
WW2 - Japanese Invasion of China | The Second Sino-Japanese War: 1937-45 | SHOCKING WWII Documentary
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published: 15 Oct 2013
WW2 - Japanese Invasion of China | The Second Sino-Japanese War: 1937-45 | SHOCKING WWII Documentary
WW2 - Japanese Invasion of China | The Second Sino-Japanese War: 1937-45 | SHOCKING WWII Documentary
►My channel: http://youtube.com/TheBestFilmArchives ►SUBSCRIBE: http://www.youtube.com/TheBestFilmArchives?sub_confirmation=1 ►Google+: http://plus.google.com/+TheBestFilmArchives ►Facebook: http://facebook.com/TheBestFilmArchives ►Twitter: http://twitter.com/BestFilmArch This documentary tells us how the Chinese got involved in World War II and what they had to do to defend themselves. It shows us the Japanese invasion of Manchuria as well as the momentous events of the total war in the East. Why We Fight: The Battle of China (1944) Frank Capra, invasion, Second Sino Japanese War, 1937, First, military conflict, fought, between, Republic of China, Empire of Japan, China fought Japan, help, Pearl Harbor, 1941, conflict, Pacific War, largest Asian war, 20th century, Japanese imperialist policy, aim, dominate, secure, vast raw material reserves, economic resources, food, labour, incident, Japanese invasion of Manchuria, Japan's Kwantung Army, Mukden, Marco Polo Bridge, beginning, total war, victories, Shanghai, heavy fighting, captured, Chinese capital of Nanking. failing to stop, Chinese central government, relocated, stalemate, Chinese victories, defeat, Chinese communist forces, sabotage operations, guerrilla warfare tactics, declared war on Japan, aid China, airlift, materiel, Himalayas, Burma, Burma Road, Japan launched a massive invasion, conquered, surrendered, atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Soviet invasion of Japanese-held Manchuria, Chinese Civil War, Korea, North Korrea, South Korea, territories, Mainland China, Manchuria, Formosa, Taiwan, French Indochina, strength, Casualties, losses, War of Resistance Against Japan, Eight Years' War of Resistance, War of, Japan--China War, Beijing, government of Japan, The China Incident, declaration of war, intervention, United Kingdom, UK, England, US President Franklin D. Roosevelt, US Neutrality Acts, embargo, holy war, Greater East Asia War, Qing Dynasty, independence, Japanese control, imperialism, modernization, Revolution, warlords, Kuomintang, National Revolutionary Army, Chiang Kai Shek, Communist Party of China, civil war, Chinese Communists, resistance, Invasion of Manchuria, interventions in China, Imperial Japanese Army, Japanese expansionism, Siberia, puppet state, Manchukuo, emperor, Puyi, puppet ruler, League of Nations, anti-Japanese, volunteer armies, the Great Wall, demilitarized, internal conflicts, Nationalist, government, Yangtze River, Mongolia, Chinese government, Military Government, resist, Japanese aggression, Chinese and Japanese troops, skirmishing, Japanese forces, Tokyo, Battle of Shanghai, Nanking, Historians, civilians, mass murdered, tortured, methods, women raped, slaughtered, without mercy, Nanking Massacre, Rape of Nanking, deny, northern China, Chinese resistance, strategy, captured, Wuhan, borders, civilian targets, dead, injured, homeless, counter-offensive, industry, modern warfare, atrocities committed by the Japanese army, Vietnam, Western Allies, total war, retreat, Chinese people, conquer, tactic, Three Alls Policy, kill all, loot all, burn all, Japanese war crimes, vast, leader, Red Army, Long March, Zhang Xueliang, United Front, National Revolutionary Army, peasants, cooperation, Anti-Comintern Pact, Nazi Germany, Germans, Japanese expansion, France, Australia, Australian, iron, coal, oil, petrol, petroleum, supplies, French Indochina, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, India, Indian, The Philippines, Filipino, Malaysia, Malaysian, Singapore, Indonesia, Indonesian, Papua New Guinea, Hong Kong, Macau, Malaya, Dutch East Indies, Asian theatre of World War II, island hopping, Winston Churchill, Chinese theater, chemical and bacteriological weapons, Japanese Emperor Hirohito, Khabarovsk War Crime Trials, Manchu, Mongol, Uyghur, American B-29 bomber, Enola Gay, first atomic bomb, Yalta Conference, end of the war, Europe, European, capitulated, General Douglas MacArthur, Soviet invasion of Manchuria, Peace treaty, Chinese Civil War, People's Republic of China, History of China, History of Japan, History of the Republic of China, Military history of China, Military history of Japan, Tanaka Memorial, Bloody Saturday, wwii, ww2, world war, Adolf Hitler, nazi, nazism, fascist, jew, Axis, Allies, Yamamoto, samurai, katana, kamikaze, yakuza, Far East, enemy, soldiers, prison, torture, camp, vs, propaganda, nuclear, war, game, America, American, USA, US, U.S., United States, army, us army, navy, air force, marine, battle, front, campaign, combat, scenes, victory, threat, Pacific, pacific ocean, south pacific, pacific islands, Asia, Japan, Jap, japs, Japanese, Nippon, color, hd, documentary, history, weapon, power, film, movie, video, footage, full length, watch, news, about, operation, airborne, bloody, kill, killing, offensive, Soviet Union, USSR, Russia, Moscow, Stalin, Lenin, Marx, Mao, mao tse, mao tung, mao tsetung, mao ze, mao tse tong, Mao Zedong, food, Silk Road, Rice, Buddhism, Shintoism, Tibet,- published: 15 Oct 2013
- views: 200331

