Inchworm, Inchworm
Messuring's are merry gold
You and me together, you merry are go far
Inchworm, Inchworm
Messuring's are merry gold
You and me together, how beautiful they are?
2 and 2 are 4
4 and 4 are 8
8 and 8 are 16
16 and 16 are 32...
(repeat all verses)
(Is he gone? Can you imagine? He asked me to marry him.
Me? The wife of that borish, brainless...)
Madame Gaston,
can't you just see it?
Madame Gaston,
his little wife.
No, sir, not me
I guarantee it.
I want much more then this provincial life.
I want adventure in the great wide somewhere
I want it more then life can tell
and for once it might be grand
to have someone understand
I want so much more then they've got planned.
Das Farbenspiel des Winds
Für dich bin ich nur eine Wilde.
Es ist klar das du so denkst, denn
du bist sehr viel gereist.
Doch sehe ich nicht ein,
wenn so wild ich dir erschein,
wie kommt's das du so vieles gar nicht weißt?
Gar nicht weißt?
Du landest hier und gleich gehört dir alles,
das Land ist für dich frei und nur noch Holz.
Doch jeder Stein und Baum und jedes Wesen,
hat sein Leben, seine Seele, seinen Stolz.
Für dich sind echte Menschen nur die Menschen,
die so denken und so aussehen wie du.
Doch folge nur den Spuren eines Fremden,
dann verstehst du und du lernst noch was dazu.
Kannst du hören wie der Wolf heult unterm Silbermond?
Und weißt du auch, warum der Luchs so grinst?
Kannst du singen wie die Stimmen in den Bergen?
Kannst du malen wie das Farbenspiel des Winds?
Kannst du malen wie das Farbenspiel des Winds?
Komm renn mit mir im Schattenlicht der Wälder,
probier' die süßen Beeren dieser Welt.
Komm wälze dich in ihrer reichen Vielfalt,
und du merkst, dass im Leben dir nichts fehlt.
Der Regen und der Fluss sind meine Brüder,
der Reiher und der Otter mein Geleit
und jeder dreht sich mit und ist verbunden
mit dem Sonnenrad, dem Ring der Ewigkeit.
Wie weit wachsen Bäume hinauf?
Doch wenn du sie fällst,
kriegst du's nie heraus.
Und vergessen sind die Wölfe und der Silbermond
und dass wir alle ebenbürtig sind.
Wir müssen singen wie die Stimmen in den Bergen,
müssen malen wie das Farbenspiel des Winds.
Fremde Erde ist nur Fremd,
wenn der Fremde sie nicht kennt,
drum gehört sie nur
dem Farbenspiel des Winds.
Pobres almas en desgracia
Para obtener lo que quieres
Deberás convertirte en humano
Ohhh y usted podría hacerlo?
Pero pequeña y dulce niña
Eso hago, para eso vivo
Para ayudar almas en infortunio
Como la tuya
Sola triste y sin tener con quien contar
Yo admito que solía ser muy mala
No bromeaban al decir que bruja soy
Pero ahora encontraras
Que mi camino enmendé
Que firmemente arrepentida estoy
Cierto es
Por fortuna conozco algo de magia
Un talento que yo siempre poseí
Y últimamente no te rías
Lo uso en favor
De miserables que sufren depresión
Pobres almas en desgracia
Que sufren necesidad
Esta quiere ser delgada
Y este quiere una pareja
Quien los ayudo, yo lo hice
Pobres almas en desgracia
Tan tristes, tan solas
Vienen rogando a mi caldera
Implorando mis hechizos
Quien les ayudo, lo hice yo
Un par de veces ha pasado
Que el precio no han pagado
Y tuve que sus cuerpos disolver
Todos se han quejado
Pero la santa me han llamado
Estas pobres almas en desgracia
Aceptas querida
Si me convierto en humana
Ya no veré a mi padre
Ni a mis hermanas
Pero tendrás a tu hombre (rizas)
Es difícil decidir en la vida
No crees Ariel (rizas)
Ohhh y además hay otro
Pequeño detalle
No hemos hablado de cómo me pagaras
No se puede recibir sin dar nada a cambio
Pero yo no tengo nada que….
No es mucho lo que pido
Lo que quiero es tu voz
Pero sin mi voz como
Eso no importa te vez muy bien
No olvides que tan solo tu belleza
Es más que suficiente jaaaaa
Los hombres no te buscas si les hablas
No creo que los quieras aburrir
Allá arriba es preferido
Que las damas no conversen
A no ser que no te quieras divertir
Veras que no logras nada conversando
A menos que los pienses ahuyentar
Admirada tu serás si callada siempre estas
Sujeta bien tu lengua y triunfaras Ariel!
Pobre alma en desgracia
Que harás
Piensa ya
No me queda mucho tiempo
Ocupada voy a estar
Y solamente es tu voz
Pobre alma en desgracia
Que haré por ti
Si tú quieres ser feliz
Entonces tienes que pagar
No te vas a arrepentir
No dudes más y firma ya
Que sencillo fue
Que tonta es
Muy pronto salvare
A esta pobre alma de aquel
(Versión original)
Pobres almas en desgracia
Para obtener lo que quieres
Deberás convertirte en humano
Ohhh y usted podría hacerlo?
Pero pequeña y dulce niña
Eso hago, para eso vivo
Para ayudar almas en infortunio
Como la tuya
Sola triste y sin tener con quien contar
Yo admito que solía ser muy mala
No bromeaban al decir que bruja soy
Pero ahora encontraras
Que mi camino enmendé
Que firmemente arrepentida estoy
Cierto es
Por fortuna conozco algo de magia
Un talento que yo siempre poseí
Y últimamente no te rías
Lo uso en favor
De miserables que sufren depresión
Pobres almas en desgracia
Que sufren necesidad
Esta quiere ser delgada
Y este quiere una pareja
Quien los ayudo, yo lo hice
Pobres almas en desgracia
Tan tristes, tan solas
Vienen rogando en mi caldera
Implorando mis hechizos
Quien los ayudo, lo hice yo
Un par de veces me ha pasado
Que el precio no han pagado
Y tuve que sus cuerpos disolver
Todos se han quejado
Pero la santa me han llamado
Estas pobres almas en desgracia
Aceptas querida
Si me convierto en humana
Ya no veré a mi padre
Ni a mis hermanas
Pero tendrás a tu hombre (rizas)
Es difícil decidir en la vida
No crees Ariel (rizas)
Ohhh y además hay otro
Pequeño detalle
No hemos hablado de cómo me pagaras
No se puede recibir sin dar nada a cambio
Pero yo no tengo nada que….
No es mucho lo que pido
Lo que quiero es tu voz
Pero sin mi voz como
Eso no importa te vez muy bien
No olvides que tan solo tu belleza
Es más que suficiente jaaaaa
Los hombres no te buscas si les hablas
No creo que los quieras aburrir
Allá arriba es preferido
Que las damas no conversen
A no ser que no te quieras divertir
Veras que no logras nada conversando
A menos que los pienses ahuyentar
Admirada tu serás si callada siempre estas
Sujeta bien tu lengua y triunfaras Ariel!
Pobre alma en desgracia
Que harás
Piensa ya
No me queda mucho tiempo
Y ocupada voy a estar
Y solamente es tu voz
Pobre alma en desgracia
Que haré por ti
Si tú quieres ser feliz
Entonces tienes que pagar
No te vas a arrepentir
No dudes más y firma ya
Que sencillo fue
Que tonta es
Muy pronto salvare
A esta pobre alma de aquel
Nånting händer
Det är nåt skumt på gång
Och våra vänner
Dom vaktar dagen lång
Och dom finns i trakten
Här omkring
Vill du ha hjälp så ring!
Här kommer Piff och Puff
Är på språng
Här kommer Piff och Puff
Varje gång nu
Här kommer världens bästa räddningspatrull
Som löser fallen för din skull
Ledtråd, fotspår
En uppfinnig dom gjort
Ett bra trick, det gick
Och fallet löstes snart
Av ett gäng som klarar
Vad dom vill
Och säkert lite till
Meet a boy named Phil and his family
On vacation from the 22nd century
They got a rented time-machine and they're on their way
To a time way, way, way back in the day
So now he's Phil, Phi-il of the future
Keeping it together just as best as he can
Phil, Phi-il of the future
He's a 22nd century man
A 22nd century man
On a holiday through history,
But the final destination was a mystery
But something on the time-machine had blown
So they ended up right here in our time-zone
So now he's Phil, Phi-il of the future
Never knew in history just where he would land
Phil, Phi-il of the future
He's a 22nd century man
A 22nd century man
The are despots and dictators
Political manipulators
There are blue bloods with the intellects of fleas
There are kings and petty tyrants
Who are so lacking in refinements
They'd be better suited swinging from the trees
He was born and raised to rule
No one has ever been this cool
In a thousand years of aristocracy
An enigma and a mystery
In Meso American History
The quintessence of perfection that is he
He's the sovereign lord of the nation
He's the hippest dude in creation
He's a hep cat in the emperor's new clothes
Years of such selective breeding
Generations have been leading
To this miracle of life that we all know
What's his name?
Kuzco, Kuzco (That's his name)
Kuzco (He's the king of the world)
Kuzco, Kuzco (Is he hip or what?)
Kuzco (Ya)
He's the sovereign lord of the nation
He's the hippest cat in creation
He's the alpha, the omega, a to z
And this perfect world will spin
Around his every little whim
'Cos this perfect world begins and ends with
What's his name?
Kuzco, Kuzco, Kuzco
Kuzco (That's his name)
Kuzco, Kuzco (Is he hip or what)
kuzco (Don't you know he's the king of the world?)
Kuzco-(oh ya)-oooo (ow!)
Hoje eu tenho uma porção
De coisas lindas nesta colecção
Posso dizer que eu sou
alguém que tem quase tudo...
O meu tesouro é tão precioso
Tudo o que eu tenho é maravilhoso
Por isso eu posso dizer...Sim...
Tenho quase tudo
Essas coisas humanas são uteis
mas pra mim são bonitas demais
para o povo do mar são inuteis
Mas para mim ainda é pouco
Quero mais...
Eu quero estar onde o povo está
Eu quero ver um homem dançando
e passeando em seus...
Como eles chamam?...
Ahh, pés!!
Com barbatanas não se vai longe,
tem que ter pernas para ir andando
ou pra passear lá na...
Como é que eles chamam?
Durante a noite
Durante o dia
Lá eles andam com alegria
Tudo eu faria
Eu so queria
Ser desse mundo
O que eu daria pela magia
de ser humana
eu pagaria por um só dia poder viver
Com aquela gente conviver
e ficar fora dessas aguas
Eu desejo, eu aumejo este prazer
Eu quero saber o que eles sabem
Fazer perguntas ouvir respostas
o que é o fogo?
o que é queimar?
Será que eu posso ver?
Quero saber, quero morar
Naquele mundo cheio de ar
Quero viver
Não quero ser....mais deste mar........
Parte de el
Si tan solo pudiera hacerle ver
Que no veo las cosas como él lo hace
No es posible que un mundo
Que hace tantas maravillas sea tan malo
Que tengo aquí
Que lindo es
Es un tesoro que descubrí
Es muy simple decir
Que no hay más que pedir
Que lo que ves
A tu alrededor
Tanta abundancia tanto esplendor
Me hace pensar que yo no
Necesito más
Regalitos así tengo miles
Aunque a veces no sepan que son
Quieres nosemapas tengo 20
Pero yo, en verdad quiero más
Yo quiero ver algo especial
Yo quiero ver una bella danza
Y caminar con los como se llaman
Ahh pies
Solo nadar no es original
Porque no tener un par de piernas
Y salir a pasear
Como dicen
A pies
Y poder ir
A descubrir
Que siento al estar ante el sol
No tiene fin
Quiero saber
Más mucho más
Que debo dar para vivir fuera del agua
Que hay que pagar para un día completo estar
Pienso que allá lo entenderán puesto que
No prohíben nada
Porque habrían de impedirme ir a jugar
A estudiar que hay por saber
Con mis preguntas y sus respuestas
Que es fuego que es quemar
No podré ver
Cuando me iré
Quiero explorar
Sin importarme cuando volver
El exterior
Quiero formar
Parte de el.
What would I give to live where you are,
What would I pay to stay here beside you
What would I do to see you, smiling at me
Where would we walk?
Where would we run?
If we could stay all day in the sun
Watch and you'll see
Wish I could be, part of that world
I don't know when,
I don't know how
But I know something's starting right now
Watch and you'll see
Someday I'll be
Part of your world
Look at this stuff.
Isn't it neat?
Wouldn't you think my collection's complete?
Wouldn't you think I'm the girl,
The girl who has everything?
Look at this trove.
Treasures untold.
How many wonders can one cavern hold?
Looking around here you'd think
Sure, she's got everything
I've got gadgets and gizmo's a-plenty
I've got woozits and whatzits galore
You want thingamabobs? I've got 20.
But who cares?
No big deal,
I want more.
I wanna be where the people are.
I wanna see,
Wanna see 'em dancing.
Walking around on those
[What do you call 'em? oh, feet!]
Flipping your fins you don't get to far.
Legs are required for jumping, dancing,
strolling along down the
What's that word again? Street.
