Jun 302014

President Obama took the Republicans in Congress to the woodshed today…

Our country and our economy would be stronger today if House Republicans had allowed a simple yes-or-no vote on this bill or, for that matter, any bill. They’d be following the will of the majority of the American people who support reform. Instead, they’ve proven again and again that they’re unwilling to stand up to the tea party in order to do what’s best for the country. And the worst part about it is a bunch of them know better…

And I want to repeat what I said earlier. If House Republicans are really concerned about me taking too many executive actions, the best solution to that is passing bills. Pass a bill; solve a problem. Don’t just say no on something that everybody agrees needs to be done. Because if we pass a bill, that will supplant whatever I’ve done administratively. We’ll have a structure there that works, and it will be permanent. And people can make plans and businesses can make plans based on the law. And there will be clarity both here inside this country and outside it.

Full transcript following the break.

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Weekly Address 06-28-14

 Posted by at 11:21  Politics
Jun 282014

“Focusing on the Economic Priorities for the Middle Class Nationwide”

From the White House weblog:

In this week’s address, the President discussed his recent trip to Minneapolis where he met a working mother named Rebekah, who wrote the President to share the challenges her family and many middle-class Americans are facing where they work hard and sacrifice yet still can’t seem to get ahead. But instead of focusing on growing the middle class and expanding opportunity for all, Republicans in Congress continue to block commonsense economic proposals such as raising the minimum wage, extending unemployment insurance and making college more affordable.

The President will keep fighting his economic priorities in the weeks and months ahead, because he knows the best way to expand opportunity for all hardworking Americans and continue to strengthen the economy is to grow it from the middle out.

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Transcript after the break.

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Weekly Address 06-21-14

 Posted by at 10:40  Politics
Jun 212014

“Bringing our Workplace Policies into the 21st Century”

From the White House weblog:

In this week’s address, the President previewed Monday’s first-ever White House Summit on Working Families where he will bring together businesses leaders and workers to discuss the challenges that working parents face every day and lift up solutions that are good for these families and American businesses. Many working families can’t afford basic needs like childcare or receive simple benefits such as paid family leave that are common in most countries around the world.

When hardworking Americans are forced to choose between work and family, America lags behind in a global economy. To stay competitive and economically successful, America needs to bring our workplace policies into the 21st century.

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Transcript after the break.

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Weekly Address 06-14-14

 Posted by at 10:10  Politics
Jun 142014

“The President Wishes America’s Dads a Happy Father’s Day”

From the White House weblog:

In this week’s address, President Obama wished America’s dads a happy Father’s Day and underscored the crucial role fathers play in our society. The President encouraged Americans to support those living without a father figure through initiatives like My Brother’s Keeper.

He also highlighted actions he is taking on behalf of hardworking, responsible dads and moms, such as hosting the first-ever White House Working Families Summit later this month, and called on Congress to do its part to help offer more parents the chance to work hard and provide for their families.

Click below to listen to the audio only:

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Transcript after the break.

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Failure in Iraq

 Posted by at 15:25  Politics
Jun 132014

By now you must be aware that the Bush administration’s nation building project in Iraq has failed miserably. Of course, the Republican war hawks are all screaming for us to send our troops back into that country. Grandpa McCain even went so far as to demand that Bush’s band of neocons be placed back in charge. President Obama had this to say about the situation today…

Basically, we are willing to help the Iraqis if they are willing to help themselves. We are not going to spend our lives and our treasure (again) just to shore up a dysfunctional government.

Jun 092014

Texas Republicans’ stance on gay ‘reparative therapy’ shrinks GOP tent just a little more

Given recent events, it’s no great surprise that the state GOP convention underscored the party’s ongoing march into a strange ideological wilderness.

No one, it seems, loves God, guns, “family,” the U.S. Constitution and Ted Cruz more than Texas Republicans. No one hates socialism, the United Nations, people without green cards, and the federal government more.

Well, these are matters of opinion, I suppose. And witnessing the manic tea party witch-hunters cannibalize the pro-business country-club types who used to run the GOP offers a kind of creepy magnetism, like watching an alligator swallow a python.

What is awkward, for Texans in general and for educated Texas Republicans in particular, has to be the party’s determined retreat from ordinary, established knowledge and the rule of science. Instead, they’re galloping over the mountain to a magic land where wishes are facts and belief equals truth.

Surely there are Republicans out there who were already embarrassed to see members of their own party reject climate change, evolution, federal authority and the establishment clause.

The newest appendix to this roll call of superstition is the grotesque and professionally discredited practice of “reparative therapy,” a junk-science counseling program that’s supposed to brainwash people who are gay into thinking they’re not.

Click on the article’s title to continue reading.

P.S. You can help put an end to this lunacy. Please send a few dollars (or more) to Democratic gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis. Thank you!