Black Blog

New Collective, New Energy, New opening hours

New... I bet you are sick of hearing that overused adjective for that which can ultimately never be.


Opening hours are now:

Thursday to Sunday 11 - 7

If you are in the Anarcho Community (or you agree with the principles of Anarchism) please put your name down to volunteer for a shift.

The People's Kitchen is every Wednesday night (arrive at 4 to cook and 7 to eat).

From Monday the 2nd of Jan in the new year we will be commencing a Monday night cook up (just like the good old days). So you can come down Monday or Wednesday to get a good vegan feed at night.

Again, if you would like to volunteer either with the cooking (just turn up at 4pm) or with the acquisition of food stuffs the evening before (contact us: please JUMP IN!

We are going to be actively showing presentations on a regular basis every Sunday night. The last one on Squatting Struggles in Europe went just grandly! With a record attendance and some good company to share some hard facts on the reality of squatting in the dingy continent.

Again, if you want to put on a presentation. Contact us! (that email again:

We want you to participate and take hold of this community space and use it for what it's meant to be used for - people!

Love and Char,

The Black Rose Collective

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