
The Voice IT | Serie 2 | Blind 2 | Suor Cristina Scuccia - #TEAMJ-AX
Suor Cristina Scuccia ha 25 anni, è siciliana ma vive a Milano ed è una suora Orsolina del...
published: 19 Mar 2014
The Voice IT | Serie 2 | Blind 2 | Suor Cristina Scuccia - #TEAMJ-AX
The Voice IT | Serie 2 | Blind 2 | Suor Cristina Scuccia - #TEAMJ-AX
Suor Cristina Scuccia ha 25 anni, è siciliana ma vive a Milano ed è una suora Orsolina della Sacra Famiglia. Sin da piccola sogna di essere una cantante, nel 2008 le suore Orsoline organizzano un music-hall in cui si ritrova per caso. Non credente, ma in ribellione con la Chiesa... trova poi l'Amore per eccellenza. Insicura nella vita, viene spinta dalle sue Superiori a partecipare a The Voice... ed è questa ora la sua Missione! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sister Cristina Scuccia 25 years old, is Sicilian but lives in Milan and is an Orsolina nun of the Holy Family. Her childhood dream was to become a singer, in 2008 the Orsolina Sisters organize a music hall in which she finds herself by chance. A non-believer, and against the Church ... she instead finds Love. Insecure in life, she is convinced by her Mother Superiors in participating to The Voice of Italy ... this is now her mission! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Si esibisce con: "No one" di Alicia Keys. Si girano tutti e 4 i Coach, in ordine: J-Ax, Noemi, Piero Pelù e Raffaella Carrà. Sceglie di entrare nel #TEAMJ-AX. Canali ufficiali "The Voice of Italy": facebook.com/Thevoiceufficiale @THEVOICE_ITALY - #TVOI instagram.com/thevoice_italy thevoiceofitaly.rai.it- published: 19 Mar 2014
- views: 32976326

Cristina Scuccia Nun "The Voice" Italy Full Performance - Alica Keys' "No One" [VIDEO]
La Voce d'Italia, Singing Nun, La Voce Italia 2014, The Voice Italia 2014,
Chiesa cattoli...
published: 22 Mar 2014
Cristina Scuccia Nun "The Voice" Italy Full Performance - Alica Keys' "No One" [VIDEO]
Cristina Scuccia Nun "The Voice" Italy Full Performance - Alica Keys' "No One" [VIDEO]
La Voce d'Italia, Singing Nun, La Voce Italia 2014, The Voice Italia 2014, Chiesa cattolica romana, Nun la Voce Italia, Nun la voce, la voce Italia, Voice, Nun Singing Competition, No One Suora, Suor Cristina Scuccia, Nun Sings Alicia Keys, suor Cristina Scuccia, Suor Cristina, La Voce Italia 2014 Nun, Nun sul Voice, Papa Francesco, Nun Italia Voce, Canto Nun sul Voice, Nun Alicia Keys, Nun Cantare la Voce, Cristianesimo, The Nun voce italiana, The Voice Italia Nun La Voce d'Italia, La Voce d'Italia monaca, La Voce d'Italia sorella, Nun Stordisce The Voice, la suora voce, nun Cantare la voce, Nun Ammortizzatori The Voice Of Italia, Rapper alle lacrime, Nun cantante Alicia Keys, l'Italia di The Voice, Italia Concorrente Nun, Nun stupisce giudici, video, nun canta la canzone alicia keys, Nun Canto la voce, il cristianesimo, il video Voice italiano Nun La Voix de l'Italie, Sœur Sourire, La Voix Italie 2014, La Voix Italia 2014, Église catholique romaine, Nun la Voix Italie, Nun la voix, le Italie Voice, The Voix, Concours International de Chant Nun, No One Nun, Suor Cristina Scuccia, Nun Sings Alicia Keys, Sœur Cristina Scuccia, Suor Cristina, La Voix Italie 2014 Nun, Nun sur la voix, le pape Francis, Nun Italie voix, Sœur Sourire de la voix, Nun Alicia Keys, Singing Nun sur la voix, le christianisme, la nonne voix italienne, La Voix Italie Nun La Voix de l'Italie, La religieuse Voix de l'Italie, La Voix de l'Italie sœur, Nun Stuns The Voice, la religieuse de voix, la voix chantée religieuse, Religieuse chocs The Voice Of Italie, Rappeur de larmes, Singing Nun Alicia Keys, La Voix de l'Italie, Italie Concurrent Nun, Nun étonne juges, vidéo, religieuse chante alicia keys chanson, Singing Nun de la voix, le christianisme, La vidéo Voix italien Nun Die Stimme von Italien, Singing Nun, The Voice Italien 2014, The Voice Italia 2014 Römisch-katholische Kirche, Nonne die Stimme Italien, Nonne die Stimme, die Stimme Italien, Stimme, Nonne Gesangswettbewerb, No One Nonne, Suor Cristina Scuccia, singt Nonne Alicia Keys, Schwester Cristina Scuccia, Suor Cristina, The Voice Italien 2014 Nonne, Nonne auf dem Voice Papst Francis, Nonne Italien Voice Singing Nun auf dem Voice, Nonne Alicia Keys, Nonne Singen auf dem Voice, Christentum, The Voice italienische Nonne, Die Sprach Italien Nonne Die Stimme von Italien, die Stimme von Italien Nonne, Die Stimme der Schwester Italien, Nonne Betäubt Die Stimme, die Stimme Nonne, Nonne Singen die Stimme, Nonne Shocks The Voice Of Italien, Rapper zu Tränen, Nonne Singen Alicia Keys, The Voice Italiens, Italien Kandidat Nonne, Nonne erstaunt Richter, Video, Nonne singt Alicia Keys Song, Nonne Singen auf die Stimme, Christentum, The Voice italienische Nonne Video La Voz de Italia, Singing Nun, La Voz de Italia 2014, La Voz Italia 2014, Iglesia Católica Romana, Nun la Voz Italia, Nun la voz, la voz Italia, Voz, Nun Canto Competencia, No One Nun, Suor Cristina Scuccia, Nun Sings Alicia Keys, la hermana Cristina Scuccia, Suor Cristina, La Voz Italia 2014 Nun, Nun en la voz, el Papa Francis, Nun Italia Voz, Monja cantante de la voz, Nun Alicia Keys, Singing Nun en la voz, el cristianismo, la monja de voz italiana, La Voz Italia Nun La Voz de Italia, La monja Voz de Italia, La Voz de Italia hermana, monja Aturde La voz, la monja de voz, monja cantando la voz, Nun Shocks The Voice Of Italia, Rapper to Tears, Singing Nun Alicia Keys, la italiana La Voz, Italia Concursante Nun Nun asombra jueces, video, monja canta alicia keys canción, Nun Canto en la voz, el cristianismo, el video Voz italiana Nun A Voz da Itália, Cantando Nun, A Voz Itália 2014, A Voz Italia 2014, Igreja Católica Romana, Freira da Voz Itália, Freira da voz, a voz Itália, Voz, competição de canto Nun, No One Nun, Suor Cristina Scuccia, Freira canta Alicia Keys, Irmã Cristina Scuccia, Suor Cristina, A Voz Itália 2014 Nun, Nun na voz, o Papa Francis, Freira Itália Voz, Canto Nun na voz, Freira Alicia Keys, Nun Cantando na voz, o cristianismo, a freira italiana Voz, O Voz Itália Nun A Voz da Itália, A Voz da Itália freira, A Voz da Itália irmã, Freira Stuns The Voice, a freira voz, freira Cantar a voz, Freira Choques The Voice Of Itália, Rapper para Lágrimas, Freira Canto Alicia Keys, da Itália The Voice, Itália Concorrente Nun, Nun espanta juízes, vídeo, freira canta alicia keys canção, Nun Cantar na voz, o cristianismo, o vídeo de voz italiano Nun- published: 22 Mar 2014
- views: 3137

