Ancien Combattant - ZAO
ZAO The Lesser Lights of Heaven DVD
Zao- Liberate Te Ex Inferis (Full Album)
Zaho - La Roue tourne
ZAO - The Rising End
Zao - Ravage Ritual
「キリギリスとアリ」 ZAO
Zao Lies Of Serpents, A River Of Tears
ZAO - My Love, My Love (We've Come Back From The Dead)
casimir zao - corbillard
ZAO - The Splinter Shards the Birth of Separation (FULL ALBUM)
Zao - Angel Without Wings
Skyler Chan has it all, but all of that is about to change when he is confronted by a mob loan shark from the Malone Crime Family as he given the ultimatum. Five hours to Pay. Five hours to live. Pay up or you're dead. Can he meet The Deadline?
Five Hours To Pay, Five Hours to Live, Pay up or You're Dead
Pierce Brosnan gives one last mission as James Bond. Starting off in North Korea, Bond is betrayed and captured. 14 months later, Bond is set free, but traded for Zao who was captured by MI6. When back in his world, Bond sets off to track down Zao. Bond gets caught up in yet another scheme which sends him to millionaire Gustav Graves. Another MI6 agent known as Miranda Frost is also posing as a friend of Graves. Bond is invited to a presentation held by Graves about a satellite found in space which can project a huge laser beam. Bond must stop this madman with a fellow American agent, known as Jinx. Whilst Bond tries to stop Graves and Zao, will he finally reveal who betrayed him?
Keywords: 2000s, action-hero, airplane, armored-car, assassin, assassination, aston-martin, bell, binoculars, black-woman
Events don't get any bigger than...
"Bond...James Bond" [Advance teaser poster]
Pierce Brosnan as Ian Fleming's James Bond 007 [USA Poster]
Graves: Look. Parachutes for both of us. [throws one out the window] Whoops. Not anymore.
James Bond: You must be joking.::Q: As I learned from my predecessor, Bond, I never joke about my work.
Falco: We're here in case things escalate, not to make sure they do.
James Bond: I know the rules, and number one is "no deals'.
Falco: You get your house in order, or we're gonna do it for you.
Graves: Armed and very dangerous.
Q: I wish I could make you vanish.
James Bond: You know, you're cleverer than you look.::Q: Still, better than looking cleverer than you are.
Graves: I have to live my dreams.
Miranda Frost: He'll light the fuse on any explosive situation, and be a danger to himself and others.
A boy who wanted to be a boss... A boss who wanted to be a boy... An Encounter that defined their fate...
Ancien Combattant - ZAO
ZAO The Lesser Lights of Heaven DVD
Zao- Liberate Te Ex Inferis (Full Album)
Zaho - La Roue tourne
ZAO - The Rising End
Zao - Ravage Ritual
「キリギリスとアリ」 ZAO
Zao Lies Of Serpents, A River Of Tears
ZAO - My Love, My Love (We've Come Back From The Dead)
casimir zao - corbillard
ZAO - The Splinter Shards the Birth of Separation (FULL ALBUM)
Zao - Angel Without Wings
ZAO @ Cornerstone 1998
「Everyone murder」 ZAO
Sijelo kod Lejle Leky Zao mi je tvoje zene
casimir zao -soulard
Zao Duh
FIFA 14 | ZAO CORE CUP - GIORNATA #1 - luke4316 Vs RandomHd
Dzej - Nikom nije zao kao meni - (Audio 2008)
Elitni Odredi - Nije mi zao
Dobar Loš Zao - Žurka
Zao may refer to:
Wires from the ceiling extend.
YOur teeth grind from the tension.
When the door breaks you are found suspended high.
Above the ground.
Dath took my old best friend.
Your life is at attention.
You are found suspended high above the ground.
Above the ground enclosed in wires.
What's this?
Death came you.
He does not respect virtue.
our teeth grind from the tension.
as wires extend from the ceiling, extend.
Watching peige's rotting.
Suspended by the Suspension of wires.
We give and take life from either side of the knife
With his stale bloody gloves, he reaches in
When you shut your eyes and fell asleep
Dark clouds descended on the souls of the ones
Who held you close to their hearts
Close to their hearts
My heart broke [3x]
Open [4x]
The beauty of an embrace a place
To lay down the pain
Where blood and fire bring rest and peace [4x]
I sit away in a secret place in the shadow of wings
I think of you [7x]
Goodbye, they breathe but cannot scream
They have no tools to build voices
They wait in fetal position
Martyrs on altars of mistakes
The martyr
The martyr
The martyr
The martyr
The martyr
The martyr
The martyr
The martyr
They have not the tools to scream
They are just the ones upon
Altars of, altars of, altars of mistake
There is no safe place
There is no safe place
The martyr
The martyr
The martyr
His shadow floats upon the earth
Casting a song from the north
Yeshua weeps Zion's song
Thy will of man
My kingdom gone
You place all your hatred upon my throne
Your hands form your own path
Curse the one that has made you
I see Cain in all your eyes
I am laying down to go to sleep forever
I do not hide my face in shame at all
I do not cower before your blade
This is what your black hearts pray
Time moves as slow as the ocean's tide
Neon explosion in the haggard sky
No sun shall set
Lest we forget
Man's will be done
The last Lamb
The last hope
Realization comes through reaping
Reality contained in quite
My companions are walking corpses
I am buried with your words
Turned their backs to me
Scared to see the ghost
Turned and walked away
Scared to see the ghost
Time to go one last look, one last touch. A ghost to those I love
Time to go one last look, one last touch. Goodbye to those I love
So close
So close to separation
A ghost without a grave
A ghost without a name
There were none at his left hand, no man amongst his army, the earth has ripped herself open, and birthed from her wounds thick
black clouds which covered the earth
It tears, I see blood in the air, I taste blood in the air, dissected from heaven, cut and stripped of her skin, we let it begin
descending from heaven
An all-consuming cancer, reaching to repent, we shall taste hate in its purest form, reching out for nothing, suffocating on our
words, while we hold our children
No cradle, no son, a mother of none
I tried again I fell again to find out for myself
It hurts for a life time
You picture rests there for a lifetime
And for a lifetime I will dream of you
I prepare a mantle inside of my heart
With your photograph to sooth the scars
Unable to be erased unable to be forgotten
As I grow older I will dream
As we wait here for a sign we are greeted by the end of time, these aren't streets paved with gold, you are my everything, my soul
is growing cold
I will lift you up.
I will praise your awesome name,
Praise your name for what it's worth
And nothing less.
Perfect in all things,
Most high God.
Commend to praise.
To adore.
To glory.
The death of the Omega pilots the war machine
We shall destroy the earth
Rebuild it
None shall inherit it
Blood turned into fire
Made to drink like wine
Pile up the countless corpses and on them we shall dine
We praise you, war machine
You've come to set us free
Run us through your jaws
Carry us off in your claws
Cut away body from soul
A slave freed from his master
Closing the spirit's eye to embrace this earthly tie
666 (The number of man brought upon by man)
The earth it shall burn bright tonight in our eyes
The earth it shall burn right into our eye on this very night
Praise the war machine
This man sits staring.
