- published: 16 Nov 2008
- views: 26665
Tamara Obrovac (born in Pula, 1962) is a Croatian ethno jazz singer, flutist, song writer and composer. She has received a Porin, and was nominated for the BBC Radio 3 World music Award in 2004.
Apart from playing with her ensamble Transhistria, Tamara Obrovac is committed to numerous inter-cultural projects, one of which is Istria/Irland (Istra/Irska in Croatian). She composes for ballet and theater plays, and composed the music for the feature film What Is a Man Without a Moustache?.
A selection of her music and live performances can be heard and seen on her official website and on YouTube.
Romanian may refer to:
HyperText Markup Language, commonly referred to as HTML, is the standard markup language used to create web pages. Along with CSS, and JavaScript, HTML is a cornerstone technology, used by most websites to create visually engaging web pages, user interfaces for web applications, and user interfaces for many mobile applications.Web browsers can read HTML files and render them into visible or audible web pages. HTML describes the structure of a website semantically along with cues for presentation, making it a markup language, rather than a programming language.
HTML elements form the building blocks of all websites. HTML allows images and objects to be embedded and can be used to create interactive forms. It provides a means to create structured documents by denoting structural semantics for text such as headings, paragraphs, lists, links, quotes and other items.
The language is written in the form of HTML elements consisting of tags enclosed in angle brackets (like <html>
). Browsers do not display the HTML tags and scripts, but use them to interpret the content of the page.
Istro-românii: o enigmã a românitãţii. Episodul 1
IstroRomanians- Zvonciarii din Jeiani
Vorbitori de istro-romana din Croatia(ProTv-Cristi Tabara)
WIKITONGUES: Stere speaking Aromanian
Istro-Romanian Meaning
Canzone istroromena
Dialecte şi graiuri româneşti
Three Romanians
Românii care nu au auzit de România - volohii din Poroșcovo
Vorbitori de istroromana din Croatia
Izlet v Istro 6 3 2010 007
ISTRO-ROMÂNII: o enigmã a românitãţii. Episodul 2
Adriano Šćulac - "Istro Moja" MIK2009, Labin
Aromâni din Grecia, vorbitori de limba româneascã arhaicã
The Jesus Film - Aromanian / Arumanian / Macedo Romanian / Macedo-Rumanian / Vlach Language (Greece)
Tamara Obrovac - Se me ra morta privari - Ako me smrt prevari - If death was to trick me
Romanians in Budapest (04.09.2015)
How to Pronounce Istro-Romanian
Istro-Romanian Meaning
How to pronounce Istro-Romanian
Megleno-Romanian Meaning
Daco-Romanian Meaning
How to Pronounce Istro-Romanian
Famous istro-romanians: Nikola Tesla (Nicolae Teslea) Andrei Glavina Matthias Flacius Luigi Belulovici Giuseppe Belulovici Ezio Bordul More informations in romanian and english you can find here: http://www.istro-romanian.com/ http://www.istro-romanian.net/ http://www.flux.md/editii/200879/articole/3098 http://www.romanianmuseum.com/Romania/RomaniaFolkEuropaIstro.html In french: http://assembly.coe.int/mainf.asp?Link=/documents/workingdocs/doc08/fdoc11595.htm In german: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Istrorum%C3%A4nen In croatian: http://www.istrianet.org/istria/linguistics/istrorumeno/news/02_0113bura-zi.htm http://www.istro-romanian.net/articles/art0201131.html http://hr.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C4%86iribirci In serbian: http://sr.wikipedia.o...
Istro-româna este unul din cele patru dialecte ale limbii române. Mai existã doar câteva sute de vorbitori, majoritatea în vârstã de peste 60 de ani, în localitãţile Zejane şi Susjnievica, în nordul Croaţiei. Când aceştia vor dispărea, va dispărea şi dialectul. Conform UNESCO, istro-româna este unul din dialectele europene pe cale de disparitie (Unesco Red Book on endangered languages - Seriously endangered languages). Cum au ajuns istro-românii în peninsula Istria la graniţa de azi a Sloveniei în urmã cu 700 de ani şi cum s-a format dialectul pe care îl vorbesc rămâne o enigmã pe care lingviştii şi istoricii încearcă încă să o rezolve. Diversitatea este cu atât mai uluitoare cu cât existã diferenţe semnificative între cele douã graiuri vorbite de istro-românii care trãiesc de o parte şi ...