Italian Nun the Voice Italy Sister Cristina Scuccia stuns Judges | HD
Italian Nun The Voice Italy- Suor Sister Cristina Scuccia - Italian Nun - The Voice Wows C...
published: 22 Mar 2014
Italian Nun the Voice Italy Sister Cristina Scuccia stuns Judges | HD
Italian Nun the Voice Italy Sister Cristina Scuccia stuns Judges | HD
Italian Nun The Voice Italy- Suor Sister Cristina Scuccia - Italian Nun - The Voice Wows Crowd Sister Cristina Scuccia stuns Judges on The Voice Italy | Sister Act Italian Nun Wows Crowd The Voice of Italy Singing Nun The Voice Italia 2014 The Voice Italy 2014 Nun the Voice Italy Roman Catholic Church The Voice Italy Nun the Voice The Voice Suor Cristina Sister Cristina Scuccia Nun on the Voice The Voice Italy 2014 Nun Nun Italy Voice Singing Nun on the Voice Nun Alicia Keys Christianity Nun Singing on the Voice The Voice Italian Nun The Voice Italy Nun Nun Sings on the Voice Singing Nun the Voice Cristina Scuccia The Voice Italy Singing Nun Nun Singing The Voice Singing Nun Religion News Sister sister! You've never seen a nun shut it down like this one. The judges of singing competition "The Voice of Italy" couldn't believe their ears when they heard Sister Cristina Scuccia belting out Alicia Keys' "No One," but they were in for a greater shock when they saw what Scuccia looked like..... Judges begin the show with their backs to the stage, and if they like what they hear they can swivel their chairs around-- but none of them were prepared for the sight of 25-year-old Scuccia, a member of the Ursuline Sisters of the Holy Family, delivering a jaw-droppingly good performance in her black habit and silver cross. As the crowd cheered, her fellow sisters jumped up and down in delight. nuns The shocked and impressed judges asked her if she was really a nun, to which she replied, "Yes, I am truly, truly, a sister." A native of Sicily, she arrived at the show accompanied by four sisters from her community as well as her parents. "I came here because I have a gift and I want to share that gift. I am here to evangelize," she said, reports Catholic News Agency. "If I had found you at Mass I would always be in church," said J-Ax, an Italian rapper who is one of the judges. "You and me are like the devil and holy water." She trended on Twitter after her unbelievable performance, with many Italians showing their love for "#suorcristina." The judges asked her what the Vatican would think of her singing, to which she replied, "I hope that Pope Francis will call me now," according to NY Daily News. cristina We can't wait to see more of this sister act! Make sure to selected the closed caption "CC" button for English subtitles.- published: 22 Mar 2014
- views: 301

