- published: 11 Oct 2013
- views: 1868682
The Chianina (Italian pronunciation: [kjaˈniːna]) is an Italian breed of cattle, formerly principally a draught breed, now raised mainly for beef. It is the largest and one of the oldest cattle breeds in the world. The famous bistecca alla fiorentina is produced from its meat.
Italian Chianina Bull - Toro Chianino [1/3]
Toro Chianina
La Valle del Gigante Bianco: La Razza Chianina in Valdichiana
CHIANINA RAZA DE CARNE, magisto movie 4
Bistecca Fiorentina Chianina T-Bone Steak Antica Macelleria Falorni Toskana
Specialty breeds make excellent meat
The World’s Largest Cattle Breed
La Chianina - Linea Verde in Casentino 16/01/2011 [2/8]
Chianina-Rind Brandiskeller Lana
Toro Chianina
Semplicemente chianina
Chianina Rund
Toro chianino di 6 anni in un allevamento da carne a Cecina (LI) utilizzato per la monta. Università di Pisa. 6 years old chianina bull from Cecina - Italy. Pisa university.
La Valle del Gigante Bianco, la razza bovina Chianina, gli Amici della Chianina, i temi di questa puntata toscana di Agrisapori. Iniziamo subito al fianco di alcuni capi straordinari di razza Chianina in compagnia di Giovanni Corti, presidente dell'Associazione "Amici della Chianina". Abbiamo raggiunto la Valdichiana (Bettolle) proprio in occasione del decimo compleanno della manifestazione denominata: "La Valle del Gigante Bianco". Giovanni ci racconta cosa è successo in passata e cosa sta succedendo durante la nostra presenza. La razza Chianina rientra nell'IGP del Vitellone Bianco dell'Appennino Centrale insieme alla razza Romagnola e alla razza Marchigiana. Bettolle è il paese di nascita del Prof. Ezio Marchi un importante veterinario che alla fine dell'ottocento comprese che la razza ...
VIDEO, VENTA DE RAMIO, MORERA, CAÑA FORRAJERA, BOTON DE ORO, CEL. 3137309087. COLOMBIA. INFO ¿Qué es un ensilaje? El ensilaje es un método de conservación de forrajes en el cual se utilizan forrajes y/o subproductos agroindustriales con alto contenido de humedad(60-70%).Este método consiste en la compactación del forraje o subproducto, expulsión del aire y fermentación en un medio anaeróbico, que permite el desarrollo de bacterias que acidifican el forraje. El ensilaje, es un alimento que resulta de la fermentación anaeróbica de un material vegetal húmedo mediante la formación de ácido láctico, para suplementar al ganado durante períodos de sequía, garantizando la alimentación de los animales durante todo el año. (Filippi 2011). Característicasde un ensilaje de calidad. Buen color ...
Bestes Rindfleisch der antiken Sorte Chianina, langsam und natürlich gewachsen und von erlesener Qualität, deren Genuss unvergesslich ist. Von der altehrwüdigen Rinderrasse Chianina stammt dieses exquisite Fleisch mit einem Gewicht von etwa 1-1,2kg (wobei der Knochen ca. 25% ausmacht), das man sich für einen besonderen Gaumenschmaus-Tag aufsparen sollte, denn das Florentiner Beefsteak ist keine alltägliche Delikatesse. Transkript: Aldo, Jens, kommt her! Wir können nicht mehr warten! Bistecca fiorentina ist fertig. Das muss jetzt gegessen werden. So, jetzt etwas gutes Olivenöl dazu, Meersalz...Pfeffer auch. Ja hier, zum Niesen. Und jetzt essen wir das Bistecca alla fiorentina. Stefano, das ist ja perfekt gegrillt! Na klar. Hier ist der Teller. Aber Jens, bitte lass auch etwas für die ander...
Bistecca alla fiorentina is one of the best-known dishes of Tuscan cuisine. It comes from a particular cut of a speciality breed of cattle: the Chianina. Herds of Chianina are mainly found in farms in the Val di Chiana, the histories of which tell the story of a distant past. See more video at expo.rai.it/youritaly La “bistecca alla fiorentina” è uno dei piatti più conosciuti della cucina toscana. Si ottiene dal taglio particolare di un bovino di razza pregiata: la Chianina. Gli allevamenti sono concentrati nelle fattorie della Val di Chiana, che attraverso le testimonianze rimaste possono raccontare un passato ormai lontano. Guarda gli altri video su expo.rai.it/youritaly
Origin in Tuscany, Italy, this cattle can reach 200 cm of height and weight up to 1,740 kilograms. Chianina is both the tallest and heaviest cattle breed in the world making it the largest and one of the oldest cattle breed in the world.