Oh, Up where they walk,
Up where they run,
Up where they stay all day in the sun,
Wandering free,
Wish I could be,
Part of that world.
What would I give
If I could live
Out of these waters?
What would I pay
To spend a day
Warm on the sand?
Bet'cha on land,
They understand
that they don't reprimend their daughters.
Bright young women,
Sick of swimming,
Ready to stand.
And I'm ready to know what the people know.
Ask 'em my questions and get some answers.
What's a fire and why does it
What's the word? Burn.
When's it my turn?
Wouldn't I love.
Love to explore the shore up above?
Out of the sea,
Wish I could be,
Part of that world.
Out of the sea,
Wish I could be,
Part of your world.
Sjá þetta djásn, dásamlegt er.
Akkúrat það sem mig vantaði hér.
Svo virðist vera sem mig...
Mig skorti ekki neitt.
Og sjá þennan sjóð, silfur og gull
Skrýnin mín öll fyrir löngu orðin full.
Þú sérð það og hugsar með þér,
Vá, skortir ekki neitt.
Ég á allskonar ólíka muni.
Antikk nælu út látúni og leir
Viltu líta aðeins á? hundrað stykki!
Hvað með það, ekkert mál
Ég vil meir.
Ég vil sjá fólk, fá að snerta það.
Fýs er að sjá, ég vil sjá það dansa.
Gefa einhverjum undir, hvað heitir það nú?
Ó, fót.
Sporður og fit hrökkva ansi skammt.
Fætur ég þarf til þess að dansa.
Þeir meiga kalla mig, hvað er orðið aftur?
Upp alla leið það er mín þrá.
Þangað sem sólin skín öll ár
þar er ég frjáls
þarf finn ég allt, allt annað líf.
Ég gæfi flest fyrir að búa meðal manna,
Allt sem ég á fyrir smá sund á sólarströnd.
Svo tel ég víst að uppi þar
Feðurnir ávíta ekki dætur
Ég vil komast, burt úr sænum
Og upp á land.
Ég læri og les allt um mannlífið.
Legg fyrir spurninga, leyta svara.
Hvað er eldur og hví kviknar...hvað var það? Bál!
Ó, hvað ég vil vera uppi þar
komast sem fyrst upp ár köldu???
Ég þrái að, að hefja þar
Allt annað líf.
Maybe he's right
Maybe there is something the matter with me...with me
I just don't see how a world that makes such wonderful things could
be bad
Look at this stuff
Isn't it neat?
Wouldn't you think my collection's complete?
Wouldn't you think I'm the girl
The girl who has everything?
Look at this trove,
Treasures untold,
How many wonders can one cavern hold?
Looking around here you'd think
"Sure, she's got everything"
I've got gadgets and gizmo's a-plenty
I've got woozits and whatzits galore
[You want thingamabobs? I've got 20!
But who cares?
No big deal,
I want more!
I wanna be where the people are
I wanna see
Wanna see 'em dancing
Walking around on those
[What do you call 'em? oh, feet!]
Flipping your fins you don't get to far
Legs are required for jumping, dancing
strolling along down the
[What's that word again?] street
Up where they walk
Up where they run
Up where they stay all day in the sun
Wandering free
Wish I could be
Part of that world
What would I give
If I could live
Out of these waters?
What would I pay
To spend a day
Warm on the sand?
Bet'cha on land
They understand
Bet they don't reprimand their daughters
Bright young women
Sick of swimming
Ready to stand
And ready to know what the people know
Ask 'em my questions and get some answers
What's a fire and why does it
[What's the word?] burn
When's it my turn?
Wouldn't I love
Love to explore the shore up above?
Out of the sea
Wish I could be
Part of that world
What would I give to live where you are
What would I pay to stay here beside you
What would I do to see you, smiling at me
Where would we walk
Where would we run
If we could stay all day in the sun
Just you and me
And I could be..
Part of your
world..[gets distracted by dog]
I don't know when
I don't know how
But I know something's starting right now
Watch and you'll see
Someday I'll be
Part of your
lovers, olala
welcome my friend to paris
here have a flower on me
forget where your from
your in france children come
i show you that fench swondry
paris holds the key to her heart
and all of pairs plays a part
you'll stroll two by two
down la reak a la roo
and soon all paris will be singing to you
olala olala olala
paris holds the key to la more
when don't even fright knows the cure
theres love in the air
and before ye pazar
the french have it down to and art
paris holds the key to her heart
when your feeling blue come to la mode
when your hearts says don't
the french say do
when you think you can't
you'll find you can can
everyone can can can
you can can can too
paris holds the keey to her past
yes princess i've found you atlast
no more prented
you'll be gone thats the end
paris holds the key to her heart
you'll be trueasary and so smart
come dance through the night
and forget all your woes
in the city of lights
where a rose is a rose
and one never knows what is holds
paris holdes the key
to her heart
(random olalals to fade)
One Song
I have but one song
One song
Only for you
One heart
Tenderly beating
Ever entreating
Constant and true
One love
That has possessed me
One love
Thrilling me through
One song
My heart keeps singing
Of one love
Only for you
Gömmer ni
vackra ting
minnet av gamla vänner?
Och en sång
någon sjöng
längesen i december
Minnet av en öppen famn
i min dröm är jag trygg och varm
Par i dans och harmoni
till minnets melodi
Minnet av en öppen famn
i min dröm är jag trygg och varm
Par i dans och harmoni
till minnets melodi
Men en dag
ska jag få
svaret på mina minnen
Allt mitt hjärta kom ihåg
alla skuggor försvinner
Som en sång
någon sjöng
Längesen i december
The world is cruel, the world is wicked
It's I alone who you can trust in this whole city
I am your only friend
I who keep you, teach you, feed you, dress you
I who look upon you without fear
How can I protect you, boy, unless you always stay in here
Away in here.
(Spoken) Remember what I've taught you, Quasimodo.
You are deformed (Quasimodo): I am deformed
And you are ugly (Quasimdo): And I am ugly
And these are crimes for which the world shows little pity
You do not comprehend (Quasimodo): You are my one defender
Out there, they'll revile you as a monster (Quasimodo): I am a monster
Out there, they will hate and scorn and jeer (Quasimodo): Only a monster
Why invite their calumny and consternation, stay in here
Be faithful to me (Quasimodo): I'm faithful
Grateful to me (Quasimodo): I"m grateful
Do as I say, obey, (Quasimodo): I'll stay
(Both): In here.
Quasimodo: Safe behind these windows and these parapets of stone
Gazing at the people down below me
All my life I watch them as I hide up here alone
Hungry for the histories they show me.
All my life I memorize their faces,
knowing them as they will never know me
All my life I wonder how it feels to pass a day
Not abover them, but part of them
And out there, living in the sun
Give me one day out there, all I ask is one
To hold forever, out there
Where they all live unaware
What I'd give, what I'd dare
Just to live one day out there!
Out there among the millers and the weavers and their wives
Through the roofs and gables I can see them
Everyday they shout and scold and go about their lives
Heedless of the gift it is to be them
If I was in their skin, I'd treasure every instant
Out there, strolling by the Siene
Taste a morning out there, like ordinary men
Who freely walk about there
Just one day, and then I swear I'll be content
With my share
Won't resent,
won't despair,
Old and bent,
I won't care
I'll have spent one day out there!
Hier ver weg, waar ik woon
Is het zinderend warm
Zie je zanderig veel woestijn
Als je steelt, knijpt men hier
Even hard in je arm
Dat doet pijn
Maar ach, het is hier fijn
Als de wind hevig loeit
en de zon je verschroeit
zodat ieder naar water smacht
Ga dan weg uit de tijd
op een vliegend tapijt
naar zo'n prachtige oosterse nacht
Een oosterse nacht
en een oosterse dag
Zijn zoals je weet
verschrikkelijk heet
Dat is een heel hard gelag
Een oosterse nacht
met een oosterse maan
Mijn trouwe kameel
is het nu echt te veel
om verder te gaan
Well, well, well, what have we here?
Sandy Claws, huh?
Oh, I'm really scared
So you're the one everybody's talkin' about, ha, ha
You're jokin', you're jokin'
I can't believe my eyes
You're jokin' me, you gotta be
This can't be the right guy
He's ancient, he's ugly
I don't know which is worse
I might just split a seam now
If I don't die laughing first
When Mr. Oogie Boogie says
There's trouble close at hand
You'd better pay attention now
'Cause I'm the Boogie Man
And if you aren't shakin'
Then there's something very wrong
'Cause this may be the last time now
That you hear the boogie song, ohhh
Ohhh, he's the Oogie Boogie Man
Well if I'm feelin' antsy
And there's nothin' much to do
I might just cook a special batch
Of snake and spider stew
And don't ya know the one thing
That would make it work so nice?
A roly-poly Sandy Claws to add a little spice
Oh, yeah
Oh, yeah, I'm (he's) the Oogie Boogie Man
Release me now
Or you must face the dire consequences
The children are expecting me
So please, come to your senses
You're jokin', you're jokin'
I can't believe my ears
Would someone shut this fella up
I'm drownin' in my tears
It's funny, I'm laughing
You really are too much
And now, with your permission
I'm going to do my stuff
What are you going to do?
I'm gonna do the best I can
(Musical interlude)
Oh, the sound of rollin' dice
To me is music in the air
'Cause I'm a gamblin' Boogie Man
Although I don't play fair
It's much more fun, I must confess
When lives are on the line
Not mine, of course, but yours, old boy
Now that'd be just fine
Release me fast or you will have to
Answer for this heinous act
Oh, brother, you're something
You put me in a spin
You aren't comprehending
The position that you're in
It's hopeless, you're finished
You haven't got a prayer
'Cause I'm Mr. Oogie Boogie
And you ain't going nowhere
Robin Hood and Little John
Walkin' through the forest
Laughin' back and forth
At what the other has to say
Reminiscin', this-'n'-thattin'
Havin' such a good time
Oo-de-lally, Oo-de-lally
Golly, what a day
Never ever thinkin' there was danger in the water
They were drinkin', they just guzzled it down
Never dreamin' that a schemin' sherrif and his posse
Was a-watchin' them an' gatherin' around
Robin Hood and Little John
Runnin' through the forest
Jumpin' fences, dodgin' trees
An' tryin' to get away
Contemplatin' nothin'
But escapin' finally makin' it
Oo-de-lally, Oo-de-lally
Golly, what a day
Oo-de-lally, Oo-de-lally
Golly, what a day
robin hood och lille john går igenom skogen
har skojigt med varann i glada vänners lag
tänka på den glada tid de upplevt med varanndra
oo de lally oo de lally hoppsan vilken dag
ingen kunnde någonsin tro att vattnet som de dricker
kunnde vara något farligt i sej
ingen av dom kunnde tänka att sheriffen
tänkte dränka båda i ett enda stort tjohej
robin hood och lille john dom springer genom skogen
känner inga bojor lever efter egen dag
tänka bara på sitt fria liv och hur man klarar sej
oo de lally oo de lally hoppsan vilken dag
oo de lally oo de lally hoppsan vilken daaag
Evil as clear as the scar on his face
Disception (An outrage)
Disgrace (For Shame)
He asked for trouble the moment he came
Disception (An outrage)
(He cant change his stripes)
Disgrace (For shame)
(You know these outsider types)
Evil as clear as the scar on his face
(See you later agitator)
Disception (An outrage)
(Just leave us alone)
Disgrace (For shame)
(Traitor go back with your own)
He asked for trouble the moment he came
(See you later agitator)
Born in greif
Raised in hate
Helpless to defy his fate
Let him run
Let him live
But do not forget what we cannot forgive
And he is not one of us
He has never been one of us
He is not part of us
Not our kind
Someone once lied to us
Now were not so blind
For we knew he would do what he's done
And we know that he will never be one of us
He is not one of us
So you wanna be a hero kid, well whoop de doo.
I have been around the block before with blockheads just like you
Each and everyone of them a dissapointment
pain and ache for which ther'ye no ointment.
So much for excuses, dumb old kid of Zeus's,
asking me to jump into the frame.
My answer is two words " O K"
Oh oh! You win! Oh gosh! Oy Vay!
I've givin' hope that someone would come along.
A fella who'd ring the bell for once not the gong.
The kind who wins trophies won't settle for low fees.
At least semi-pro fees, but no I get the green horn.
I've been out to pasture pal, my ambition gone.
Content to spend lazy days in to graze my lawn.
You need an advisor, a sayter but wiser
A good merchindiser and WHOA there goes my ulcer.
I'm down to one last hope and I hope it's you.
Though kid you're not exactly a dream come true.
I've trained enough turkey's who never came through
You're my one last hope, so you'll have to do.
(music plays)
Demi- gods have faced the odds and ended up a mockery
Don't believe the stories that you read on all the crockery
To be a true hero kid is a dying art.
Like paintin' a masterpiece it's work of heart.
It takes more than sinew.
It comes down to what's in you.
You'll have continue to grow, now that's more like it.
I'm down to one last shot, and my last high note.
Before that blasted underworld get's my goat.
My dreams are on you kid go make them come true.
Climb that uphill slope, keep pushing the envelope, you're
my one last hope and kid it's uuuuuuup tooooooo yoooooooooou!
