HAM, SHEM & JAPHETH Myth Exposed: big "white" Semitic Lie vs Black Hamitics & Shemitics Truth!
Jah people,Rastafari Movement (Religion),Racism,Holy Bible,KJV,post-racial lie,Race,Table ...
published: 27 Nov 2012
Shem Thomas - Father And Son - Blind Audition - The Voice of Switzerland 2014
Mit der Gitarre und dem Song «Father And Son» überzeugte Shem Thomas gleich drei Coaches -...
published: 22 Feb 2014
Shem Thomas - Crossroads - Finale - The Voice of Switzerland 2014
Shem Thomas sang in der Final-Show der 2. Staffel von «The Voice of Switzerland» seine mög...
published: 19 Apr 2014
Carmen Bieri vs. Shem Thomas - Knockout - The Voice of Switzerland 2014
Carmen Bieri und Shem Thomas traten in den Knockouts gegeneinander an. Beide sangen nochma...
published: 29 Mar 2014
Shem Thomas - Happy - Finale - The Voice of Switzerland 2014
Shem Thomas sang in der Final-Show der 2. Staffel von «The Voice of Switzerland» den Song ...
published: 19 Apr 2014
Shem Thomas - Beneath You're Beautiful - Live-Show 1 - The Voice of Switzerland 2014
In der 1. Live-Show ging Talent Shem Thomas aus dem Team von Stefanie Heinzmann mit dem So...
published: 05 Apr 2014
Pascal Muggli vs. Shem Thomas - Give Me Love - Battle - The Voice of Switzerland 2014
Pascal Muggli und Shem Thomas traten in der ersten Battle Sendung gegeneinander an. Sie sa...
published: 15 Mar 2014
Baruch haba b'Shem Adonai (with lyrics) - בדוך הבא בשם יהוה
Barry and Batya Segal - Baruch Haba B'Shem Adonai VA Heart for Israel Worship Vol. 1 Baruc...
published: 07 Apr 2013
author: aschat777
Helios - In Heaven (Shem Remix) FULL VERSION
Download this track at: http://shem.bandcamp.com/ https://www.facebook.com/ShemMusic https...
published: 04 Apr 2010
author: SHEM
Shem Thomas im Porträt - The Voice of Switzerland 2014
Shem Thomas hat bei den Blind Auditions von «The Voice of Switzerland» mit dem Song «Fathe...
published: 22 Feb 2014
Shem Thomas & James Arthur - Get Down - Finale - The Voice of Switzerland 2014
Shem Thomas stand in der Final-Show der 2. Staffel von «The Voice of Switzerland» zusammen...
published: 19 Apr 2014
Shem Thomas - Demons - Live-Show 2 - The Voice of Switzerland 2014
Shem Thomas sang in der 2. Live-Show der 2. Staffel von «The Voice of Switzerland» den Son...
published: 12 Apr 2014
Shem Thomas & Vanessa Iraci - Say Say Say - Live-Show 2 - The Voice of Switzerland 2014
Shem Thomas und Vanessa Iraci sangen in der 2. Live-Show der 2. Staffel von «The Voice of ...
published: 12 Apr 2014
House of Shem "Let it be" [Official Music Video 2014]
The Official music video for House of Shem cover version of the song "Let it Be" written b...
published: 18 Feb 2014
Youtube results:
House Of Shem She's Mine
She's mine, off the new album. Dont own the song just sharing it....
published: 13 Feb 2014
House of Shem - Take you there [OFFICIAL VIDEO]
HOUSE OF SHEM - TAKE YOU THERE 2013 [OFFICIAL VIDEO] (Itunes release coming soon) Shot an...
published: 11 Nov 2013
Shem - Gloam
Here's some artsy fartsy stuff for you. Inspired by a cool little video I made music for i...
published: 12 Jul 2013
Noah- Ila/Shem
Doug and Emma are so amazing together *_* Can't wait for the movie....
published: 12 Mar 2014
