Love Ulster. Hate Hatred.

Wow. While I’ve been in new-baby-honeymoon-period, an issue has united most Northern Irish bloggers like nothing before! Yes, I’m talking about the latest high-quality, totally unbiased Northern Irish publication, Love Ulster. And like the other decent folk out there, I will not link to this piece of crap! I got the heads up on Jo’s […]

New baby

I just had to write and say how gorgeous this wee one is!! Now I am normally a bit uncomfortable around babies due to their size and the fact that they are so fragile and rely on you for everything. But perhaps because I am getting older or because the Levees just keep having babies, […]

New Baby Thoughts: Whose Gene Pool?

When I first saw my newborn baby, I didn’t think”Oh, he’s got my nose…” I mean, for the first day or so, any baby is still a scrunchy, wrinkly little thing. How on earth is it possible to determine likenesses so early? Yet there we are, in the hospital, not four hours after baby being […]

A New Kid On The Block

So much information, so little time! I suppose I should start by welcoming our new baby to the fold! After doing battle in the labour ward for a full four hours, Mrs L delivered a beautiful baby boy yesterday afternoon at 4:10! The day was not uneventful: I took a whitie at the sight of […]

In The Labour Ward

I’ll never forget my first time in the labour ward (nearly four years ago). I walked in with a heavily pregnant Mrs. Levee, into a large yellow and pink room with a hideous wallpaper border at waist-level. The furnishings were designed to look ‘homely’, with a nice sofa beside the window, proper bedroom funiture and […]

A Class Act

I saw a real class act yesterday while out and about. At that point, there was a cool breeze blowing and a clear blue sky. Driving up the Springfield Road in Belfast, just past the junction at Lanark Way I saw a man walking with two women. In his hand, a no-doubt-chilled bottle of white […]

Mr de Menezes

Has anyone noticed the similarity between the brutal killing of Mr de Menezes at Stockwell tube station in London and killings in Northern Ireland? Mr de Menezes, contrary to previous reports, was not wearing a bulky coat and running from police officers, he was going to work and was restrained by an undercover officer yet […]

The Stupid One!

I have just been reading over the recent posts and comments by Mr Levee and my sister and I can see that I am going to become known as the stupid one of this blogging team. I am the one who will write about boring mum things like toddler tantrums and cloth nappies. Its not […]

The Policing Problem

Beano at Everything Ulster is – like many people – getting frustrated by the state of policing in rioting hotspots. He ends with the tongue-in-cheek suggestion that a few live rounds might calm things down! What can the police do, though? If they sit by and do nothing, they’re condemned by the local communities and […]

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