IstroRomanians, the last remenants of the Highlander Western Vlachs including Dalmatians, Morlachs. With 1500 members and only 170 speakers it is Europe's smallest language group, speaking a dialect of the Romanian languages. "Ce staţi Zvonciarii din Jeiani?" Song courtesy of http://www.istro-romanian.net
This video was recorded by Wikitongues volunteer Plator Gashi in Tirana, Albania. Aromanian is spoken by 250,000 people across eastern Europe, in particular Romania, Albania, Greece, Macedonia, Serbia, Bulgaria, and Turkey. An Eastern Romance language, Aromanian shares many similarities with the Romanian, Istro-Romanian, and Megleno-Romanian languages. Read more on Wikipedia: http://bit.ly/2lqhSao. Help us caption & translate this video! http://amara.org/v/7MVC/
00:55 Dialectul Daco-Român şi graiurile sale 06:39 Dialectul Aromân 07:56 Dialectul Megleno-Român 09:07 Dialectul Istro-Român - Created with AquaSoft SlideShow for YouTube: http://www.aquasoft.net
Trzech pozytywnie zakręconych kolesi robi wyjazd na moto do przepięknego kraju jakim jest Rumunia. Zachęcam do obejrzenia!
Istro-româna este unul din cele patru dialecte ale limbii române. Mai existã doar câteva sute de vorbitori, majoritatea în vârstã de peste 60 de ani, în localitãţile Zejane şi Susjnievica, în nordul Croaţiei. Când aceştia vor dispărea, va dispărea şi dialectul. Conform UNESCO, istro-româna este limba cea mai ameninţatã cu dispariţia din întreaga Europã. Cum au ajuns istro-românii în peninsula Istria la graniţa de azi a Sloveniei în urmã cu 700 de ani şi cum s-a format dialectul pe care îl vorbesc rămâne o enigmã pe care lingviştii şi istoricii încearcă încă să o rezolve. Diversitatea este cu atât mai uluitoare cu cât existã diferenţe semnificative între cele douã «graiuri» vorbite de istro-românii care trãiesc de o parte şi de alta a muntelui Ucka. Ĩn timp ce italienii şi slavii au avut m...
Aici vedeti aromâni din Grecia, grecizati de atatea milenii de catre greci, dar care inca mai vorbesc româneasca arhaicã, din pacate insa cu cuvinte grecesti printre.. Vezi si minutul 23 din clip-ul asta: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SW1Re6s1tP8 despre limba, dar e bine sa studiezi tot clipul.
The Story of the Life and Times of Jesus Christ (Son of God). According to the Gospel of Luke. (Greece) Aromanian / Armina / Arumanian / Macedo Romanian / Macedo-Ruma Language. God Bless You All.
PANPHONIA ISTRIANA / ISTRIAN POLYSOUNDS Tamara Obrovac, Croatian musician has launched the years-long project of revitalization of dialectal and musical heritage of Istria, PANPHONIA ISTRIANA, in which the archaism of the dialectal and cultural tradition is connected with the modern multimedia expression. The visual identity of the project is in the hands of Matija Debeljuh, director and visual artist. The aim of the project is to produce one multimedia computer DVD each two years, dedicated to one of the many Istrian dialects of Slavic and Romanic origin. The first DVD (2009) was dedicated to the Istro-Roman dialect, and the second one, which is currently underway, is dedicated to the Istro-Romanian language preserved in the villages of Žejane and Šušnjevica, on the slopes of Učka mou...