The True Story of the Nun of Monza (1980)
UPLOADER: This is an Italian film with English subtitles.
IMDb description: Sister Virgin...
published: 25 Dec 2013
The True Story of the Nun of Monza (1980)
The True Story of the Nun of Monza (1980)
UPLOADER: This is an Italian film with English subtitles. IMDb description: Sister Virginia de Leyva becomes the new Mother Superior at the convent of Monza. Said convent turns out to be a veritable hotbed of sinful carnality and depravity. Debauched priest Don Arrigone and lecherous womanizer Giampaolo Osio plot to seduce sister Virginia. But will their wicked and lustful actions continue to go unnoticed? IMDb page: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0081706/- published: 25 Dec 2013
- views: 2735

Suor Cristina Scuccia nun sing "Senza la tua voce" # The voice Italian 2014
Suor Cristina Scuccia sing Senza la tua voce
Ecco a voi la canzone vincitrice del quinto ...
published: 22 Mar 2014
Suor Cristina Scuccia nun sing "Senza la tua voce" # The voice Italian 2014
Suor Cristina Scuccia nun sing "Senza la tua voce" # The voice Italian 2014
Suor Cristina Scuccia sing Senza la tua voce Ecco a voi la canzone vincitrice del quinto Good News Festival "Senza la tua voce" Suor Cristina Scuccia And more vide clip, Suor sing : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpfDa0I-n3c https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QveJQ_Jq3co https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzAP7NO6-QI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brqMnhJ022M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yr17HL326tY Cristina Scuccia Nun,The Voice Wows Crowd Sister Cristina Scuccia stuns Judges on The Voice Italy,Italian Nun The Voice Italy,Cristina Scuccia,Cristina Scuccia Nun The Voice visit more : http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2585867/The-Voice-Italys-judges-stunned-soul-sisters-amazing-version-Alicia-Keys-No-One.html- published: 22 Mar 2014
- views: 145

