Ammo For Sale

May 20, 2014

Heard around the house

Me: Does taking earplugs to a concert make me old?

Wife: Yes.

Blogging later, going to a show.

May 19, 2014

More SB-15 goodness and loving tax avoidance

I’m working on mine, got the parts for the shorty AR en route. But here’s a nice little MP5 clone using the SB-15:

I need to find an acceptable 10/22 platform that can sport the SB-15. Oh, wait. Tactical Solutions has that NFA hack.


Restaurant posts ‘No Guns Allowed’ sign, gets robbed at gunpoint

New optics on old guns

From Oleg. I’ve been a fan of Ultimak for a while

Called it

Way back when there was a push to make toy guns identifiable by having an orange tipped barrel, I quipped that criminals would start painting their barrels to avoid getting shot by police. Nailed it. If someone is pointing a gun at you, no matter the barrel color, presume it is a gun and act accordingly.


Volokh: Constitutional right to self-defense limits government employer’s right to fire employee for defending himself

Live free or there

She chose free. Good job getting out of MA.

DOJ targeting firearms industry

Even more evidence, as if we had doubt.

I have an arsenal in my pants

NY post says four guns and some ammo is an “arsenal”


The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Ownership is suing to ensure enforcement of NJ’s everybody gets a unicorn program. Oh, no, the smart gun law. Same thing.

Gun Porn

75 count can of whoopass. I’d pay good money to hear Oleg utter the phrase “can of whoopass”

A reason to go to the Gunblogger Rendezvous. As if you need a reason.

May 18, 2014

In fast and furious news

Judge is leaning toward White House privilege claim in ‘Fast and Furious’. Yes, she’s leaning toward keeping secret documents that may explain exactly what the hell they were thinking.

Confiscation loophole

I’ll start taking a play from the press and call laws I don’t like loopholes.

CO passed a ban on non-FFL transfers. So, after an accident, the emergency workers secured a gun. Now, they cannot give it back due to CO law.

The shortest ammo test ever

Musical ammo

Vehicle carry without a permit

Soon to be legal in TN

Well, it is astroturf

Harry Reid reaches out to anti-gun groups and finds nothing there.

Palm Pistol update

Well, looks like more of the same.

Congressional action on surplus arms

A TN rep is looking to overturn Obama’s orders on surplus guns.

Forward motion in the culture war

Chicago fashion and guns.

I, terrorist

Everyone’s a terrorist, potentially.

Clark at Popehat on spying

our government is now dealing with the citizenry the same way that the British dealt with the Nazis: treating them as an external existential threat, spying on them, and taking pains to obfuscate the source of the information that they use to target their attacks.

Quote of the day

When Exposing a Crime is Treated as Committing a Crime, You Are Ruled By Criminals.

At The Harvard Law Review, the gun issue

Link. Featuring Alan Gura’s The Second Amendment as a Normal Right

Gun Porn

Classic Colts

Kentucky Rifles


Wishing I was undocumented

I went out and did the right thing in forming a business by incorporating, paying taxes, and on and on. I wish I hadn’t. And this is why:


This is roughly two weeks’ mail received from either the IRS, Department of Labor, or other alphabet agencies. They tell me I need to file this form or that. Pay this fee or that. They’re in my head a minute at a time, in my time one trip to the post office at a time, and in my wallet a dollar at a time. Picking away with minutiae. The bureaucratic states of America. Who’s got time for that?

May 16, 2014

loophole: a law the press doesn’t like

Handwringing at the Washington Post over 80% lower receivers. They are more upset at lawful dealers and lawful customers than at a murdering nut job.

Wait, what?

An AR-Holster. OK, then.

The 5 best cartridges for CCW

A list. Hmm, I don’t see Sacred Cow on there.

Is there an echo in here

A study is required to determine that people like to read about stuff they’re interested in.

Can I get one that says “unsrs”


Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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