- published: 10 Feb 2012
- views: 22665
Ndebele or Matabele may refer to:
Learn Ndebele / Zulu :MEETING & GREETING [ Ukwazisana ]
Festive period a boost for Ndebele culture ceremonies
Billabong Neon Safari: Inspiration from the Ndebele Village
Ndebele movie short
Traditional Ndebele Dance Africans Abahlambisi bekosi media 7even
Ndebele culture
Ndebele Cultural Story
African Zimbabwe Ndebele People Music
The Origins of the Ndebele in Zimbabwe
Languages in Zimbabwe: Shona, Ndebele, Chewa
The festive period holds huge significance for many Ndebele maidens. And villages overflow with visitors. It is the preferred time for traditional ceremonies. For more News visit: http://www.sabc.co.za/news Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SABCNewsOnline?lang=en Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SABCNewsOnline
This season we were inspired by the fascinating and friendly people from the South African Ndebele tribe who welcomed us into their colourful homes for what was an incredibly culturally rich experience. The village inhabitants adhere to traditional customs and paint their rondavels so beautifully and dress so ornately it was no wonder we were inspired to design a collection incorporating their tribal patterns, colourful painting and impressive beadwork. The Neon Safari collection is our take on Africa meets the beach. The hopes and dreams of the young women and children helped us form the basis for the season to tell a beautiful story, with a lot of the young girls dreaming of one day becoming journalists and doctors. Billabong is working with the people of Mapoch to purchase their handcr...
Sfiso mthombeni
Abahlambisi Bekosi is the group that was formed in Kwa-Ndebele , South Africa for the youth to participate in it so that they can stay away from substance abuse e.g Drugs and etc..
Betha betha
Thobile Chili shares her cultural story at Indini Miss Cultural South Africa Pageant 2015
Global Black History presents the origins of the Ndebele in Zimbabwe. The Ndebele are descendants of the Khumalo people who lived under the rule of Shaka in present day South Africa. They got their name ‘Ndebele’ during their association with the Sotho people in the Transvaal region. The name ‘Ndebele’ meant strangers from the coast. The breakaway of the Ndebele from Shaka has been attributed to their leader Mzilikazi.