The Singing Nun Cristina Scuccia 'Voice of Italy' with Alicia Keys' 'No One'
La Voce d'Italia, Singing Nun, La Voce Italia 2014, The Voice Italia 2014,The judges of si...
published: 22 Mar 2014
The Singing Nun Cristina Scuccia 'Voice of Italy' with Alicia Keys' 'No One'
The Singing Nun Cristina Scuccia 'Voice of Italy' with Alicia Keys' 'No One'
La Voce d'Italia, Singing Nun, La Voce Italia 2014, The Voice Italia 2014,The judges of singing competition The Voice of Italy couldn't believe their ears when they heard Sister Cristina Scuccia belting out Alicia Keys' No One, but they were in for a greater shock when they saw what Scuccia looked like.Judges begin the show with their backs to the stage, and if they like what they hear they can swivel their chairs around-- but none of them were prepared for the sight of 25-year-old Scuccia, a member of the Ursuline Sisters of the Holy Family, delivering a jaw-droppingly good performance in her black habit and silver cross. As the crowd cheered, her fellow sisters jumped up and down in delight.The shocked and impressed judges asked her if she was really a nun, to which she replied, Yes, I am truly, truly, a sister.A native of Sicily, she arrived at the show accompanied by four sisters from her community as well as her parents. I came here because I have a gift and I want to share that gift. I am here to evangelize, she said, reports Catholic News Agency.If I had found you at Mass I would always be in church, said J-Ax, an Italian rapper who is one of the judges. You and me are like the devil and holy water.She trended on Twitter after her unbelievable performance, with many Italians showing their love for #suorcristina.The judges asked her what the Vatican would think of her singing, to which she replied, I hope that Pope Francis will call me now, according to NY Daily News.Alicia Keys, Sœur Cristina Scuccia, Suor Cristina, La Voix Italie 2014 Nun,Nun sur la voix, le pape Francis, Nun Italie voix, Sœur Sourire de la voix, NunAlicia Keys, Singing Nun sur la voix, le christianisme, la nonne voix italienne, LaVoix Italie NunLa Voix de l'Italie, La religieuse Voix de l'Italie, La Voix de l'Italie sœur, Nun StunsThe Voice, la religieuse de voix, la voix chantée religieuse, Religieuse chocs The Voice OfItalie, Rappeur de larmes, Singing Nun Alicia Keys, La Voix de l'Italie, ItalieConcurrent Nun, Nun étonne juges, vidéo, religieuse chante alicia keys chanson, Singing Nunde la voix, le christianisme, La vidéo Voix italien NunDie Stimme von Italien, Singing Nun, The Voice Italien 2014, The Voice Italia 2014Römisch-katholische Kirche, Nonne die Stimme Italien, Nonne die Stimme, die Stimme Italien,Stimme, Nonne Gesangswettbewerb, No One Nonne, Suor Cristina Scuccia, singt NonneAlicia Keys, Schwester Cristina Scuccia, Suor Cristina, The Voice Italien 2014 Nonne,Nonne auf dem Voice Papst Francis, Nonne Italien Voice Singing Nun auf dem Voice, NonneAlicia Keys, Nonne Singen auf dem Voice, Christentum, The Voice italienische Nonne, DieSprach Italien NonneDie Stimme von Italien, die Stimme von Italien Nonne, Die Stimme der Schwester Italien, Nonne BetäubtDie Stimme, die Stimme Nonne, Nonne Singen die Stimme, Nonne Shocks The Voice OfItalien, Rapper zu Tränen, Nonne Singen Alicia Keys, The Voice Italiens, ItalienKandidat Nonne, Nonne erstaunt Richter, Video, Nonne singt Alicia Keys Song, Nonne Singenauf die Stimme, Christentum, The Voice italienische Nonne VideoLa Voz de Italia, Singing Nun, La Voz de Italia 2014, La Voz Italia 2014,Iglesia Católica Romana, Nun la Voz Italia, Nun la voz, la voz Italia,Voz, Nun Canto Competencia, No One Nun, Suor Cristina Scuccia, Nun SingsAlicia Keys, la hermana Cristina Scuccia, Suor Cristina, La Voz Italia 2014 Nun,Nun en la voz, el Papa Francis, Nun Italia Voz, Monja cantante de la voz, NunAlicia Keys, Singing Nun en la voz, el cristianismo, la monja de voz italiana, LaVoz Italia NunLa Voz de Italia, La monja Voz de Italia, La Voz de Italia hermana, monja AturdeLa voz, la monja de voz, monja cantando la voz, Nun Shocks The Voice OfItalia, Rapper to Tears, Singing Nun Alicia Keys, la italiana La Voz, ItaliaConcursante Nun Nun asombra jueces, video, monja canta alicia keys canción, Nun Cantoen la voz, el cristianismo, el video Voz italiana NunA Voz da Itália, Cantando Nun, A Voz Itália 2014, A Voz Italia 2014,Igreja Católica Romana, Freira da Voz Itália, Freira da voz, a voz Itália,Voz, competição de canto Nun, No One Nun, Suor Cristina Scuccia, Freira cantaAlicia Keys, Irmã Cristina Scuccia, Suor Cristina, A Voz Itália 2014 Nun,Nun na voz, o Papa Francis, Freira Itália Voz, Canto Nun na voz, FreiraAlicia Keys, Nun Cantando na voz, o cristianismo, a freira italiana Voz, OVoz Itália NunA Voz da Itália, A Voz da Itália freira, A Voz da Itália irmã, Freira StunsThe Voice, a freira voz, freira Cantar a voz, Freira Choques The Voice OfItália, Rapper para Lágrimas, Freira Canto Alicia Keys, da Itália The Voice, ItáliaConcorrente Nun, Nun espanta juízes, vídeo, freira canta alicia keys canção, Nun Cantarna voz, o cristianismo, o vídeo de voz italiano- published: 22 Mar 2014
- views: 115

Love Letters of a Portuguese Nun 1977 Jesus Franco
A bikini is a women's two-piece swimsuit with a bra for the chest and panties cut below th...
published: 11 Mar 2014
Love Letters of a Portuguese Nun 1977 Jesus Franco
Love Letters of a Portuguese Nun 1977 Jesus Franco
A bikini is a women's two-piece swimsuit with a bra for the chest and panties cut below the navel.[1] The design is simple: two triangles of fabric on top cover the woman's breasts and two triangles of fabric on the bottom cover the groin and the buttocks.[1] What distinguishes the bikini from other swimsuits is its brevity.[1] The size of the panty can range from full coverage to a revealing thong or g-string design. It is often worn in hot weather and while swimming or sunbathing. Illustrations of Roman women wearing bikini-like garments during competitive athletic events have been found in several locations. Swimsuits grew increasingly smaller until the mid-1940s, when the design halted just short of revealing the woman's navel. These were worn in the 1940s by film stars like Ava Gardner, Rita Hayworth, and Lana Turner and were also common on American beaches. A French engineer introduced a new minimalist swimsuit design in 1946 that for the first time revealed the woman's navel. Mechanical engineer Louis Réard borrowed the name for his design from the Bikini Atoll, where post-war testing on the atomic bomb had begun on July 1, 1946, and his name stuck in the public consciousness.- published: 11 Mar 2014
- views: 4727

