The Matrix and the Madness of Levee

It all started with The Matrix although I didn’t know it then… Back in 1999, I had just started in my current job, and was hungrily pursuing a corporate lifestyle: introducing new technology, writing management reports, answering calls for support. In my private life, I was following the six-step Social Expectations programme : graduate, get […]

Separated At Birth?

I was watching Corpse Bride with the kids recently, and was completely struck by the similarities between slimy Lord Barkis and our permatanned Secretary of State, Peter Hain. It’s quite sinister really. If you don’t think there’s a resemblance between the two, watch the movie and you’ll see what I mean.

Reckless Driving

Based on a true story…. So, there I was in my car, driving down a winding country road. It was a perfect summer’s afternoon, the sun was beating down, the traffic was fairly light apart from the odd truck driver or Ulsterbus. There were a couple of good tunes on the Radio and I was […]

The Fantastic In Art And Fiction

What do you do when your girlfriend sprouts a set of wings and the tail of a serpent? The picture above comes from the Fantastic in Art and Fiction website at Cornell University, which has an interesting and grotesque collection of dark images. The site is grouped into themes like Angels & Demons, Danse Macabre, […]

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