Gotta keep
One jump ahead of the bread line
one swing ahead of the sword
i steal only what i can't afford
thats everything
One jump ahead of the lawmen
That's all, and that's no joke
These guys don't appreciate I'm broke
[Crowd:] Riffraff! Street rat! Scoundrel! Take that!
[Aladdin:] Just a little snack, guys
[Crowd:] Rip him open, take it back, guys
[Aladdin:] I can take a hint, gotta face the facts
You're my only friend, Abu!
[Crowd:] Who?
[Ladies:] Oh it's sad Aladdin's hit the bottom
He's become a one-man rise in crime
I'd blame parents except he hasn't got 'em
[Aladdin:] Gotta eat to live, gotta steal to eat
Tell you all about it when I got the time!
One jump ahead of the slowpokes
One skip ahead of my doom
Next time gonna use a nom de plume
One jump ahead of the hitmen
One hit ahead of the flock
I think I'll take a stroll around the block
[Crowd:] Stop, thief! Vandal! Outrage! Scandal!
[Aladdin:] Let's not be too hasty
[Lady:] Still I think he's rather tasty
[Aladdin:] Gotta eat to live, gotta steal to eat
Otherwise we'd get along
[Crowd:] Wrong!
[Aladdin:] One jump ahead of the hoofbeats
One hop ahead of the hump
(Street rat!)
One trick ahead of disaster
They're quick, but I'm much faster
(Take that!)
Here goes, better throw my hand in
Wish me happy landin'
All I gotta do is jump
One Jump Ahead (Reprise)
Music: Alan Menken
Lyrics: Tim Rice
[Aladdin:] Riffraff, street rat
I don't buy that
If only they'd look closer
Would they see a poor boy? No, siree
They'd find out
There's so much more to me
This is the story you wanted to write well tonight is the night that you can
Just get this done and by dawns early light you can finish the fight you began
This time we're in it to stay
Think about seizing the day
Think of that train as she rolls into old Santa Fe
Tell her I'm on my way
Old man Pulitzer is snug in his bed
he don't care if we're dead or alive
three satin pillows are under his head
while we're begging for bread to survive
Joe if your still counting sheep
wake up and read em and weep
you got your thugs with their sticks and their clubs
yeah but we got a promise to keep
once and for all
somethings tells me the tide'll be turnin
once and for all there's a fire inside me that
won't stop burning
Now that the choices are clear
Now that tommorrow is here
Watch how the mighty will fall
For once and for all
This is for kids shining shoes on the street
with no shoes on their feet everyday
this is for guys sweating blood in the shops
while the bosses and cops look away
this is to even the score
this ain't just newsies no more
this ain't just kids with some pie in the sky
this is do it or die
this is war
once and for all we'll be there to defend one another
once and for all every kid is a friend
every friend a brother
five thousand fists in the sky(five thousand fists in the sky)
five thousand reasons to try(five thousand reasons to try)
we're going over the wall
better to die than to crawl
either we stand or we fall
for once, once and for all
Goofy: Do you need a break from modern living?
Do you long to shed your weary load?
If your nerves are raw and your brain is fried just grab a friend
and take a ride together upon the open road.
"Come on Maxie"
Max: All in all, I'd rather have detention.
All in all I'd rather eat a toad. Goofy (ugh)
And my old man drives like such a cluts.
That I'm about to hurl my guts directly
Upon the open road.
Goofy: There's nothing can upset me cuz know we're on our way
Our trusty map we'll guide us straight and true.
Max: Roxanne please don't forget me I will return some day.
(Ahh)Though I may be in traction when I do.
Goofy: Me and Max relaxing like the old days.
Max: This is worse than dragon breath and acne.
Goofy: In a buddy-buddy kind of mode.
Max: I'm so mad I think I may explode.
Goofy: When I see that highway I could cry.
Max: You know that's funny so could I
Both: Just being out on the open road.
(Western music)
Cowgirls: Howdy, boys is this the way to Nashville?
Fat guy: Watch it Mack, or you'll be gettin' towed.
Prisoner: I'm in no hurry to arrive cuz I'll be turning 65 the next
time I sees the open road.
Little guy: Just a week of rest and relaxation.
His wife: Yeah!
Little guy: And the odd romantic episode.
Max: (Spoken) Very odd.
Mickey Mouse: (Haha) It's Ca-la-for-ni-a or bust.
Old Lady: Look out you dirtbags eat my dust. From now on I
own the open road.
Goofy: It's me and little Maxie, my pipsqueek pioneer.
Nuns: They're partners forever westward ho yeeha.
Max: Could someone call a taxi and get me out of here to
Beverly Hills 90210?
Everyone: Oh every day another new adventure.
Every mile another new zip code.
And the cares we've had are gone for good.
Max: and I would go with them if I could.
Everyone: I got no strings on me.
I'm feeling fancy free.
How wonderful to be.
On the open roooo oo oo oo oo ooo ooooad.
Tell everybody I'm on my way
New friends and new places to see
With blue skies ahead yes
I'm on my way
And there's no where else I'd rather be
Tell everybody I'm on my way
And I'm loving every step I take
With the sun beating down yes
I'm on my way
And I cant keep this smile off my face
Cause there's nothing like seeing
Each other again
No matter what the distance between
And the stories that we tell
Will make you smile
Oh it really lifts my heart
So tell 'em all I'm on my way
New friends and new places to see
And to sleep under the stars
Who could ask for more
With the moon keeping watch over me
Not the snow, Not the rain
Can change my mind
The sun will come out, wait and see
And the feeling of the wind in your face
Can lift your heart
Oh there's nowhere I would rather be
'Cause I'm on my way now--
Well and truly
I'm on my way now
(I'm on my way now )
(I'm on my way now)
Tell everybody I'm on my way
And I just cant wait to be there
With blue skies ahead yes
I'm on my way
And nothing but good times to share
So tell everybody I'm on my way
And i just cant wait to be home
With the sun beating down yes
I'm on my way
And nothing but good times to show
I'm on my way
Yes, I'm on my way
Het maakt rivieren zo wondermooi
Je stapt nooit in dezelfde rivier
Het water blijft veranderen en stromen
De mens zoekt liever de veiligheid
Betaalt de prijs, blijft hier
Maar wat zou een mens toch tegen kunnen komen
Om de kromming van de stroom
Kijk eens om de kromming van de stroom
Waar zoek ik naar
Om de kromming van de stroom
Dan denk ik: vaar
Ik de bocht voorbij
Wat wacht daar dan
Achter steeds een nieuwe boom
Om de kromming van de stroom
Op mij
Wat wacht op mij
Voorbij de bomen langs het bos
En na die bocht een nieuwe bocht
Zo dwarrelen en dwalen mijn gedachten
En een man die hoge muren bouwt
Weerhoudt mij van mijn tocht
Maar wat zou er voor een wereld op mij wachten
Om de kromming van de stroom
Om de kromming van de stroom
Waar zoek ik naar
Om de kromming van de stroom
Ik droom en vaar
Zo de zee voorbij
Steeds verder waar
Houdt een teugel mij in toom
Om de kromming van de stroom
Om de kromming van de stroom
Kies ik voor het kalm verloop
Het rustig ritme van de trom
Trouw ik straks met Kocoum
Is dat het einde van de droom
Waar, dromengeest, laat je mij belanden
Om de kromming van de stroom
Oh, sing sweet nightingale
sing sweet nightingale
oh sing sweet nightingale
sing sweet nightingale
Oh, sing sweet nightingale
sing sweet
oh, sing sweet nightingale, sing
Oh, sing sweet nightingale
oh sing sweet
oh sing
NYC, what is it about you
You're big, you're loud
You're tough
(''Will you be needing the car?''
''No, i think she's been cooped up long enough.'')
NYC, i go years without you
And i can't get enough
Enough of cab drivers answering back
In a language far from pure
Enough of frankfurters answering back
Brother, you know you're
In NYC, too busy, too crazy
Too, hot too, cold
Too late, I'm sold
Again on NYC
NYC, the shadows at sundown
The roofs that scrape the sky
NYC, the rich and the run down
The big parade goes by
What other town has the empire state
And a mayer 5 foot 2
No other town in the whole 48
Can half compare to you
You make more post cards
You crowd, you cramp
Your still the champ
Amen for NYC
The shimmer of Times Square
The pulse, the beat, the drive
The city's bright as a penny arcade
It blinks, it tilts it rains
To think i lived here all of my life and never seen these things
NYC, just got here this morning
3 bucks, 2 bags, 1 me
NYC, i give you fair warning
Up there in lights, i'll be
Go ask the gerschwins
Or Coffman and Heart
The place they love the best
Though california plays big for their art
Their fan-mail comes adressed to
NYC, tomorrow a pent-house
Thats way up high
Tonight the ''Y''
Why not, it's NYC
NYC your standing the lonely
You crowd
You cramp
You're still the champ
Amen for NYC
NYC what is it about you
Your big your loud
Your tough
I go years without you
And i cant get enough
Enough of cab drivers answering back
In a language less then pure
Enough of frank footers answering back
The brother you know yours
In Nyc to busy to crazy
To hot to cold
To late im sold
Again on NYC
NYC the shadows at sundown
The roofs that spray the stars
NYC the rich and the run down
The big parade goes by
What other town has the empire state
And a mayer 5 foot 2
No other town in the whole 48
Can half compare to you
You make more post cards
You crowd you cramp
Your still the champ
Amen for NYC
The shimmer of times square
The punks the beat the drum
The citys bright as a penny of kauge
It blinks it tilts it rains
To think i lived here all of my life and never seen these things
NYC just got here this morning
3 bucks
2 bags
1 me
NYC I give you fair warning
Up There in lights
I'll be
Go ask the gurshwens
Or coffman and heart
The place they love the best
Though california pays big for their art
Their fanmail comes adressed to..
NYC tomorrow a pent house
Thats way up high
tonight the why
Why not
NYC your standing ramonley
you crowd
you cramp
your still the champ
Amen for NYC
Every town
Has its ups and down
Sometime ups
Outnumber the downs
But not in Nottingham
I'm inclined to believe
If we were so down
We'd up and leave
We'd up and fly if we had wings for flyin'
Can't you see the tears we're cryin'?
Can't there be some happiness for me?
Not in Nottingham
Vengo yo dee un lugar,
de una tierra sin par,
donde ves caravanas pasar.
Y si allí caes mal,
te van a mutilar
¡qué barbarie!, pero es mi hogar.
Cuando hay viento del este,
y hay sol al oeste,
y la hora el reloj te da.
Yo te invito a pasear,
en la alfombra a volar,
una noche de Arabia gozar.
De Arabia son,
noche y día por igual,
intenso calor,
no he visto algo peor,
todo puede pasar.
En noches así,
bajo la luna fiel
muy listo hay que ser,
para no caer,
al desierto cruel.
There are times when you drive me, shall we say, bananas
And your mind is missing, no offence, a screw
[Goofy:] None taken
Still whatever mess I land in, who was always understandin'?
Nobody else but you
Oh your moodyness is now and then bewilderin'
And your values may be, so to speak, askew
[Max:] Gesundheit!
[Goofy:] Thanks!
Who deserves a hero's trophy, as we face each cat-a-strophy?
Nobody else but you
No-booooody else but you
It's just our luck, we're stuck together
No-booooody else but you
Is crazy enough to believe we'll come through
[Max:] So your jokes are all, let's face it, prehistoric
[Goofy:] And your music sounds like monkeys in a zoo
But when life becomes distressin'
Who will I be S.O.S'n?
If you're having trouble guessing, here's a clue!
Though he seems intoxicated, he's just highly animated!
And he's nobody else, but...
No-boooooody else but you
We've turned into, a true blue duo
Hard times, we've had a few
[Goofy:] Like we're thrown in the drink
[Max:] Like we're tossed outta town
But when I start to sink
Hey I'd rather go down
With nobody else, but
Y - O - U!
Everywhere I turn, I hurt someone
But there's nothing I can say to change
the things I've done
Of all the things I hid from you
I cannot hide the shame
And I pray someone, something will come
to take away the pain
There's no way out of this dark place
No hope, no future
I know I can't be free
But I can't see another way
I can't face another day
Tell me where, did I go wrong
Everyone I loved, they're all gone
I'd do everything so differently
but I can't turn back the time
There's no shelter from the storm
inside of me
(Chorus Repeat)
There's no way out of this dark place
No hope, no future
I know I can't be free
But I can't see another way
I can't face another day
I can't believe the words I hear
It's like an answer to a prayer
When I look around I see
This place, this time, this friend of mine
I know it's hard but you
found somehow
To look into your heart and
to forgive me now
You've given me the strength to see
just where my journey ends
You've given me the strength
to carry on
I see the path from this dark place
I see my future
Your forgiveness has set me free
Oh and I can see another way
I can face another day!