Cristina Scuccia Nun The Voice Italy Full Performance Alica Keys' No One [VIDEO]
La Voce d'Italia, Singing Nun, La Voce Italia 2014, The Voice Italia 2014, Chiesa cattolic...
published: 22 Mar 2014
Cristina Scuccia Nun The Voice Italy Full Performance Alica Keys' No One [VIDEO]
Cristina Scuccia Nun The Voice Italy Full Performance Alica Keys' No One [VIDEO]
La Voce d'Italia, Singing Nun, La Voce Italia 2014, The Voice Italia 2014, Chiesa cattolica romana, Nun la Voce Italia, Nun la voce, la voce Italia, Voice, N. The blind auditions on The Voice are special for a reason, and Sister Cristina Scuccia proved that this week. Clad in a traditional habit and modest shoes,. La Voce d'Italia, Singing Nun, La Voce Italia 2014, The Voice Italia 2014, The judges of singing competition The Voice of Italy couldn't believe their ears. Italian Nun The Voice Italy- Suor Sister Cristina Scuccia - Italian Nun - The Voice Wows Crowd Sister Cristina Scuccia stuns Judges on The Voice Italy | Sist. Presentación de Sor Cristina, de 25 años, estuvo llena de energía, baile y mucha potencia vocal, lo cual sorprendió a los jueces al ver de quien se trataba. . Italian Nun The Voice Italy shocks Judges |Sister Cristina Italian Nun The Voice Italy- Suor Sister Cristina Scuccia or Scucci - Italian Nun - The Voice Wo. Sister Cristina, 25, from Sicily, is a nun that shocked judges when she sang Alicia Keys No One for The Voice Italy's open audition on March 19. Click the . Italian Nun The Voice Italy- Suor Sister Cristina Scuccia - Italian Nun - The Voice Wows Crowd Sister Cristina Scuccia stuns Judges on The Voice Italy | Sist. Italian Nun The Voice Italy- Suor Sister Cristina Scuccia - Italian Nun - The Voice Wows Crowd Sister Cristina Scuccia stuns Judges on The Voice Italy | Sist. Italian Nun The Voice Italy- Suor Sister Cristina Scuccia - Italian Nun - The Voice Wows Crowd Sister Cristina Scuccia stuns Judges on The Voice Italy | Sist. Sor Cristina - THE VOICE IT Singing Nun Suor (Sister) Cristina Scuccia on The Voice of Italy - IT Serie 2 Blind 2. TEAMJ AX, Sister Cristina Scuccia is a you. The Voice IT.| Nun stuns judges on the panel of 'The Voice' in Italy. | Sister Cristina Scuccia stunned the judges on Italy's version of The Voice | when s. Nun, Cristina Scuccia, Wows Coaches on Italy's The Voice performing No One by Alicia Keys Please Like, Share, Subscribe!!! Cristina Scuccia Nun The Voice Italy Full Performance - Alicia KeysNo One Italian Nun The Voice Italy- Suor Sister Cristina Scuccia - Italian Nun - The Voice Wows Crowd Sister Cristina Scuccia stuns Judges on The Voice Italy | Sist. Italian Nun The Voice Italy- Suor Sister Cristina Scuccia - Italian Nun - The Voice Wows Crowd Sister Cristina Scuccia stuns Judges on The Voice Italy | Sist. Italian Nun The Voice Italy- Suor Sister Cristina Scuccia - Italian Nun - The Voice Wows Crowd Sister Cristina Scuccia stuns Judges on The Voice Italy | Sist. Italian Nun The Voice Italy- Suor Sister Cristina Scuccia - Italian Nun - The Voice Wows Crowd Sister Cristina Scuccia stuns Judges on The Voice Italy | Sist. Suor Cristina Scuccia ha 25 anni, è siciliana ma vive a Milano ed è una suora Orsolina della Sacra Famiglia. Sin da piccola sogna di essere una cantante, nel. Singing Nun Suor (Sister) Cristina Scuccia on The Voice of Italy - IT Serie 2 Blind 2. TEAMJ AX, Sister Cristina Scuccia is a young 25 year old woman, origin. 4 Americas Got Talent 2014 / Audition online for AGT show) One of the most amazing, BEST AMAZING SONG WILL GIVE YOU GOOSEBUMPS! inspirational winner Song EV. Best Opera Song recorded live in my room in one take☆ ONLINE RE - SUBMISSION VIDEO film 4 America's Got Talent 2013/2014 NEW Season✌Americas Got Talent onli. (AMERICA'S GOT TALENT 2014 AUDITION) My best new online video auditions - submission for new season of America's Got Talent audition film 2014 (A soulful per. 2014 AGT Audition Film Sad Titanic Theme Cover, ONLINE SUBMISSION VIDEO 4 (America's Got Talent 2013/2014) AGT New YouTube Video Auditions movie recorded l. Best Opera Song O Mio Babbino Caro 4 Americas Got Talent 2013/2014) 4 YouTube Online Video Auditions Opera Singers Voice for New Season (AGT) Facebook (Amer.- published: 22 Mar 2014
- views: 10

Story Of A Cloistered Nun | 1973 | Original Theatrical Trailer | Domenico Paolella
A woman who was promised to a powerful family's son at birth falls in love with another ma...
published: 29 Jul 2012
author: Criterion Dungeon
Story Of A Cloistered Nun | 1973 | Original Theatrical Trailer | Domenico Paolella
Story Of A Cloistered Nun | 1973 | Original Theatrical Trailer | Domenico Paolella
A woman who was promised to a powerful family's son at birth falls in love with another man, refuses to renounce him, and is sent to a nunnery by her shocked...- published: 29 Jul 2012
- views: 6941
- author: Criterion Dungeon

