Destroying Harold Good

Hmmm. All very quick to condemn Harold Good, aren’t we? When something unpopular is said, why do people have to destroy the character of the person saying it? I have read in a number of places that Harold Good lost members of his own family to the IRA. Now, this leads me to belive that […]

The Wind Of Change

Been busy the last couple of days, but I couldn’t resist a shot about the freaky weather around Lough Neigh today. Did anyone else wonder if this was the wind of change blowing through the province? Or was Paisley just yawning in Ballymena? You decide!

Blog Round-Up: IRA Decommissioning

The Northern Irish blogosphere lit up yesterday with opinion pieces on the IRA decommissioning. Here’s a quick round-up from some of my favourite reads: The Unionist Viewpoints It’s all been a bit of an anti-climax for Beano over on Everything Ulster. However, he believes that power-sharing is almost an inevitability, and ends by suggesting that […]

Frustrating Times In Northern Ireland

For people like myself, Northern Ireland can be a deeply frustrating place in which to live. Stuck in the middle of a divided society, it seems both sides will pull and pull until the Province literally tears itself in two. Here’s a wake-up call. The two extremist parties, the DUP and Sinn Fein cannot live […]

Rushmere Centre, Craigavon

Took a wee run over to Craigavon this afternoon for a spot of shopping. I think this must’ve been the first time the entire all-new Levee line-up has been out together on an excursion like this. We managed to squeeze in nearly four hours of shopping (not that we bought much) and the kids behaved […]

The Northern Bank Robbery

I watched Dispatches last night on the Northern Bank Robbery in Belfast in December 2004. The programme was not great, it did not shed any light on the crime, did not reveal any additional facts and I felt it was pretty weak. It is one thing for the police to have an idea of who […]

Hurricane Rita Threatens New Orleans.

Just as the area is starting to recover from Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Rita threatens to cause more damage to New Orleans. Although the area is almost drained of flood water from last months hurricane the damaged levees have not yet been repaired and so even a few inches of rainfall could spell more devastation for […]

Britain and Iraq

It amazes me how a country that is so used to conflict can be so bad at it, yet the British have managed it. There were reports yesterday about two British soldiers in Iraq shooting an Iraqi policeman while undercover. The soldiers were duly arrested by Iraqi authorities. Now here comes the strange bit. Did […]

Quote Of The Day

Came across the following quotation from Lord Acton: The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern. Written in 1881, relevant in 2005. This statement sums up my feelings on just about every political party in Northern Ireland.

Levee Is A Happy Man This Morning

No, this is not the aftermath of a night of hot lovin’. Not that it’s any of your business Better than that, I just found a KitKat in my drawer that I’d been saving for a rainy day! Now, all I need is a hot cup of tea and I’m all set for the day […]

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