The Brief

National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases/AP

MERS Spreads in U.S.

An Illinois business associate of the first laboratory-confirmed MERS patient in the United States has tested positive for the virus. He is the third U.S. resident to contract the infection, but first to do so in the U.S. rather than getting it overseas and bringing it back

Paris Summit for safety in Nigeria  AT  The Elysee Palace

Boko Haram Faces 'Total War’

Five West African nations came together Saturday to suppress the violent Islamist group that kidnapped more than 200 girls in Nigeria

California wild fires

San Diego Still Smolders

Only one of the seven major blazes in the outskirts of San Diego had been fully contained by early Saturday, and the rest are expected to spread further

139th Preakness Stakes

California Chrome Wins Preakness

Overwhelming favorite California Chrome has won the Preakness, retaining his bid to capture horse racing’s Triple Crown. California Chrome has won six straight races, and a victory in the Belmont would make it the 11th Triple Crown winner ever


After Huge Win, Next Indian PM Begins Victory Lap

India's next Prime Minister Narendra Modi was welcomed into the nation's capital on Saturday by thousands of supporters after leading his right-wing Bharatiya Janata Party to a landslide victory. The last time any single party won a majority in India was in 1984

General Motors-Recall

GM Settlement Reveals List of Banned Words

A 2008 PowerPoint presentation released as part of General Motors’ $35 million settlement with the U.S. government cautioned employees against using words and phrases including "rolling sarcophagi," "Hindenberg" or "Kevorkianesque" in reports and presentations

A Bible Open On A Wooden Bench

Study: Americans Frequently Lie About Church Attendance

Americans are prone to exaggerate how often they sit in the pews on Sundays, a new study shows, depending on the setting in which they’re asked. When asked on the phone, survey respondents were more likely to exaggerate than when they were asked online


‘Biggest Dinosaur Ever’ Unearthed in Argentina

Godzilla has company with this newly discovered, seven-stories-tall marvel of nature. But fortunately for other dinosaurs of the Late Cretaceous era, this titanosaur was an herbivore. The remains were discovered in the desert La Flecha by a local farm worker

Firing Squad

Utah Lawmaker Plans to Bring Back Firing Squad

"It sounds like the Wild West, but it's probably the most humane way to kill somebody," said a Republican state Rep. Paul Ray, who plans to propose reintroducing the firing squad as a more humane form of execution in a legislative session next year

Apple Google

Apple and Google Call a Truce in Patent Wars

After years of legal wrangling over intellectual property, Apple and Google have agreed to dismiss all current patent disputes between the two companies, marking an extraordinary de-escalation of the patent wars between the Silicon Valley tech giants


Europeans Scramble to Scrub Histories from Google

Just three days after the European Union’s high court ruled that citizens have a right to request search engines remove information about them from search results, people are already lining up to have unsavory bits of their history scrubbed from Google’s servers

Michael Sam

Oprah’s Michael Sam Documentary Put On Hold

The OWN documentary announced earlier this week has been put on hold, allowing the first openly gay player in the NFL "to have total focus on football" as he attempts to get on the roster for the St. Louis Rams, his agent said