Left lost in hand.
You wnat a real solution?
Well we're doing the worst we can.
Bodies make the scariest sounds.
As johnny sings,
He sings the blues.
So come on and spread your gospel.
You've got change on your mind.
Mother I have a gift for you
It's the only thing I can offer
All you know is entropy
Still you shine as the sunrise
But inside I can hear your spirit die
Your spirit dies from the inside
Dear Tiffany,
You've mad me nauseous for the last time
Everything I've said to you.... I will form a spike (to drive through my throat)
In order to stop my words
This time I'll put them in the ground along with my memories and my feelings
I'll burn it down and walk away
Let the fire warm my back
I wish you would say you hate me
It would make it so much easier
Burn it down and walk away................
Love Daniel
Killing time 'til it's time to die
Do you remember when you were a child?
And the sky loomed above like a great mystery
We hoped we'd crash into the other planets
Growing old we become numb and obsolete
Growing into our accursed bodies
With tired eyes and a tired soul
Growing to fit into our accursed bodies
Cant' wait to die so I can get some sleep
Give up life just to get by
Come out of your stare
Touch the ground with your prayers
Breathe out the lies
His words were sharpened hooks beneath your skin
You left them in
As he shone into the eyes around him
Cradled by a cold floor Isolation shows his true motivaiton
Her pedals are slowly torn away
Scarlet adorns the snow
You failed to do your job.
Superstitious cover up.
They'll pay you because of your mistakes.
You lie, you lie, you lie and they pay.
You fail, you fail, you fail and they pay.
Unholy children.
Blinded vision.
False ambition.
Can you show me how they're guilty?
YOu liars, you killers, You fools of superstition.
Blame the (so-called) unholy children with your false ambition and blinded
With open arms I'll be held down by the Spirit of God.
I refuse to turn away.
By the world and it's lies.
Everlasting words like water that fllows through my heart.
As the wisdom runs deep within.
Forseen throuh my savior.
The completion has been done.
With wisdom and truth inside.
No reflections from the past will come,
And there will be no misconception.
That would turn my faith away when You are not with me.
I will lift up my spirit to be with you.
Life the endless maze will not be so narrow.
Soon time will not have to wait.
We are a creation, the old has gone, the new has come. Reconcild us to
Himself, through Christ Jeasus. We will be free, forever knowing what will
become... of us. Thank you for the cross. Trusting in the balance has tilted
me towards righteousness. Lifting my spirit once again, sinking not in my
functioning. Striving to tell them the truth. Inhale, exhale this is over
and over again. Looking for tomorrow forgetting about today. Striving to
tell them the truth... Dying, dying, dying, dead. Through prayer and
sacrifice into all the earth, with love and understanding. Now I look to
importance, standing here steadfast, to renew the spirit within me. Do not
They will hunt again.
With years to plan.
And sharpen there teeth.
To smile, and walk free.
But no one knows.
No one knows.
Free the wolf from his cage.
Whatch him hunt.
Stalk his prey.
We let them go.
They will hunt again.
Prey on the simple.
Feast in the temple.
Free the wolf?
We must put him down.
We'll put him down again.
I desire the end
The touch of armageddon
This world encased in flames...
Bodies lie beneath fallen kingdoms...
...I walk on fallen kingdoms...
...I desire the end...
A dark cold sound...
A dark cold sound tears the life I'm given
Ignite the vision
The vision that brought cold wind against my childhood soul.
The root of unspoken fear
The root grows deep in my heart
A dark cold sound tears at my life
Over and over...
The time when rest is as distant as childhood
When I knew peace
The time when I was happy
The time when I knew peace
Before it came after me
It's coming after me
My sight finally returns
Only to see my hands covered with the innocent blood
Of those I stand before as an example
And I hold this ember in my heart
It reminds me of who I once was
It's the only warmth that I know
Ember of Your faithfulness
Ember of Your still small voice
Ember of embracing arms
Ember of rebirth to You my King
To You my King I offer up this ember
For the wind of Your Spirit to consume
Consumed by fire, consumed [2x]
I'm at zero release the controls
Preparation for the ending
The end is soon
I'm at zero
I will not die at zero
And what shall I do
I try to speak and words stop short of my tongue
They make their way back to my thoughts
Still crafted by a still soul
I move my eyes around trying to find a place to rest
I can't see it but I feel the light
Someone tell us we are loved
Someone take the pain away
Someone fill up the void
Someone fix my broken heart
Marked to be alone,
And my eyes are closed.
Drawn and separate.
For sakes of discernment.
Walk with the broken pieces.
They do not say a word.
They speak not a word to the broken sea.
Not burnt by the fire.
Or pulled by the flood.
They come to rest in crimson pools of blood.
Guided by the wind.
Not burnt by the fire.
Not pulled by the flood.
The come to rest (alone, alone) But they,
They go, so we ride. But the candle burns alone.
Liberty and justice if you can afford it
Theres American sheets on the deathbed
And American bombs in the sky
American ghosts in the graveyard
The American heart beats in the TV
One nation above God himself
Theres American fangs on the serpent
And American blood on his tie
American pride flows in his heartstrings
American venom drips from the TV
He who controls the all-seeing eye
Would rather kill than live in peace
We are monsters in the eyes of the world
Who are you with, where have you been
Imagination turns thoughts, reason can't change
Staring at the walls, think I know what I see
Anger and coffee, feeling mean
Drinking black coffee, black coffee, drinking black coffee, staring at the wall
Black coffee, black coffee, black coffee, staring at the wall
Black coffee, drinking black coffee, drinking black coffee, staring at the...
Stab through my heart, stab through my heart, stab through my heart
But it's all in my mind, mind, mind, mind
Just in my mind, mind, mind, mind
Its just in my mind, yeaaaaaaaaa
My heart is pounding, as stare at the wall
Its my turn to be jealous, now I don't stand for it all
In fact I'm pretty stupid, I'm feeling small
Anger and coffee, feeling mean
Drinking black coffee, black coffee, black coffee, staring at the wall
Black coffee, black coffee, black coffee, staring at the wall
Black coffee, drinking black coffee, drinking black coffee, staring at the...
Stab through my heart, stab through my heart, stab through my heart
But it's all in my mind, mind, mind, mind
Just in my mind, mind, mind, mind
Its just in my mind
Drinking black coffee, drinking black coffee, drinking black coffee, staring at the wall
Black coffee, black coffee, black coffee, staring at the wall
Black coffee, drinking black coffee, drinking black coffee, staring at the...
