Yiddish Song - Belz, Mayn Shtetele Belz
When I recall my childhood,
I feel like I am having a dream.
how does the little house look,
which used to sparkle with lights?
Does the little tree grow which I planted long ago?
Beltz, my little town! The little house where I spent my
The poor little room where I used to laugh with other
Every Shabes I would run to the river bank to play with
other children under a little green tree.
Belz, my little town!
My little town where I had so many fine dreams!
The little house is old and overgrown wit moss.
The old roof collapsed and the windows are without glass.
The attic is crooked, the walls bent.
I would never recognize it...
Az ikh tu mir dermonen
Mayne kindershe yorn,
Punkt vi a kholem
Zet ...
published: 05 Apr 2009
The Reverie has changed everything! Today is our Reaction to The One Piece Reverie Arc!
SUPPORT US ON PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/StruckByBelz
BELZFAM DISCORD: https://discord.gg/r94g49m
STRUCKBYBELZ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/struckbybelz/
PERSONAL INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/melbelizaire/ , https://www.instagram.com/stphnbelizaire/
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted.
published: 04 Nov 2019
Yiddish Song: Mein Shtetl Belz, 1928
Yiddish Song: Mein Shtetl Belz, 1928
This old Yiddish song was very popular in prewar Poland not only as the art song, but also as a popular tango: "Miasteczko Bełz". Unforgetable rendition of this song by Adam Aston can be listened to in You Tube. Here is another one - anonymous - and wonderful - presentation, made by one the uncredited Jewish singers from the 1920s in Poland, I suppose. This recording has been mailed to me by one of our friends in the world - with a question: can this rendition be identified?
ATTENTION! The "Unknown" painter of the excellent "Water Carrier" at 0:38 is MAYER KIRSHENBLATT. I could make up for that missing name thanks to YT friend brayndl who sent me that precious information!
published: 07 Dec 2008
Belz & Gatso - En Cero 👽☠️ (Official Audio) (Prod. Ayo Lucky)
• Letras y voces por Belz & Gatso.
• Audiovisual MOOY (@TheGreenMille).
• Grabación, mezcla y masterización R0B (@r808beat.r) en
• Beat Ayo Lucky//
• INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/808_studio_rm?igshid=du57ie22szk5
• FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/808_Studio-104530354305279/
• YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIzfVlo0xVl8iLsoea0-Thg
Todos los derechos reservados por Exotic FUCK FAE ©
Trap Latino | Trap Boliviano 2019.
published: 05 Nov 2019
בנין הגדול והמפואר תלמוד תורה החדש דחסידי בעלזא בארא פארק | The NEW BELZ Cheider
“The NEW BELZ Cheider”
The large and luxurious Belz Cheder building is nearing completion, The building is a huge 170,000 square feet compound with 7 floors, where about 1500 students Ke”h will learn and be educated.
Much sweat and toil went into this project by all the Belzer Chasidim in Borough Park. Many obstacles and travails were overcome, and enormous funds were invested in bringing the building to where it is today.
Belzer Cheder, one of the first Chasidishe Chadarim in Borough Park, was established with the guidance and care of the Ruv z”l, Reb Aharon of Belz. and with the famous letter sent by the Rabbi of Narol, Where he asks the community to help the Talmud Torah in America and sent his blessings to all that help and support this holy institut...
published: 14 May 2019
BELZ - Lipa feat. the Holocaust Survivor Band
To purchase the song, please go to: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/lipafeattheholocaustsurv
83 years after it was first performed in New York’s Yiddish theater district, the iconic song Belz is revitalized, this time being performed by a pair of musicians who were schoolboys when it first debuted in 1932.
Saul Dreier and Ruby Sosnowicz, better known to their legions of adoring fans of all ages as the Holocaust Survivor Band, capture the soul of Belz with their distinctive flair and equally impressive talent in this Sparks Next video starring Lipa Schmeltzer. Set against the backdrop of a surprise party for Dreier, the video conjures up memories of the alte heim, as a pre-war Schmeltzer plays the part of a young Dreier who travels to the future to take part in his 90th birthday celebration in M...
published: 10 Dec 2015
Oy Belz, Mayn Shtetele Belz (Traditional Yiddish Song)
*DISCLAIMER* NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. I DO NOT OWN THE RIGHTS TO MUSIC IN THIS VIDEO. I DO NOT MONETIZE THIS VIDEO. If you own copyright to this music please contact me first I will take down immediately!
Oy, az ikh dermon zikh
Un mayne kinder yorn
N'vi a kholem shteyt dos alts klor
Vi zet oys dos shtibele
Vos hot amol geglantst
Un dos beymele
Vos ikh hob geplantst
Oy oy oy Belz
Mayn shtetele Belz
Mayn heymele dort vu
Ikh hob mayne kindershe
Yorn farbrakht
Yedn shabes gey ikh loyfn
Mit ale yingelekh glaykh
Zitsn unter dem grininkem
Varfn shteyndelekh in tayklh
Oy oy oy Belz
Mayn shtetele Belz (...)
