
1984 Vice Presidential Debate - George Bush & Geraldine Ferraro
The face off between Vice President George Bush and challenger Geraldine Ferraro from 1984...
published: 11 Feb 2013
author: Samuel Wilson
1984 Vice Presidential Debate - George Bush & Geraldine Ferraro
1984 Vice Presidential Debate - George Bush & Geraldine Ferraro
The face off between Vice President George Bush and challenger Geraldine Ferraro from 1984.- published: 11 Feb 2013
- views: 403
- author: Samuel Wilson

Geraldine Ferraro and Sarah Palin on Fox News - The only two female VP candidates
Geraldine Ferarro and Sarah Palin join Fox News analysts on election night. Ferarro and Pa...
published: 03 Nov 2010
author: wahahn
Geraldine Ferraro and Sarah Palin on Fox News - The only two female VP candidates
Geraldine Ferraro and Sarah Palin on Fox News - The only two female VP candidates
Geraldine Ferarro and Sarah Palin join Fox News analysts on election night. Ferarro and Palin are the only two female Vice Presidential candidates and are ap...- published: 03 Nov 2010
- views: 3536
- author: wahahn

Geraldine Ferraro's Full Speech at the 1984 Democratic Convention
Geraldine Ferraro, the first female Vice Presidential candidate on a national party ticket...
published: 30 Aug 2011
author: DemocraticVideo
Geraldine Ferraro's Full Speech at the 1984 Democratic Convention
Geraldine Ferraro's Full Speech at the 1984 Democratic Convention
Geraldine Ferraro, the first female Vice Presidential candidate on a national party ticket, gives her address on the last night of the 1984 Democratic Conven...- published: 30 Aug 2011
- views: 4984
- author: DemocraticVideo

Ferraro to Obama: Don't Antagonize Me
Geraldine Ferraro on FOX News, March 11, 2008....
published: 11 Mar 2008
author: Veracifier
Ferraro to Obama: Don't Antagonize Me
Ferraro to Obama: Don't Antagonize Me
Geraldine Ferraro on FOX News, March 11, 2008.- published: 11 Mar 2008
- views: 139840
- author: Veracifier

Geraldine Ferraro Defends Her Statements (Full Video)
http://www.clmnews.com/ Ferraro: 'Taken Out of Context The former vice presidential candid...
published: 12 Mar 2008
author: Clotheslinemedia
Geraldine Ferraro Defends Her Statements (Full Video)
Geraldine Ferraro Defends Her Statements (Full Video)
http://www.clmnews.com/ Ferraro: 'Taken Out of Context The former vice presidential candidate defends her comments on sex and race. Make: http://www.clmnews....- published: 12 Mar 2008
- views: 16405
- author: Clotheslinemedia

1984 Vice Presidential DebateGeraldine Ferraro
1984 Vice Presidential Debate Geraldine Ferraro Resents Geroge Bush Sr. for talking down t...
published: 06 Oct 2008
author: PresDebatesGoneWild
1984 Vice Presidential DebateGeraldine Ferraro
1984 Vice Presidential DebateGeraldine Ferraro
1984 Vice Presidential Debate Geraldine Ferraro Resents Geroge Bush Sr. for talking down to her. She isn't afraid to speak her mind and let him know how she ...- published: 06 Oct 2008
- views: 20700
- author: PresDebatesGoneWild

Geraldine Ferraro - If Obama Was A White Man...
Wolf Blitzer in the CNN Situation room discusses Geraldine Ferraro's controversial,borderi...
published: 11 Mar 2008
author: OFUMedia
Geraldine Ferraro - If Obama Was A White Man...
Geraldine Ferraro - If Obama Was A White Man...
Wolf Blitzer in the CNN Situation room discusses Geraldine Ferraro's controversial,bordering on racist statement about Barack Obama. According to the Daily B...- published: 11 Mar 2008
- views: 33807
- author: OFUMedia