I see the path, I can see the path
I see the future
I see the path from this dark place
I see my future
I see the path, I can see the path
I see the future...
si a los engaños dieran premios ,
hubiera varios ya ganado ,
no me interesa tener novios
eso es historia ya lo se todo
a quien crees que engañas,
el es lo que tu mas quieres
ocultarlo tratas , es hermoso
lo que sientes , no lo disimules,
bien sabemos donde esta tu corazon
no van a oir que lo dija no no
tu sueño es , no lo nieges uh-oh
jamas lo hare , no hablare de mi amor
creia ya haber aprendido ,
siempre el inicio es hermoso
mi mente dice ten cuidado
porque no todo es maravilloso
claramente vemos ,
que lo quieres y lo extrañas
no lo aceptaremos , date
cuenta que lo amas , trata de
admitirlo , debes de aceptarlo ,
muy enamorada estas
no van a oir que lo dija no no
ya rindite tu sonrisa es de amor ,
no insistan mas no dire que es amor,
quieras o no te atrapo el amor ,
no pidan mas que lo dija, uh-oh
no haran jamas que lo dija
su orgullo no deja que hable de amor
nadie sabra no hablare de mi amor
Hey oh ma ma ma...
Hey oh ma ma ma...
Hey oh ma ma ma...
Hey oh ma ma ma
I've been a-waiting since I can't remember
I've been a-waiting just to find somebody true
Somebody like you
Do you know?
I'll never let you go
Hey oh ma ma ma...
Hey oh ma ma ma Hey-ah
Never let you go
Hey oh ma ma ma
I'll never let you go
I'll never let you go
(I'm never gonna let you go)
Never let you go
(I'm never gonna let you go)
I used to think about another morning
I'd think about it and it used to make me blue
But then I found you
Do you know?
I'll never let you go
Hey oh ma ma ma...
Hey oh ma ma ma Hey-ah
Never let you go
Hey oh ma ma ma
I'll never let you go
I'll never let you go
(I'm never gonna let you go)
Never let you go
(I'm never gonna let you go)
Hey oh ma ma ma
Hey oh ma ma ma
Hey oh ma ma ma...
Hey oh ma ma ma...
Never let you go...
Hey oh ma ma ma...
I'll never let you go...
My name is James
thats what mother called me
my name is James
so its always been
sometimes I forget
when I'm lonely or afraid
and I'll go inside my head
and look for James
There's a city that I dreamed of
very far from here
very very far away from here
very far away
there are people in the city
and they come to me
but it's very very far away you know
very far away
They'll say James, James, James how are ya ?
Isn't it a lovely day
James, James, James
were so glad you came here where we are
from so very very very far
My name is James, James, James
Well Ali Baba had them forty thieves
Scheherezad-he had a thousand tales
But master you in luck 'cause up your sleeves
You got a brand of magic never fails
You got some power in your corner now
Some heavy ammunition in your camp
You got some punch, pizzazz, yahoo and how
See all you gotta do is rub that lamp
And I'll say
Mister Aladdin, sir
What will your pleasure be?
Let me take your order
Jot it down
You ain't never had a friend like me
No no no
Life is your restaurant
And I'm your maitre d'hotel
C'mon whisper what it is you want
You ain't never had a friend like me
Yes sir, we pride ourselves on service
You're the boss
The king, the tsar
Say what you wish
It's yours! True dish
How about a little more Baklava?
Have some of column "A"
Try all of column "B"
I'm in the mood to help you dude
You ain't never had a friend like me
Can your friends do this?
Do your friends do that?
Do your friends pull this out their little hat?
Can your friends go, poof?
Well, looky here
Can your friends go, Abracadabra, let 'er rip
And then make the sucker disappear?
So doncha sit there slack jawed, buggy eyed
I'm here to answer all your midday prayers
You got me bona fide, certified
You got a genie for your chare d'affaires
I got a powerful urge to help you out
So what-cha wish? I really wanna know
You got a list that's three miles long, no doubt
Well, all you gotta do is rub like so - and oh
Mister Aladdin, sir, have a wish or two or three
I'm on the job, you big nabob
You ain't never had a friend, never had a friend
You ain't never had a friend, never had a friend
You ain't never, had a, friend like me
Never had a friend like me, hah!
uit De Kleine Zeemeermin
"..Ik zie de dingen niet zoals hij ze ziet.
Ik snap echt niet dat een wereld die zulke mooie dingen maakt.. slecht is!
Moet je eens zien
wat hier al ligt
Zoiets is toch
een geweldig gezicht
Vind je me dan niet een kind
een meisje dat alles heeft
Zoveel gevonden
hier in de zee
Als je hier rondkijkt
dan krijg je t idee
't meisje dat dit heeft vergaard
tja... die heeft alles wel
Al die spulletjes vind ik zo prachtig
Ik bewonder ze iedere keer
Wilje dittemedat?
'k heb er tachtig
Maakt niet uit
't Heeft geen zin
Ik wil meer
Ik wil eens zien
waar de mensen zijn
Ik wil eens zien
hoe die mensen dansen
Zij lopen rond op die..
Hoe noem je dat?
Oh ja, voeten!
Slaan met je staart
heeft geen enkele zin
Benen zijn nodig voor
springen, dansen
of als je wandelt op..
Hoe heet dat ook al weer?
Daar wil ik heen
Als dat nog kon
Heerlijk genieten
warm in de zon
dat is mijn wens
net als een mens
bij hen te zijn
Das mijn idee
Boven de zee
wil ik graag leven
Denk je eens in
Een zeemeermin
lui op t strand
niemand zal mij
daar op t land
hoop ik
ooit een standje geven
daar zijn pa'tjes
en mama'tjes
heel tolerant
En ik wil zo graag
als ik hen iets vraag
Dat zij mij zeggen
wat iets betekent
Wat is vuur nou?
Je ziet dat t
hoe noem je dat
ik wil aan land
't Lijkt me zo fijn
ik wil omhoog
naar de zonneschijn
dat is mijn wens
Net als een mens
bij hen te zijn..."
Jag ser nåt´ sött och nästan rart
han som var elak och brutal så uppenbart
nu é han snäll, ja absolut
jag undrar så var han har
gömt det där förut.
Hon såg på mig,
visst var det så
och fast jag rörde henne
stod hon kvar ändå
jag har nog fel, ja absolut
men hon har aldrig inte sett
på mig sådär förut.
Han.... har fått nåt att hända
jag har nästan glömt
hur han ser ut
han är väl nog förändrad
men då finns det något som
jag aldrig sett förut.
(vem kunde tro)
(vem hade drömt)
(men vi ska ...)
(vem tänkte så?)
(vem hade talat om ett par och menat dom?)
(men jag tror säkert, men vi ska få
ett svar till slut, det kanske
finns nånting som inte fanns förut?)
(vem vet det kanske finns nånting
som inte fanns förut?)
(det kanske finns nånting som inte fanns förut?)
My own home, my own home
My own home, my own home
Father's hunting in the forest
Mother's cooking in the home
I must go to fetch the water
'Til the day that I'm grown
'Til I'm grown, 'til I'm grown
I must go to fetch the water
'Til the day that I'm grown
Then I will have a handsome husband
And a daughter of my own
And I'll send her to fetch the water
I'll be cooking in the home
Then I'll send her to fetch the water
I'll be cooking in the home
Hush, my little one; you must be exhausted.
Sleep, my little Kovu
Let your dreams take wing
One day when you're big and strong
You will be a king
I've been exiled, persucuted
Left alone with no defense
When I think of what that brute did
I get a little tense
But I dream a dream so pretty
That I don't feel so depressed
'Cause it soothes my inner kitty
And it helps me get some rest
The sound of Simba's dying gasp
His daughter squealing in my grasp
His lionesses' mournful cry
That's my lullaby
Now the past I've tried forgetting
And my foes I could forgive
Trouble is I knows it's petty
But I hate to let them live
So you found yourself somebody who'd chase Simba up a tree
Oh, the battle may be bloody, but that kind of works for me
The melody of angry growls
A counterpoint of painful howls
A symphony of death, oh my!
That's my lullaby
Scar is gone... but Zira's still around
To love this little lad
Till he learns to be a killer
With a lust for being bad!
Sleep, ya little termite!
Uh-- I mean, precious little thing!
One day when you're big and strong
You will be a king!
The pounding of the drums of war
The thrill of Kovu's mighty roar
The joy of vengeance
I can hear the cheering
Kovu! What a guy!
Payback time is nearing
And then our flag will fly
Against a blood-red sky
That's my lullaby!
Newsies - My Lovey-Dovey Baby
//Medda sings this whole song//
My lovey-dovey baby,
I boo-hoo-hoo for you.
I used to be your tootsie-wootsie.
Then you said toodle-ee-doo...
I miss the hanky-panky...
Each nighty-night till three...
Come back, my lovey-dovey baby...
And cootchie-coo with me...
Our life was ducky wucky,
So goody-good were we.
Come back, my lovey dovey baby,
And cootchie-coo with me.
Chimps are going ape, giraffes remain above it all
Elephants remember, though just what I can't recall
Crocodiles are snapping up fresh offers from the banks
Showed interest in my nest egg but I quickly said "No thanks!"
We haven't paid the hornbills and the vultures have a hunch
Not everyone invited will be coming back for lunch
This is the morning report
Gives you the long and the short
Every grunt, roar, and snort
Not a tale I distort
On the morning report
The buffalo have got a beef
About this season's grass
Warthogs have been thwarted
In attempts to save their gas
Flamingoes in the pink and
Chasing secretary birds
Saffron is this season's color
Seen in all the herds
Moving down the rank and file
To near the bottom rung
Far too many beetles are
Quite frankly in the dung
This is the morning report
Gives you the long and the short
Every grunt, roar, and snort
Not a tale I distort
On the morning report
This is the morning report
Gives you the long and the short
Every grunt, roar, and snort
Not a tale I distort
On the morning report
Now Mouseketeers
there's one thing we want you
always to remember.
Come along and sing our song
and join our family
Through the years we'll all
be friends
wherever we may be.
Mickey Mouse
Mickey Mouse
forever let us hold our
banner high.
Now its time to say goodbye
to all our company.
see you real soon
why? because we like you
If there's a prize for rotten judgement.
I guess I've already won that.
No man is worth the aggravation.
That's ancient history been there done that.
Who'd ya think you're kidding?
He's the earth and heaven to you.
Try to keep it hidden, honey we can see right through ya.
Girl you can't conceal it,
We know how you're feeling- who you're thinking of.
No chance, no way, I won't say it, no no!
You swoon, you sigh, why deny it? Uh-oh.
It's too cliche I won't say I'm in love.
Shoo doop, shoo doop, ooo ooo ooo.
I thought my heart had learned it's lesson.
It feels so good when you start out.
My head is screaming get a grip girl.
Unless you're dying to cry you're heart out.
You keep on denying who you are and how your feeling.
Baby were not buying, hon we saw you hit the ceiling
Face it like a grown up when you gonna own up?
That you got got got it bad.
No chance no way I won't say it no no.
Give up or give in check the grin you're in love.
This scene won't play I won't say I'm in love.
Your doing flips read our lips your in love.
(Meg) You're way off base I won't say it.
She won't say "in love"
Get off my case I won't say it.
Girl don't be proud it's okay your in love.
Ohhhh. At least out loud I won't say I'm in love.
Maybe far away, or maybe real near by.
He may be pouring her coffee, She may be Straightning his tie.
Or Maybe in a house all hidden by a hill,
She's sittin' playin' Piano, He's sittin' payin' a bill.
Betcha they're young. Betcha they're smart,
Bet they collect things like ashtrays and art.
Betcha there good. Why shouldn't they be?
Their one mistake was giving up me.
So maybe now it's time,
and maybe when I wake,
They'll be there calling me baby,
Betcha he reads. Betcha she sews.
Maybe she's made me a closet of clothes.
Maybe they're strict as straight as a line.
Don't really care as long as they're mine.
So Maybe now this prayer's,
the last one of it's kind.
Won't you please come get your baby,
This time, this time
Making Christmas
Making Christmas
Making Christmas, making Christmas
Is so fine
It's ours this time
And won't the children be surprised
It's ours this time
Making Christmas
Making Christmas
Making Christmas
Time to give them something fun
They'll talk about for years to come
Let's have a cheer from everyone
It's time to party
Making Christmas, making Christmas
Snakes and mice get wrapped up so nice
With spider legs and pretty bows
It's ours this time
All together, that and this
With all our tricks we're
Making Christmastime
Here comes Jack
I don't believe what's happening to me
My hopes, my dreams, my fantasies
Hee, hee, hee, hee
Won't they be impressed, I am a genius
See how I transformed this old rat
Into a most delightful hat
Hmm, my compliments from me to you
On this your most intriguing hat
Consider though this substitute
A bat in place of this old rat
Huh! No, no, no, now that's all wrong
This thing will never make a present
It's been dead now for much too long
Try something fresher, something pleasant
Try again, don't give up
All together, that and this
With all our tricks we're making Christmastime
This time, this time
It's ours!
Making Christmas, making Christmas
La, la, la
It's almost here
And we can't wait
So ring the bells and celebrate
'Cause when the full moon starts to climb
We'll all sing out
It's Christmastime
Hee, hee, hee
Let's get down to business--to defeat the Huns.
Did they send me daughters when I asked for sons?
You're the saddest bunch I ever met
But you can bet before we're through
Mister, I'll make a man out of you
Tranquil as a forest
But on fire within
Once you find your center
You are sure to win
You're a spineless, pale, pathetic lot
And you haven't got a clue
Somehow I'll make a man out of you!
I'm never gonna catch my breath
Say good-bye to those who knew me
Boy I was a fool in school for cutting gym
This guy's got 'em scared to death
Hope he doesn't see right through me
Now I really wish that I knew how to swim!