Dos shtibele iz alt
Farvaksn mit groz
Der dakh cufalt
Di fenster on gloz
Der ganik iz krum
Tsuboygn di vent
Du volst dos shoyn mer
Shoyn mer gor nisht derkent
Oy oy oy ...
published: 06 Dec 2016
Belzer Rebbe Visits Belz, Ukraine
published: 10 May 2017
שמחת בית בעלזא תשע"ח - מצווה טאנץ | Highlights of Belz Mitzvah Tantz 5778
מערכת 'בחזית' מגישה תיעוד ענק ומרגש משמחת החתונה אמש בחצר הקודש בעלזא • 20 דקות מרוממות מה'מצווה טאנץ', החל מהריקוד המקפיץ של אבי החתן הרה"צ ר' אהרן מרדכי רוקח שליט"א, עבור דרך ריקוד החתן ועד לרגעי ההוד בהגיע תור מרן האדמו"ר מבעלזא לרקוד עם הכלה • צפו
• חדשות בחזית מסביב לשעון בוואטסאפ ◄ http://n.bahazit.com/WhatsApp
• הרשמו לערוץ הטלגרם החדש של בחזית ◄ http://n.bahazit.com/Telegram
• להרשמה לערוץ היוטיוב של בחזית ◄ http://n.bahazit.com/YouTube
• מוזמנים לעקוב אחרינו בחזית | בטוויטר ◄ http://n.bahazit.com/Twitter
• בחזית | באינסטגרם ◄ http://n.bahazit.com/Instagram
• בחזית | חדשות בפייסבוק ◄ http://n.bahazit.com/Facebook
• בחזית | הניוזלטר ◄ http://n.bahazit.com/Newsletter
published: 31 May 2018
Belz - Nichsefa 4. Es Tzemach
Belz - Nichsefa - Es Tzemach
To purchase this song please visit:
published: 23 Apr 2014
Yiddish Song - Belz, Mayn Shtetele Belz
When I recall my childhood,
I feel like I am having a dream.
how does the little house look,
which used to sparkle with lights?
Does the little tre...
When I recall my childhood,
I feel like I am having a dream.
how does the little house look,
which used to sparkle with lights?
Does the little tree grow which I planted long ago?
Beltz, my little town! The little house where I spent my
The poor little room where I used to laugh with other
Every Shabes I would run to the river bank to play with
other children under a little green tree.
Belz, my little town!
My little town where I had so many fine dreams!
The little house is old and overgrown wit moss.
The old roof collapsed and the windows are without glass.
The attic is crooked, the walls bent.
I would never recognize it...
Az ikh tu mir dermonen
Mayne kindershe yorn,
Punkt vi a kholem
Zet dos mir oys.
Vi zet oys dos hayzele,
Vos hot amol geglantzt,
Tzi vakst nokh dos beymele,
Vos ikh hob farflantzt?
Oy, oy, oy Belts, mayn shtetele Belts,
Mayn heymele, vu ikh hob
Mayne kindershe yorn farbrakht.
Belts, mayn shtetele Belts,
In ormen shtibele,
Mit ale kinderlekh dort gelakht.
Oy, eden Shabes fleg ikh loyfn
Mit ale inglekh tzuglaykh
Tzu zitzn unter dem grinem beymele,
Leynen bay dem taikh
Oy oy oy Belts,
Mayn shtetele Belts,
Mayn heymele, vu kh'hob gehat
Di sheyne khaloymes a sakh.
Dos shtibl is alt,
Bavaksn mit mokh
Dos shtibl is alt,
In fentzter keyn gloz
Dos shtibl is alt,
Tzeboygn di vent,
Ikh volt shoyn zikher
Dos vider nit derkent
When I recall my childhood,
I feel like I am having a dream.
how does the little house look,
which used to sparkle with lights?
Does the little tree grow which I planted long ago?
Beltz, my little town! The little house where I spent my
The poor little room where I used to laugh with other
Every Shabes I would run to the river bank to play with
other children under a little green tree.
Belz, my little town!
My little town where I had so many fine dreams!
The little house is old and overgrown wit moss.
The old roof collapsed and the windows are without glass.
The attic is crooked, the walls bent.
I would never recognize it...
Az ikh tu mir dermonen
Mayne kindershe yorn,
Punkt vi a kholem
Zet dos mir oys.
Vi zet oys dos hayzele,
Vos hot amol geglantzt,
Tzi vakst nokh dos beymele,
Vos ikh hob farflantzt?
Oy, oy, oy Belts, mayn shtetele Belts,
Mayn heymele, vu ikh hob
Mayne kindershe yorn farbrakht.
Belts, mayn shtetele Belts,
In ormen shtibele,
Mit ale kinderlekh dort gelakht.