Innenansichten - Deutschland 1937 ARTE
"1937 ist Hitlers Diktatur nach innen gefestigt, alle Regimegegner sind emigriert oder mun...
published: 23 Aug 2012
author: x32r70
Innenansichten - Deutschland 1937 ARTE
Innenansichten - Deutschland 1937 ARTE
"1937 ist Hitlers Diktatur nach innen gefestigt, alle Regimegegner sind emigriert oder mundtot gemacht. Die Wirtschaft erholt sich von der großen Krise, die ...- published: 23 Aug 2012
- views: 7122
- author: x32r70

Hindenburg Disaster Real Footage (1937) [HD]
Hindenburg Disaster Real Footage (1937) [HD]. Footage of the Nazi airship catching fire, c...
published: 27 Jul 2011
author: britishpathe
Hindenburg Disaster Real Footage (1937) [HD]
Hindenburg Disaster Real Footage (1937) [HD]
Hindenburg Disaster Real Footage (1937) [HD]. Footage of the Nazi airship catching fire, crashing and burning to the ground. This original footage from the B...- published: 27 Jul 2011
- views: 1385431
- author: britishpathe

Lady Behave! (1937) - Comedy
A charming romantic comedy from the 1930s, Lady Behave! is a bubbly mess of love, relation...
published: 11 Apr 2013
author: erick smerick
Lady Behave! (1937) - Comedy
Lady Behave! (1937) - Comedy
A charming romantic comedy from the 1930s, Lady Behave! is a bubbly mess of love, relationships, and high society gossip. Debonair millionaire Neil Hamilton ...- published: 11 Apr 2013
- views: 683
- author: erick smerick

This Is My Affair (1937)
Starring Robert Taylor and Barbara Stanwyck. With Brian Donlevy. Directed by William A. Se...
published: 25 Oct 2012
author: woodstanwyckII
This Is My Affair (1937)
This Is My Affair (1937)
Starring Robert Taylor and Barbara Stanwyck. With Brian Donlevy. Directed by William A. Seiter.- published: 25 Oct 2012
- views: 31731
- author: woodstanwyckII

Topper (1937)
The funloving Kerbys, stockholders in the bank of which henpecked, stuffy Cosmo Topper is ...
published: 21 Feb 2013
author: PublicDomainCorner
Topper (1937)
Topper (1937)
The funloving Kerbys, stockholders in the bank of which henpecked, stuffy Cosmo Topper is president, drive recklessly once too often and become ghosts. In li...- published: 21 Feb 2013
- views: 43335
- author: PublicDomainCorner

