
The Gospel according to Luke (KJV) from the JESUS Film Project (480p)
This is the most accurate film reproduction of the life and gospel of Jesus Christ in exis...
published: 30 Jan 2013
The Gospel according to Luke (KJV) from the JESUS Film Project (480p)
The Gospel according to Luke (KJV) from the JESUS Film Project (480p)
This is the most accurate film reproduction of the life and gospel of Jesus Christ in existence. This is not the JESUS film of 1979; this is another more elaborate and precise film made from the abundance of original footage shot to make JESUS, presumably by the JESUS Film Project and Blue Letter Bible. Credit goes to Blue Letter Bible for providing this film, and the JESUS Film Project for providing the footage from which it was made. All credit for the words of this film go to the only true and living God. "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works." - Paul, 2 Timothy 3:16-17 Holy Bible KJV PDF → http://www.bibleprotector.com/KJB-PCE-MINION.pdf 1611 King James Version + More Reformation-Era Bibles → http://www.bibles-online.net/ High Resolution 1611 KJV → http://sceti.library.upenn.edu/sceti/printedbooksNew/index.cfm?TextID=kjbible In conjunction with the JESUS Film Project (jesusfilm.org), the Blue Letter Bible (blueletterbible.org) presents the filmed adaptation of the Gospel of Luke. It is from this full‐feature recording that the internationally acclaimed JESUS film (a two‐hour docudrama about the life of Christ) was edited from. That film has been seen in every country of the world and translated into over 1,190 languages since its initial release in 1979. It is the most translated and the most viewed film in history. (http://www.jesusfilm.org/film-and-media/statistics/languages-completed) The JESUS Film Project is an evangelical organization created in 1981 by 'Campus Crusade for Christ' founder Bill Bright to distribute the 1979 film, JESUS, not only in English, but also in many of the world's languages with the stated goal of reaching "every nation, tribe, people and tongue, helping them see and hear the story of Jesus in a language they can understand." —so that whether a person speaks Swahili, French, or any other language, he or she will encounter the life and message of Jesus in a language "of the heart." The JESUS film's origins go back to 1945 when Bill Bright, a young businessman, wanted to privately finance a film about the life of Jesus Christ that was entertaining, Biblically accurate, and which could be translated into non-English languages. Rather than making a film at that time, Bright went on to found a Christian ministry to reach college students called Campus Crusade for Christ in 1951. In 1976, with Campus Crusade's influence spreading, Bright turned his attention once again to filmmaking. Hollywood's German-born British producer John Heyman approached Bright to fund a project to put the entire Bible on film. The project was eventually scaled back to a single book of the Bible, the Gospel of Luke, and be financed primarily by Campus Crusade supporters Bunker and Caroline Hunt for a sum of $6 million. The Gospel According to Luke was chosen after John Heyman sought advice from clergy and scholars. Many responded that the screenplay should be based on a single Gospel, and that Luke should be chosen for its completeness. More than 450 religious leaders and scholars evaluated the script to ensure historical and biblical accuracy. Some of the intense efforts to portray the Palestinian culture of nearly 2,000 years ago include hand-woven clothing in only the 35 colors used then, pottery made with first-century methods, and removal of modern telephone poles and power lines from the landscape. JESUS was filmed entirely at 202 locations in Israel in 1979, with a cast numbering more than 5,000 Israelis and Arabs. Some locations mentioned in the Bible, such as the Jordan River and what is believed to have been the home of Simon the Tanner, were used in the film. Whenever possible, scenes were filmed on the sites where they took place 2,000 years ago. After each day's filming was completed, the footage was sent to a panel of biblical scholars for careful review. British Shakespearean actor Brian Deacon was hired to play the critical role of Jesus himself. The part of Mary was played by Rivka Neumann, and the part of Joseph by Yosef Shiloach. Former Jesus Film Project director Paul Eshleman, who was on location during much of the principal photography and even had a small non-speaking role as a Roman soldier on horseback, revealed in the DVD's audio commentary that Deacon (the son of a Catholic mother and a Protestant father), was so committed to the film and its message that he read several Bible translations a day in order to make certain that he properly presented Christ's teachings. Because Deacon developed pneumonia during principal photography, doubles were used in certain scenes. Eshleman also said that Niko Nitai, who played Simon Peter, became a believer during filming and that the man hired to play Jesus' corpse later entered a seminary.- published: 30 Jan 2013
- views: 159211