Oy, eden Shabes fleg ikh loyfn
Mit ale inglekh tzuglaykh
Tzu zitzn unter dem grinem beymele,
Leynen bay dem taikh
Oy oy oy Belts,
Mayn shtetele Belts,
Mayn heymele, vu kh'hob gehat
Di sheyne khaloymes a sakh.
Dos shtibl is alt,
Bavaksn mit mokh
Dos shtibl is alt,
In fentzter keyn gloz
Dos shtibl is alt,
Tzeboygn di vent,
Ikh volt shoyn zikher
Dos vider nit derkent
- published: 05 Apr 2009
- views: 3250193
The Reverie has changed everything! Today is our Reaction to The One Piece Reverie Arc!
SUPPORT US ON PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/StruckByBelz
The Reverie has changed everything! Today is our Reaction to The One Piece Reverie Arc!
SUPPORT US ON PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/StruckByBelz
BELZFAM DISCORD: https://discord.gg/r94g49m
STRUCKBYBELZ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/struckbybelz/
PERSONAL INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/melbelizaire/ , https://www.instagram.com/stphnbelizaire/
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted.
The Reverie has changed everything! Today is our Reaction to The One Piece Reverie Arc!
SUPPORT US ON PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/StruckByBelz
BELZFAM DISCORD: https://discord.gg/r94g49m
STRUCKBYBELZ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/struckbybelz/
PERSONAL INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/melbelizaire/ , https://www.instagram.com/stphnbelizaire/
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted.
- published: 04 Nov 2019
- views: 16229
Yiddish Song: Mein Shtetl Belz, 1928
Yiddish Song: Mein Shtetl Belz, 1928
This old Yiddish song was very popular in prewar Poland not only as the art song, but also as a popular tango: "Miastecz...
Yiddish Song: Mein Shtetl Belz, 1928
This old Yiddish song was very popular in prewar Poland not only as the art song, but also as a popular tango: "Miasteczko Bełz". Unforgetable rendition of this song by Adam Aston can be listened to in You Tube. Here is another one - anonymous - and wonderful - presentation, made by one the uncredited Jewish singers from the 1920s in Poland, I suppose. This recording has been mailed to me by one of our friends in the world - with a question: can this rendition be identified?
ATTENTION! The "Unknown" painter of the excellent "Water Carrier" at 0:38 is MAYER KIRSHENBLATT. I could make up for that missing name thanks to YT friend brayndl who sent me that precious information!
Yiddish Song: Mein Shtetl Belz, 1928
This old Yiddish song was very popular in prewar Poland not only as the art song, but also as a popular tango: "Miasteczko Bełz". Unforgetable rendition of this song by Adam Aston can be listened to in You Tube. Here is another one - anonymous - and wonderful - presentation, made by one the uncredited Jewish singers from the 1920s in Poland, I suppose. This recording has been mailed to me by one of our friends in the world - with a question: can this rendition be identified?
ATTENTION! The "Unknown" painter of the excellent "Water Carrier" at 0:38 is MAYER KIRSHENBLATT. I could make up for that missing name thanks to YT friend brayndl who sent me that precious information!
- published: 07 Dec 2008
- views: 243940
Belz & Gatso - En Cero 👽☠️ (Official Audio) (Prod. Ayo Lucky)
• Letras y voces por Belz & Gatso.
• Audiovisual MOOY (@TheGreenMille).
• Grabación, mezcla y masterización R0B (@r808beat.r) en
• Beat...
• Letras y voces por Belz & Gatso.
• Audiovisual MOOY (@TheGreenMille).
• Grabación, mezcla y masterización R0B (@r808beat.r) en
• Beat Ayo Lucky//
• INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/808_studio_rm?igshid=du57ie22szk5
• FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/808_Studio-104530354305279/
• YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIzfVlo0xVl8iLsoea0-Thg
Todos los derechos reservados por Exotic FUCK FAE ©
Trap Latino | Trap Boliviano 2019.
• Letras y voces por Belz & Gatso.
• Audiovisual MOOY (@TheGreenMille).
• Grabación, mezcla y masterización R0B (@r808beat.r) en
• Beat Ayo Lucky//
• INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/808_studio_rm?igshid=du57ie22szk5
• FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/808_Studio-104530354305279/
• YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIzfVlo0xVl8iLsoea0-Thg
Todos los derechos reservados por Exotic FUCK FAE ©
Trap Latino | Trap Boliviano 2019.
- published: 05 Nov 2019
- views: 52
בנין הגדול והמפואר תלמוד תורה החדש דחסידי בעלזא בארא פארק | The NEW BELZ Cheider
“The NEW BELZ Cheider”
The large and luxurious Belz Cheder building is nearing completion, The building is a huge 170,000 squa...
“The NEW BELZ Cheider”
The large and luxurious Belz Cheder building is nearing completion, The building is a huge 170,000 square feet compound with 7 floors, where about 1500 students Ke”h will learn and be educated.
Much sweat and toil went into this project by all the Belzer Chasidim in Borough Park. Many obstacles and travails were overcome, and enormous funds were invested in bringing the building to where it is today.