Around The Corner (1937) How Differential Steering Works
How the automobile differential allows a vehicle to turn a corner while keeping the wheels...
published: 16 Sep 2009
author: USAutoIndustry
Around The Corner (1937) How Differential Steering Works
Around The Corner (1937) How Differential Steering Works
How the automobile differential allows a vehicle to turn a corner while keeping the wheels from skidding.- published: 16 Sep 2009
- views: 908198
- author: USAutoIndustry

Helping You Sell 1937 Chevrolet Film for Chevy Dealers & Salesmen
more at http://cars.quickfound.net/ "How Chevrolet uses sponsored theatrical motion pictur...
published: 22 Dec 2012
author: Jeff Quitney
Helping You Sell 1937 Chevrolet Film for Chevy Dealers & Salesmen
Helping You Sell 1937 Chevrolet Film for Chevy Dealers & Salesmen
more at http://cars.quickfound.net/ "How Chevrolet uses sponsored theatrical motion pictures to promote its products." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chevrolet...- published: 22 Dec 2012
- views: 1885
- author: Jeff Quitney

Walt Disney Treasures - Hawaiian Holiday (1937)
Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy, and Pluto relax in sunny Hawaii in this classic 1937 cartoo...
published: 28 Jul 2010
author: disneyanimation
Walt Disney Treasures - Hawaiian Holiday (1937)
Walt Disney Treasures - Hawaiian Holiday (1937)
Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy, and Pluto relax in sunny Hawaii in this classic 1937 cartoon!- published: 28 Jul 2010
- views: 686578
- author: disneyanimation

1937 Plymouth Cars - Chrysler Corporation Advertising Commercial
Chrysler presents the 1937 Plymouth motor cars. All the latest engineering advances in the...
published: 26 Apr 2012
author: Ella73TV2
1937 Plymouth Cars - Chrysler Corporation Advertising Commercial
1937 Plymouth Cars - Chrysler Corporation Advertising Commercial
Chrysler presents the 1937 Plymouth motor cars. All the latest engineering advances in the car, such as hydraulic brakes are shown.- published: 26 Apr 2012
- views: 6773
- author: Ella73TV2

Innenansichten Deutschland 1937 - Der schöne Schein des Dritten Reiches (Doku)
1937 war die nationalsozialistische Diktatur nach innen gefestigt. Ihre Gegner hatten die ...
published: 07 Jan 2014
Innenansichten Deutschland 1937 - Der schöne Schein des Dritten Reiches (Doku)
Innenansichten Deutschland 1937 - Der schöne Schein des Dritten Reiches (Doku)
1937 war die nationalsozialistische Diktatur nach innen gefestigt. Ihre Gegner hatten die Nazis erschlagen oder mundtot gemacht, sie in Konzentrationslager oder Gefängnissen weggesperrt oder in die Emigration getrieben. Die Wirtschaft erholte sich von der Weltwirtschaftskrise, das demokratische Ausland in Europa und Übersee begann sich mit dem "Dritten Reich" zu arrangieren. Viele kritische Geister waren sich jedoch sicher, dass der schöne Schein, den die Nazis nach außen errichtet hatten, nur notdürftig den mörderischen Rassenwahn des Hitler-Regimes und seinen Militarismus kaschieren sollte. Zu diesen Menschen zählte auch der US-amerikanischen Dokumentarfilmer Julien H. Bryan, dem die nationalsozialistischen Behörden im Sommer 1937 überraschend eine Drehgenehmigung gewährt hatten. Bryan begab sich im September und Oktober 1937 nach Deutschland, um mit seiner Kamera hinter die Kulissen der Diktatur zu blicken. Bryans Ziel: seinen Landsleuten die Wahrheit über die Diktator vor Augen zu führen, die sich der Welt kurz zuvor bei den Olympischen Spielen 1936 als scheinbar friedliebendes und weltoffenes Land präsentiert hatte. In Deutschland durfte der Filmemacher zwar nur an genehmigten Schauplätzen filmen, dennoch gelang es ihm, auch den Machthabern unbequeme Szenen zu drehen. Regisseur Michael Kloft hat diese einzigartigen Filmdokumente ausgewertet und daraus einen faszinierenden Dokumentarfilm montiert. Ergänzt werden Bryans historische Bilddokumente durch die Erläuterungen des Filmemachers aus dem Jahr 1938, die der Schauspieler Matthias Brandt für den Dokumentarfilm neu eingesprochen hat, sowie von Statements zeitgenössischer Beobachter wie W. E. B. Du Bois. Dabei entsteht ein beklemmend authentisches Panorama Deutschlands im Jahr 1937, das im Gegensatz zum Gros der dokumentarischen Filme über das nationalsozialistische Deutschland nicht auf die Propagandaaufnahmen der Nazis zurückgreift, sondern alternatives Bildmaterial nutzt.- published: 07 Jan 2014
- views: 65