Shang and Chorus:
(Be a man)
We must be swift as the coursing river
(Be a man)
With all the force of a great typhoon
(Be a man)
With all the strength of a raging fire
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon
Time is racing toward us till the Huns arrive
Heed my every order and you might survive
You're unsuited for the rage of war
So pack up, go home, you're through
How could I make a man out of you?
Shang and Chorus:
(Be a man)
We must be swift as the coursing river
(Be a man)
With all the force of a great typhoon
(Be a man)
With all the strength of a raging fire
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon
(Be a man)
We must be swift as the coursing river
(Be a man)
With all the force of a great typhoon
(Be a man)
With all the strength of a raging fire
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon
Látom én, mi készül
A szívek úrja sok
Elcsábítja tõlünk majd
Így lesz a trióbol duó
A vágy tüzében égve
Varázslat minden szó
A vonzó vad románc csak elvakít
A vész nem látható
Érzed már a szív szavát
A béke égig száll
Egy perc elég
Ma minden összeáll
És egymásra talál
Hisz annyi minden történt
De hogyan kezdjem én
Mert elkísér a múlt, oly makacs
Hogy alig van remény
Egy szót se szól, 's nem értem
Hogy meddig és mit vár
Hogy m'ért nem lép a trónra õ
Aki a törvényes király
Érzed már a szív szavát
A béke égig száll
Egy perc elég
Ma minden összeáll
És egymásra talál
Érzed már a szív szavát
A közeledben jár
A nagy õ
Az éjen oson át
És elõtted áll
Az fix, hogy még ma rátalál
Hívja õt az út
A cimboránk ma
Végleg elmegy
A legjobb srác bezúg
Att ha kraften att ha stark
att ha vishet att va klok
Allt det där, det lär du dej till slut
Och på resan som du gör nu
dina frågor vill ha svar
Det är du som väljer vägen
det är du som ger och tar
Människa - se himlen nu
öppna hjärtat känn dej fri
Var det livet lät dej bli
En dag är du glad att du är du
Du får lära själv att leva
ingen finns att ta din hand
Med förtröstan, tro och tillit
Ska du växa från barn till man
Människa - se himlen nu
öppna hjärtat känn dej fri
Se vad livet lät dej bli
En dag är du glad att du är du
Så lär du dej till slut
utav det du själv lär ut
Du tar din plats
bland dem du håller av
Och sånt som du har drömt om
den längtan som du haft
Se, du närmar dig ditt mål nu
tog dej dit av egen kraft
Människa - se himlen nu
öppna hjärtat känn dej fri
Var det livet lät dej bli
Människa var glad att du är du
Eeo- eeo-, människa
Människa, människa du lever nu
Love is a song that never ends
Life may be swift and fleeting
Hope may die yet love's beautiful music
Comes each day like the dawn
Love is a song that never ends
One simple theme repeating
Like the voice of a heavenly choir
Love's sweet music flows on
It seems like only yesterday
You were just a child at play
Now you’re all grown up inside of me
Oh how fast those moments flee
Once we watched a lazy world go by
Now the days seem to fly
Life is brief, but when it’s gone
Love goes on and on
Love will live
Love will last
Love goes on and on and on
Once we watched a lazy world go by
Now the days seem to fly
Life is brief but when it's gone
Love goes on and on
There are things in life you'll learn
In time you'll see
Cause out there somewhere
It's all waiting
If you keep believing
So dont run, Dont hide
It will be all right
You'll see, Trust me
I'll be there watching over you
Just take a look through my eyes
Threes a better place
somewhere out there
Just take a look through my eyes
Everything changes
You'll be amazed what you'll find
If you take a look through my eyes
There will be time on this journey
All you'll see is darkness
Out there somewhere daylight finds you
If you keep believing
So dont run, dont hide
It will be all right
You'll see, Trust me
I'll be there watching over you
Just take a look through my eyes
There's a better place
somewhere out there
Just take a look through my eyes
Everything changes
You'll be amazed what you'll find
If you take a look through my eyes
All the things that you can change
there's a meaning in everything
And you will find all you need
There's so much to understand
Just take a look through my eyes
There's a better place
somewhere out there
Just take a look through my eyes
Everything changes
You'll be amazed what you'll find
If you take a look through my eyes
Take a look through My eyes
You know that you can always stare at me?
You'll never know what you are gonna see
So I'm the only girl who walks around
A boy named Steven makes an ugly sound
Oh Steven
I love you
Watch out I'm going to shout
You don't know what I'm talking about
Look me in the eye
Shut up I'm talking to you
You don't know what you are going to do
Look me in the eye (music)
(Repeat Chorus)
Wtach out I'm gooing to shout
You don't know what I'm talking about
Look me in the eye
Look me in the eye
If you believe...
We've got a picture perfect plan
We've got you fooled,
Cause we only do the best we can.
Sometimes we make it.
Sometimes we fake it.
And we get one step closer
Each and every day....
When we figure it out our own way.
Little girls
Little girls
Everywhere I turn
I can see them
Little Girls
Little Girls
Night and day
I eat, sleep and breathe them
I'm an ordinary woman
With feelings
I'd like a man to nibble on my ear
But I'll admit, no man has bit
So, how come i'm the mother of the year?
Little cheeks
Little teeth
Everything around me is little
If I wring
Little necks
surely I will get an acquittal
Some woman are dripping with diamonds
Some woman are dripping with pearls
Lucky me!
Lucky me!
Look at what i'm dripping with
Little girls!
How I hate
Little shoes
Little socks
And each little bloomer
I'd have cracked a
Years ago
If it weren't for my
Sense of humour
Some day I'll step on their freckles
Some night Ii'll straighten their curls
Send the flood
Send the flu
Anything that
You can do
To, little girls
Some day I'll land in the nuthouse
With all the nut and the squirr'ls
There I'll stay
Tucked Away
Until the prohibition of
Little girls
Once there was the sun
bright and warm and wonderful
shining like the love
within my heart
Now there’s no more sun
winter has killed everything
and although it’s dark december
forever I’ll remember sun
Let me be your wings
Let me be your only love
Let me take you far beyond the stars
Let me be your wings
Let me lift you high above
Everything we're dreaming of will soon be ours
Anything that you desire
Anything at all
Everyday I'll take you higher
And I'll never let you fall
Let me be your wings
Leave behind the world you know
For another world of wondrous things
We'll see the universe and dance on Saturn's rings
Fly with me and I will be your wings
Anything that you desire
Anything at all
Everyday I'll take you higher
And I'll never let you fall
You will be my wings
You will be my only love
Wondrous things are sure to happen
We'll see the universe and dance on Saturn's rings
Heaven isn't too far
Heaven is where you are
Stay with me
And let me be your wings!
With tuppence for paper and strings,
you can have your own set of wings!
With your feet on the ground, you're a bird in flight
with your fist holding tight
to the string of your kite!
Ohhhh, let's go fly a kite
up to the highest height!
Let's go fly a kite and send it soaring
up through the atmosphere,
up where the air is clear!
Oh, let's go fly a kite!
When you send it flyin' up there,
all at once you're lighter than air!
You can dance on the breeze
over Alpses and trees
with your fist holdin' tight
to the string of your kite!
Ohhhh, let's go fly a kite
up to the highest height!
Let's go fly a kite and send it soaring
up through the atmosphere,
up where the air is clear!
Oh, let's go fly a kite!
Now gather 'round, my possum pals, join the jamboree
Come hoot and howl and holler from the heart
And every chicken, pig, and goat will help
By givin' out a yodel, here at Lester's Possum Park!
Lester's Possum Park!
Skin that cat Beula!
Visit Beula's farm of fiddles
Pet our varmits, taste our vittles
Lulu's lizard gizzard pie's a work of art!
Then do a do-si-do and dance
Like there's a possum in your pants
Down at Lester's Possum Park!
Well don't you wanna be?
A-hangin' from a tree?
We're mighty glad to see ya
And the parking's always freeeeeeee!
Here at Lester's
Po ...
Po ...
Po ...
Possum Park!
Les poissons
Les poissons
Ik ben dol op poissons
Met een houw
Is die vis er geweest
Daarna snijd ik door dat heen
Dat beest van zijn graat
Ah, mais oui
De diner wordt een feest
Les poissons
Les poissons
Hi hi hi
Ho ho ho
Met een hakmes klief ik ze in twee
Ikke kruid ze en dan
Gaan ze zut in de pan
Délicieux, al die vis
Uit de zee
Als kok word ik steeds maar bekwamer
Niets voor niets ben ik chef de cuisine
Met een klap maak je hem plat met een hamer
Met een mes door zijn huid
Haal je alles eruit
En wie veel van vis houdt
Die masseert hem met zout
Zut alors, die hoort er ook bij!
Sacre bleu!
Wat is dat?
Moet je zien, ik vergat
Die exquise, een sappige krab
O, wat ben ik toch dom
Jij gaat snel in de kom
Met wat bloem is het zo voor elkaar
Dat je volstopt met brood
Voel je niet, jij bent dood
En je boft,ander is het zo naar
Want je voelt je niet thuis
Op dat hete fornuis
Toudelou, mon poisson
Au revoir
Les poissons
Les poissons
How I love les poissons
Love to chop
And to serve little fish
First I cut off their heads
Then I pull out the bones
Ah mais oui
Ca c'est toujours delish
Les poissons
Les poissons
Hee hee hee
Hah hah hah
With the cleaver I hack them in two
I pull out what's inside
And I serve it up fried
God, I love little fishes
Don't you?
Here's something for tempting the palate
Prepared in the classic technique
First you pound the fish flat with a mallet
Then you slash through the skin
Give the belly a slice
Then you rub some salt in
'Cause that makes it taste nice
(Zut alors, I have missed one!)
Sacre bleu
What is this?
How on earth could I miss
Such a sweet little succulent crab?
Quel dommage
What a loss
Here we go in the sauce
Now some flour, I think
Just a dab
Now I stuff you with bread
It don't hurt 'cause you're dead
And you're certainly lucky you are
'Cause it's gonna be hot
In my big silver pot
Toodle loo mon poisson
Au revoir!
It's One, two, three
then suddenly
i see it at a glance
she's radiant and confident
and born to take this chance...
i taught her well,
i planned it all,
i just forgot romance...
Vlad, how could you do this,
how will we get through this?
i never should have let them dance....
You were born in a palace by the sea.
A palace by the sea? Could it be?
Yes, that's right. You rode horseback when you were only three.
Horseback riding? Me?
And the horse...
He was white!
You made faces and terrorized the cook!
Threw him in the brook!
Was I wild?
Broke the book!
But you'd behave when your father gave that look!
Imagine how it was!
Your long-forgotten past!
We've lots and lots to teach you and the time is gonig fast!
All right...I'm ready!
Now, shoulders back and stand up tall
And do not walk, but try to float.
I feel a little foolish. Am I floating?
Like a little boat!
You give a bow.
What happens now?
Your hand receives a kiss
Most of all remember this
If I can learn to do it, you can learn to do it.
Something in you knows it
There's nothing to it!
Follow in my footsteps, shoe by shoe!
You can learn to do it too!
Now, elbows in and sit up straight
And never slurp the stroganoff.
I never cared for stroganoff!
She said that like a Romanov!
The Samovar.
The caviar.
Dessert and then goodnight?
Not until you get this right!
If I can learn to do it
If he can learn to do it
You can learn to do it!
You can learn to do it
Pull yourself together
And you'll pull through it!
Tell yourself it's easy
And it's true!
You can learn to do it too!
Next, you must memorize the names of the royalty.
Now here we have Kropotkin
Shot Potemkin
In the Botkin.
And dear old uncle Vanya loved his vodka
Got it Anya?
The Baron Pushkin
He was...?
Count Anatoly
Had a... ?
Count Sergei
Wore a feathered hat.
I hear he's gotten very fat.
And I recall his yellow cat!
I don't believe we told her that.
If you can learn to do it,
I can learn to do it!
Don't know how you knew it
I simply knew it! Suddenly I feel like someone new...
Anya, you're a dream come true!
If I can learn to do it,
If I can learn to do it
You can learn to do it!
You can learn to do it.
Pull yourself together
And you'll pull through it!
Tell yourself it's easy,
And it's true --
You can learn to do it,
Nothing to it!
You can learn to do it too!
Slagwerk, strijkers, blazers...woorden...
Daar zit ze dan,
Vind je haar niet een juweel.
Zeggen doet ze niet erg veel,
Maar ze heeft iets bijzonders.
Ja je raakt verward want je hart klopt
zo hard omdat je haar kussen wilt.
Ja dat is waar, geef het nou maar eerlijk toe,
Kijk haar aan dan zie je hoe zij op jou zit te wachten.
Doe zoals het hoort en verspil geen woord, toe jongen
kus haar dan.
''Zing maar mee dan''
Shalalalalala wheeowhee
je krijgt een reuze spijt als
je geen vin veroert.
Shalalalalala Jeeojee
Je raakt die meid nog kwijt en dat is
heel beroerd.
Dit is je kans
'Tis zo'n mooie volle maan
Laat je nu toch even gaan,
Het is zo natuurlijk
Je weet hoe het moet,
nou laat zien hoe goed jij
haar wel kussen kan.
Shalalalalala wees niet bang,
die lieverd wacht zo lang,
schiet op en kus haar dan.
