House Fires & Consequences

Have you ever seen the Fire Service posters where a child has scrawled “You forgot to check the smoke alarm batteries Daddy?” on a charred wall? What a horrible thought – that as the house was burning down around him, your child was vindictive enough to be heaping blame on you instead of bothering to […]

Northern Irish Blog Recommendations

Right, imagine you were approached by a friend or colleague and asked to recommend a good Northern Irish political blog…. Who would you recommend? I’ve lamented the state of the Northern Irish blogosphere a while back, and now that I’m starting to get back into the flow of things I’d like to update my reading […]

Calling Contributors For The Levee Breaks

The Levee Breaks is now accepting applications from contributors. We’re looking for contributors who can provide thought-provoking pieces on current affairs in Northern Ireland and beyond. You can be Nationalist, Unionist, Catholic, Protestant or Muslim….whatever. The wider the range of opinions the better. You’ll receive an account and logon details for the site and be […]

Refocusing The Levee Breaks

As you know, I’ll shortly be inviting people to become contributors on The Levee Breaks. Before I do, I want to have a discussion with you all about what The Levee Breaks is and what it should become. I think of this blog as a great place for political, cultural and religious debate. I’ve previously […]

The Future Of The Levee Breaks

When I started The Levee Breaks a few years back, I wanted to create a site where I could write personal thoughts on a variety of subjects. One of my early role-models was Mark over at Occams Razor, who struck a fantastic blend of politcal and personal posting (and still does). Over time, The Levee […]

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