Stab through my heart, stab through my heart, stab through my heart
But it's all in my mind, mind, mind, mind
Just in my mind, mind, mind, mind
Its just in my mind, yea
If the night goes on, paranoia adultery
Why should I be so stupid, when I can't really see
The other side of the wall, is eating away at me
Anger and Coffee, feeling mean
Drinking black coffee, black coffee, black coffee, staring at the wall
Black coffee, black coffee, black coffee, staring at the wall
Black coffee, drinking black coffee, drinking black coffee, staring at the...
Stab through my heart, stab through my heart, stab through my heart
But it's all in my mind, mind, mind, mind
Its just in my mind, mind, mind, mind
You think because you bought the record
You read a list of thanks
You can judge our lives
You think because you bought the record
You read a list of thanks
You can judge our lives a favor we provide
Little forum boys With your polished cyber toys
I read your bucket comment Your three piece bulliten
Put pout, boo hoo
Talk talk, put boo hoo hoo
How is our identity working out for you
It's funny how you justify me on opinion
An idea that I do this for you DXC boy fire kid
You know who you are
We wrote this song for you, for you, for you, for you
The lesser lights of heaven are burning towards a dream
The eyes of mothers bleeding
Cast their children to the sea
The lesser lights of heaven are screaming in our mind
Listen to the chorus
So divine and unkind
The lesser lights of heaven are burning for their Son
Praying for the presence
That birthed them into one
The lesser lights of heaven, their bodies but a flame
A sky that knows no distance
A cut that feels no pain
The lesser lights of heaven are bending towards your will
Cutting through the person
Who would rather die than kill
The lesser lights of heaven cast crowns before your throne
Dissipate into nothing
We truly are alone
There were none at His left hand
No man amongst His army
The Earth has ripped herself open
And birthed from her wounds
Thick black clouds, which covered the Earth
It tears
I see blood in the air
I taste the blood in the air
Dissected from the heaven
Cut and stripped of her skin
We let it begin
Descending from heaven
It tears
I see blood in the air
I taste the blood in the air
Dissected from the heaven
Cut and stripped of her skin
We let it begin
Descending from heaven
An all-consuming cancer
An all-consuming cancer
An all-consuming cancer
An all-consuming cancer
Reaching to repent
We will taste it in its purest form
Reaching out for nothing
Suffocation on our words
While we hold our children
It tears
I see blood in the air
I taste the blood in the air
Dissected from the heaven
Cut and stripped of her skin
We let it begin
Descending from heaven
It tears
I see blood in the air
I taste the blood in the air
Dissected from the heaven
Cut and stripped of her skin
We let it begin
Descending from heaven
No cradle
No Son
A mother of none
No cradle
No Son
A mother of none
No cradle
No Son
A mother of none
No cradle
No Son
A mother of none
It tears
I see blood in the air
I taste the blood in the air
Dissected from the heaven
Cut and stripped of her skin
We let it begin
Descending from heaven
It tears
I see blood in the air
I taste the blood in the air
Dissected from the heaven
Cut and stripped of her skin
We let it begin
No eyes have seen.
No ears have heard.
No mind has perceived
What God has prepared for those that love Him.
Multitudes behold His glory
And give praises for what He has done.
In the time of need the children cry for help.
Many searching for a void to be filled,
While in stride they fall to their face in
Tears or laughter
After the release of His abundance.
Has His unfailing love vanished forever?
Has His promise failed for all time?
Has God forgotten to be merciful?
Has the anger withheld His compassion?
Jesus, my Lord and Savior,
Though my mind wonders of what i
Have not seen, heard, or conceived,
Wires from the ceiling extend.
Your teeth grind from the tension.
When the door breaks and you are found suspended high.
Above the ground.
Death took my old best friend.
Your life is at attention.
Suspension, suspension.
Your teeth they cry from the tension, from the tension.
You are found suspended high above the ground.
Above the ground enclosed in wires.
What's this?
Death came for you.
He does not respect the virtue.
Suspension/ suspend
Wires from the cieling extend.
Your teeth grind from the tension.
As wires extend from the ceiling, extend.
Watching pieces rotting.
I remember the first war, the way the sky burned
The faces of angels destroyed
I saw a third of Heaven's legion banished
And the creation of Hell
I stood with my brothers and watched Lucifer Fall
But now, my brothers aren't my brothers
Turned away by a misrepresentation
Stained glass and white washed tombs
The hearts of those who spoke to you
Were never homes to the God they tried to show you
They spoke out of prejudice and ritualism
They themselves were lost angels fold their wings
Angels fold their wings
And weep along with us watching you shun, shunning sacrifice
Shunning sacrifice
Angels fold their wings
And weep along with us watching you shun
I remember the first war, the way the sky burned
The faces of angels destroyed
I saw a third of Heaven's legion banished
And the creation of Hell
I stood with my brothers and watched Lucifer Fall
But now, my brothers aren't my brothers
Turned away by a misrepresentation
Stained glass and white washed tombs
The hearts of those who spoke to you
Were never homes to the God they tried to show you
They spoke out of prejudice and ritualism
They themselves were lost angels fold their wings
Angels fold their wings
And weep along with us watching you shun, shun His sacrifice
Shun His sacrifice
Angels fold their wings
And weep along with us watching you shun
Pudgy young blonds with lobotomy eyes
Keep their fingers down their throat to attract all the guys
Who will drug them at bars and take them home to his friends
She'll wake up the next day and she'll do it again
Vomit yourself into the social shining spotlight
Pudgy young blonds with lobotomy eyes
Get fat shoved in their chests and sucked out of their thighs
And your new broken nose will look so good when it mends
Worship MTV, watch and worship the trends
Queen of the congregation at a wax museum
Sit and rest at the feet of your airbrushed deity
Fall into the crowds
Falling faster
You're blind
Roll your eyes
Follow and just pretend
We march like fools in a parade of chaos.
We march like fools in a parade of chaos.
Led by our enemies,
While we sing there praises,
Led by enemies,
While we kiss their hands.
The morning rained fire,
Let the heavens retire,
Over the eyes of the blind,
And the voices of spoiled children.
We march like fools in a parade of chaos.
We march like fools in a parade of chaos.
Led by our enemies,
We sing their praises,
And kiss their hands,
True leaders are gone,
We turned our backs to many times,
And bit the hand of the provider.
We march like fools in a parade of chaos.
We march like fools.
Chaos kills us,
Chaos kills us,
Chaos (we march like fools) kills us (we march like fools),
Chaos (we march like fools) kills us (we march like fools),
Live from the funeral of God
Live from the funeral of God
This is the day you've awaited
Sponsored and celebrated
He has answered your prayers
Corpses have piled up with your riches
They have spilled over onto the Earth
We spit and wear our fear like masks
Everything is locked into form
(Interrupt the feed)
(It's closing in, it’s closing in) The sky’s so dark
(It's closing in, it’s closing in) The sky’s so dark
(It's closing in, it’s closing in) The sky’s so dark
(It's closing in, it’s closing in) The sky’s so dark
Are men no worse than demons?