The Holy Bible - Book 42 - Luke - KJV Dramatized Audio
This is the holy book of Luke, known as "The Gospel According to Saint Luke".
The recordi...
published: 31 Oct 2012
The Holy Bible - Book 42 - Luke - KJV Dramatized Audio
The Holy Bible - Book 42 - Luke - KJV Dramatized Audio
This is the holy book of Luke, known as "The Gospel According to Saint Luke". The recording is dramatized, from the King James Bible. This is, in my opinion, the best and most beautiful recording of the King James Bible in existence. Thanks, blessings, honor, glory, and power to the most high God, who is the almighty creator and author of these books. For those who doubt the Biblical Christian worldview, please carefully examine the evidence set forth in the following documentaries: "Non-Christian Historical Evidence for the Existence of Jesus" by Chris White, "The Bible - The Word of God? - Extraordinary Claims Demand Extraordinary Evidence", "The Bible on Trial - Beyond A Reasonable Doubt", which is split into six ~10 minute parts, "A Lamp in the Dark - The Untold History of the Bible" (2009), the sequel "Tares Among The Wheat" (2012), "Finger of God" (2007), and the sequel "Furious Love" (2010), and it's sequel Father of Lights (2012), "Darwin's Dilemma - The Mystery of the Cambrian Fossil Record" (2009), "Secrets of the Bible Code Revealed", Parts 1 & 2 (1998), "The Case for a Creator" (2006), the sequel "The Case for Christ" (2007), and it's sequel "The Case for Faith" (2008), and this next one not from Lee Strobel, "The Case for Christ's Resurrection" (2007), "The Privileged Planet" (2004), "The Star of Bethlehem" (2007), "Unlocking the Mystery of Life" (2002), "Incredible Creatures That Defy Evolution" (2000), it's sequel "Incredible Creatures That Defy Evolution II" (2000), and it's sequel "Incredible Creatures That Defy Evolution III" (2004), "God of Wonders" (2008), Chuck Missler's "What Is Truth - The Case for Biblical Integrity", Parts 1 & 2 (2006), "Aquarius - The Age of Evil" (2010), "Age of Deceit - Fallen Angels and the New World Order", "Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings - Volume 1 - The New Atlantis" (2006), it's sequel "Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings - Volume 2 "- Riddles In Stone - The Secret Arcitecture of Washington D.C." (2007), the next sequel "Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings - Volume 3 - Eye of the Phoenix - Secret of the Dollar Bill" (2009), and the final sequel "Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings - Volume 4 - Hidden Faith of the Founding Fathers" (2010), "Megiddo - The March to Armageddon" (2004), and it's sequel "Megiddo II - The New Age" (2006), "Countdown to Eternity" (2005), "Zeitgeist Refuted & Debunked". If you want more, or have a specific question, just ask. I found all of these for free on the internet, most of them here on YouTube but a few on torrent websites. King James Version .PDF → http://www.bibleprotector.com/KJB-PCE-MINION.pdf King James Version - High Resolution 1611 → http://sceti.library.upenn.edu/sceti/printedbooksNew/index.cfm?TextID=kjbible King James Version - Normal Resolution 1611 + Tons More Awesome Ancient Bibles → http://www.bibles-online.net/ In the secret recess of a temple cell in the sacred city of Tashi-Lhunpo an old monk sat reading the Bible before a charcoal brazier. "Surely these are great words," he said to himself. "Never have I heard such a story as this." Taking up his pen, he dipped it in black ink and wrote in beautiful flowing Tibetan: "Dear unknown friends, The book you have sent over the mountains has come to my lonely cell. My soul has been strangely stirred as I have read these words. Light has come to my poor darkened soul. Please send me more light." - an excerpt from "God Spoke Tibetan: The Epic Story of the Men Who Gave the Bible to Tibet, The Forbidden Land" written by Allan Maberly (1971)- published: 31 Oct 2012
- views: 19685

Luke - "The Word of Promise" Audio Bible - NKJV (NT)
The Gospel According to Luke - Hear the Bible come alive with "The Word of Promise" New Te...
published: 07 Jun 2013
Luke - "The Word of Promise" Audio Bible - NKJV (NT)
Luke - "The Word of Promise" Audio Bible - NKJV (NT)
The Gospel According to Luke - Hear the Bible come alive with "The Word of Promise" New Testament ! (Chapter Times Below) Chapter 1 - 00:00:00 Chapter 2 - 00:10:10 Chapter 3 - 00:17:21 Chapter 4 - 00:23:29 Chapter 5 - 00:30:11 Chapter 6 - 00:36:22 Chapter 7 - 00:44:34 Chapter 8 - 00:52:27 Chapter 9 - 01:01:20 Chapter 10 - 01:10:15 Chapter 11 - 01:16:40 Chapter 12 - 01:25:18 Chapter 13 - 01:35:19 Chapter 14 - 01:41:16 Chapter 15 - 01:46:23 Chapter 16 - 01:52:01 Chapter 17 - 01:57:12 Chapter 18 - 02:02:33 Chapter 19 - 02:08:44 Chapter 20 - 02:15:19 Chapter 21 - 02:21:36 Chapter 22 - 02:27:06 Chapter 23 - 02:38:39 Chapter 24 - 02:48:10- published: 07 Jun 2013
- views: 91

