Bedtime Mischief

The night-time antics of our daughter are frustrating sometimes. She rarely goes to sleep straight away, preferring to play an extended game of “Daddy/Mummy, come here”. On the other hand, there are occassions where she can be very funny. Tonight was one of them. Ray is almost four years old, and has been without dummy […]

Better Writing For Bloggers

Although there is an abundance of well-written, informative material out there on the Internet, there is a shocking amount of dross in circulation also! I don’t know where theLeveeBreaks stands in the midst of these extremes, but my aim is for the content to be interesting, engaging, informative and above all, easy to understand! Writing […]

Five Piles Of Clothes

I’ve not been feeling so well today, so I took the day off work. I spent some time watching a couple of “sick-day” movies – Runaway Jury and Rock Star, and ate some food which made me feel even worse. . . Anyway, about midway through the day, Mrs Levee phoned to say she would […]

Bringing me down!

What on earth possses people to be so openly negative? I was at my daughters nursery open day yesterday when I got talking to a woman who I have met before a handful of times at most. She obviously noticed I was pregnant and began offer me her sympathies as according to her the third […]

Is my husband Gay?

I am a little worried. Mr levee has recently started growing his hair long again. I know its an attempt to grasp back some of that lost youth and up until now I think I have been very supportive to our own resident ageing rocker, but enough is enough! While making dinner earlier this evening […]

Work Life Balance & Bad Management

I just read Scott Berkun’s essay on How To Survive A Bad Manager. Scott’s stuff is always a good read, particularly for office drones like me. Some of the situations he writes about make you sit up and say, “Hey, that’s me!” Anyway, toward the end of the article, Scott suggests trading off the frustrations […]

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