Are armies not thirsty for bleed?
The desire of their hearts has been met
Eons and eons
Decades of liars
Drink with power atop the mountains of corpses
Their arms and legs fail and they crawl like serpents
To address those who are mourning
Live from the funeral of God
Of God
(It's closing in, it’s closing in) The sky’s so dark
(It's closing in, it’s closing in) The sky’s so dark
(It's closing in, it’s closing in) The sky’s so dark
(It's closing in, it’s closing in) The sky’s so dark
There is no reason to be afraid
Everything is under control
There is no reason to be afraid
Everything is under control
There is no reason to be afraid
Everything is under control
There is no reason to be afraid
Everything is under control
There is no reason to be afraid
Everything is under control
There is no reason to be afraid
We are the poison to the antidote that's killing us, the question to the answer.
Demeaning us with empty morals, detached from reality they tell us what's real.
How could you take.
My life is gone.
And I don't know why.
You're on your own now.
Find you dead.
We felt sick as we walked out of the room, to nest in filth and howl at the moon.
Hollow well-groomed failures outside of prison bar mansions that made the earth's skin crawl.
How could you take.
My life is gone.
And I don't know why.
You're on your own now.
Find you dead.
There is no time to rest and heal our wounds.
Black wind talker and singer of songs...
How could you take.
My life is gone.
And I don't know why.
You're on your own now.
Find you dead.
We felt sick as we walked out of the room, to nest in filth and howl at the moon.
I will endure. It will endure in me. Until the end, forever. I will endure.
If we continue in these ways, rebellion bends towards hatred. We rise up for
our cause, and forsake the outsiders. Where is this love, this
understanding? Who will stand? What will break down. if this uprise of self
is left to reign? This age screams for a standard to uphold, and an answer
for the questions. The wavering of beliefs lead to destruction. Nothing
remains constant to its origin but the unchange faith of Christ. The one
stable since creation. Thoughts have come, and theories have gone. Nothing
has lasted through resistance. But who can deny, who can dispute the faith
that's been throughout since the foundation of the beginning? It has always
ben and always will be. Forever. It has been proven. It shall remain. This
faith has stood the test. It persists through the conflict. Through the
revolt against its ways, nothing has held true like this. No other has
revealed such strength. The roots run deep within. Entangling around my
rock. Never letting go of this truth. The power that has sustained me.I will
And what shall I do
I try to speak and words stop short of my tongue
They make their way back to my thoughts
Still crafted by a still soul
I move my eyes around trying to find a place to rest
I can't see it but I feel the light
Someone tell us we are loved
Someone take the pain away
Someone fill up the void
Someone fix my broken heart
Open your mouth, boy
Just to swallow your teeth
I will not pay the price for your self-inflicted grief
My meekness lies there shivering and raped
Trembling prophet
Anointed wrath of God incarnate
Cutting and tearing dissection
Strangled and hanging before me
Weeping and screaming become you
Carry out your suffering
Raise your fist, boy to bring upon your demise
Never had a clue what waited behind these eyes
Your body turn apart
You could not escape
Trembling prophet
Anointed wrath of God incarnate
Cutting and tearing dissection
Strangled and hanging before me
Weeping and screaming become you
Carry out your suffering
Inspiration from your damnation
Your breath blackens my lungs
Inspiration from your damnation
Your breath blackens my lungs
Inspiration from your damnation
Your breath blackens my lungs
Inspiration from your damnation
Your breath blackens my lungs
You marked the line to guide my first incision
You marked the line to guide my first incision
You marked the line to guide my first incision
You marked the line to guide my first incision
Breath of the black muse
Breath of the black muse
Inspiration from your damnation
Hoping to scratch him.
As we bleed to death.
As we have a shepherd we do not want.
I run on a treadmill that never stops.
My reflection in the wading pool is dirty,
And I'm sickened.
It hurts.
I'm sick of repetition.
An illness, spreading.
Blinding my eyes.
Erase my thoughts.
Cancel my subscription to the things of this world.
In heopen eyesof delivereance.
I'm color blind.
Waiting to see.
Wanting to finally say no and walk away with a smile.
Time after time my call is game over;
But again and again this cancer spreads.
Bleeding and spitting guilt and convictions.
As Ilay in this pit of defeat...
(Once again to strive.)
To beat itout over and over.
So worn. I will defeat this.
Workedover. With intention to kill.
To watch Him die and smile.
At His dismay. His pain.
My deliverance.
My cleanliness a giftof freedom.
Hold her in your right hand
And guide her safely home
Brush away all the thorn
And all the stones
You're my angel without wings
You're my angel without wings
You're my angel, my angel, my angel
Hold her in your right hand
And guide her safely home
Brush away all the thorns
And all the stones
When I was crying you never left my side
When I was dying you never left my side
You're always, always there for me
You're always, always there for me
You're always, always there for me
You're always, always there for me
You're my angel without wings
You're my angel without wings
You were always there for me
You were always without wings
You're my angel without wings
You're my angel without wings
You're my angel, my angel, my angel
When I was crying you never left my side
When I was dying you never left my side
You're always, always there for me
You're always, always there for me
You're always, always there for me
You're always, always there for me
You're always, always there for me
You're always, always there for me
You're always, always there for me
You're always, always there for me
You're always, always there for me
You're my angel without wings
You're my angel without wings
You were always there for me
You were always without wings
You're my angel without wings
(A throne in Heaven sat empty for 33 years.)
Why? For what do we strive that will bring us closer.
No human deed will show us approved.
For two thousand years we've choked on our efforts.
Only to lay down and die.
Things change, and things stay the same.
Through all these trials I cannot compose myself.
Till there is a time no heaviness fills my heart.
I cannot compose myself.
So in all this, there must arise a plan.
A strategy to subdue the schemes.
For generation upon generation God retained a silence that shattered the hearts of men.
And for a season, all else failed.
There is no other name, given
Among men whereby they might be saved.
In all these years when men crawled the earth choking on his tears,
No composure, nor completion reigned.
No self righteous cleansing.
Leaning on the strength of self or another man...
No human effort can bring holiness or even the strength to stand.
There is no explanation for this reasoning.
In refuge and in strength, ever present help in trouble, without fear. As
the nations uproar and the kingdoms fall. He lifts His voice-melting, the
Lord our God is with us. God; our fortress. Be still and know He is God. He
is God. He is with us. In His purpose I will stand. I've been renewed by Him
alone. We've been made by the maker. Bought by the buyer. Broken by the
My strength, my strength fades
My strength fades away
Slowly with the setting sun
The night brought its
Darkness and it's storms
And the floods that came
Reflected a dull moon
Violent winds raged beneath the stars that didn't shine
Emptied of myself I fell to the ground
Slowly through the destruction
Came a single quiet voice
And the breath of His words consumed
The night and brought strength I have never felt on my own
And He held me up until I could walk again
A day not to forget
The machine has collapsed under the program it's been given
Look inside the broken shell
Look inside the broken shell
To see the broken heart
They can't believe the machine was alive but we saw it bleed
We saw it bleed [8x]
The machine it falls apart and when it's cut it bleed
The machine bleeds [6x]
There is no other way
To explain for what He has done.