Belzer Cheder, one of the first Chasidishe Chadarim in Borough Park, was established with the guidance and care of the Ruv z”l, Reb Aharon of Belz. and with the famous letter sent by the Rabbi of Narol, Where he asks the community to help the Talmud Torah in America and sent his blessings to all that help and support this holy institution. This very Cheder formed the Yiddishkeit of so many generations.
47 years ago, in 1973, the Talmud Torah opened in the city of Boro Park at the request of the Rebbe Shlita, and since then until today the Talmud Torah is located on 16th Avenue.
The Cheider grew by leaps and bounds and constantly needed expansion. Eventually, the Cheder became scattered in many buildings around Borough Park and even into Flatbush. The scattering puts a great strain monetarily and is affecting the Chinuch of the children.
The words outgrown, squeezed, suppressed are understatements for their current situation. The over 1500 Children Ke"h learning in our Cheider are spread out in multiple rented locations in the city and it’s in a very bad state.
For years we had a dream that one day we will build a new Talmud Torah and give our kids what they so desperately need.
This dream is coming through. The fantasy is becoming a reality, but we can't do it ourselves, it is impossible.
6 years ago, we started the grand new building located at 1247 38th Street, Brooklyn NY. The Belz community in Boro Park invested and poured in the astronomical amounts into this project.
NOW - We are at the turning point, another few million is needed and the building will finally be finished and ready for our kids to move in.
"4.7 Million in 47 hours, after 47 years."
With your help, with your brick being added, we will Iy”h succeed.
Let’s all come together for the future of our children.
הבנין הגדול והמפואר תלמוד תורה דחסידי בעלזא ההולך ונבנה בפאתי העיר בארא פארק הגדול בכמות ובאיכות, הבנוי בתכלית ההידור והיופי, בנין ענק של 16 אלף מ"ר בת 7 קומות, שיכיל בתוכו ובו יתחנכו ויתגדלו כ 1500 תלמידים בליעה"ר בתורה יר"ש וחסידות ומידות טובות, מכיתות גן המתחילים ללמוד הא"ב ועד להשתלמותם של התלמידים העולים במסילה לישיבה קטנה.
אחר שנים של עבודה והשקעה בדמים תרתי משמע, עמל וזיעה וסכומים עצומים שנכנס בפרוייקט זה ע"י חסידי בעלזא בארה"ב ובכל אתר ואתר, זוכים אנ"ש לראות כי אכן אמת ונכון הדבר, החלום מתגשם ומאין נעשה יש, וב"ה שהבנין כבר עומד ונמצאים בשלבי הגמר שבע"ה בקרוב יצעדו לתוכה אלפי התלמידים בשמחה וטוב לב.
תלמוד תורה דחסידי בעלזא בארה"ב כבר פתחה שעריה עוד בחיי כ"ק מרן קוה"ק מהר"א מבעלזא זי"ע, כאשר ידוע ומפורסם המכתב הנודע שנשלח ע"י האדמו"ר מנאראל ז"ל ובו מתבטא איך שהרב ז"ל מבקש מכל אחב"י שיעזרו ויחזקו בכל מה דאפשר הת"ת באמעריקא וברך בברכותיו את כל העוזרים והתומכים בהמוסד הקדוש הזה.
לפני 47 שנה בשנת תשל"ג נפתחו שערי התלמוד תורה בעיר בארא פארק עפ"י בקשת כ"ק אדמו"ר שליט"א, ומאז ועד היום נמצא התלמוד תורה בשדרת ה16, בנין שבימים ההם היה גדול ומרחב ידים שנרכש בדמים תרתי משמע ע"י העסקנים ובעה"ב המסורים דאז, כהיום צר מהכיל את אלפי התלמידים קע"ה כ"י, עד שבשנים האחרונות נמצאים תלמידי הת"ת מפוזרים בין ארבע בנינים בכל קצוות העיר.
לפני כשש שנים נהיתה מהפכה אצל חסידי בעלזא בארה"ב כאשר הכריזו העסקנים על פרוייקט מיוחד במינו בשם "דורות", והוא לתת סוף וקץ להמצב הנוכחי שבנינו היקרים והחביבים לומדים במצב של דחקות נוראה, והחליטו לקחת את מקל הנדודים ואמת הבנין בידים, להרים הפרוייקת בהתחדשות הבנייה על השטח הגדול ברחוב 38 בין שדרות 12 ל 13
הרבה עמל ויזע רב עבר על העסקנים וכלל אנ"ש, הרבה מכשולים ומוקשים בדרך הארוכה, אבל אנשי שלומינו, השותפים הנאמנים, ההורים היקרים ונגידי עם הנכבדים לא אמרו נואש, וצעד אחר צעד אבן אחר אבן עברנו ב"ה, ובס"ד ובברכת הקודש הגענו עד הלום בשעה טובה.
