
What is the contact information of the Embassy of Canada to France?
416-962-2623 / 1-866-760-2623 https://www.immigroup.com/tools/diplomatic_mission/ http://w...
published: 02 Jul 2013
author: Immigroup Canada
What is the contact information of the Embassy of Canada to France?
What is the contact information of the Embassy of Canada to France?
416-962-2623 / 1-866-760-2623 https://www.immigroup.com/tools/diplomatic_mission/ http://www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca/canada-europa/france/consulaire/formulaire-en....- published: 02 Jul 2013
- views: 7
- author: Immigroup Canada

What are the hours of operation of the Embassy of Canada to France?
416-962-2623 / 1-866-760-2623 https://www.immigroup.com/tools/diplomatic_mission/ http://w...
published: 02 Jul 2013
author: Immigroup Canada
What are the hours of operation of the Embassy of Canada to France?
What are the hours of operation of the Embassy of Canada to France?
416-962-2623 / 1-866-760-2623 https://www.immigroup.com/tools/diplomatic_mission/ http://www.travel.gc.ca/ What are the hours of operation of the Embassy of ...- published: 02 Jul 2013
- views: 5
- author: Immigroup Canada

Is there a Canadian diplomatic mission in France?
416-962-2623 / 1-866-760-2623 https://www.immigroup.com/tools/diplomatic_mission/ http://t...
published: 02 Jul 2013
author: Immigroup Canada
Is there a Canadian diplomatic mission in France?
Is there a Canadian diplomatic mission in France?
416-962-2623 / 1-866-760-2623 https://www.immigroup.com/tools/diplomatic_mission/ http://travel.gc.ca/assistance/embassies Is there a Canadian diplomatic mis...- published: 02 Jul 2013
- views: 13
- author: Immigroup Canada

Les lycées français au Canada
Les lycées français au Canada, passeport pour l'enseignement supérieur French High Schools...
published: 29 Jun 2012
author: Ambafracanada
Les lycées français au Canada
Les lycées français au Canada
Les lycées français au Canada, passeport pour l'enseignement supérieur French High Schools in Canada, a passport for higher education.- published: 29 Jun 2012
- views: 2329
- author: Ambafracanada

What is the contact information of the Consulate of Canada in Toulouse, France?
416-962-2623 / 1-866-760-2623 https://www.immigroup.com/tools/diplomatic_mission/ http://t...
published: 04 Jul 2013
author: Immigroup Canada
What is the contact information of the Consulate of Canada in Toulouse, France?
What is the contact information of the Consulate of Canada in Toulouse, France?
416-962-2623 / 1-866-760-2623 https://www.immigroup.com/tools/diplomatic_mission/ http://travel.gc.ca/assistance/embassies#emF What is the contact informatio...- published: 04 Jul 2013
- views: 2
- author: Immigroup Canada

Peaceful Demonstration at the French Consulate in Toronto
On January 23, 2012 French Senate passed a bill criminalizing the denial of the so-called ...
published: 30 Jan 2012
author: AzSAatUofT
Peaceful Demonstration at the French Consulate in Toronto
Peaceful Demonstration at the French Consulate in Toronto
On January 23, 2012 French Senate passed a bill criminalizing the denial of the so-called "Armenian Genocide" that allegedly took place in the Ottoman Empire...- published: 30 Jan 2012
- views: 570
- author: AzSAatUofT

What is the contact information of the Consulate of Canada in Lille, France?
416-962-2623 / 1-866-760-2623 https://www.immigroup.com/tools/diplomatic_mission/ http://t...
published: 02 Jul 2013
author: Immigroup Canada
What is the contact information of the Consulate of Canada in Lille, France?
What is the contact information of the Consulate of Canada in Lille, France?
416-962-2623 / 1-866-760-2623 https://www.immigroup.com/tools/diplomatic_mission/ http://travel.gc.ca/assistance/embassies#emF What is the contact information of the Consulate of Canada in...- published: 02 Jul 2013
- views: 1
- author: Immigroup Canada