Expand your vocabulary and learn how to say new words: http://www.dictionaryvoice.com/How_To_Pronounce_Istro-Romanian.html Please leave a Like, a Comment, and Share. Bookmark us and share: http://www.dictionaryvoice.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/DictionaryVoice Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Dictionary-Voice/750369141710497 More Pronunciations: 1) How to Pronounce Istro-Romanian http://www.dictionaryvoice.com/How_To_Pronounce_Istro-Romanian.html 2) How to Pronounce Romanian http://www.dictionaryvoice.com/How_To_Pronounce_Romanian.html 3) How to Pronounce Romanian Bullwhip http://www.dictionaryvoice.com/How_To_Pronounce_Romanian_Bullwhip.html 4) How to Pronounce Romanian Pretzel http://www.dictionaryvoice.com/How_To_Pronounce_Romanian_Pretzel.html 5) How to Pronounce Roman...
How to pronounce the word Istro-Romanian. Subscribe for more pronunciation videos.
Video shows what Megleno-Romanian means. An endangered Eastern Romance language that is spoken in Greece, Macedonia and parts of Romania, and is related to Romanian, Aromanian and Istro-Romanian.. Megleno-Romanian Meaning. How to pronounce, definition audio dictionary. How to say Megleno-Romanian. Powered by MaryTTS, Wiktionary
Video shows what Daco-Romanian means. A more specific name for standard Romanian, used to distinguish it from the Aromanian (Macedo-Romanian), Megleno-Romanian and Istro-Romanian languages.. Daco-Romanian Meaning. How to pronounce, definition audio dictionary. How to say Daco-Romanian. Powered by MaryTTS, Wiktionary
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Vip Music Club LP: Tamara Obrovac & Rambo Amadeus i Psihomodo Pop koncert report i intervju
Tamara Obrovac TransAdriatic quartet - Slavuj piva / A nightingale sings LIVE @ Croatian National Television Zagreb, February, 2017 Music: Tamara Obrovac, lyrics: Trad. Tamara Obrovac - voice, composer Stefano Battaglia - piano Salvatore Maiore - double bass Krunoslav Levačić - drums Lyrics: Trad. / Inspired by the original and traditional Croatian singing form ("ojkanje") performed by Marija Prelas from Srijane, Gornja Poljica. This very particular vocal expresion evokes the wildness of the rocky and rough Dalmatian hinterland, the southern inland region of Croatia. // tekst: trad. / inspirirano tradicionalnim pjevanjem "ojkanjem" u izvedbi Marije Prelas iz Srijana, Gornja Poljica. HRTi - gledajte više na hrti.hrt.hr Hrvatska radiotelevizija www.hrt.hr FB: @HRTnovimediji
Ein Film über EC-Studentin Tamara Beiler bei den German Dance Masters.
Gledajte nas na drugom programu HTV-a i pratite na društvenim mrežama. Pratite nas na društvenim mrežama: #slepsou Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/slepsou Twitter: https://twitter.com/slepsou Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/slepsou
IstrArmenia (T.Obrovac / K.Asatrian) IstrArmenia ensemble, live Istrian National theater, Pula, Croatia, 02/2011 Tamara Obrovac and Karen Asatrian, a Croatian singer and an Armenian piano player together in new project, meeting point of Armenian and Istrian spirit, the synthesis of two musical journeys, two musical handwritings, two great performers and composers, both seeking for truthfulness combining archaic language of their traditions with modern jazz expression. ------------------------------------------------ IstrArmenia ensemble: Tamara Obrovac, voice, flute Karen Asatrian, piano, violin Juan Carlos Sungurlyan, oud, bouzuki Uroš Rakovec, gutar, mandoline Zvonimir Šestak, double bass Kruno Levačić, drums www.tamaraobrovac.com ------------------------------------------ LIKE / FA...