"בורא עולם בקנין השלם "זה הבנין"
בבשורה משמחת נתבשרו אנ"ש בעיר ובעולם בפרט ותושבי בארא פארק בכלל, שהגיע זמן גאולתינו, ויוצאים העסקנים בימים אלו לכל אנשי שלומינו בכל אתר ואתר ברחבי תבל, ולכל תושבי העיר בארא פארק במגבית ענק וייחודי לטובת בנין התלמוד תורה בכדי להגיע לגמר הבנין בשעה טובה ומוצלחת
“The NEW BELZ Cheider”
The large and luxurious Belz Cheder building is nearing completion, The building is a huge 170,000 square feet compound with 7 floors, where about 1500 students Ke”h will learn and be educated.
Much sweat and toil went into this project by all the Belzer Chasidim in Borough Park. Many obstacles and travails were overcome, and enormous funds were invested in bringing the building to where it is today.
Belzer Cheder, one of the first Chasidishe Chadarim in Borough Park, was established with the guidance and care of the Ruv z”l, Reb Aharon of Belz. and with the famous letter sent by the Rabbi of Narol, Where he asks the community to help the Talmud Torah in America and sent his blessings to all that help and support this holy institution. This very Cheder formed the Yiddishkeit of so many generations.
47 years ago, in 1973, the Talmud Torah opened in the city of Boro Park at the request of the Rebbe Shlita, and since then until today the Talmud Torah is located on 16th Avenue.
The Cheider grew by leaps and bounds and constantly needed expansion. Eventually, the Cheder became scattered in many buildings around Borough Park and even into Flatbush. The scattering puts a great strain monetarily and is affecting the Chinuch of the children.
The words outgrown, squeezed, suppressed are understatements for their current situation. The over 1500 Children Ke"h learning in our Cheider are spread out in multiple rented locations in the city and it’s in a very bad state.
For years we had a dream that one day we will build a new Talmud Torah and give our kids what they so desperately need.
This dream is coming through. The fantasy is becoming a reality, but we can't do it ourselves, it is impossible.
6 years ago, we started the grand new building located at 1247 38th Street, Brooklyn NY. The Belz community in Boro Park invested and poured in the astronomical amounts into this project.
NOW - We are at the turning point, another few million is needed and the building will finally be finished and ready for our kids to move in.
"4.7 Million in 47 hours, after 47 years."
With your help, with your brick being added, we will Iy”h succeed.
Let’s all come together for the future of our children.
הבנין הגדול והמפואר תלמוד תורה דחסידי בעלזא ההולך ונבנה בפאתי העיר בארא פארק הגדול בכמות ובאיכות, הבנוי בתכלית ההידור והיופי, בנין ענק של 16 אלף מ"ר בת 7 קומות, שיכיל בתוכו ובו יתחנכו ויתגדלו כ 1500 תלמידים בליעה"ר בתורה יר"ש וחסידות ומידות טובות, מכיתות גן המתחילים ללמוד הא"ב ועד להשתלמותם של התלמידים העולים במסילה לישיבה קטנה.
אחר שנים של עבודה והשקעה בדמים תרתי משמע, עמל וזיעה וסכומים עצומים שנכנס בפרוייקט זה ע"י חסידי בעלזא בארה"ב ובכל אתר ואתר, זוכים אנ"ש לראות כי אכן אמת ונכון הדבר, החלום מתגשם ומאין נעשה יש, וב"ה שהבנין כבר עומד ונמצאים בשלבי הגמר שבע"ה בקרוב יצעדו לתוכה אלפי התלמידים בשמחה וטוב לב.
תלמוד תורה דחסידי בעלזא בארה"ב כבר פתחה שעריה עוד בחיי כ"ק מרן קוה"ק מהר"א מבעלזא זי"ע, כאשר ידוע ומפורסם המכתב הנודע שנשלח ע"י האדמו"ר מנאראל ז"ל ובו מתבטא איך שהרב ז"ל מבקש מכל אחב"י שיעזרו ויחזקו בכל מה דאפשר הת"ת באמעריקא וברך בברכותיו את כל העוזרים והתומכים בהמוסד הקדוש הזה.
לפני 47 שנה בשנת תשל"ג נפתחו שערי התלמוד תורה בעיר בארא פארק עפ"י בקשת כ"ק אדמו"ר שליט"א, ומאז ועד היום נמצא התלמוד תורה בשדרת ה16, בנין שבימים ההם היה גדול ומרחב ידים שנרכש בדמים תרתי משמע ע"י העסקנים ובעה"ב המסורים דאז, כהיום צר מהכיל את אלפי התלמידים קע"ה כ"י, עד שבשנים האחרונות נמצאים תלמידי הת"ת מפוזרים בין ארבע בנינים בכל קצוות העיר.