Shalalalalala wees een man,
Zij is in vuur en vlam, nou
jongen, kus haar dan.
Shalalalalala zet maar door,
we zingen steeds in koor,
toe jongen kus haar dan.
Shalalalalala het wordt tijd
dat jij die lieve meid nu met
een kus bevrijd.
(kus bevrijd)
Kus haar dan
(jahaa, doe het)
Kus haar dan
(ja doe het)
Kus haar dan
(Ja, kus haar dan)
in koor: KUS HAAR DAN!!!!!!!!!!!
In het verleden was ik niet bepaald een doetje
Heel begrijpelijk werd ik vaak een heks genoemd
Maar ik heb gedecideerd
Op een dag mezelf bekeerd
En heb me met mijn nieuw bestaan verzoend
Toch? Ja!
Kijk, met toveren ben ik tamelijk behendig
Het is een gave die ik altijd al bezat
En de laatste tijd besteed
Ik mijn zorgen aan dat leed
Voor die stakkers heb ik steeds een zwak gehad.
Wat zielig!
Wat een kommer en kwel
Zo triest
Zo gemeen
Deze wilde graag wat dunner
Die daar smachtte naar een vrouw
Daar bied ik hulp aan
Ja, meteen!
O, wat een kommer en kwel
Wat rot
Wat een sof
Ze verschijnen op mijn spreekuur
Smekend: "help ons alsjeblieft!"
Daar bied ik hulp aan
Nou en of
Maar soms kreeg een arme klant
De betaling niet tot stand
En mijn methodes zijn dan niet zo erg subtiel
Klachten kreeg ik niet zo snel
Want ik geef heel mijn hart en ziel
Aan al die kommer en kwel
De mannen daar zijn niet gesteld op praatjes
Een vrouw die roddelt, vinden zij een zwets
Op het land is men gewend
Dat een vrouw zwijgt als decent
En bovendien, je hebt toch niets aan dat geklets
Nou dan, die mannen houden niet van conversatie
Een echte heer vermijdt dat als hij kan
Maar ze vallen bijna flauw
Voor zo'n schone stille vrouw
Dus iemand die zijn mond houdt, krijgt een man
Kom maar met al je kommer en kwel
Ga je gang
Kies maar voor hem
Laat me niet zo op je wachten
Want ik heb nog veel te doen
Ik vraag niet veel
Alleen jouw stem
Jij met je kommer en kwel
Het is triest, maar waar
Als je echt zo graag naar boven wilt
Dan talm je geen moment
Pak je pen en zet je naam
Hier onderaan dit document
Het is voor de bakker want ik haar
Die meid zegt nu vaarwel
Aan al die kommer en kwel
Ben ik een onwetende wilde
jij bevoer de hele wereld
je kijkt vast niet verkeerd
toch heb ik het idee
dat de wilde van ons twee
degeen is die niet luistert en niet leert
die niet leert
Jij denkt dat 't land waar jij belandt van jou is
jij plukt de aarde als een aasgier kaal
maar ik weet elke rots en boom elk wezen
heeft een ziel heeft een leven heeft een taal
Jij noemt de mensen eigelijk pas mensen
als die mensen precies zo zijn als jij
maar treed eens in het voetspoor van een vreemde
en dan leer je in een oogwenk zoveel bij
Hoor je ooit de wolf een ode brengen aan de maan
of vraag jij ooit een lynx waarom hij spint
ben je doof voor alle stemmen van de bergen
ben je blind voor alle kleuren van de wind
ben je blind voor alle kleuren van de wind
kom rennen laat je leiden door de larix
het hert toont zijn betoverend domein
verover het en rol je door die rijkdom
maar vraag nooit wat het waard zou kunnen zijn
de regen de rivier het zijn mijn broeders
de reiger en de otter lucht en land
en alles staat met alles in verbinding
in een cirkel een oneindig groot verband
hoe hoog reikt de esdoorn ooit
wie de bomen rooit
hoort het antwoord nooit
die hoort nooit de wolf een ode brengen aan de maan
in wit of koper ongeacht je tint
Blijf niet doof voor alle stemmen van de bergen
Blijf niet blind voor alle kleuren van de wind
wie de aarde zo begeert
vindt slechts aarde tot hij leert
het te zien
in alle kleuren van de wind
Ben ik een onwetende wilde?
Jij bevoer de hele wereld,
je kijkt vast niet verkeerd.
Toch heb ik het idee,
dat de wilde van ons twee
degeen is die niet luistert en
niet leert.
Die niet leert.
Jij denkt dat land
waar jij belandt van jou is.
Jij plukt de aarde
als een aarsgier kaal.
Maar ik weet
elke rots
en boom,
elk wezen
heeft een ziel,
heeft een leven,
heeft een taal.
Jij noemt de mensen eigenlijk
pas mensen als die mensen
precies zo zijn als jij.
Maar treed eens in het voetspoor
van een vreemde en dan
leer je in een oogwenk zoveel bij.
Hoor je ooit de wolf een ode
brengen aan de maan?
Of vraag jij ooit een lynx waarom
hij spint?
Ben je doof voor alle stemmen
van de bergen?
Ben je blind voor alle kleuren
van de wind?
Ben je blind voor alle kleuren
van de wind?
Kom rennen, laat je leiden door
de larix.
Het hert toont zijn betoverend domein.
Verover het en rol je door die rijkdom.
Maar vraag nooit wat het waard
zou kunnen zijn.
De regen, de rivier,
het zijn mijn broeders.
De reiger en de otter,
lucht en land.
En alles staat met alles
in verbinding.
In een cirkel,
een oneindig groot verband.
Hoe hoog raakt de esdoorn
Wie de bomen rooit
hoort het antwoord nooit.
Die hoort nooit de wolf een
ode brengen aan de maan.
In wit of koper,
ongeacht je tint.
Blijf niet doof voor alle stemmen
van de bergen.
Blijf niet blind voor alle kleuren
van de wind.
Wie de aarde zo begeert,
vindt slechts aarde tot hij leert
het te zien
in alle kleuren van
de wind.
A pair of new shoes with matching laces
A permanent box at the sheepshead races
A porcelain tub with boiling water
A Saturday night with the mayors daughter
Look at me I'm the king of New York
Suddenly I'm respectable starin right at ya
Lousy with stature
Nobbin with all the muckety mucks
I'm blowin my dough and going deluxe then
there I be ain't I pretty
it's my city
I'm the King of New York
A corduroy suit with fitted knickers
A mezzanine seat to see the flickers
Havana cigars that cost a quarter
an editors desk for the star reporter
tip your hat hes the king of new york (how bout that i'm the king of new york)
in nothing flat he'll be covering
Brooklyn to Trenton
our man Denton
making the headline out of hunch
protecting the weak
and paying for lunch
when i'm at bat
strong men crumble
proud yet humble
I'm the King of New York(He's the King of New York)
Gotta be either dead or dreamin
just look at that pape with my face beamin
tomorrow they may wrap fishes in it
but I was a star for one whole minute.
Starting now, I'm the king of New York
Ain't ya heard I'm the King of New York
Holy Cow!
It's a miracle
Pulitzer's cryin, Weasel he's dying
Flashpots are shooting bright as the sun
I'm one high falutin son of a gun
don't ask me how fortune found me
fate just crowned me
Now I'm king of New York!
Look and see
once a piker now a striker
I'm the King of New York!
Victory front page story
guts and glory
I'm the King of New York
Gaston: The beast will make off with your children,
he'll come after them in the night.
We're not safe 'till his head is mounted on my wall.
I say we kill the beast!
Man: We're not safe until he's dead.
Man 2: He'll come stalking us at night.
Woman: Set to sacrifice our children to his montrous appetite.
Man 3: He'll wreak havok on our village if we let him wander free!
Gaston: So it's time to take some action boys!
It's time---to---fol---low---me!
Through the mist, through the woods,
through the darkness and the shadows.
It's a nightmare but it one exciting ride.
Say a prayer, then we're there,
at the drawbridge of a castle,
and there's something truly terrible inside.
It's a beast, he's got fangs razor sharp ones.
Massive paws, killer claws for the feed.
Hear him roar, see him foam,
but we're not coming home,
'till he's dead, good and dead. Kill the beast.
Belle: NO! I won't let you do this!
Gaston: If you're not with us, you're against.
Bring the old man!
Maurice: Get your hands off me!
Gaston: We can't have them running off to warn the creature.
Belle: Let us out!
Gaston: We'll rid the village of this beast, who's with me?!
Get your torch, mount you horse,
Through your courage to the stinking place.
We're counting on your stud to lead the way.
Through a mist to the wood, where we see a haunted castle,
something's lurking that you don't see every day.
It's a beast, just as tall as a mountain,
We won't rest 'till he's good and deceased.
Steady fourth, tally ho! Grab your sword, grab your bow!
Let's get on and here we go!
Gaston: We'll lay seige to the castle, and bring back his head!
Belle: We have to warn the beast. This is all my fault.
OH papa what are we going to do?!
Maurice: Now, now. We'll think of something.
Chorus: We don't like what we don't...
understand and in fact it scares us,
and this monster is mysterious at least.
Bring your guns, bring your knives,
save children and and your wives,
so save our village and our lives!
Cogsworth: I knew it, I knew it was foolish to get our hopes up.
Lumiere: Maybe it would have been better if she'd never come at all.
Dog barks
Lumiere: Could it be?
Mrs Potts: Is it she?
Lumiere: Scara bleu! Invaders!
Cogsworth: Encroachers!
Mrs Potts: and they 'ave the mirror!
Cogsworth: Warn the master. If it's a fight they want,
we'll be ready for them. Who's with me! Arrrgh!
Gaston: Take whatever booty you can find, but remember!
Castle Furnishings:
Find a place, stand aside, we go marching into battle,
unafraid of all the things you just decreed.
Village chorus:
Raise the ram, sing this song,
here we come at fifty strong.
If fifty frenchmen can be wrong,
let's kill the beast!
Kidnap Mr. Sandy Claws
I wanna do it
Let's draw straws
Jack said we should work together
Three of a kind
Birds of a feather
Now and forever
La, la, la, la, la
Kidnap the Sandy Claws, lock him up real tight
Throw away the key and then
Turn off all the lights
First, we're going to set some bait
Inside a nasty trap and wait
When he comes a-sniffing we will
Snap the trap and close the gate
Wait! I've got a better plan
To catch this big red lobster man
Let's pop him in a boiling pot
And when he's done we'll butter him up
Kidnap the Sandy Claws
Throw him in a box
Bury him for ninety years
Then see if he talks
Then Mr. Oogie Boogie Man
Can take the whole thing over then
He'll be so pleased, I do declare
That he will cook him rare
I say that we take a cannon
Aim it at his door
And then knock three times
And when he answers
Sandy Claws will be no more
You're so stupid, think now
lf we blow him up to smithereens
We may lose some pieces
And then Jack will beat us black and green
Kidnap the Sandy Claws
Tie him in a bag
Throw him in the ocean
Then, see if he is sad
Because Mr. Oogie Boogie is the meanest guy around
If I were on his Boogie list, I'd get out of town
He'll be so pleased by our success
That he'll reward us too, I bet
Perhaps he'll make his special brew
Of snake and spider stew
We're his little henchmen and
We take our job with pride
We do our best to please him
And stay on his good side
I wish my cohorts weren't so dumb
I'm not the dumb one
You're no fun
Shut up
Make me
I've got something, listen now
This one is real good, you'll see
We'll send a present to his door
Upon there'll be a note to read
Now, in the box we'll wait and hide
Until his curiosity entices him to look inside
And then we'll have him
One, two, three
Kidnap the Sandy Claws, beat him with a stick
Lock him up for ninety years, see what makes him tick
Kidnap the Sandy Claws, chop him into bits
Mr. Oogie Boogie is sure to get his kicks
Kidnap the Sandy Claws, see what we will see
Lock him in a cage and then, throw away the key
Kidnap Mister Sandy Claws?
I wanna do it
Let’s draw straws!
Jack said we should work together
Three of a kind
Birds of a feather
Now and forever!
La la la…..
Kidnap the Sandy Claws
Lock him up real tight!
Throw away the key and then
Turn off all the lights
First were going to set some bait
Inside a nasty trap and wait
When he comes a-sniffing
We will snap the trap and close the gate
Wait I got a better plan
To catch this big red lobster man
Let’s pop him in a boiling pot
And when he’s done,
We’ll butter him up!
Kidnap the Sandy Claws
Throw him in a box
Bury him for 90 years
Then see if he talks
Then Mr. Oogie Boogie man
Can take the whole thing over then
He’ll be so pleased I do declare
That he will cook him rare
I say that we take a cannon
Aim it at his door and then
Knock three times
And when he answers
Sandy Claws will be no more!
You’re so stupid!
Think now, if we blow him up to smithereens
We may lose some pieces
And then Jack will beat us black and green!
Kidnap the Sandy Claws
Tie him in a bag
Throw him in the ocean than
See if he is sad
Because Mr. Oogie Boogie is the meanest guy around
If I were on his boogie list
I’d get out of town
He’ll be so pleased by our success
That he’ll reward us too, I’ll bet
Perhaps he’ll make a special brew
Of snake and spider stew!