Wir vom „Brandiskeller-Team“ sind immer wieder auf der Suche nach Produkten aus unserer Heimat, welche wir unseren werten Gästen schmackhaft servieren dürfen. Besonderen Wert legen wir auf den persönlichen Kontakt mit dem Produzenten oder wie im Falle des „Chianina-Fleisches“, mit dem Züchter.
Chianina Rund - www.chianinarund.nl
Get involved Ginuwine
Get involved Timbaland
Get involved Misdemeanor
Get involved
Ginuwine get involved
Blow your mind, I does it all
Misdemeanor, that freaky talk
That fready-deaky-dick, lick-licky talk
I ain't gotta take it off
I just wanna get involved
I just wanna get involved
I, I just wanna get involved
You wanna get involved? Get involved
I don't mean to come on, come on too strong
But girl you make me weak
Look so pretty, so innocent
Make me wanna bring out the freak
Ain't gotta be scared, go ahead let it out
It could stay between you and me
We could turn it up, I'm turnin' you out
If you take my hand and leave
Get down, get down, come on, come on
Girl, girl get involved with me
Get down, get down, come on, come on
Girl, girl get involved with me
Get down, get down, come on, come on
Girl, girl get involved with me
Get down, get down, come on, come on
Girl, girl get involved with me
Girl get it involved with me
Get involved with me
Girl get it involved with me
Get involved with me
Girl get it involved with me
Get involved with me
Girl get it involved with me
Get involved with me
Girl get it involved with me
Get involved with me
Girl get it involved with me
Get involved with me
Girl get it involved with me
Get involved with me
Girl get it involved with me
Get involved with me
You know my M.O. girl, it's Timbo
Get dough and I stay on my grind
You say that you ain't leavin' with me tonight
Then why you keep givin' me the eye?
A little convo, you'll be ready to go
I bet that I, I could make you mine
I'll beat on your drum, bump, bump, get you off
I bet that I could beat it right
Get down, get down, come on, come on
Girl, girl get involved with me
Get down, get down, come on, come on
Girl, girl get involved with me
Get down, get down, come on, come on
Girl, girl get involved with me
Get down, get down, come on, come on
Girl, girl get involved with me
Girl get it involved with me
Get involved with me
Girl get it involved with me
Get involved with me
Girl get it involved with me
Get involved with me
Girl get it involved with me
Get involved with me
Girl get it involved with me
Get involved with me
Girl get it involved with me
Get involved with me
Girl get it involved with me
Get involved with me
Girl get it involved with me
Get involved with me
Man, you know you wanna get it bald
Tryn'a get up in my sugar walls
T-t-take my clothes off
Ride that pony like, "Woo-ha"
Yeah, you know I'm a fri-di-leak, leak
Heavy D twidity didi-di-di
Ain't no chick be flyer than me
My lumps so big see 'em in 3D
Hop in the the track like skir-der-de-der
Timbaland did the beat, yidi-yet-yer
Ginuwine back like, yidi-yet-yer
Can't nobody top that thur
Well, it takes two to make a thing go right
Here comes baby with me all night
You should know what a real chick likes
Get involved, well I just might
Girl get involved, involved
Girl get involved, involved
Girl get involved, involved
Girl get involved, involved
Get down, get down, come on, come on
Girl, girl get involved with me
Get down, get down, come on, come on
Girl, girl get involved with me
Get down, get down, come on, come on
Girl, girl get involved with me
Get down, get down, come on, come on
Girl, girl get involved with me
Girl get it involved with me
Get involved with me
Girl get it involved with me
Get involved with me
Girl get it involved with me
Get involved with me
Girl get it involved with me
Get involved with me
Girl get it involved with me
Get involved with me
Girl get it involved with me
Get involved with me
Girl get it involved with me
Get involved with me
Girl get it involved with me
Get involved with me
Get involved with me
Get involved with me