He came to me in such a holy way,
Such a way that i would die for it.
It is more than just a belief,
He lives in my heart.
How else can i explain it to you...
Your eyes [2x]
Your eyes search for me [4x]
Your eyes
Your eyes search for me
For so long I've wanted to come home
Held back by lies of serpents and tongues of brothers
Turning a child into an enemy
Turning open arms into closed fists
I could see the reflection in the tears
That made their way down Your face
Onto the ground I kneel upon
They form a river that overtakes me
Compassion envelops me
I forgive and release
Forgive, release
put your coal to my trembling lips.
voice fills void with your breath.
crescent tears from the relief You bring.
undone in You. I love You.
broken teeth of my frustration.
your glory it surrounds me.
sing praises to God, sing praises.
blanket my mind with Your wisdom and insight.
hand molds the mud of my heart.
joy of Your strength
overwhelms my praise.
quickened in You.
I praise you.
vibrant peace envelopes my lack.
Your glory it surrounds me.
sing praises to God.
sing praises.
Let me not exist for a fair desire sweet and fresh
Are my expectations of this inner strength
That yearns passionately
For the endowment of the Father
I sow in tears that later I shall reap in joy
Each drop that I sow is a time of breaking [3x]
Come Holy Spirit empower Your creation
Through times of breaking the planting of tears as I am weakened
Your presence grows stronger
I feel You with me holding me through it all
Let me not exist for a fair desire sweet and fresh
Are my expectations of this inner strength
That yearns passionately
For the endowment of
Each drop that I sow is a time of breaking
My heart is deceived by
My eyes my actions in the name of beauty
I'm sickened and strangled
By myself that I would allow an unyielded desire to lead me astray
Put to shame by my lack of trust I confess my faults with tears
Manifestations of Your grace fill me
Revelations of forgiveness wounds healed by wounds
The Father's mercy
Peace beyond understanding love from You
That I don't deserve
Don't deserve [4x]
I shut my eyes I still my feelings
Feelings, feelings
Listening with closed eyes I rest in Your guidance
I rest in Your guidance
Trusting You
Sensing You I listen and hear
In a time of quietness I reflect on childhood memories
Caught wisping through my mind
Falling leaves create the stage
Words spoken were not cherished
On the last day of our friendship
And those words were possibly the last
What were your thoughts
As a dreaming child I awaken to a nightmare
After a gentle nudge I find out you're gone
The machines that kept you alive were careless
Did you ask Him to forgive you
Before you passed on
You slipped on away into the ground
You broke the vanity
You brought the silence
Inside of everything.
Black hole sphere.
Balanced inside the eye.
Positive and negative chaos.
1, 000, 000 outstretched arms of nothing, whose fingers search for something...
And there is a prison in my mind.
Death is inside of us.
Reality changes around us.
As time unfolds us...
All eyes see what they want to and not what they need to.
All hearts are over before it begins.
Fate at the wheels of chance, the wheels of chance, the wheels of chance.
Lucidity is our bridge between life and the great unknown.
I watch as my dreams bleed
Which one of you hunters got me
She's waiting and watching
Will she be there for me
Who's got me, who loves me
I've lost my turn
This world, this world I've created
It makes me and breaks me, all alone, all alone
I watch as my dreams bleed
Which one of you hunters got me
She's waiting and watching
Will she be there for me
Who's got me, who loves me
I've lost my turn
This world, this world I've created
It makes me and breaks me
You think you know it
But you know you don't know anything
You think you got it
But you got it all wrong again
You think you know it
But you know you don't know anything
You think you know it
But you got it all wrong again
You think you know it
your tongue pierced my fragile heart
careless words are daggers thrown
unaware unapproachable
unwilling silence from a sounding voice
you entwine praise with curses
your words burn like hell itself
silence from a sounding voice
all this by the tongue created
your words become hell itself
i lay bleeding in the flames
A ring of haze encircles the unshrouded truth within
Another seal is broken as the heavens prepare
To break forth in fulfillment
A blanket of deception is layered on sacred writings
Which contain the thoughts of the One who is Almighty God
A sword unsheathed is drawn bringing legions of demons to their knees
By the covenant prepared before the earth itself still
So many choose to warm themselves beneath deception
A ring of haze encircles the unshrouded truth within
Another seal is broken as the heavens prepare
To break forth in fulfillment
A blanket of deception is layered on sacred writings
Which contain the thoughts of the One who is Almighty God
A sword is drawn, unsheathed bringing legions of demons to their knees
By the knowledge of a covenant prepared before the earth itself
Still so many choose to warm themselves beneath deception
As the end draws near and history closes
I pray that the winds and the rain of that which is latter
Will bring clarity and understanding to Your infallible Word
The eyes behind the throne beam fear into our minds, beg for us to borrow
Scared to roam outside our cages.
Lost in fluorescent mazes.
Loopholes and unwanted favors.
At war for our future.
At war for the past.
A war we cannot grasp, grasp.
Life's a game played until you die.
Will they ever tell you who's right?
Control the mislead.
Apprentice above it's master.
Rewrite and reprogram.
At war for our future.
At war for the past.
A war we cannot grasp.
Life's a game played until you die.
Will they ever tell you who's right?
Ashes to ashes dust to dust
Beautiful child turnig into stone
With your eyes so dim I shudder
Bitterness runs through your soul
Like small children
Confusion dances in the dusk of your mind
Echange your blessings for deceptions good night kiss
Skin like winter
Cherished one fading away
I can see your breath begging to resurrect into death
Hiding scars back laced with splinters
Audience of a congregation make your way to the front
Close your eyes and grieve
Every kiss is a goodbye kiss
And every touch is momentary
Like trying to hold her ghost
Yes she dissapears at sunrise
Some times the past is all we have
I see you in my mind so clearly
A salvation to these tired, cold and searching eyes
We fade, we fade away like dream
We come apart at the seam
Every moment comes to an end
Just another fading memory
She let life destroy her
Move through me like a ghost
No one to break thier blades
No one to cut their throats
All of your words will wash away
My broken heart stills mends
Put your coal to my trembling lips.
Voice fills void with your breath.
Crescent tears from the relief You bring.
Undone in You. I love You.
Broken teeth of my frustration.
Your glory it surrounds me.
Sing praises to God, sing praises.
Blanket my mind with Your wisdom and insight.
Hand molds the mud of my heart.
Joy of Your strength
Overwhelms my praise.
Quickened in You.
I praise you.
Vibrant peace envelopes my lack.
Your glory it surrounds me.
Sing praises to God.
