8 May 2014

Washington sends military personnel to Nigeria

By Bill Van Auken, 8 May 2014

The Obama administration has seized upon the vicious kidnapping of Nigerian school girls to provide the cover of a “moral crusade” for an escalating US and European military intervention in Africa.

Russia seeks fresh accommodation with US over Ukraine

By Chris Marsden, 8 May 2014

The Western powers consider elections in Ukraine politically imperative to reinforce the claim that the government of oligarchs and fascists imposed by the February putsch has a democratic mandate to rule.

German Greens incite conflict with Russia

By Verena Nees, 8 May 2014

More on the crisis in Ukraine »

Thai court removes PM and nine cabinet ministers

By Tom Peters, 8 May 2014

In an anti-democratic ruling, the Constitutional Court yesterday removed Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra on trumped-up charges.

Tensions flare between China and Vietnam in South China Sea

By Peter Symonds, 8 May 2014

The positioning of a Chinese oil rig in disputed waters has been the immediate trigger for a confrontation between Vietnamese and Chinese vessels.

World Health Organization declares public health emergency over spread of polio

By Tom Hall, 8 May 2014

Pakistan, Cameroon, and Syria were singled out as posing the greatest risk of exporting the virus in 2014.

Obama nominates author of drone memo for appellate court judge

By Ed Hightower, 8 May 2014

President Barack Obama has nominated David Barron, the author of pseudo-legal memos that authorize the drone assassination of US citizens, as a judge for a top appellate court.

Fed Chief Yellen reassures Wall Street on interest rates

By Patrick Martin, 8 May 2014

In testimony before Congress, Yellen indicated that the US Federal Reserve would keep interest rates at their current near-zero level for the foreseeable future.

Video shows police gunning down unarmed man in Long Beach, California

By our correspondent, 8 May 2014

A cellphone video shows police in Long Beach, California opening fire at an unarmed man who is fleeing down a flight of stairs.

India: Modi reiterates pledge to expel “Bangladeshi” Muslims in wake of communal massacre

By Deepal Jayasekera, 8 May 2014

In the wake of the communal massacre of more than three dozen Muslims in Assam, BJP prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi has amplified his communally-charged denunciations of Bangladeshi Muslim migrants.

French government set to impose wage cuts demanded by the banks

By Pierre Mabut, 8 May 2014

French President Hollande is under increasing pressure from the European Commisssion and the banks to cut wages and create a flexible labour market.

Australian budget levy will seek to mask deep welfare cuts

By Mike Head, 8 May 2014

Cabinet’s decision points to serious concerns within the government about the popular discontent that will be generated by the budget.

Melbourne public meeting examines role of Australian imperialism in East Timor

By our reporters, 8 May 2014

The “Justice at Sea” meeting discussed Canberra’s latest moves to retain its grip over the vast oil and gas reserves in the Timor Sea.

New in Turkish

Avrupa’nın 11 Eylül’ü

Peter Schwarz, 8 Mayıs 2014

Rasmussen’in Ukrayna’daki krizi 11 Eylül ile karşılaştırması, tüm Avrupa işçilerine yönelik bir uyarıdır.

New in French

Le 11-Septembre de l’Europe

Par Peter Schwarz, 8 mai 2014

Le secrétaire général de l’OTAN, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, a exigé dimanche dans une interview le réarmement militaire massif des membres européens de l’OTAN.

Québec: le gouvernement Couillard déclare la guerre aux travailleurs

Par Richard Dufour, 8 mai 2014

Le gouvernement Couillard répond aux exigences de l'élite dirigeante que ce soient les travailleurs qui payent pour la crise capitaliste mondiale.

France : Le Front de Gauche critique hypocritement la politique de Hollande dans la crise ukrainienne

Par Kumaran Ira, 8 mai 2014

Après avoir approuvé le coup d’Etat fasciste à Kiev qui a renversé en février le gouvernement élu pro-russe du président Viktor Ianoukovitch, le gouvernement PS (Parti socialiste) du président François Hollande s’aligne une fois de plus derrière Washington et Berlin.

Réunion publique du CIQI à Paris le 11 mai pour les élections européennes.

Les quinze ans du WSWS: 1998-2013
Année passée en revue : 2009
Pourquoi je lis le WSWS: Courrier des lecteurs

New in German

Eine Einschätzung der Internationalen Maikundgebung des IKVI

Von David North, 8. Mai 2014

Mit der Internationalen Maikundgebung, die das Internationale Komitee der Vierten Internationale (IKVI) am 4. Mai abgehalten hat, kündigt sich sich das Wiederaufleben des Sozialismus als starke Kraft in der internationalen Arbeiterklasse an.

Wie die Rückkehr des deutschen Militarismus vorbereitet wurde

Von Johannes Stern, 8. Mai 2014

Das aggressive Vorgehen der Bundesregierung in der Ukraine und die massive Propagandakampagne, die es begleitete, wurden über ein Jahr lang sorgfältig vorbereitet.

Grüne schüren Konflikt mit Russland

Von Verena Nees, 8. Mai 2014

Ralf Fücks, Vorstand der grünen Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, wirft der Bundesregierung Nachgiebigkeit und Schwäche im Ukraine-Konflikt vor.

Massaker in Odessa: USA verteidigen Kiewer Regime und Faschisten

Von Barry Grey, 8. Mai 2014

Das US-Außenministerium lobte die Kiewer Regierung für ihre "große Selbstbeherrschung" und wies die Schuld für das Massaker in Odessa Russland und den Opfern zu.

Hessischer Rundfunk interviewt PSG-Kandidat Helmut Arens

Von unserem Korrespondenten, 8. Mai 2014

Am vergangenen Montag diskutierten PSG-Mitglieder an einem Infostand im Frankfurter Arbeiterviertel Gallus über die Kriegsgefahr in der Ukraine.