9. The Gospel of Luke
Introduction to New Testament (RLST 152)
Luke and Acts, a two-volume work, are structur...
published: 02 Sep 2009
9. The Gospel of Luke
9. The Gospel of Luke
Introduction to New Testament (RLST 152) Luke and Acts, a two-volume work, are structured very carefully by the author to outline the ministry of Jesus and the spread of the Gospel to the gentiles. The Gospel of Luke emphasizes the themes of Jesus' Jewish piety, his role as a rejected prophet, and the reversal of earthly status. The Gospel ends in Jerusalem, and the Acts of the Apostles begins there and then follows the spread of the Gospel, both conceptually and geographically, to Samaria and the gentiles. By closely analyzing the Gospel and Acts, we see that the author was not concerned with historicity or chronological order. Rather, he writes his "orderly account" to illustrate the rejection of the Gospel by the Jews and its consequent spread to the gentiles. 00:00 - Chapter 1. The Structure of Luke and Acts 17:35 - Chapter 2. The Themes of Luke 34:03 - Chapter 3. The Geography of Acts Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: http://open.yale.edu/courses This course was recorded in Spring 2009.- published: 02 Sep 2009
- views: 30778

This is an extract from one of our timeline projects. Please visit our timeline website fo...
published: 04 Jan 2013
author: StJohnsNottingham
This is an extract from one of our timeline projects. Please visit our timeline website for more information and to access our online editions .http://www.st...- published: 04 Jan 2013
- views: 1105
- author: StJohnsNottingham

The Gospel of Luke in Twelve Minutes - Don Falkos
I spent over a year developing the entire Gospel of Luke as story. Then a friend of mine a...
published: 14 Aug 2013
The Gospel of Luke in Twelve Minutes - Don Falkos
The Gospel of Luke in Twelve Minutes - Don Falkos
I spent over a year developing the entire Gospel of Luke as story. Then a friend of mine asked me to create an abridged version of the gospel that she could us on an educational website she was designing. In the end I reduced four hours of material to a twelve minute story that I believe faithfully expresses the aspects of Luke that she wanted me to focus on. This story was originally titled Luke: The Incarnation, Life, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus, which was a bit cumbersome. I then considered calling it The Life Cycle of Jesus. But since every time I told the story I described it as a twelve minute version of Luke, I ultimately settled on the prosaic title, The Gospel of Luke in Twelve Minutes. Blessed By The Spoken Word is a ministry dedicated to telling the stories of the Bible and empowering others to do the same. http://www.blessedbythespokenword.com/- published: 14 Aug 2013
- views: 28

Skip Ewing - The Gospel According To Luke
Skip Ewing - The Gospel According To Luke....
published: 22 Feb 2013
author: MatthewSullivan83
Skip Ewing - The Gospel According To Luke
Skip Ewing - The Gospel According To Luke
Skip Ewing - The Gospel According To Luke.- published: 22 Feb 2013
- views: 874
- author: MatthewSullivan83
Youtube results:

Study Through The Gospel Of Luke; Part 1; Chapter 1
Study Through The Gospel Of Luke; Part 1; Chapter 1; September 2nd, 2012; Pastor Steve Whi...
published: 09 Jan 2013
author: calvarytricities
Study Through The Gospel Of Luke; Part 1; Chapter 1
Study Through The Gospel Of Luke; Part 1; Chapter 1
Study Through The Gospel Of Luke; Part 1; Chapter 1; September 2nd, 2012; Pastor Steve Whinery; Calvary Chapel Tri-Cities; Kennewick, Washington.- published: 09 Jan 2013
- views: 40
- author: calvarytricities

The Gospel of Luke: The Birth of the Anointed One
Yale Divinity School Dean Harold W. Attridge and Professor Emeritus David L. Bartlett disc...
published: 26 Mar 2009
The Gospel of Luke: The Birth of the Anointed One
The Gospel of Luke: The Birth of the Anointed One
Yale Divinity School Dean Harold W. Attridge and Professor Emeritus David L. Bartlett discuss the Gospel of Luke, Chapters 1-2. This is session 1 of 8 videos for the Gospel of Luke. The conversation is part of the Yale Bible Study Series presented in cooperation with The Congregational Church of New Canaan in New Canaan, CT. This material is intended for use in small-group Bible study sessions to promote discussion and reflection. The Series aims to engage educated lay audiences by offering the insights of biblical scholarship in a relaxed, informal, yet rigorous manner. More information and supplementary study materials are available online at: http://www.yale.edu/yalebiblestudy/- published: 26 Mar 2009
- views: 6105

Broadway Actor Bruce Kuhn in The Gospel of Luke
A clip of Broadway Actor Bruce Kuhn in his acclaimed one-man show The Gospel According to ...
published: 26 Mar 2009
author: rdouglas2009
Broadway Actor Bruce Kuhn in The Gospel of Luke
Broadway Actor Bruce Kuhn in The Gospel of Luke
A clip of Broadway Actor Bruce Kuhn in his acclaimed one-man show The Gospel According to Luke.- published: 26 Mar 2009
- views: 8710
- author: rdouglas2009