Geraldine Ferraro Accepts the Vice Presidential Nomination at 1984 Democratic National Convention
The First Woman to be nominated for the Vice Presidential seat, Geraldine Ferraro, accepts...
published: 15 Oct 2009
author: Educational Video Group
Geraldine Ferraro Accepts the Vice Presidential Nomination at 1984 Democratic National Convention
Geraldine Ferraro Accepts the Vice Presidential Nomination at 1984 Democratic National Convention
The First Woman to be nominated for the Vice Presidential seat, Geraldine Ferraro, accepts her nomination at the 1984 Democratic National Convention. Exceprt...- published: 15 Oct 2009
- views: 25249
- author: Educational Video Group

Remembering Geraldine Ferraro - KTTV
KTTV included a statement by Congresswoman Maxine Waters in their coverage of the life, ti...
published: 29 Mar 2011
author: MaxineWaters
Remembering Geraldine Ferraro - KTTV
Remembering Geraldine Ferraro - KTTV
KTTV included a statement by Congresswoman Maxine Waters in their coverage of the life, times, and legacy of Geraldine Ferraro, the former Congresswoman and ...- published: 29 Mar 2011
- views: 364
- author: MaxineWaters

Barack Obama Responds To Geraldine Ferraro
http://www.clmnews.com/ Obama Addresses Race Remarks The Illinois senator responds to cont...
published: 12 Mar 2008
author: Clotheslinemedia
Barack Obama Responds To Geraldine Ferraro
Barack Obama Responds To Geraldine Ferraro
http://www.clmnews.com/ Obama Addresses Race Remarks The Illinois senator responds to controversy stirred up by Geraldine Ferraro. Make: http://www.clmnews.c...- published: 12 Mar 2008
- views: 46265
- author: Clotheslinemedia

Geraldine Ferraro: Paving the Way Trailer
In this feature-length documentary filmmaker Donna Zaccaro creates a moving, powerful, and...
published: 13 Mar 2014
Geraldine Ferraro: Paving the Way Trailer
Geraldine Ferraro: Paving the Way Trailer
In this feature-length documentary filmmaker Donna Zaccaro creates a moving, powerful, and surprising portrait of her mother, Geraldine Ferraro, who changed the national perception of what was possible for women.- published: 13 Mar 2014
- views: 1222

Geraldine Ferraro Discusses Sexism and the Media on Fox News
Geraldine Ferraro discussed sexism with Shepard Smith on Fox News Channel's Studio B....
published: 20 May 2008
author: shepSweetie
Geraldine Ferraro Discusses Sexism and the Media on Fox News
Geraldine Ferraro Discusses Sexism and the Media on Fox News
Geraldine Ferraro discussed sexism with Shepard Smith on Fox News Channel's Studio B.- published: 20 May 2008
- views: 17090
- author: shepSweetie

Geraldine Ferraro: Obama's Winning Because He's Not White!
On Tuesday evening Ms Ferraro talked with John Gibson about super delegates, and her conce...
published: 27 Feb 2008
author: johnny dollar
Geraldine Ferraro: Obama's Winning Because He's Not White!
Geraldine Ferraro: Obama's Winning Because He's Not White!
On Tuesday evening Ms Ferraro talked with John Gibson about super delegates, and her concern that they are following popular trends instead of sticking to th...- published: 27 Feb 2008
- views: 78527
- author: johnny dollar
Youtube results:

Donna Zaccaro presents Geraldine Ferraro: Paving the Way @ DOC NYC 2013
Check out DOC NYC, New York's Documentary Film Festival at http://www.DOCNYC.net.
published: 21 Nov 2013
Donna Zaccaro presents Geraldine Ferraro: Paving the Way @ DOC NYC 2013
Donna Zaccaro presents Geraldine Ferraro: Paving the Way @ DOC NYC 2013
Check out DOC NYC, New York's Documentary Film Festival at http://www.DOCNYC.net. Festival Artistic Director Thom Powers conducts a Q&A; with Director Donna Zaccaro after the DOC NYC 2013 screening of the film she made about her mother, "Geraldine Ferraro: Paving the Way."- published: 21 Nov 2013
- views: 7