Flavia The Heretic | Trailer | 1974 | Shameless #7 | Flavia, The Muslin Nun
In 1400, in Puglia, Southern Italy, the nobleman father of Flavia (Florinda Bolkan) behead...
published: 13 Mar 2012
author: Criterion Dungeon
Flavia The Heretic | Trailer | 1974 | Shameless #7 | Flavia, The Muslin Nun
Flavia The Heretic | Trailer | 1974 | Shameless #7 | Flavia, The Muslin Nun
In 1400, in Puglia, Southern Italy, the nobleman father of Flavia (Florinda Bolkan) beheads her lover and locks her away in a seaside convent. Flavia questio...- published: 13 Mar 2012
- views: 43664
- author: Criterion Dungeon

The Life of a Carmelite Nun: Salt Lake City
The Discalced Carmelite nuns of Salt Lake City, Utah live joyfully their vocation of love,...
published: 21 Mar 2012
author: teresemarie3
The Life of a Carmelite Nun: Salt Lake City
The Life of a Carmelite Nun: Salt Lake City
The Discalced Carmelite nuns of Salt Lake City, Utah live joyfully their vocation of love, prayer and union with God to pray for priests and the salvation of...- published: 21 Mar 2012
- views: 21310
- author: teresemarie3

Dark secrets of the Catholic Church Ex nun Confesses 1 2
The Vatican is being exposed for what it is: The most criminal organization in existence. ...
published: 01 Feb 2013
author: vatileaks
Dark secrets of the Catholic Church Ex nun Confesses 1 2
Dark secrets of the Catholic Church Ex nun Confesses 1 2
The Vatican is being exposed for what it is: The most criminal organization in existence. The crimes that they have managed to commit against humanity for 20...- published: 01 Feb 2013
- views: 6871
- author: vatileaks

Rocco Hunt - Nun'è fernut
Estratto dall'EP di Nu juorno buono.
E vot vogl turnà aret
Ma stess tu po mo dici...
published: 21 Mar 2014
Rocco Hunt - Nun'è fernut
Rocco Hunt - Nun'è fernut
Estratto dall'EP di Nu juorno buono. TESTO: E vot vogl turnà aret Ma stess tu po mo dicist Pigliatell' comm ven Juorn trist rind e preghier Nu salut a chi è partut N'incident t'accirett Ma stu ben nun'è fernut' Te cerc ind e preghier Rind e gest e rind e post Po guard 'nciel chiur l'uocchie E vec e storie nostre Te ne jut comm chi part e nun salut, mo si na stell ca brill chiù e l'at affianc a lun Ancor t'arricord l'umiltà T facev divers da tutt o riest Mo restn chisti ser Addò bisogn e t'sentì s fa fort e nun support Chi è chin e peccat viv E o buon nun ten ciort Salut'm Cristo, dill ca vogl e rispost Sto pavann a prezz car Ma sta vit quant cost? Cunsumat a sti rimors Pers tra sti ma e sti fors P mar agitat o mal è fort Pront a t fa a foss Nisciun t'a scurdat mo viv m'piett e person Erm doj pazz Duj foll ind a na capa sol A foll chiagn ancor Cu sta vit nun s parea L'impatt e lacreme e fior rind o guard rail E vote vogl turnà aret Ma stess tu po mo dicist Pigliatell comm ven E juorn trist ind e preghiere E nu salut a chi è partut n'incident t'accirett ma stu ben nun'è fernut' E vote vogl turnà aret Ma stess tu po mo dicist Pigliatell comm ven E juorn trist ind e preghiere E nu salut a chi è partut n'incident t'accirett ma stu ben nun'è fernut' Na fot toja e na catulin Fiss ngopp o comodin m ra forz ogni matin E a nott quand m'arrtir Già sacc ca t da fastidj Quand chiagn ma è o ricord e nu martirio Ro tramont fin e l'alba Chest'ansia m'accir ind a stanza e vampir già rann turmient tu ramm nu segn A là ngopp m vir? Sta cas è vacant Nun o saje ca m manc? È p te ca mo cant Ca quand sto stanc t sent vicin Aiz l'uocchie e guard nciel Passn l'ann e nun ce crer Guardann a tomb ngopp o cimiter Pat't chiagn a vit cambia Spiss in negativ Chi sta pregann sta sperann C tu tuorn a viv Chi t vo ben s'arricord E chella vot ca ricist Che o ben rat spiss po t torn Chilli man, chill uocchie azzur rind a precj Nun sapiv ca o destin Troppi vot juoc a sfregj E vot vogl turnà aret ma stess tu po mo dicist Pigliatell comm ven E juorn trist rind e preghier E nu salut a chi è partut N'incident t'accirett Ma stu ben nun'è fernut' E vote vogl turnà aret Ma stess tu po mo dicist Pigliatell comm ven E juorn trist ind e preghiere E nu salut a chi è partut n'incident t'accirett ma stu ben nun'è fernut' Nun preg Nun sper Anneg ind a merd Che sent Che veco Vogl ca m spieg Pcche ca ci rimett chi C mett anm e cor? Nun ta meritav chella fin Nun c cred ancor... E vote vogl turnà aret Ma stess tu po mo dicist Pigliatell comm ven E juorn trist ind e preghiere E nu salut a chi è partut n'incident t'accirett ma stu ben nun'è fernut.- published: 21 Mar 2014
- views: 8985