I won't allow it. I won't let it happen. This weakness will be strengthened.
Take away this battle. Let our fire burn within. Purify. Purify. Don't
release your hand from me. I must surrender, must lay it down. What's to
gain in my selfishness? What will I promote, and what will be pushed back?
My hope must rise, strength come forward. Linking my hand in yours. Let your
chains uphold me. I won't break the bond. No more will I remain the same. My
Lies, depreciation of self
Moral demise
The corporate machine of America
In God we trust
Statement of political banter
Plastic words for a plastic nation
Bred to live the American dream
Elderly parents in institutions
Billions of dollars for the promotion
Of cutting edge abortionary practices
Prayer in schools has been replaced
With condoms, the value of quality
Family time has regressed to the television's filth
And sexual innuendo
Our forefathers established this nation
Under the grace of God
In all His provisions
Why we are so richly blessed
Richly blessed, richly blessed
Richly blessed, richly blessed
Our Father, Father
Sweating through cold, grey, clay skin.
Asleep with blank, wide eyes.
Sweating through cold, grey, clay skin.
Asleep with blank, wide eyes.
And at night I fear my own way to lose it.
And if you think that I'm alone you'll never prove it.
Numbness fades into pins and needles, depression and irrational fears.
And at night I fear my own way to lose it.
And if you think that I'm alone you'll never prove it.
And at night I fear my own way to lose it.
If I go, will you come back?
And no one else sees
Will it be me, will this be?
A sentiment I share
If you care give purpose to this place or nothing
Can we leave?
It blinds my eyes to see you,
It bleeds my hands to touch your face,
It burns my ears to hear you,
It mutes my tongue to say your name.
It blinds my eyes to see you,
It bleeds my hands to touch your face,
It burns my ears to hear you.
Pulling out arrows,
From my calloused heart.(4x)
Pulling out arrows,
From my calloused heart. (4x)
Pull out the arrows,
From my heart.(4x)
It blinds my eyes to see you,
It bleeds my hands to touch your face,
It burns my ears to hear you,
It mutes my tongue to say your name.
It blinds my eyes to see you,
It bleeds my hands to touch your face,
I see it in your eyes
The tearing in your heart
As I aweaken I learn first
First of dying
And lying inside the ground forgotten
I learn of love
I learn of terror
I feel the curse inside my body
My God, my God
Why have you forsaken me and put this curse inside my body?
We live within a curse and within the divine
We're born and raised to work
And then grow old and die
(In our golden time)
Cut and burnt then thrown into the tied
I have lived and died
Lie beneath the ground
Ascend into the sky
I feel the earth spinning slow
And winding down with the sun
I feel the curse inside my body
What else is there.
After the slipping away.
When everything is silent,
And nothing is around, alone.
Looking dep inside,
Hearing the echo of my soul.
Noone can know.
In these tims of silence,
These times of seperation.
I find there is a voice that rises up.
A peace that brings my tears.
A comfort that no one else can offer.
So why do people turn away?
Why do they look elsewhere and base their self on opinions?
When the truth is so evident that this God of love is so constant.
When everything is gone. Destruction and storms.
Human cattle masses marching forward.
Their eyes are blank and erratic, susceptible to the droning hypnosis that rides through dissonant skies.
Loud and arrogant choir like voices, singing as they trample the earth and the truths of the past.
Violence meets their opposition.
Human cattle masses marching forward.
Scared and consuming, wearing their masters brand.
Questioning not where they are going.
I tried again, I fell again
To find out for myself
It hurts
For a lifetime
I tried again, I fell again
To find out for myself
It hurts
For a lifetime
Your picture rests there for a lifetime
And for a lifetime, I will dream of you
Dream of you, dream of you
Dream of you, dream of you
Dream of you
Dream of you
Dream of you, dream of you
Dream of you
I tried again, I fell again
To find out for myself
It hurts
For a lifetime
I tried again, I fell again
To find out for myself
It hurts
For a lifetime
Your picture rests there for, for a lifetime
And for a lifetime I will dream of you
Dream of you, dream of you
Dream of you, dream of you
Dream of you
Dream of you
Dream of you, dream of you
Dream of you
I will dream of you
I will dream of you
Dream of you, dream of you
I prepare the mantle inside of my heart
With your photograph to sooth the scars
Unable to be erased unable to be forgotten
As I grow older
A day not to forget
The machine has collapsed under the program it's been given
Look inside the broken shell
Look inside the broken shell
To see the broken heart
They can't believe the machine was alive but we saw it bleed
We saw it bleed (8x)
The machine it falls apart and when it's cut it bleed
The machine bleeds (6x)
I have nothing.
Absorbed slowly into inevitability.
Deep roots slither into the earth.
My thoughts are numb and alert.
It's the same as I'm sleeping.
Confusing revelation.
They slip away like dreams, even as I'm dreaming.
Thoughts obey patterns, old warehouse computers.
Our future becomes the past as it all gently disappears.
Our eyes remain open while our mind recoils.
See them take aim, steal away your rights again.
Like serpents in plain sight, received as angels and heroes in the arms of the terrified masses.
Change is fear.
Fear is the devil.
The devil has angels at his side.
Dear Tiffany,
You've mad me nauseous for the last time
Everything I've said to you....I will form a spike (to drive through my
Throat) In order to stop my words
This time I'll put them in the ground along with my memories and my feelings
I'll burn it down and walk away
Let the fire warm my back
I wish you would say you hate me
It would make it so much easier
Goodbye, they breathe but cannot scream
They have no tools to build voices
They wait in fetal position
Martyrs on altars of mistakes
The martyr
They have not the tools to scream
They are just the ones upon altars of mistake
There is no safe place
The martyr
I'm at zero release the controls
Preparation for the ending
The end is soon
I'm at zero
I will not die at zero
Purgy young blondes with lobotomy eyes
Keep their fingers down their throat to attract all the guys
Who will drug them at bars and take them home to his friends
She'll wake up the next day and she'll not do it again
Vomit yourself into the social shining spotlight
Purgy young blondes with lobotomy eyes
Get fat shoved in their chests and sucked out of their thighs
And your new broken nose will look so good when it mends
Worship MTV, watch and worship the trends
Queen of the congregation at a wax museum
Sit and rest at the feet of your airbrushed deity
Fall into the crowd
Falling faster
You're blind
Roll your eyes
Follow and just pretend
Your life is a shallow fleeting trend
Your life is so shallow
your tongue pierced my fragile heart careless words are daggers thrown unaware unapproachable unwilling silence from a sounding voice you entwine praise with curses your words burn like hell itself silence from a sounding voice all this by the tongue created your words become hell itself i lay bleeding in the flames the tongue creates it tongue..
You think because
You bought the record
You read a list of thanks
You can judge our lives (you've identified)
You think because
You bought the record
You read a list of thanks
You've identified (you can judge our lives)
A favor we provide
Little forum boys
With your polished cyber toys
I read your bucket comment
Your three piece bulliten
Put Pout
Booo hooo
Talk talk
Put Boo hooo hooo
How is our identity
Working out for you?