Geraldine Ferraro Memorial (A Landslide Brought Her Down-Dixie Chicks)
This is a Genuine G-Shot in memory of Geraldine Ferraro, the first female Vice Presidentia...
published: 31 Mar 2011
Geraldine Ferraro Memorial (A Landslide Brought Her Down-Dixie Chicks)
Geraldine Ferraro Memorial (A Landslide Brought Her Down-Dixie Chicks)
This is a Genuine G-Shot in memory of Geraldine Ferraro, the first female Vice Presidential candidate for a major US political party, died from multiple myeloma on March 26, 2011 only two days after the publication of a study decoding myeloma tumor genomes from 38 donors. This study revealed several new and unexpected molecular mechanisms of oncogenesis and highlighted the increasing likelihood that genome analysis will become the standard of care for personalized cancer care much sooner than anticipated. Ferraro was a Congresswoman from Queens at the time she was picked by Walter Mondale as his VP candidate in 1984 in the unsuccessful campaign against Ronald Reagan and George Bush. At the Democratic National Committee Convention, it was a historic moment when Ferraro declared: "My name is Geraldine Ferraro, I stand before you to proclaim tonight: America is the land where dreams can come true for all of us." Her acceptance speech launched eight minutes of cheers, foot-stamping and tears. The 75 year-old Ferraro died at Massachusetts General Hospital after battling myeloma for the past twelve years. Ferraro talked about her disease and why she went public with her diagnosis in an interview in 2001: "There were three reasons for my going public: One was to heighten awareness about this disease so doctors can recognize it when their patients have blood work done during regular checkups. Another was to raise money from the government, and the third was to encourage faster FDA approval of drugs." Ferraro was an honorary board member of the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation along with a number of other public figures including Cindy Crawford, Mariska Hargitay, Keith Olbermann, Sharon Osbourne, General Norman Schwarzkof, Katie Couric, Brian Williams and others. Multiple myeloma, a malignancy of plasma cells, is the second most common blood cancer in the United States and constitutes approximately 1% of all cancers. Over the past two decades, the overall incidence and mortality rates of myeloma have remained fairly stable. Men have a higher incidence of myeloma than women. In addition, myeloma is more common among the elderly and African Americans who have a higher mortality rate than other groups. For a comprehensive review of this disease, its diagnosis and management see the Resounding Health Casebook containing information from the National Cancer Institute. Genuine G-Shot by GARi G-Shots TV Inc. GShots Videography Gary J. Mondfrans Videographer Congressman Geraldine Ferraro Vice President Presidential Democratic Candidate Died Dead Obit Obituary Obituarist Tribute Memorial Video Memorium Memoriam Cuomo- published: 31 Mar 2011
- views: 410

Geraldine Ferraro is a closet racist
This is Hillary Clintons older counterpart. Like Hillary, she had managed to hide her raci...
published: 01 Jun 2008
author: blackandgoldone
Geraldine Ferraro is a closet racist
Geraldine Ferraro is a closet racist
This is Hillary Clintons older counterpart. Like Hillary, she had managed to hide her racism until recently. Also, her husband has ties to organized crime.- published: 01 Jun 2008
- views: 1474
- author: blackandgoldone

Remembering Geraldine Ferraro - MSNBC
MSNBC included a statement by Congresswoman Waters in their coverage of the life, times an...
published: 29 Mar 2011
author: MaxineWaters
Remembering Geraldine Ferraro - MSNBC
Remembering Geraldine Ferraro - MSNBC
MSNBC included a statement by Congresswoman Waters in their coverage of the life, times and legacy of Geraldine Ferraro, the former Congresswoman and first f...- published: 29 Mar 2011
- views: 226
- author: MaxineWaters