The Ho-Ho Is No More-More

The rumours are true then. The Ho-Ho is gone. Flattened in the name of modernising the Dublin Road. Back when I were a lad, me and the girlfriend lived in India Street off Botanic Avenue. We had our pick of dodgy chippies to eat out of, but the Ho-Ho was one of our favourites. In […]

Imagination Cubed: How To Waste An Entire Working Day

I came across Imagination Cubed through its high entry in It is basically a doodler type program (excuse the non-tech talk). You can draw pictures and create your own scenes, then click on replay and have your drawing repeated right before your eyes. Better still you can invite friends to waste their time also […]

Shankill Road, Belfast (Near the 12th July)

A few trips through Belfast recently have taken me up the Shankill Road, and I wanted to share these thoughts with you. Firstly, I like the Shankill Road. I can’t stress this enough. Along with the Falls Road, the Shankill has been at the epicenter of Northern Irish news and politics for many years. There’s […]

I Hate Ronaldo

Holy shite! It didn’t take long for the wolves to start baying for Ronaldo’s blood, did it? You know I don’t normally do football on TLB, but I was surprised to see how quickly some loser responded with a hate site directed at the guy. First I heard of the thing was on the Chris […]

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