Which Embassy of Canada has jurisdiction over Monaco?
416-962-2623 / 1-866-760-2623
published: 21 Aug 2013
Which Embassy of Canada has jurisdiction over Monaco?
Which Embassy of Canada has jurisdiction over Monaco?
416-962-2623 / 1-866-760-2623 https://www.immigroup.com/tools/diplomatic_mission/ http://travel.gc.ca/assistance/embassies Which Embassy of Canada has jurisdiction over Monaco? The Embassy of Canada in France has jurisdiction over Monaco. The Embassy is located in Paris. Re Quality and Feedback email info@immigroup.com (Please reference Research and Development) Did you catch a mistake? Are you looking for answers we don't have? Email us and we'll make a video. Have any feedback to make this even better?- published: 21 Aug 2013
- views: 0

La France et le Canada dans l'économie numérique - Entretien avec Gilles Babinet
En cet entretien, Gilles Babinet, Champion Digital pour la France au sein de la Commission...
published: 07 Oct 2013
La France et le Canada dans l'économie numérique - Entretien avec Gilles Babinet
La France et le Canada dans l'économie numérique - Entretien avec Gilles Babinet
En cet entretien, Gilles Babinet, Champion Digital pour la France au sein de la Commission européenne, discute des enjeux numériques du point de vue du secteur privé et du secteur public et compare l'économie numérique en France et au Canada. L'entretien a été fait à l'atelier: "Promoting the Digital Economy: Perspectives from Europe and Canada" (Promotion de l'économie numérique: perspectives de l'Europe et du Canada) qui a eu lieu à Carleton University, Ottawa le 27 septembre 2013. L'atelier a été organisé par le Centre for European Studies (EU Centre of Excellence) et le Dialogue transatlantique Canada-Europe (avec soutien du CRSH), en collaboration avec le European Union National Institutes of Culture (EUNIC) à Ottawa et l'ambassade de la France au Canada. L'entretien a été mené par Pierre Bussières, Dialogue transatlantique Canada-Europe Pour plus d'information sur l'atelier, veuillez visiter le site web (en anglais): http://labs.carleton.ca/canadaeurope/cu-events/digital-economy/ *** In this interview, Gilles Babinet, Digital Champion of France to the European Commission, discusses the digital economy from the perspective of both the private and public sectors, and makes comparisons between the digital economy in France and Canada. This interview was recorded at the Policy Workshop: "Promoting the Digital Economy: Perspectives from Europe and Canada" held at Carleton University, Ottawa on September 27, 2013. The workshop was sponsored by the Centre for European Studies (EU Centre of Excellence) and the Canada-Europe Transatlantic Dialogue (with support from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada) in cooperation with the European Union National Institutes of Culture (EUNIC) in Ottawa and the Embassy of France in Canada. The interview was conducted by Pierre Bussières, Canada-Europe Transatlantic Dialogue. For more information on the workshop, please visit the event page: http://labs.carleton.ca/canadaeurope/cu-events/digital-economy/- published: 07 Oct 2013
- views: 8

Champlain 2013 launched at French embassy
A Press conference was held Friday, January 25, 2013 at the Embassy of France in Canada, a...
published: 21 Feb 2013
author: Ottawa Citizen
Champlain 2013 launched at French embassy
Champlain 2013 launched at French embassy
A Press conference was held Friday, January 25, 2013 at the Embassy of France in Canada, announcing the launch of Champlain 2013. Champlain 2013 marks the 40...- published: 21 Feb 2013
- views: 8
- author: Ottawa Citizen

Student Mobility-English Version
On Tuesday, January 14th, in Ottawa, the Embassy of France in Canada and Mitacs Inc., a Ca...
published: 17 Jan 2014
Student Mobility-English Version
Student Mobility-English Version
On Tuesday, January 14th, in Ottawa, the Embassy of France in Canada and Mitacs Inc., a Canadian non-profit research and training organization, signed a letter of intent regarding collaborative efforts to promote research exchanges. The goal of this program is to provide opportunities, over the next three years, for 75 French participants and 75 Canadian participants to pursue research projects in the partner country starting August 1st, 2014. For more information about the application procedure, please contact your university or keep up to date with updates as they appear on the website of the French Embassy in Canada.- published: 17 Jan 2014
- views: 34