לפני כשש שנים נהיתה מהפכה אצל חסידי בעלזא בארה"ב כאשר הכריזו העסקנים על פרוייקט מיוחד במינו בשם "דורות", והוא לתת סוף וקץ להמצב הנוכחי שבנינו היקרים והחביבים לומדים במצב של דחקות נוראה, והחליטו לקחת את מקל הנדודים ואמת הבנין בידים, להרים הפרוייקת בהתחדשות הבנייה על השטח הגדול ברחוב 38 בין שדרות 12 ל 13
הרבה עמל ויזע רב עבר על העסקנים וכלל אנ"ש, הרבה מכשולים ומוקשים בדרך הארוכה, אבל אנשי שלומינו, השותפים הנאמנים, ההורים היקרים ונגידי עם הנכבדים לא אמרו נואש, וצעד אחר צעד אבן אחר אבן עברנו ב"ה, ובס"ד ובברכת הקודש הגענו עד הלום בשעה טובה.
"בורא עולם בקנין השלם "זה הבנין"
בבשורה משמחת נתבשרו אנ"ש בעיר ובעולם בפרט ותושבי בארא פארק בכלל, שהגיע זמן גאולתינו, ויוצאים העסקנים בימים אלו לכל אנשי שלומינו בכל אתר ואתר ברחבי תבל, ולכל תושבי העיר בארא פארק במגבית ענק וייחודי לטובת בנין התלמוד תורה בכדי להגיע לגמר הבנין בשעה טובה ומוצלחת
- published: 14 May 2019
- views: 11529
BELZ - Lipa feat. the Holocaust Survivor Band
To purchase the song, please go to: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/lipafeattheholocaustsurv
83 years after it was first performed in New York’s Yiddish theater distr...
To purchase the song, please go to: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/lipafeattheholocaustsurv
83 years after it was first performed in New York’s Yiddish theater district, the iconic song Belz is revitalized, this time being performed by a pair of musicians who were schoolboys when it first debuted in 1932.
Saul Dreier and Ruby Sosnowicz, better known to their legions of adoring fans of all ages as the Holocaust Survivor Band, capture the soul of Belz with their distinctive flair and equally impressive talent in this Sparks Next video starring Lipa Schmeltzer. Set against the backdrop of a surprise party for Dreier, the video conjures up memories of the alte heim, as a pre-war Schmeltzer plays the part of a young Dreier who travels to the future to take part in his 90th birthday celebration in Miami Beach.
Schmeltzer in another collaboration with filmmaker Daniel Finkelman and composer Cecelia Margules handily create nostalgia for times gone by as they evokes the spirit of Belz and both Dreier and Sosnowicz are mesmerizing as the two provide a contemporary feel to this class song of yesteryear. Radiating energy, vitality and a youth that belies their age, the Holocaust Survivor Band continues to impress in their second music video that will have young and old alike on their feet and dancing along with Ruby, Saul and their entire entourage.
Belz, with new lyrics and music by Cecelia Margules, is co sponsored by Noam Gourmet and directed by Daniel Finkelman with music produced by by Ruli Ezrahi.
Produced and Directed by Daniel Finkelman
Executive Producer Cecelia Margules
Music Produced by Ruli Ezrachi
Co Sponsored by the Semel and Soffer families
Lipa Schmeltzer
and The Holocaust Survivor Band
Saul Drier & Ruby Sosnowicz
Original Song Adapted by Cecelia Margules
Cinematographer Mauricio Arenas
Associate Producer – David Ort
Line Producer and Script – Royce Brown
Editor – Ben Anderson
Co Editor Michael Puro
Post Production Supervisor – Jessica Bookout
Choreography and Spoon Routine Zvika Bornstein
Script - Royce Brown
Associate Producer – Zvika Bornstein
Associate Producer – David Ort
Associate Producer Adam Margules
Assistant Director / LP – Alex Jaramillio
Gaffer Gonzala Parra
Grip Johny Sarmiento
AC Jose Carlos Ortega
AC Marco Vitale
Sound Designer Michael Gallock
HMU – Rory Lee
BTS Photographer David Gonzalez
PA – Kanon Romero
PA Lou Aguilar
Press release - Sandy Eller
Catering by Bagel Time Miami
Adam Margules
Chaim Galbut
Shalom and Victoria Zirkayev
Rabbi and Mrs. Weiss
J.J. Crowne
David Bennet
Mark Sherwin
Moshe Lehr
Special thanks to:
Eric and Sarit Galbut
Studio Shots were filmed at Court Square Studios
Rabbi Mendy and Tzippy weiss of Chabad Miami Lakes
Shalom and Victoria Zirkayev
Adam Margules
Sharon Jungreis
Dr. Boruch and Rabin Jacob
Chana Rose Sosnowicz
Jillene A. Doolkadir, Esq.
Bhagyashree RaoRane & Todd Lending Nomadic Pictures
Joshua Weinstein
Avi Feder
Travel by Barry Kaye of - Crown Travel International
Original ‘Belz’ song written by Jacob Jacobs and composed by Alexander Olshanetsky
Noam Gourmet - Gefilte Fish with no gluten
Follow on Instagram - noamgourmet
For the latest projects
To purchase the song, please go to: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/lipafeattheholocaustsurv
83 years after it was first performed in New York’s Yiddish theater district, the iconic song Belz is revitalized, this time being performed by a pair of musicians who were schoolboys when it first debuted in 1932.