الفيلم العائلي الأول تاريخياً [ هايدي ] Heidi 1937 كامل حصري
عندما يتم اختطاف [ هايدي ] من قبل خالتها القاسية ، يبدأ جدها برحلة البحث عنها ، الكثير من ...
published: 30 Jun 2012
author: Aflamwbas
الفيلم العائلي الأول تاريخياً [ هايدي ] Heidi 1937 كامل حصري
الفيلم العائلي الأول تاريخياً [ هايدي ] Heidi 1937 كامل حصري
عندما يتم اختطاف [ هايدي ] من قبل خالتها القاسية ، يبدأ جدها برحلة البحث عنها ، الكثير من الأحداث الممتعة تابعوها.- published: 30 Jun 2012
- views: 221743
- author: Aflamwbas
Youtube results:

Hindenburg Airship Crash (1937)
Hindenburg Airship Crash (1937). A Day that Shook the World. The zeppelin airship the Hind...
published: 13 Apr 2014
Hindenburg Airship Crash (1937)
Hindenburg Airship Crash (1937)
Hindenburg Airship Crash (1937). A Day that Shook the World. The zeppelin airship the Hindenburg is destroyed in a spectacular fire. A Day That Shook The World is the classic series that recalls the days of the 20th century that proved to be era-defining and pivotal in the course of modern history. 90,000 historic films, all SEARCHABLE on Youtube at: http://www.youtube.com/britishpathe Check out our "A Day That Shook the World" playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL40A6146642DEAF47 Follow us on Twitter: @britishpathe.com Join us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/britishpathe- published: 13 Apr 2014
- views: 21

Scenes of Jewish Life in Kerala, India (1937)
Documentary footage made by anthropologist David G. Mandelbaum in September, 1937.
David ...
published: 14 Aug 2013
Scenes of Jewish Life in Kerala, India (1937)
Scenes of Jewish Life in Kerala, India (1937)
Documentary footage made by anthropologist David G. Mandelbaum in September, 1937. David Goodman Mandelbaum, who taught at the University of California, Berkeley from 1946 until his retirement in 1978, was one of the first cultural anthropologists to undertake ethnographic research in India. In 1937, he visited Kerala during the High Holy Days, and spent two weeks with the Jewish community there, documenting many of their customs, taking photographs and a short film, and collecting material he published in "The Jewish Way of Life in Cochin" (Jewish Social Studies 1/1939) and in several later articles. Mandelbaum served in the U.S. Army in India and Burma during the Second World War, and taught at the University of Minnesota before coming to U.C. Berkeley. His many publications included the authoritative two-volume "Society in India" (1970). His analysis of the social structure of the Kerala Jews had a significant influence on subsequent scholarship about them. --- David G. Mandelbaum collection, 1976.311.3 The Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life The Bancroft Library University of California, Berkeley www.magnes.org- published: 14 Aug 2013
- views: 33