EconTalk is a weekly economics podcast hosted by Russ Roberts. Roberts previously was an economics professor at George Mason University and is now a research fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution. On the podcast Roberts typically interviews a single guest—often professional economists—on topics in economics. The podcast is hosted by the Library of Economics and Liberty, an online library sponsored by Liberty Fund. It received 2nd place awards in 2006 and 2007 in the Weblog Awards, followed by 1st place in 2008. On EconTalk Roberts has interviewed ten Nobel Prize laureates including Nobel Prize in Economics recipients Ronald Coase, Milton Friedman, Gary Becker, and Joseph Stiglitz as well as Nobel Prize in Physics recipient Robert Laughlin. Roberts has invited popular economics Nobel recipient and New York Times op-ed columnist Paul Krugman "many times" but Krugman has not appeared on EconTalk.
Major themes include the way markets evolve, spontaneous order, and the division of labor. Guests often include authors of recently published books of current interest in economics. A few guests appear regularly and converse with Roberts about questions that arise in the press or in classrooms. Topics of interest to guests as well as topics suggested by commenters and listeners sometimes become extended themes in subsequent podcasts. Additional themes include the economics of sports, health, the law, public choice, and education.