Saul Dreier and Ruby Sosnowicz, better known to their legions of adoring fans of all ages as the Holocaust Survivor Band, capture the soul of Belz with their distinctive flair and equally impressive talent in this Sparks Next video starring Lipa Schmeltzer. Set against the backdrop of a surprise party for Dreier, the video conjures up memories of the alte heim, as a pre-war Schmeltzer plays the part of a young Dreier who travels to the future to take part in his 90th birthday celebration in Miami Beach.
Schmeltzer in another collaboration with filmmaker Daniel Finkelman and composer Cecelia Margules handily create nostalgia for times gone by as they evokes the spirit of Belz and both Dreier and Sosnowicz are mesmerizing as the two provide a contemporary feel to this class song of yesteryear. Radiating energy, vitality and a youth that belies their age, the Holocaust Survivor Band continues to impress in their second music video that will have young and old alike on their feet and dancing along with Ruby, Saul and their entire entourage.
Belz, with new lyrics and music by Cecelia Margules, is co sponsored by Noam Gourmet and directed by Daniel Finkelman with music produced by by Ruli Ezrahi.
Produced and Directed by Daniel Finkelman
Executive Producer Cecelia Margules
Music Produced by Ruli Ezrachi
Co Sponsored by the Semel and Soffer families
Lipa Schmeltzer
and The Holocaust Survivor Band
Saul Drier & Ruby Sosnowicz
Original Song Adapted by Cecelia Margules
Cinematographer Mauricio Arenas
Associate Producer – David Ort
Line Producer and Script – Royce Brown
Editor – Ben Anderson
Co Editor Michael Puro
Post Production Supervisor – Jessica Bookout
Choreography and Spoon Routine Zvika Bornstein
Script - Royce Brown
Associate Producer – Zvika Bornstein
Associate Producer – David Ort
Associate Producer Adam Margules
Assistant Director / LP – Alex Jaramillio
Gaffer Gonzala Parra
Grip Johny Sarmiento
AC Jose Carlos Ortega
AC Marco Vitale
Sound Designer Michael Gallock
HMU – Rory Lee
BTS Photographer David Gonzalez
PA – Kanon Romero
PA Lou Aguilar
Press release - Sandy Eller
Catering by Bagel Time Miami
Adam Margules
Chaim Galbut
Shalom and Victoria Zirkayev
Rabbi and Mrs. Weiss
J.J. Crowne
David Bennet
Mark Sherwin
Moshe Lehr
Special thanks to:
Eric and Sarit Galbut
Studio Shots were filmed at Court Square Studios
Rabbi Mendy and Tzippy weiss of Chabad Miami Lakes
Shalom and Victoria Zirkayev
Adam Margules
Sharon Jungreis
Dr. Boruch and Rabin Jacob
Chana Rose Sosnowicz
Jillene A. Doolkadir, Esq.
Bhagyashree RaoRane & Todd Lending Nomadic Pictures
Joshua Weinstein
Avi Feder
Travel by Barry Kaye of - Crown Travel International
Original ‘Belz’ song written by Jacob Jacobs and composed by Alexander Olshanetsky
Noam Gourmet - Gefilte Fish with no gluten
Follow on Instagram - noamgourmet
For the latest projects
- published: 10 Dec 2015
- views: 154945
Oy Belz, Mayn Shtetele Belz (Traditional Yiddish Song)
*DISCLAIMER* NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. I DO NOT OWN THE RIGHTS TO MUSIC IN THIS VIDEO. I DO NOT MONETIZE THIS VIDEO. If you own copyright to this music please contact me first I will take down immediately!
Oy, az ikh dermon zikh
Un mayne kinder yorn
N'vi a kholem shteyt dos alts klor
Vi zet oys dos shtibele
Vos hot amol geglantst
Un dos beymele
Vos ikh hob geplantst
Oy oy oy Belz
Mayn shtetele Belz
Mayn heymele dort vu
Ikh hob mayne kindershe
Yorn farbrakht
Yedn shabes gey ikh loyfn
Mit ale yingelekh glaykh
Zitsn unter dem grininkem
Varfn shteyndelekh in tayklh
Oy oy oy Belz
Mayn shtetele Belz (...)
Dos shtibele iz alt
Farvaksn mit groz
Der dakh cufalt
Di fenster on gloz
Der ganik iz krum
Tsuboygn di vent
Du volst dos shoyn mer
Shoyn mer gor nisht derkent
Oy oy oy Belz
Mayn shtetele Belz (.)
Yedn shabes gey ikh loyfn
Mit ale yingelekh glaykh
Zitsn unter dem grininkem
Varfn shteyndelekh in taykh
Oy oy oy Belz
Mayn shtetele Belz (..)
Bistu amol geven in Belz?
Mayn shtetele Belz (..)