Kathryn Davron: 2. März 1950 – 1. Mai 2014

Von Chris Marsden und Julie Hyland, 8. Mai 2014

Ihr ganzes Erwachsenenleben über war Kath Trotzkistin.

Other Languages


Detroit’s “plan of adjustment”: A declaration of war against the working class

8 May 2014

All the major political actors—the courts, the two big business parties, the corporate-controlled news media and the trade unions—have taken sides against the working class.

Earlier Perspectives »

International May Day

An assessment of the International May Day Online Rally

By David North, 6 May 2014

The International May Day Online Rally was a major international political event and a milestone that foreshadows the resurgence of socialism as a powerful force within the world working class.

Ukraine crisis: A turning point in world history

By Chris Marsden, 8 May 2014

We are publishing here the text of the speech given by Chris Marsden, national secretary of the SEP (UK), to the International Online May Day Rally hosted by the International Committee of the Fourth International and the WSWS on Sunday, May 4.

The struggle against militarism and war

By Uli Rippert, 8 May 2014

We are publishing here the text of the speech given by Uli Rippert, national secretary of the PSG in Germany, to the International Online May Day Rally hosted by the International Committee of the Fourth International and the WSWS on Sunday, May 4.

Speech by Wije Dias: The international struggles of the working class and the perspective of Permanent Revolution - Link to audio

Speech by Peter Schwarz: The European Union and the United Socialist States of Europe - Link to audio

Speech by Nick Beams: May Day 2014 and the breakdown of world capitalism - Link to audio

Speech by David North: The capitalist crisis and the fight for socialist internationalism - Link to audio

“The most fundamental thing is building this movement and building political consciousness”
Interviews on the May Day Rally from the US and Europe

By our reporters, 8 May 2014

Groups of workers and youth listened to the May 4 Online Rally in Germany and the United States.


Kathryn Davron: March 2, 1950—May 1, 2014

By Chris Marsden and Julie Hyland, 7 May 2014

Kath was a Trotskyist all her adult life.

SEP European Election Campaign

ICFI meeting in Paris on May 11 for the European elections
No to war against Russia! No to austerity! Support the ICFI in the European elections!

8 May 2014

SEP (UK) candidate: Oppose attacks on National Health Service workers’ pay

By Ajitha Gunaratne—candidate of the SEP (UK) for the European elections, 6 May 2014

PSG campaign: “It is not true that the Western powers stand for democracy and human rights”

By our reporters, 5 May 2014

Fight job losses at Liverpool museums

By Danny Dickinson—SEP (UK) candidate in the European elections, 2 May 2014

Workers Struggles

RMT union sabotages London Underground strike

By Paul Bond, 8 May 2014

Just hours before the second 72-hour walkout was due to begin, the RMT union announced it had “suspended” the action against job losses on the London Underground.

Workers reject employers’ offer in South African platinum mining strike

By Thabo Seseane Jr., 7 May 2014

Crisis in Ukraine

Europe’s 9/11

By Peter Schwarz, 7 May 2014

US defends role of Kiev regime and fascists in Odessa massacre

By Barry Grey, 7 May 2014

French Left Front makes hypocritical criticisms of Hollande's policy in Ukraine crisis

By Kumaran Ira, 7 May 2014

More on the crisis in Ukraine »


Brutalized by cops, convicted Occupy protester faces seven years in jail

By Bill Van Auken, 7 May 2014

Study: Obamacare could save US businesses $3.25 trillion through 2025

By Kate Randall, 7 May 2014

US military intensifies training for a war with China

By James Cogan, 7 May 2014

The significance of the arrest of Gerry Adams

By Steve James, 7 May 2014

White House Correspondents Association gala
Wealth, celebrity and decadence in Obama’s Washington

By Patrick Martin, 6 May 2014

The Bankruptcy of Detroit

Bankruptcy judge approves final revision of Detroit restructuring plan

By Thomas Gaist, 7 May 2014

Private contractors take over waste management in Detroit

By Thomas Gaist, 6 May 2014

New from Mehring Books: The Truth Behind the Bankruptcy of Detroit

23 April 2014

A detailed exposure of a social crime: the decision to use the courts to impose unprecedented attacks on the Detroit working class.

More on the bankruptcy of Detroit »

Arts Review

Out Among the Stars, a “new” album from Johnny Cash

By Hiram Lee, 7 May 2014

NSA Spying and the Defense of Edward Snowden

German government thwarts investigation of NSA scandal

By Sven Heymanns, 3 May 2014

More on NSA Spying and the defense of Edward Snowden »


Anti-Semitism and the Russian Revolution: Part three

By Clara Weiss, 1 May 2014

Socialist Equality Party

Socialist Equality Party (Australia) holds Second National Congress

24 April 2014

SEP (Australia) Second National Congress: Greetings by David North

By David North, 24 April 2014

25 years ago: US denounces election in Panama

National elections in Panama were held on Sunday, May 7, 1989 in the midst of US threats and economic sanctions against military strongman Manuel Noriega.

More »

50 years ago: Johnson seeks to prop up Alliance for Progress

On May 11, 1964, US President Lyndon Johnson addressed a White House gathering of 13 Latin American ambassadors in a bid to prop up the Alliance for Progress.

More »

75 years ago: Stalin-Hitler negotiations reported

A prominent German businessman and former supporter of Hitler confirmed to British secret services on March 6, 1939 that Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union were secretly negotiating a rapprochement.

More »


100 years ago: Socialist leader Karl Liebknecht denounces German military build-up

On May 11, 1914, Karl Liebknecht, a leading member of the German Social Democratic Party, denounced Germany’s military build-up in a speech delivered on the floor of the Reichstag.

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