Latest Issue

Issue 391, Spring/Summer 2014, is at the printers.
THEME: Anarchy, Anarchism, and Anarchists

It will soon be on the way to subscribers and bookstores. Please send last minute address changes, renewals, requests for bulk shipments, and donations ASAP to: fe – at – fifthestate – dot – org

Cover, Issue 391, Spring/Summer 2014
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*Articles with Asterisk have extended versions on our web site.

Anarchists & Sex Work
Aaron Lakoff

Wholly Shit – Church Reviews

Grand Jury Resister Freed

* Education as Domestication of Inner Space
Layla AbdelRahim

Agriculture History Misses Mark
John Zerzan

Ken Kesey & the Merry Pranksters
Mike Peters

Obscene Kite Incident

The Impossible Community
Jim Feast

Hypocrisies of the Left
Jonny Ball

Our Revolution
Peter Dudnik

Chilean Anarchist Interview
D. Sands

History of Neither East Nor West
Bob McGlynn

Books & Publications Received

Fifth Estate on the Web
Quincy B. Thorn


Anarchy: Letter for Insurgent Dreamers
scott crow

Autonomous Zones
Jesse D. Palmer

* Magnetic Anarchist Strategy
Alex Knight

Ron Sakolsky
*Marie Mason

Insurrection of Imagination
Jason Rodgers

Anarchists Against the Wall
David Finkel

* Bakunin: “Father of Anarchism”
Mark Leier

Riot in London
Gyorgy Furiosa

Mallarmé: Anarchist
Peter Lamborn Wilson

Revolutionary Spain
David Porter

Portrait of a Snitch
Margaret Killjoy



Cover, Issue 368-369 - Fifth Estate MagazineArchive Feature
Check out OUR 40TH ANNIVERSARY ISSUE. You can find it in our Archive.

2014 NYC Anarchist Bookfair
Sat., May 17 at Judson Memorial Church, Manhattan  
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