We’re his little henchmen and we take our job with pride
We do our best to please him, and stay on his good side
I wish my cohorts weren’t so dumb
I’m not the dumb one,
You’re no fun!
Shut up!
Make me!
I’ve got something, listen now
This one is real good you’ll see
We’ll send a present to his door
Upon will be a note to read
Now in the box
They’ll wait and hide
Until his curiosity
Entices him to look inside
And then we’ll have him
Kidnap the Sandy Claws
Beat him with a stick
Lock him up for 90 years
See what makes him tick
Kidnap the Sandy Claws
Chop him into bits
Mr. Oogie Boogie is sure to get his kicks
Kidnap the Sandy Claws
See what we will see
Lock him in a cage and then
Throw away the key!
Timon: Ich sehs jetzt schon kommen.
Pumba: WAS?
Timon: Sie ist das A und O.
Pumba: WO?
Timon: Sie werden sich verlieben, glaub es mir, dann sind wir nur noch Zwo.
Pumba: OH!
Timon: Die zärtliche Begegnung ist wie ein Zauberbann. Es ist ja so romantisch aber das Disaster fängt erst an.
Kann es wirklich Liebe sein?
Im sanften Augenblick.
Die Harmonie voll tiefer Friedlichkeit
mit allem was wir sind.
Wie soll ichs ihr erklären?
Ob sie es auch versteht?
Sie will die Wahrheit
die Vergangenheit,
wer weiß ob sie dann geht?
Was will er nur verbergen?
Er tuts die ganze Zeit.
Warum will er kein König sein,
denn als König wär er frei.
Chorus (2x)
Kann es wirklich Liebe sein?
Im sanften Augenblick.
Die Harmonie voll tiefer Friedlichkeit
mit allem was wir sind.
Kann es wirklich Liebe sein?
Spürst du sie überall?
Endlich eins,
im Schutz der Dunkelheit,
Liebe ist erwacht!
Timon:Und wenn er sich heut Nacht verliebt
kommen wir nicht drum rum...
Pumba:Die schöne Zeit der Unbekümmertheit
Timon&Pumba;: ist um, mein Freund,wie dumm!
Kailanman (Forever)
Version of Maso
Minsan lang nang tayo ay mag kalayo
Ang puso'y umiibig pa rin
Nalulumbay sa tuwing naalala ang lumipas natin
At itong mata ko'y laging may luha
Hindi kaya mayroon ka nang iba
Sabihin mong ako
Ako pa rin ang ini-ibig mo
Kailanman ikaw lang aking mahal
Kailanman ang tangi kong pinagdarasl
Minsan pa sana'y mayakap ka
Patutunayan na mahal kita
Kahit saan man ako naroon
Nais kong iyong malaman
Hinding hindi kita
Magagawa na aking kalimutan
Ang lahat sa aking nagdaan
Tatangapin kong aking kayamanan
Wala nang hihigit pa
Sa ating ginintoang pag-ibig
Kailanman ikaw lang aking mahal
Kailanman ang tangi kong pinagdarasal
Minsan pa sana'y mayakap ka
Patutunayan na mahal kita
Kailanman ikaw lang aking mahal
Kailanman ang tangi kong pinagdarasal
Minsan pa sana'y mayakap ka
Patutunayan na mahal kita
Kailanman ikaw lang aking mahal
Kailanman ang tangi kong pinagdarasal
Minsan pa sana'y mayakap ka
Patutunayan na mahal kita
Jag ser vad som händer (va)
fast inte dom förstår (oh)
Men blir dom kära krymper faktiskt nu
vår trio ner till två (ååh)
Jag känner vibrationen, förtrollningarnas kväll.
Här finns en ljuv romantiskt atmosfär,
är bäddat för en skräll.
Känn en doft av kärleken,
den sveper tyst förbi.
En kort sekund kan allt som lever här,
få känna harmoni.
Vill visa all min kärlek men hur förklarar jag,
det hemska som har hänt? - omöjligt!,
för skuggorna finns kvar.
Det är nånting han gömmer,
jag undrar vad det är.
Han vill inte bli kung och ändå
är han född till det.
Känn en doft av kärleken,
den sveper tyst förbi.
En kort sekund kan allt som lever här,
få känna harmoni.
Känn en doft av kärleken,
den kommer närmare.
Den når in i varje liten vrå,
den finns där dom är.
Och om han nu blir kär ikväll (snyft)
Ja, det ser så ut.
Dom glada dar vi haft tillsammans,
är utan tvekan slut. (gråt)
I en bättre värld
Än vi aldrig sett
Hade allt det här som hänt
aldrig ha skett
Låt de ha sin värld
bygger upp en ny
Mitt i allt elände finns en tröst
En viskning från mitt hjärtas röst
Jag vet, kärleken är stark
Jag kan leva var som helst
Om du finns där bredvid mig
Som träd bryter genom mark
Blommorna slår ut
Når du mig tillslut
Kärleken är stark
Jag var svag och rädd
Sökte inga svar
Våga inte tro att kärleken fanns kvar
Men en bättre värld finns djupt inom oss
Kovo och Kiara:
Låt de se att kärleken är sann
Den glädje som vi ger varann
Refr Tillsammans:
Vi vet, att kärleken är stark
Vi kan leva var som helst
Om vi är där tillsammans
Som träd bryter genom mark
Blommorna slår ut
Så når du mig tillslut
Kärleken är stark
Vi vet kärleken är stark
Ei jokeen astua koskaan voi ja jäädä
paikkaan rauhaisaan, kun vesi eteenpäin näin aina virtaa.
Vaan kaikki elää ei voi niin polkuja muutellen.
Kotiin jäät, jos kokonaan et tiedä koskaan.
Virta minne veneen vie, sinne mutkan takaa käy jo tie.
Ja katson taas, virta minne veneen vie.
Ja huomaan taas, miksi lennä en.
En tietää saa, mitä päivä mukanaan tuo,
kun virta kuljettaa, jo saan, saan kokonaan.
En tiedä, mikä joen saa näin läpi mutkain kulkemaan.
Kun kotona on paikka minun varmaan,
luona miehen jyrkän, joka jyrkät seinät rakentaa,
ja unohtaa voin unelmani armaan.
Virta minne veneen vie, virta minne veneen vie?
Ja katson taas, virta minne veneen vie.
Ja huomaan taas, meren taakse käy.
En tietää saa, miksi jahtaan unelmaa,
virta vie sen mukanaan,
virta vie sen mukanaan.
Käynkö virtaan rauhaisaan perinteitä vaalimaan?
Naidako siis Kokoum, se kohtaloni onko lie?
Vai onko tää syömmeni viel jossain,
virta minne veneen vie?
What I love most about rivers is you can't step in the same river twice.
The water's always changing always flowing
But people I guess can't live like that
They all must pay a price
To be safe we lose our chance of ever knowing
What's around the river bend
Waiting just around the river bend
I look once more just around the river bend
Beyond the shore where the gulls fly free
Don't know what for
What I dream the day might send just around the river bend
For me, coming for me
I feel it there beyond those trees
Or right behind these waterfalls
Can I ignore that sound of distant drumming?
For a handsome sturdy husband who builds handsome sturdy walls
And never dreams that something might be coming
Just around the river bend
Just around the river bend
I look once more just around the river bend
Beyond the shore, somewhere past the sea
Don't know what for
Why do all my dreams extend just around the river bend
Just around the river bend
Should I choose the smoothest course steady as the beating drum?
Should I marry Kokoum?
Is all my dreaming at an end?
Or do you still wait for me, dream-giver, just around the river bend?
Heart don't fail me now
Courage don't desert me
Don't turn back now that we're here
People always say
Life is full of choices
No one ever mentions fear
Or how the world can seem so vast
On a journey... to the past
Somewhere down this road
I know someone's waiting
Years of dreams just can't be wrong
Arms will open wide
I'll be safe and wanted
Finally home where I belong
Well, starting now I'm learning fast
On this journey... to the past
Home, love, family
There was once a time I must have had them too
Home, love, family
I will never be complete untill I find you...
One step at a time
One hope, them another
Who knows where this road may go--
Back to who I was
On to find my future
Things my heart still needs to know
Yes, let this be a sign
Let this road be mine
Let it lead me to my past
And bring me home...
At last!!!!!!!!!
Heart don't fail me now
Courage don't desert me
Don't turn back now that we're here
People always say
Life is full of choices
No one evet mentions fear
Or how our road can seem so long
How the world can seem so vast
Courage see me through
Heart I'm trusting you
On this journey to the past
Somewhere down this road
I know someone's waiting
Years of dreams just can't be wrong
Arms will open wide
I'II be safe and wanted
Finally home where I belong
Well, starting here my life begins
Starting now I'm learning fast
Courage see me through
Heart I'm trusting you
On this journey to the past
Heart don't fail me now
Courage don't desert me
Home, love, family
There was once a time
I must've had them to
Home, love, family
I will never be complete until I find you
One step at a time
One hope then another
Who knows where this road may go
Back to who I was
Onto find my future
Things my heart still needs to know
Yes, let this be a sign
Let this road be mine
Let it lead me to my past
Courage see me through
Heart I'm trusting you
To bring me home
At last
At last
Courage see me through
Heart I'm trusting you
"Heart don't fail me now
Courage don't desert me
Don't turn back now that we're here
People always say
Life is full of choices
No one ever mentions fear
Or How the world can seem so vast
On the journey to the past
Somewhere down this road
I know someone's waiting
Years of dreams just can't be wrong
Arms will open wide
I'll be safe and wanted
Finally home where I belong
Well, Starting now I’m learning fast
On this journey to the past
Home, love, family
There was once a time
I must've had them too
Home, love, family
I will never be complete until I find you
One step at a time
One hope then another
Who knows where this road may go
Back to who I was
Onto find my future
Things my heart still needs to know
Yes, let this be a sign
Let this road be mine
Let it lead me to my past
And bring me home
At Last
Ain't it glorious day
Right as the morning in May
I feel like I could fly
Mary Poppins: Now Bert none of your laughing about...
Have you ever seen the grass so green
Or a bluer sky
Oh it's a jolly holiday with Mary,
Mary makes your heart so light
When the day gray and ordinary Mary makes the sun shine bright
Mary Poppins: Oh honestly!
Oh happiness is bloomin' all around her
The daffodill's are smilin' at the doves
When Mary holds your hand you feel so grand,
your heart starts beatin' like a big brass band
Mary Poppins: (laughing) You are lightheaded...
It's a jolly holiday with Mary no wonder that it's Mary that we love
Oh it's a jolly holiday with Mary
Mary makes your heart so light
when the day is gray and ordinary
Mary makes the sun shine bright
oh happiness is bloomin' all around her
The daffodill's are smilin' at the doves (oink oink)
When Mary holds your hand you feel so grand,
your heart starts beatin' like a big brass band
it's a jolly holiday with Mary no wonder that it's Mary that we love
Mary Poppins:
Oh it's a jolly holiday with you Bert
Gentlemen like you are few
Bert: A vanishing breed that's me
Though you're just a diamond in the rough Bert underneath your blood is blue
You'd never think of pressing your advantage fore bearance is the hallmark of your creed
Bert: True
A lady needant fear when you are near your sweet gentility is crystal clear
Oh it's a jolly holiday with you Bert a jolly jolly holiday with you
to the end
Come on, kids! Let's do the JB Stomp!
Kick, kick this way
And kick, kick that way
Swim, swim forwards
And swim, swim backwards
Now, Stomp! Stomp! Stomp! Stomp!
Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!
Hop, hop this way
And hop, hop that way
Run, run forwards
And run, run backwards
Now, stretch and Relax
OK, Feel good?
nuff people say they know they cant believe,
jamaica we have a bobsled team
(repeat once)
we have the one derice,
and the one jr.,
yule brenner,
and the man sanka
the fastest of the fastest of jamaican sprinters,
go to olymipcs,
fight for jamaica
(repeat everything except for that last part)
the fastest of the fastest of jamaican sprinters,
respect to the man irv blitser
Snövit: Lyssna nu en stund
Det är vid en önskebrunn vi står
Ropa ner i brunnen här,
Den önskan du har kär
Och hör du då ett eko där,
Du får allt du begär
Jag önskar (jag önskar)
Prinsen jag har kär,
Ska komma (ska komma)
Idag (idag)
Jag hoppas (jag hoppas)
Och jag tror,
att den han älskar (han älskar)
Är jag (är jag)
Ha ha ha ha ha (ha ha ha ha ha)
Ha ha ha ha ha (ha ha ha ha ha)
Jag önskar (jag önskar)
Prinsen jag har kär
Ska komma (ska komma)
Prinsen: Idag
There are few who deny at what I do I am the best
For my talents are reowned far and wide
When it comes to surprises in the moonlit night
I excel without ever even trying
With the slightest little effort of my ghostlike charms
I have seen grown men give out a shriek
With the wave of my hand and a well-placed moan
I have swept the very bravest off their feet
Yet year after year it's the same routine
And I grow so weary of the sound of screams
And I Jack the PUMPKIN KING!
Have grown so tired of the same old thing...