Belz (English):
Oh, when I recall
In my childhood years
And as a dream comes all clear
What does the little house look like
Which glittered once
And the little tree
Which I had planted
Oy, oy, oy Belz
My little town Belz
My little home, where
I my childhood
years had spent
Every Sabbath I run
With all the lads
Sit under a green little tree
Throw pebbles in streanm
Oy, oy, oy Belz
My little town Belz (.)
The little house is old
Covered with grass
The roof falls
The windows lack glass
Verandah is broken
Bowed the walls
You wouldn't recognize that
Oy, oy, oy Belz
My little town Belz (...)
Every Sabbath I run
With all the lads
Sit under a green little tree
Throw pebbles in stream
Oy, oy, oy Bela
My little town Belz (...)
Have you ever been in Belz?
My little town Belz (..)
*DISCLAIMER* NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. I DO NOT OWN THE RIGHTS TO MUSIC IN THIS VIDEO. I DO NOT MONETIZE THIS VIDEO. If you own copyright to this music please contact me first I will take down immediately!
Oy, az ikh dermon zikh
Un mayne kinder yorn
N'vi a kholem shteyt dos alts klor
Vi zet oys dos shtibele
Vos hot amol geglantst
Un dos beymele
Vos ikh hob geplantst
Oy oy oy Belz
Mayn shtetele Belz
Mayn heymele dort vu
Ikh hob mayne kindershe
Yorn farbrakht
Yedn shabes gey ikh loyfn
Mit ale yingelekh glaykh
Zitsn unter dem grininkem
Varfn shteyndelekh in tayklh
Oy oy oy Belz
Mayn shtetele Belz (...)
Dos shtibele iz alt
Farvaksn mit groz
Der dakh cufalt
Di fenster on gloz
Der ganik iz krum
Tsuboygn di vent
Du volst dos shoyn mer
Shoyn mer gor nisht derkent
Oy oy oy Belz
Mayn shtetele Belz (.)
Yedn shabes gey ikh loyfn
Mit ale yingelekh glaykh
Zitsn unter dem grininkem
Varfn shteyndelekh in taykh
Oy oy oy Belz
Mayn shtetele Belz (..)
Bistu amol geven in Belz?
Mayn shtetele Belz (..)
Belz (English):
Oh, when I recall
In my childhood years
And as a dream comes all clear
What does the little house look like
Which glittered once
And the little tree
Which I had planted
Oy, oy, oy Belz
My little town Belz
My little home, where
I my childhood
years had spent
Every Sabbath I run
With all the lads
Sit under a green little tree
Throw pebbles in streanm
Oy, oy, oy Belz
My little town Belz (.)
The little house is old
Covered with grass
The roof falls
The windows lack glass
Verandah is broken
Bowed the walls
You wouldn't recognize that
Oy, oy, oy Belz
My little town Belz (...)
Every Sabbath I run
With all the lads
Sit under a green little tree
Throw pebbles in stream
Oy, oy, oy Bela
My little town Belz (...)
Have you ever been in Belz?
My little town Belz (..)
- published: 06 Dec 2016
- views: 67138
שמחת בית בעלזא תשע"ח - מצווה טאנץ | Highlights of Belz Mitzvah Tantz 5778
מערכת 'בחזית' מגישה תיעוד ענק ומרגש משמחת החתונה אמש בחצר הקודש בעלזא • 20 דקות מרוממות מה'מצווה טאנץ', החל מהריקוד המקפיץ של אבי החתן הרה"צ ר' אהרן מרדכי רוקח ...
מערכת 'בחזית' מגישה תיעוד ענק ומרגש משמחת החתונה אמש בחצר הקודש בעלזא • 20 דקות מרוממות מה'מצווה טאנץ', החל מהריקוד המקפיץ של אבי החתן הרה"צ ר' אהרן מרדכי רוקח שליט"א, עבור דרך ריקוד החתן ועד לרגעי ההוד בהגיע תור מרן האדמו"ר מבעלזא לרקוד עם הכלה • צפו
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מערכת 'בחזית' מגישה תיעוד ענק ומרגש משמחת החתונה אמש בחצר הקודש בעלזא • 20 דקות מרוממות מה'מצווה טאנץ', החל מהריקוד המקפיץ של אבי החתן הרה"צ ר' אהרן מרדכי רוקח שליט"א, עבור דרך ריקוד החתן ועד לרגעי ההוד בהגיע תור מרן האדמו"ר מבעלזא לרקוד עם הכלה • צפו
• חדשות בחזית מסביב לשעון בוואטסאפ ◄ http://n.bahazit.com/WhatsApp
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- published: 31 May 2018
- views: 65011
Belz - Nichsefa 4. Es Tzemach
Belz - Nichsefa - Es Tzemach
To purchase this song please visit:
Belz - Nichsefa - Es Tzemach
To purchase this song please visit:
Belz - Nichsefa - Es Tzemach
To purchase this song please visit:
- published: 23 Apr 2014
- views: 1849