Idle No More France - Mi'kmaq #Elsipogtog Solidarity à Paris 21/10/2013
Mobilisation " flash mob" devant l'ambassade du Canada à Paris le 21 oct 2013
, a l'initia...
published: 23 Oct 2013
Idle No More France - Mi'kmaq #Elsipogtog Solidarity à Paris 21/10/2013
Idle No More France - Mi'kmaq #Elsipogtog Solidarity à Paris 21/10/2013
Mobilisation " flash mob" devant l'ambassade du Canada à Paris le 21 oct 2013 , a l'initiative du mouvement " Idle No More France" contre les violences commises par la gendarmerie royale du canada envers les manifestants pacifistes de la nation Mi'kmaq. Support and Solidarity Action with Mi'kmaq first nation Elsipogtog anti-fracking protest in New Brunswick and against RCMP brutality - Embassy of Canada- Paris France .- published: 23 Oct 2013
- views: 253

What are the hours of operation of the Embassy of Canada to Japan?
416-962-2623 / 1-866-760-2623 https://www.immigroup.com/tools/diplomatic_mission/ http://w...
published: 30 Jul 2013
author: Immigroup Canada
What are the hours of operation of the Embassy of Canada to Japan?
What are the hours of operation of the Embassy of Canada to Japan?
416-962-2623 / 1-866-760-2623 https://www.immigroup.com/tools/diplomatic_mission/ http://www.travel.gc.ca/ http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/japan-japon/o...- published: 30 Jul 2013
- views: 2
- author: Immigroup Canada

Architecture studies in France
Mikael, student in architecture at Carleton university in Ottawa tells about his experienc...
published: 08 Feb 2012
author: Ambafracanada
Architecture studies in France
Architecture studies in France
Mikael, student in architecture at Carleton university in Ottawa tells about his experience as an exchange student at the Ecole nationale d'architecture Pari...- published: 08 Feb 2012
- views: 475
- author: Ambafracanada
Youtube results:

French Embassy in Kuwait celebrates France's National Day
The French Embassy in Kuwait celebrated the National day of France that comes on 14th of J...
published: 28 Jul 2013
author: MOI Kuwaitnews
French Embassy in Kuwait celebrates France's National Day
French Embassy in Kuwait celebrates France's National Day
The French Embassy in Kuwait celebrated the National day of France that comes on 14th of July every year. The occasion also coincided with the fifty second a...- published: 28 Jul 2013
- views: 14
- author: MOI Kuwaitnews

Destination Canada - Forum emploi / Job Fair (2009)
"Destination Canada - Forum emploi" est présenté par l'Ambassade du Canada en France, avec...
published: 08 Sep 2010
author: EURES75
Destination Canada - Forum emploi / Job Fair (2009)
Destination Canada - Forum emploi / Job Fair (2009)
"Destination Canada - Forum emploi" est présenté par l'Ambassade du Canada en France, avec les services publics de l'emploi et de la mobilité internationale ...- published: 08 Sep 2010
- views: 2012
- author: EURES75

What is the contact information of the Consulate of Canada in Sapporo, Japan?
416-962-2623 / 1-866-760-2623
published: 30 Jul 2013
What is the contact information of the Consulate of Canada in Sapporo, Japan?
What is the contact information of the Consulate of Canada in Sapporo, Japan?
416-962-2623 / 1-866-760-2623 https://www.immigroup.com/tools/diplomatic_mission/ http://www.travel.gc.ca/ http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/japan-japon/offices-bureaux/sapporo.aspx?lang=eng&view;=d What is the contact information of the Consulate of Canada in Sapporo, Japan? The Consulate of Canada in Sapporo is located at: • Canada Place, 2F Poseidon Maruyama 26-1-3 Odori Nishi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido 064-0820, Japan You can contact the Consulate by: • telephone, at +81-11-643-2520 • email, to ryojikan@yamani.com Re Quality and Feedback email info@immigroup.com (Please reference Research and Development) Did you catch a mistake? Are you looking for answers we don't have? Email us and we'll make a video. Have any feedback to make this even better?- published: 30 Jul 2013
- views: 0

The French Embassy Goes Green!
Jacques Delfosse, head of the embassy's real estate department, presents the latest green ...
published: 11 Jul 2013
author: franceInTheUs
The French Embassy Goes Green!
The French Embassy Goes Green!
Jacques Delfosse, head of the embassy's real estate department, presents the latest green initiatives at the French Embassy in Washington, and talks about Fr...- published: 11 Jul 2013
- views: 37
- author: franceInTheUs