Pop Star Is a Nun! | YouTube Nation | Monday
Watch all of the videos from today's ep. here: http://goo.gl/pCsdqX
YouTube Nation is our ...
published: 25 Mar 2014
Pop Star Is a Nun! | YouTube Nation | Monday
Pop Star Is a Nun! | YouTube Nation | Monday
Watch all of the videos from today's ep. here: http://goo.gl/pCsdqX YouTube Nation is our new daily show that scours the web to help you find great videos weekdays 6pm PT / 9pm ET / 2am GMT / 7:30am IST. Today, a nun becomes the biggest pop star in Italy, teens flock to the hottest new social network, and Smoothiefreak shares the most realistic makeup tutorial the world has seen. Let us know what you think of the show in the comments! Watch new YouTube Nation playlists: 6 Unexpectedly Amazing Performances http://goo.gl/4vFrHP Internet Privacy http://goo.gl/T1DpIf Send us your video picks to be featured in the show! Do it by sharing a YouTube link and using this hashtag - #YOUTUBENATION Send in challenges for our senior curator Earnest with this hashtag - #STUMPEARNEST Subscribe for eps every day: http://youtube.com/youtubenation Follow us on Twitter for updates: http://twitter.com/youtubenation Add us to your circle on G+: http://plus.google.com/+youtubenation Like us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/youtubenation Jacob's Channel: http://youtube.com/jacobsoboroff Jacob's G+: http://plus.google.com/+JacobSoboroff Jacob's Twitter: http://twitter.com/jacobsoboroff Featured in this show: The Voice IT | Serie 2 | Blind 2 | Suor Cristina Scuccia - #TEAMJ-AX http://goo.gl/pCsdqX By TheVoiceOf Italy: http://youtube.com/thevoiceufficiale Honest Everyday Makeup Tutorial http://goo.gl/b3I0QP By Smoothiefreak: http://youtube.com/Smoothiefreak GoPro: Grizzly Eats My GoPro http://goo.gl/tNAXi3 By GoPro: http://youtube.com/GoPro Navigating the Rapids - Meet Freestyle Kayaker Dane Jackson http://goo.gl/bzN4ct By Red Bull: http://youtube.com/RedBull Teens Migrating From Facebook To Comments Section Of Slow-Motion Deer Video http://goo.gl/JXLoYl By The Onion: http://youtube.com/TheOnion Slow Motion Night Footage of Adult Male Deer Running http://goo.gl/l4Nony By NatureHound34: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB1AD9JEphcf0pVLau03n8g How It's Unmade - Oreo Cookies http://goo.gl/BCWb0f By Jerk Circle: http://youtube.com/JerkCircleMedia Samsaya - Stereotype http://goo.gl/12SEUZ By SamsayaVEVO: http://youtube.com/SamsayaVEVO YouTube Nation Watch YouTube's most shareable moments Monday -- Friday 6:00PM PT/ 9:00PM ET and Saturday 12:00PM PT / 3:00PM ET. Now you'll have no excuse to fall behind on any of the most popular, exciting and unexpected videos of the day. Don't forget to join the #YouTubeNation conversation and let us know what you're watching. Brought to you by Verizon - http://VerizonWireless.com Jacob's wardrobe provided by Band of Outsiders - http://bandofoutsiders.com- published: 25 Mar 2014
- views: 301
Youtube results:

