Did Chris Ward Look Shifty To You?

Ah the infamous Northern Bank robbery. Almost a year now, isn’t it? And in a bizarre twist, one of the employees involved in the heist is also suspected of being involved in the heist. Jimmy Porter on Desolate Row tells us why he thought Chris Ward was involved in the Northern Bank robbery since his […]

United Ireland By The Back Door?

I’ve been pondering this quite a bit recently. You look at the news of “On The Run’s”, claims of the Review of Public Administration being weighted in favour of Sinn Fein, etc, etc, and sometimes you wonder whether the British Government is working for Sinn Fein. I’m thinking this, and I’m not a Unionist! You […]

What's The Northern Irish Word For "Vomit"?

Boke. Boak. Boake. Is it the more European ‘boque’? Of is it more Oirish, as in ‘mBhokhe’? Hell, whatever it is, Baby D’s good at it. He can babble and spew bile out his mouth simultaneously. Unfortunately, this means he’s destined to become a politician. Your prayers at this difficult time are appreciated.

Proud To Be Irish!

Sis sent this to me today and it is scary how many people I know that have done some of these things! Only in Ireland… Can a pizza get to your house faster than an ambulance. Only in Ireland… Do banks leave both doors open and chain the pens to the counters. 142 Irish were […]

The Many Faces Of Santa?

It seems like everywhere we go these days Santa appears. So much so that even our 4 year old has started to get suspicious. When asked by her granny the other day whether she had been to see Santa yet, she replied that she had seen santa, but not “the real one”. Its hard to […]

Getting Your Money's Worth: The Peace Process ROI

When I saw an article on Slugger earlier today about the ROI on the Peace Process, I thought it was a badly worded attempt to analyse the Republic of Ireland’s place in the Northern Irish puzzle. Actually, what Mick was highlighting was that despite millions of pounds, dollars, euros in investment into Northern Ireland (and […]

Legalising Crime

I came across this moment of pure brilliance by Simon Heffer over on ninme.com about the “On The Run” legislation. wouldn?t all the troublesome aspects of the law and order business be removed if only the Government were to grasp the nettle and legalise crime? Just think of it – no need to spend all […]

No Room For Dissent In Sinn Fein?

Yes, folks. I know I’ve been laying the boot into Sinn Fein lately. It’s not as if I’m alone in doing that. After all, it does seem that the British Government is pulling out all the stops to make life easier for the party. We’ll shortly be welcoming back our old “On The Run” muckers. […]

On The Run Legislation: An Update

We’ve been having great debate about the On The Run legislation this week. To my frustration and disappointment, the “On The Run” bill was approved in the House Of Commons by a majority of 310 to 262. However, I was heartened when I heard that this isn’t the end of the road for this legislation. […]

Levee Breaks News: Get Comment Updates

Like any blogger, I love seeing comments on stuff I’ve written. I think The Levee Breaks definitely benefits from the opinions that you guys bring, whether it’s about politics or movies or music or family life. Just to make things a little easier, I’ve added a little check box to the comments form so that […]

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