Oh somewhere deep inside of these bones
And emptiness begins to grow
There's something out there far from my home
A longing that I've never known
I'm a master of fright and a demon of light
And I'll scare you right out of your pants
To a guy in Kentucky I'm Mister Unlucky
And I'm known throughout England and France
And since I am dead I can take off my head
To recite Shakespearean quotations
No animal or man can scream like I can
With the fury of my recitations
But who here would ever understand
That the Pumpkin King with the skeleton grin
Would tire of his crown- if they only understood
He would give it all up if he only could
Oh there's an empty place in my bones
That calls out for something unknown
The fame and praise come year after year
Does nothing for these empty tears...
Ja, vi elsker dette landet som det stiger frem.
Furet, værbitt over vannet med de tusen hjem.
Elsker, elsker det å tenke på vår far og mor,
og den saganatt som senker drømme på vår jord,
og den saganatt som senker, senker drømme på vår jord.
Norske mann i hus og hytte, takk din store Gud.
Landet ville han beskytte, skjønt det mørkt så ut.
Alt hva fedrene har kjempet, mødrene har grett
Har vår Herre stille kjempet, så vi vant vår rett
Har vår Herre stille kjempet, så vi vant, vi vant vår rett.
It's the hard knock life for us!
It's the hard knock life for us!
'Stead a treated we get tricked,
'Stead a kisses we get kicked!
It's the hard knock life!
Got no folks to speak of, so!
It's the hard knock row we hoe.
Cotten blankets, 'stead of wool,
empty bellies, 'stead of full!
It's the hard knock life!
Don't it feel like the wind is always howlin'?
Don't it seem like there's never any light?
Once a day don't you want to throw the towel in?
Well It's easier than puttin' up a fight.
No one's there when your dreams at night get creepy,
no one cares if you grow or if you shrink.
No one dries when your eyes get wet and weepy,
from the cryin' you would think this place would sink.
Empty-Belly Life!
Rotten, Smelly Life!
Full of sorrow life!
No tomorrow life!
Santa Clause we never see.
Santa Clause whats that, who's he?
No one cares for you a smidge,
when your in an orphanidge!
It's the hard knock life.
(Yes it is)
It's the hard knock life.
(Yes it is)
It's the hard knock life.
Finns det ett pris för verklig dumhet
Då har jag redan vunnit
Men ingen man får mig att vackla
Det är historia, tid som svunnit
Vem är det du lurar han är allt du tänker på
hur du kan bygga murar men vi ser och kan förstå
du försöker att glömma du kan inte glömma han är allt för dig.
Helt fel lägg av inte jag inte här
Du svimmar snart underbart du är kär
Sånt trams lägg av inte jag inte kär
Jag trodde att jag lärt min läxa
Jag vet hur sångerna låter
Jag känner ingenting sånt där nu
En sång inom mig där hjärtat gråter
Fortsätt att förneka vem du är och vad du känner du kan säkert leka
men vi är ju dina vänner dags att du förstår nu vet du vad vi tror nu
ja att du har ja du har fel
Ta't lugnt lägg av inte jag inte här
Ge upp och se vad det är du är kär
Nej som jag sa inte jag inte kär
En hemlighet men vi vet du är kär
Men ni har helt fel inte jag nej
Inte hon nej
Inget spel inte jag nej
Var ärlig då och förstå du är kär
Vem drömmer då inte jag jag är kär
Pinocchio: Nej trådar har jag inga kvar
Som binder mig vid det som var
Dansar till min melodi
Som trådlös är man fri
Hej hå och lunka på
Jag kan ta mig vart jag vill
Alla kan nog förstå, det är svårt att vara still
För ingen styr mitt liv med tråd
Och jag behöver inga råd
Andra sitter fast men tvi,
Som trådlös är man fri.
Andra dockor: Att trådlös gå, är ingen skam,
Det har jag hört i Amsterdam.
Om du vill bli min lyckas smed,
Jag sliter mina med
En trådlös man comme ci comme ca
Din lyster är oh lala
Säg att du och jag blir oss,
Så sliter jag mig loss
Nere vid Volgas strand
Håller jag min Ivans hand
Men om du vill bli min prins
Glömmer jag att Ivan finns! Hej!
Pinocchio: Som trådlös är man
In the dark of the night I was tossing and turning,
and the nightmare I had was as bad as can be.
it scared me out of my wits!
a corpse falling to bits!
then I opened my eyes and the nightmare was me!
I was once the most mystical man in all Russia (ooh ahh ooh)
when the royals betrayed me they made a mistake (ooh ahh ooh)
my curse made each of them fade
but one little girl got away,
little anya beware Rasputin's awake!
in the dark of the night evil will find her
in the dark of the night just before dawn
revenge will be sweet,
when the curse is complete,
in the dark of the night, she'll be gone!
I can feel that my powers are slowly returning
tie my sash and a dash of cologne for that smell!
as the pieces fall into place,
I'll see her cute little face,
las vedanya anya your grace, farewell!
in the dark of the night, terror will find her (terror's the least I tell you!)
in the dark of the night, evil will brew
soon she will feel,
that her nightmares are real
in the dark of the night, she'll be through
in the dark of the night evil will find her (find her)
in the dark of the night, terror comes true (doom her)
my dear, heres a sign,
its the end of the line,
in the dark of the night (2x)
Come, my minions
rise for your master,
let your evil shine
bring her now yes fly her faster
in the dark of the night (3x)
she'll be mine!
In ons dorp, is het altijd rustig,
en iets nieuws, dat gebeurd hier niet.
In ons dorp, zingen alle mensen,
steeds hetzelfde lied.
Daar gaat de bakker met zijn brood als altijd,
Hij raakt het kwijt, al is het oud.
Alles gaat zoals het hoort, in dit afgelegen oord,
dat is wat mij soms benauwd.
Goedenmorgen Belle!
Goedenmorgen bakker!
Waar ga je heen?
Naar de boekwinkel, ik heb net zo'n prachtig verhaal gelezen.
Over een bonenstaak en een monster en....
Wat leuk, Marie, de baguettes! Schiet eens op!
Kijk haar nou gaan, dat rare kind, zo typisch.
Ze loopt te dromen, zie je wel.
Vaak is zij het liefst alleen,
Nogal vreemd vind iedereen,
Alle mensen, wat een rare meid die Belle.
meneer 1:
meneer 1:
Tot 12 uur he!
mevrouw 1:
meneer 2:
mevrouw 1:
Hoe is het met je vrouw?
mevrouw 2:
Ik wil er 6!
meneer 3:
Die is wel duur he!
Moet dit nu zo mijn hele leven gaan?
Ah! Belle
Goedemorgen, ik kom mijn boek terugbrengen dat ik heb geleent.
Heb je het alweer uit?
Oh ik kreeg er niet genoeg van! Heeft u iets nieuws?
(grinnekent)Niet sinds gisteren
Oh, dat geeft niet, dan neem ik... dit boek!
Dat boek? Maar dat ken je al.
Maar het is mijn lievelingsboek! Verre landen, zwaardgevechten,
tovenaars, een vermomde prins en....
Als je zo dol bent op dat boek, hou het dan.
Maar meneer..
Ik sta erop!
Oh dank u! duizend maal dank!
Kijk haar nou gaan, ze is toch wel wat anders,
Is zij wel helemaal gezond?
Of er niemand meer bestaat, loopt ze lezent over de straat.
Maar die rare Belle maakt het wel heel erg bond.
Ooooh! Is het niet verbazend! Het is mijn lievelingsboek omdat, kijk hier!
Zij hem ooit eens zal krijgen, maar ze weet nog niet dat het gebeurd, in hoofdstuk vier!
Haar naam zegt ons al dat ze heel erg mooi is, zij is een echte mademoiselle!
Maar de mensen vinden haar, toch altijd een beetje raar,
ze is anders dan wij allemaal.
Zij doet niet als wij allemaal, ze is anders dan wij allemaal, die Belle!
Elk schot van jou was raak Gaston, jij bent de beste jager ter wereld!
Weet ik
Jij krijgt elk dier die je maar wil, en elk meisje trouwens ook!
Klopt Lefou, en ik heb nu een oogje op die daar.
D-de dochter van de uitvinder??
Jah precies, ze boft dat ze met mij mag trouwen!
Ja, maar ze heeft....
het allermooiste meisje van het dorp!
ja, weet ik maar....
Zij is gewoon de beste, en verdien ik niet de beste die er is?
Ja natuurlijk! ik bedoel alleen maar....
Vanaf de dag dat ik haar zo zag praten, ging ik meteen al voor de bijl. Zij is net zo knap
als ik, zag ik met een eerste blik, duz het duurt niet lang en trouwen wij in stijl.
Kijk hem, nou gaan, is het geen spetter. Monsieur Gaston, oh wat een stuk!
Mijn hart valt stil, bijna te pletter, wie hem ooit trouwt heeft heel erg veel geluk!
Man 1:Bonjour!
Man 2:Hallo!
Man 3:Hallo!
vrouw: Oh kijk wat een mooie kaas!
man: die kaas?
Vrouw: nee díe!
Gaston: Pardon!
Man: Ik pak mijn mes!
Gaston:Laat mij erdoor!
Vrouw1:dit brood...
Man5:deze vis..... oud
Man5:...hij stinkt!
Baker: mevrouw vergist zich!
Moet dit nu zo mijn hele leven gaan?
Ik zal Belle trouwen, neem dat van mij aan!
Kijk haar nou gaan, zo raar, maar aardig meisje,
Een bijzondere mademoiselle.
Ookal is zij nog zo schoon, zij valt wat uit de toon,
Ze is gewoon een rare meid,
een mooie maar een rare meid.
Ze is een hele rare meid!
die Belle!
(ondertussen "bonjour's)
- In My Own Little Corner
Cinderella: I'm as mild and as meek as a mouse
When I hear a command I obey.
But I know of a spot in my house
where no one can stand in my way.
In my own little corner in my own little chair
I can be whatever I want to be.
On the wings of my fancy I can fly anywhere
and the world will open its arms to me.
I'm a young Egyptian princess or a milkmaid
I'm the greatest prima donna in Milan
I'm an heiress who has always had her silk made
By her own flock of silkworms in Japan
I'm a girl men go mad for love's a game I can play with
cool and confident kind of air.
Just as long as I stay in my own little corner
All alone in my own little chair.
I can be whatever I want to be.
I'm a slave from Calcutta I'm a queen in Peru.
I'm a mermaid dancing upon the sea
I'm a huntress on an African safari.. it's a dangerous type of sport and yet it's fun
In the night I sally forth to seek my quarry
And I find I forgot to bring my gun.
I am lost in the jungle all alone and unarmed when I meet a lioness in her lair
Then I'm glad to be back in my own little corner,
All alone in my own little chair.
Roger's & Hamerstein's Cinderella
Impossible, for a plain yellow pumpkin to become a golden
Impossible, for a plain country bumpkin and a prince to join
in marriage
And four white mice will never be four white horses, such foll-de-rall
and fidddle-dee-dee of course is
For the world is full of zanies and fools who don't believe in
sensible rules, and don't believe what sensible
people say,and because these daft and dewey-eyed dopes keep
building up impossible hopes, impossible things are happening
Repeat Impossible 7 times
It's possible, for a plain yellow pumpkin to become a golden carriage
It's possible, for plain country bumpkin and a prince to join in
And four white mice are easily turned to horses, such fall-dor-all
and feedle-dee-dee of course is
Quite possible
For the world is full of zannies and fools who don't believe in sensible
rules, and don't believe what sensible people say
and because these daft and dewey-eyed dopes keep building up
impossible hopes, impossible
Things are happening everyday!
If you believe
We've got a picture perfect plan
We've got you fooled
'Cos we only do the best we can
And sometimes we make it
And sometimes we fake it
But we'll get, one step closer each and very day
When we figure it out our own way...
To hold me down
To make me fret
Or make me frown
I had strings
But now I'm free
There are no strings on me
Hi o the merio, that's
the only way to be!
I want the world to know
notin' ever worries me
I've got no strings so I have fun
I'm not tied up to anyone
They've got strings but
you can see there are no strings
on me!
You have no strings your
arms are free
To love me by the
Zeider Zee
Ya, ya, ya if you
would woo
I'd burst my strings
for you
You've go no strings
comme ci comme ca
Your savoir faire is ooh
la la
I've got strings, but
entre nous
I'd cut my strings for you
Down where
de Volga flows
Dere's a Russian
Where me and Ivan goes
But I'd rather go with
you, Hey!
I can show you the world
Shining, shimmering, splendid
Tell me, princess, now when did
You last let your heart decide?
I can open your eyes
Take you wonder by wonder
Over, sideways and under
On a magic carpet ride
A whole new world
A new fantastic point of view
No one to tell us no or where to go
Or say we're only dreaming
A whole new world
A dazzling place I never knew
But when I'm way up here, it's crystal clear
That now I'm in a whole new world with you
Now I'm in a whole new world with you
Unbelievable sights
Indescribable feeling
Soaring, tumbling, freewheeling
Through an endless diamond sky
A whole new world
Don't you dare close your eyes
A hundred thousand things to see
(Hold your breath, it gets better)
I'm like a shooting star
I've come so far
I can't go back
To where I used to be
A whole new world
Every turn a surprise
With new horizons to pursue
Every moment red-letter
I'll chase them anywhere
There's time to spare
Let me share this whole new world with you
A whole new world
That's where we'll be
A thrilling chase
A wondrous place