Voice Of Italy 2014 - Sister Cristina Scuccia - Alicia Keys
▬►WORLD NEWS: The judges of singing competition "The Voice of Italy" couldn't believe thei...
published: 23 Mar 2014
Voice Of Italy 2014 - Sister Cristina Scuccia - Alicia Keys
Voice Of Italy 2014 - Sister Cristina Scuccia - Alicia Keys
▬►WORLD NEWS: The judges of singing competition "The Voice of Italy" couldn't believe their ears when they heard Sister Cristina Scuccia belting out Alicia Keys' "No One," but they were in for a greater shock when they saw what Scuccia looked like. Judges begin the show with their backs to the stage, and if they like what they hear they can swivel their chairs around-- but none of them were prepared for the sight of 25-year-old Scuccia, a member of the Ursuline Sisters of the Holy Family, delivering a jaw-droppingly good performance in her black habit and silver cross. As the crowd cheered, her fellow sisters jumped up and down in delight. The shocked and impressed judges asked her if she was really a nun, to which she replied, "Yes, I am truly, truly, a sister." A native of Sicily, she arrived at the show accompanied by four sisters from her community as well as her parents. "I came here because I have a gift and I want to share that gift. I am here to evangelize," she said, reports Catholic News Agency. "If I had found you at Mass I would always be in church," said J-Ax, an Italian rapper who is one of the judges. "You and me are like the devil and holy water." She trended on Twitter after her unbelievable performance, with many Italians showing their love for "Suor Cristina." The judges asked her what the Vatican would think of her singing, to which she replied, "I hope that Pope Francis will call me now," according to NY Daily News. We can't wait to see more of this sister act! ▬►DUTCH: WERELDNIEUWS: De jury van de zangwedstrijd "The Voice of Italië" konden hun oren niet geloven toen ze Zuster Cristina Scuccia hoorden vertolken: "No One" van Alicia Keys. Toen de jury de stoelen draaiden stonden ze oog in oog met de 25 -jarige Scuccia, lid van "Ursuline Sisters of the Holy Family", in haar zwarte habijt en met zilveren kruis. Ze was vergezeld door 4 zusters uit haar gemeenschap en haar ouders en haar medezusters sprongen op en neer van blijdschap! Geschokt en onder de indruk vroeg de jury haar of ze echt een non was, waarop ze antwoordde: "Ja, ik ben echt een zuster." "Ik kwam hier omdat ik een geschenk heb en ik wil dat geschenk delen. Ik ben hier om te evangeliseren," zei ze, dit meldt Catholic News Agency. De likes op Twitter schieten omhoog na haar ongelooflijke prestatie, en veel Italianen tonen hun liefde voor Suor Cristina Scuccia. De jury vroeg haar wat het Vaticaan zou denken van haar zang, waarop zij antwoordde, "Ik hoop dat paus Francis mij nu zal noemen..." volgens NY Daily News. We kunnen niet wachten om meer van ddeze Sister Act te zien! ▬►FRENCH: NOUVELLES DU MONDE : Le jury du concours de chant "La Voix de l'Italie " ne pouvait pas en croire leurs oreilles quand ils ont entendu Sœur Cristina Scuccia voix : " No One " par Alicia Keys . Lorsque les sièges du jury se sont eux se tenait face à face avec le 25 -year-old Scuccia , membre de " Soeurs Ursulines de la Sainte Famille " , dans son habit noir et argent croix. Elle était accompagnée par quatre sœurs de sa communauté et ses parents et ses sœurs sautaient de joie ! Choqués et ont impressionné les juges lui ont demandé si elle était vraiment une religieuse , à laquelle elle a répondu : " Oui , je suis vraiment une soeur . " «Je suis venu ici parce que j'ai un cadeau et je tiens à partager ce don . Je suis ici pour évangéliser », dit-elle , rapporte l'Agence Nouvelles catholique. Les goûts de Twitter tirer après son incroyable performance , et de nombreux Italiens montrent leur amour pour Suor Cristina Scuccia . Les juges lui ont demandé ce que le Vatican pourrait penser de son chant , à laquelle elle a répondu: « J'espère que le pape Francis va m'appeler maintenant ... ", selon NY Daily Nouvelles . Nous ne pouvons pas attendre pour voir plus de cette Sister Act ▬►Suor Cristina Scuccia ha 25 anni, è siciliana ma vive a Milano ed è una suora Orsolina della Sacra Famiglia. Sin da piccola sogna di essere una cantante, nel 2008 le suore Orsoline organizzano un music-hall in cui si ritrova per caso. Non credente, ma in ribellione con la Chiesa... trova poi l'Amore per eccellenza. Insicura nella vita, viene spinta dalle sue Superiori a partecipare a The Voice...ed è questa ora la sua Missione! ▬►Sister Cristina Scuccia 25 years old, is Sicilian but lives in Milan and is an Orsolina nun of the Holy Family. Her childhood dream was to become a singer, in 2008 the Orsolina Sisters organize a music hall in which she finds herself by chance. A non-believer, and against the Church ... she instead finds Love. Insecure in life, she is convinced by her Mother Superiors in participating to The Voice of Italy ... this is now her mission! My website: http://www.ine-pps.nl/ http://www.facebook.com/ine.braat https://plus.google.com/u/0/+IneBraatMEDIAPAGE/posts http://www.youtube.com/user/IneBraat http://twitter.com/#!/IneBraat- published: 23 Mar 2014
- views: 227

The Flying Nun S3E10 The New Habit
Sister Bertrille is grounded due to the wardrobe changes for the nuns that includes wingle...
published: 10 Jun 2013
author: Dan Shamberger
The Flying Nun S3E10 The New Habit
The Flying Nun S3E10 The New Habit
Sister Bertrille is grounded due to the wardrobe changes for the nuns that includes wingless bonnets. Original Airdate-11/19/1969.- published: 10 Jun 2013
- views: 1075
- author: Dan Shamberger

Investiture of a Contemplative Dominican Nun Vocation Video
This is the investiture of a 19 year old who desires to be contemplative Dominican. Contem...
published: 26 Nov 2008
author: kolbe1019
Investiture of a Contemplative Dominican Nun Vocation Video
Investiture of a Contemplative Dominican Nun Vocation Video
This is the investiture of a 19 year old who desires to be contemplative Dominican. Contemplatives live the most radical form of religious life and the most ...- published: 26 Nov 2008
- views: 72545
- author: kolbe1019