It's funny how you justify me (us) on opinion
An idea that I do this for you
You know who you are
And what you do
We wrote this song for you
Once again to strive, to beat it out
over and over again.
so worn, worked over
with the intention to kill.
to watch him die and smile
at his dismay,
his pain,
my deliverance.
my cleanliness a gift of freedom.
my walk purified.
my peace given by God.
What else is there
after slipping away,
when every thing is silent
and nothing else is around?
looking deep inside.
hearing the echo of my soul,
no one can know.
In these times of silence,
these times of separation,
i find there is a void that rises up,
a peace that brings my tears,
a comfort that no one else can offer.
So why do people run away?
why do they look elsewhere
and base their self on opinions
when the truth is so evident that this God of
love is so constant?
destruction and storms.
Masks and a fake skin.
The builders keep breaking
The buzzing.
Attracted to the innocent.
The wolves lead the sheep.
The buzzing.
With a stare to crush their hopes and words.
To drown the flies.
Thier hands fall apart when we need to hold them.
And the skeleton speaks of what we've told them.
The buzzing.
They stare with the eyes of wolves, and the hearts of dead.
I cried out to God for help. I cried out to God to hear me. When I was
distressed, I sought theLord. At night I stretched out my and, but I cannot
be comforted.
I remembered you God and I groaned; I mused and my spirit grew
faint. You kept my eys from closing. I was too troubled to speak. I thought
about the former days the years long ago. I remember my songs in the night.
My heart mused and my spirit inquired.. Will the Lord reflect forever?. Will
He never show his favor again. Has this unfailing love vanished forever. Has
his promise failed for all time. Has God forgotten to be merciful. Has the
anger withheld his compassion. Then I thought, 'To this I will appeal-the
years of the right hand of the Most High. I will remember the deeds of the
Lord. Yes I remember Your deedsof long ago. I will meditate on all Your
works, and consider all Your mighty deeds. Your ways oh God are holy. What
God is so great as our God!'
Live from the funeral of God, this is the day you've awaited, sponsored and celebrated, he has answered your prayers, corpses have
piled up with your riches, they have spilled over onto the earth, we spit and wear our fear like masks, everything is locked into a
form, (interrupt the feed), it's closing in...
the sky is so dark, are men no worse than demons? Are armies not thirsty for blood?
The desire of their hearts has been met, eons and eons, decades of liars, drunk with power atop a mountain of corpses, their arms
and legs fail and they crawl like serpants, to address those who are mourning, live from the funeral of God, there is no reason to
be afraid, everything is under control, we shall miss him
Within the chamber of my soul
I find I don't know, as much as most do,
But I know my destiny, and I know
I must choose, what path to follow each day.
I see the hatred towards my words,
Toward the one that I love.
Must my voice be silenced?
Must I sit in the shadows of the ones that sit before me?
I see the stone in your hands,
I feel the hostility in your eyes,
But i won't break down.
I receive your anger,
I take your flustration,
Your insults cut at me.
Your misconception wear at me,
It is hard not to repay the acts sent against me
I won't resign to your control or step back to your bondage
But i'll turn toward my goal,
Toward the prize that the prize that awaits me.
I'll leave this place empty.
No revenge left in me, only the comfort of my soul.
In a time of quietness I reflect on childhood memories
Caught wisping through my mind
Falling leaves create the stage
Words spoken were not cherished
On the last day of our friendship
And those words were possibly the last
What were your thoughts
As a dreaming child I awaken to a nightmare
After a gentle nudge I find out you're gone
The machines that kept you alive were careless
Did you ask Him to forgive you
Before, before you passed on you slipped
You slipped, you passed on
The machines that kept you alive were careless
Did you ask Him to forgive you
Before you passed on
You slipped on away into the ground
You broke the vanity
You brought the silence
Revelation, unknowing has been taken.
Why had I waited so long?
Refrained for this love.
Never open to the hope He has.
How could reject this?
He was calling my name.
Searchin for me.
I always turnd away.
Not anting to believe
I have a need for Him.
Feling this emptiness.
Not knowing he could fill.
Drowning in my efforts to find comfort.
I searched and strived for the answer.
But every step I fell and the earth crumbled underneath me.
Now I found this rock.
This stable place.
The pain has gone away.
I place my hope in no other.
My heart, it cries, it toils inside me.
Wantin all to have this life.
Wanting all to know this love,
But I'm reminded of my turning.
Closing my eyes.
Running the other way, but I've decided.
I open my eyes to find more than I was looking for.
My mind screams.
Knowing this is for all,
But not all I want I've found.
Now I found this rock.
This stable place.
The pain has gone.
I am not a prophet or a teacher
I am a failure of God
Standing in a circle of my brothers
Their fangs out
Every thing I had I gave to you
Every time I tried I would lose
It's hard not to shake with a gun in your mouth
Every time
I try I hear my mother's voice
And see my mother's eyes
But when hers close
I'm scared so will mine
You are no brothers
Filing out the church of
Like a thousand foot pious snake
Hiding its sins deep in its stomach
Digesting them one at a time
And your voice is a sounding trumpet
Let the future dogs of tomorrows cry vanish in the past.
Set free the cold tongue that speaks, laughing out at last.
Costumed and throned, translucent power, reveal at will.
These cities bare our minor scars, giving command to images.
Guided through the mind, exposed to fire by your enemy's weapon.
Know they wouldn't be so easy to trust, easy to visit.
Holder of now.
Quiet star.
Appearance ingrained as metal teeth are to the fatalities.
Fill the lung.
Our future pasts are seeking us now toward the vastness of projection.
Infuse the object.
Coil to bend.
From the day they washed ashore
The first brick in the foundation
In the kingdom of thieves
Befriend and destroy
Built upon stolen land
Painted with innocent blood
Give thanks and betray them
Shove them into dark corners
Feed them the leftovers of dogs
Dig up their graves and laugh
Pick your teeth with their bones
The fruit of the holy voyage is sour and cursed
Forced by our heroes
To walk a trail of tears
Forced by our forefathers
To watch their wives and children die
In this great, honorable, holy American land
In the kindom of thieves
Cry out to God for help
I cried out to God to hear me
When I was distressed and I sought the Lord
I stretched out my hand but found no comfort
I remembered you God and I groaned
My spirit, it grew faint, You kept my eyes from closing
When I was too troubled to speak
I thought about the former days
I remember my songs in the night
My heart mused, my spirit inquired
Will the Lord reflect forever?
Will He never show His favor again?
