in the 1750s which is considered to be the oldest in the district. The church was renovated in 2003. Although Melarcode is a village it has electricity in all houses. The turn of the 2000s saw many developments like ATMs and internet cafes. There are various clubs in Melarcode such as Vinayaka club and Vadakkethara cricket club. The village also has a large amount of greenery with paddy fields and ponds. Melarcode has good connectivity with all parts of Kerala with NH 47 just 10 km away. The village lies 25 km south of Palakkad Town. The nearest airport is Coimbatore and Kochi airport is 125 km south of the village. Melarcode has banks well known all over the state such as Canara bank and Dhanalakshmi bank. Melarcode has a sizable migrant population.