Night Son, Love You….

Just went into Jay’s room to tuck him in. He was all cuddled up and sound asleep, so I ran my hand over his head like I normally do and whispered “Goodnight son, love you”. His reply came in the form of a low rumble underneath the blanket. . . .

Did you ever feel like an Elephant?

I just read today that poor elephants are pregnant for around a year and a half, thats just what I feel like! I still have 3 months to go before number 3 arrives and it feels like a lifetime. We found out that we were expecting when I was only 4 weeks gone, as we […]

Welcoming Mrs. Levee!

The new site’s almost completely up and running now. I’m toying with the site theme and hopefully will have this up and running in the near future. My wife, the mysteriously named Mrs. Levee, will be joining me on this blog, perhaps giving the whole thing a bit more balance!

Got My Mojo Back!

Following a few years where I really lost my way, the last couple of months I really feel like I’ve got my Mojo back! I’ve talked to Mrs Levee about this, and we both feel the same way. Elevated, lighthearted, happy. Life is great: we’re getting things done, designing websites with relative ease, selling stuff […]


Haisheng at This Is A Revolution posted the lyrics from Enigma’s Return To Innocence recently. I know it’s hard to make out the words in the original song, but when you see them laid out like this, they are truly profound! Take note…

Illustration Friday

I came across the Illustration Friday website while in a bit of a browsing ‘free-fall’, and thought it was worth mentioning. Apparently the site editor submits a theme each Friday. Subscribers to the site then go away and illustrate a picture based on that theme. The theme this week is ‘ambition’. I think if I […]

Well, it's a boy! (Still Not Due Until August, Though)

We had a scan a couple of weeks ago to see how the baby was doing. (Note to Expectant Parents With Children: Not a good idea to take two under-fours to an antenatal appointment!). The lady doing the scan couldn’t see everything she needed to see (chambers of the heart, I think), so they made […]

Muscovy Street, London

I took this photo about a year ago in London while skiving away from a conference I was on for a while. Muscovy Street is just across the road from the Tower of London and London Bridge is close by. I think I must have been in the right place at just the right time, […]

Unreal WordPress theme by Gerard