Has this unfailing love vanished forever
Has His will since failed for all time
Has God forgotten to be merciful
Has His anger withheld His compassion
Then I thought to this I will appeal
The years of the right hand of the Most High
I will remember the deeds of my Lord
If, and, ago
I will meditate on all Your works
And consider all Your deeds
Your ways God are holy
Everything you love will soon fly away
On the wings of an unknown destiny
Behind the sun and disappearing sky
Everyone you love will pass away
Some before, some after, some together
Somewhere along the way
Everything you are will be forgot
Your memory dies with those who knew you
History itself grows old and falls apart
Everything you've gathered will be lost
Ripped from your hand by fate's desire
Or the entropic breath of time
Everything we are, we are when we're alone
Chaos and order stand side by side
One day sitting on the top of the world
My love, my love weve come back from the dead
Its been seven years
past the seventh day
on the seventh night
Crawl from within the Earth tonight
The wind it howls, the wind it screams
Pulled up like puppets on invisible strings
Rise from the earth
Undead breath of life
Holy revenge shall take place tonight
(The dead travel fast)
My love, my love we will feast tonight
On the flesh of our enemies
Who put us in the ground
The ones who put us in the ground
With their blood on our hands
We shall be able to rest again
A last time for everything
My head is burning inside
Once again they've found me
Their swirling voices fill my ears
Leave this all behind you
Screaming their way into my mind
Leaving everything you know behind
I'm in fast-forward and you are in rewind
The song plays when life and death align
The shaking seems so still
When you're shaking as well
In time we all crossoveralive inside our death
Fear escapes alongside of my breath
A last time for everything
Time stops for one
But not for another
Sever the great strings of the earth
Physician heal thyself
Can you cut yourself precise and deep
As to reach in and remove what's dying inside of you
A colossus of irony (4x)
Physician heal thyself
With great intelligence and experience
Can you prescribe a way not to die alone, die alone
A colossus of irony (4x)
We are not what we are
The structure deconstructing
Arrogance and blasphemy
There are no controls
Like the unfortunate patient
The physician dies sick and
What will you find, when you stare through the mirror into the graveyards of your mind?
Where hatred is born from the ashes of lies, demons and angels blot out the sky, blot out the sky.
You conform your faith, making your opinion truth, lash out every time someone disagrees with you.
Obsessed with protecting some type of pride is the cause many a man with gun in hand has died.
And his ghost was thinking as they buried him that night, it was all in vain, cause everyone thinks they're the one who's right, the one who's right, the one who's right, the one who's right.
Your face is alabaster and forgotten.
Countless years of wearing masks.
I'm racing racing towards it
Like when I was a small boy
Cutting through a waving field
Decorated by summer sunlight
Unable to remember
Unable to forget
Unaware yet at peace
Unaware yet scared
I'm racing racing towards it with fear and excitement
They seem unseperable
They seem so far apart
They are my close friends
They are my very ghosts
I'm racing towards it
Holding perfectly still
The sky's as dark as murderer's heart
Waiting, stalking
The sky's as dark as murderer's heart
Waiting, stalking
Sky's as dark as murderer's heart
She didn't know he was gonna die
She didn't know he was gonna die
She didn't know he was gonna die
She didn't know he was gonna die
She didn't know he was gonna die
She didn't know he was gonna die
The earth it screams
As bullet's fire upon the innocent
The earth it screams
As bullet's fire upon the innocent
She didn't know he was gonna die
She didn't know he was gonna die
She didn't know he was gonna die
As dark as murderer's heart
She didn't know he was gonna die
She didn't know he was gonna die
She didn't know he was gonna die
The end of his world
The end of his world
The end of his world
The end of his world's here
The end of his world's here
The end of his world's here
The end of his world's here
The end of his world's here
The end of his world's here
The sea's as red as the young man's blood
Dripping from his forehead
The wind's as cold as his widow's eyes
They say death's an open door
Into another room
Within the city of the dead
(Our New Kingdom)
They say we walk like dreams
Sharing the same breath
Seeing through the same eyes
(A collective spirit)
As we pray (As we pray)
On his grave (On his grave)
Or words fall and decay (And decay)
As we pray (As we pray)
On his grave (On his grave)
Or words fall and decay (And decay)
They say the Earth it gives no peace
Nor does it take away
We all survive the grave
(Unfortunate eternal)
They say that in times past
A king walked in the sky
Until dethroned by man
(Tribe of Judas)
As we pray (As we pray)
On his grave (On his grave)
Or words fall and decay (And decay)
As we pray (As we pray)
On his grave (On his grave)
Or words fall and decay (And decay)
Truly, truly, this is the end
Truly, truly, this is the end
Truly, truly, this is the end
Truly, truly, this is the end
It's not the same
I'm plagued with pain and I can't let go
It's not the same
I'm plagued with pain and I can't let go
It's not the same
I'm plagued with pain and I can't let go
It's not the same
I'm plagued with pain and I can't let go
Bombs rain down like heaven's tears
The earth shall die and disappear
And today, we wish the skies were grey
For now they're just black and empty
Ripped and torn from inside out
Things too dark to think about
No miracles
No bleeding hands
God has parted
Bombs rain down like heaven's tears
The earth shall die and disappear
And today, we wish the skies were grey
For now they're just black and empty
And when the end, she comes
Rains down on everyone
Fire from the sky
And when the end, she rides
Breathing out suicide
Life and death are one
And when the end, she comes
Rains down on everyone
Fire from the sky
And when the end, she rides
Breathing out suicide
Life and death are one
As a flame burns to touch the sky
So it shall be with man's cry
And this night all will pass away
And when the end, she comes
Rains down on everyone
Fire from the sky
And when the end, she rides
Breathing out suicide
Life and death are one
And when the end, she comes
Rains down on everyone
Fire from the sky
And when the end, she rides
Breathing out suicide
(hold my ground)
I saved your letters and I put them in a box
I kept the flowers that you gave to me on valentines
I kept a secret star hidden in my soul
Every word you said, I store inside my heart
Chorus: When your words fall down
I drop to my knees with my head in my hands
When my words fall down
Its hard for me to hold my ground (hold my ground - echo)
The many walks we took, the times we met in our dreams
Behind the waterfall, we go to exchange our smile
I cherish all of these from the way you laugh to the way you break
To the way you wrote my letters, that you gave to me
I'd like to think that you will change your mind
It will be the same until the end of time,
Am I a fool for holding on
I wont let go I will keep holding on to you, only you
I say a word in hopes that it will multiply
To form a sentence that stirs the thoughts inside your mind
You look at me but I'm looking back at you
With both my eyes closed in hopes that it will make you cry
Chorus: x2
There is no such thing as paranoia
Walking living nightmares embodied in a horrifying form
Keep your fears in front of you
Or they might crawl up your back
These things are based in reason
The fact came to life from fiction
A response based on condition
Reason can quickly abandon the mind
On her hands and knees she cleaned up
The blood her mother spilt
Did you see the look in his lifeless eyes?
The poor boy with a hole in his head
Caved in with the claw of a hammer
Swung by an arm of cruel intent
This is no dream