Vip Music Club LP - Zabranjeno pusenje report i interview
"Se me ra morta privari" (music by T. Obrovac / lyrics by. S. Brkarić/Krculić Tamara Obrovac transhistria ensemble Tamara Obrovac, voice, composer Uros Rakovec, guitar Tomislav Novak , accordion Ziga Golob, double bass Krunoslav Levacic, drums U sklopu projekta PANPHONIA ISTRIANA, Tamara Obrovac i transhistria ensemble snimili su skladbu "Se me ra morta privari / Ako me smrt prevari", na Vlaškom/Žejanskom dijalektu, pjesnikinje Silvane Brkarić Krculić. //ENGL: within the culturological multimedia project aimed at the revitalization of the dialectal and musical heritage of Istria, PANPHONIA ISTRIANA/ISTRIAN POLYSOUNDS (www.panphonia.com), Tamara Obrovac and transhistria ensemble put to music the poem "Se me ra morta privari", on Vlaski/Zejanski dialect, by Silvana Brkaric Krculic. www.p...
Tomislav Goluban All rights reserved. WEB http://www.goluban.com/ FACEBOOK https://web.facebook.com/TomislavGolubanBand/ CD BABY http://www.cdbaby.com/Artist/TomislavGoluban DEEZER http://www.deezer.com/artist/1982041 iTUNES https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/tomislav-goluban/id394875829
http://www.goluban.com/ Menart/Spona, 2012. All rights reserved. 1. singl sa albuma "Med bregi" Spot je sniman na Vinariji Vinski vrh, Hrašćina-Trgovišće, 21. srpnja 2012. Med bregi - feat. Tamara Obrovac Glazba: Tomislav Goluban Tekst: Zvonko Kudelić Aranžman: Tomislav Goluban i Robert Polgar Tamara Obrovac: vokal Mike Sponza: gitara Jurica Vugrek: klavir Igor Vugrek: bubnjevi Aleksandar Vešić: bas Mladen Ilić: udaraljke Tomislav Goluban: usne harmonike Robert Polgar: tenor saksofon Mario Šincek: trombon Zvonimir Bajević: truba TEKST: čim čez okne ja pogledam trnac i tranik me smiriju kokot još kad zapopeva skužim stare kad veliju najlepše je med bregi tu je život po meri, tu je naš život po meri po šalatu h vrt kad krenem z drijeva hrušku ftrgnem suseda me pozdravi i skup z'menom...
http://www.goluban.com/ Menart/Spona, 2012. All rights reserved. Režija: Silvio Lončarić Porinom nagrađeni album hrvatskog bluesera Tomislava Golubana "Med bregi" sniman je u duhu etno izričaja. Zagorski blues ovdje vraća tradicijsku glazbu u prvi plan, bok uz bok nekom novom, modernijem i suvremenijem ozračju. U suradnji s Tamarom Obrovac, kantautoricom, skladateljicom, flautisticom i pjevačicom koja je stvorila svoj osebujan i prepoznatljiv glazbeni stil, nastale su dvije skladbe na tom albumu: naslovna Med bregi i Jedna pura, dva pandura, za koju je upravo objavljen video spot. Antologijska zagorska brojalica, širem slušateljstvu poznata iz filmskog remek-djela "Breza" iz 1967., asocira nas na vremena kad je svakodnevnica tekla sporije, kad su po zagorskim bregima plugove vukli volov...
Borna Sercar's Jazziana Croatica & Tamara Obrovac SEH DUS DAN (B. Versa - V. Nazor) Show: Vrijeme je za Jazz (September 2011) Borna Sercar - Drums Vojkan Jocic - Saxophones Ante Gelo - Guitar Zvjezdan Ruzic - Piano Tihomir Hojsak - Double Bass
Andranik pasha (K.Asatrian) IstrArmenia ensemble, live Istrian national theater, Pula, Croatia, 02/2011 Tamara Obrovac and Karen Asatrian, a Croatian singer and an Armenian piano player together in new project, meeting point of Armenian and Istrian spirit, the synthesis of two musical journeys, two musical handwritings, two great performers and composers, both seeking for truthfulness combining archaic language of their traditions with modern jazz expression. ------------------------------------------------ IstrArmenia ensemble: Tamara Obrovac, voice, flute Karen Asatrian, piano, violin Juan Carlos Sungurlyan, oud, bouzuki Uroš Rakovec, gutar, mandoline Zvonimir Šestak, double bass Kruno Levačić, drums www.tamaraobrovac.com --------------------------------...
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