Socialist Alternative
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Red Flag, the non-profit left wing newspaper established by Socialist Alternative, now has its own website. Please visit The SA site will be redeveloped in the coming months.
September 11 is the 40th anniversary of Augusto Pinochet's coup. Jorge Jorquera explai...
Capitalist democracy is a compromise between the classes, a concession won generally by workers&rsqu...;
My only lasting memories as a young child are associated with the military coup in Chile in 1973.
DisabilityCare is part of a neoliberal agenda of privatisation, eroding workers’ conditions an...
Labor lost because for six years it ruled, just like the Liberals before it, for the big end of town...
The left should maintain opposition to Western bombing and argue for international solidarity with t...
There is mass alienation from established politics. Increasing numbers feel that the big parties off...
After more than a year of leadership discussions, the unity process between Socialist Alternative an...
The revolutionary socialist movement lost a great fighter on Saturday 24 August.