Existentialist Society

Existential Philosophy

de Beauvoir

Monthly Lectures — Visitors Welcome

For those who question whether life has a meaning and a purpose. For those who despairingly ponder whether one can live without self-deception or without hedonistic escapism; yet who, despite the anguish of life's futility and meaninglessness, still seek purpose and an authentic existence.

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Enquiries: David Miller, Secretary.

Telephone: (03) 9467 2063.
Mail: PO Box 1111, Bundoora, VIC, 3083, Australia.
Email: existmelb@yahoo.com.au

Lectures: First Tuesday of the month at 8 pm.
Unitarian Church Hall, 110 Grey Street, East Melbourne.
Melways Map 2G, D2. View location in Google maps

Admission free, no prior booking necessary, all welcome.
A question-to-the-speaker period follows the lecture.

Previous lectures and transcripts:
2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1974-1995

4 Feb Paul Daniels (Author, 'Nietzsche and The Genealogy of Morals')
"Wittgenstein's 'Tractatus': Language and Mysticism"
4 Mar Dr. Patrick Stokes (Philosophy, Deakin University)
"A Demanding Universe: The Ethical Thought of K.E. Logstrup"
1 Apr Howard Dossor (Author, 'Colin Wilson: The man and his mind')
"An Existential Reading of Nikos Kazantzakis"
6 May Assoc. Prof. Millicent Vladiv-Glover (Comparative Literature, Monash University)
"The Decaying Corpse in 'The Brothers Karamazov' and in Popular Forensics: The Semiotics of Death"
3 Jun Dr. Nick Trakakis (Theology and Philosophy, Australian Catholic University)
"Kazantzakis and God"
1 Jul Dr. Gordon Preece (Author, 'Bonhoeffer Downunder')
"God the Intimate Interventionist: Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Nick Cave in Dialogue"
5 Aug Dr. Muhammad Kamal (Asia Institute, University of Melbourne)
"Sadra and Heidegger: A Philosophical Turn"
2 Sep Dr. Vaughan Rapatahana (Writer, poet, critic)
"Clive Walter Ingram Pearson: Australasia's Own Existentialist"
7 Oct Dr. Mammad Aidani (Historical and Philosophical Studies, University of Melbourne)
"What has happened to the Authentic Being in Philosophy?"
4 Nov Melbourne Cup Day Lecture
Assoc. Prof. Purushottama Bilimoria (Philosophy, Deakin/Melbourne & University of California)
"Tribute to Hazel Rowley: Eleanor Roosevelt and Pauli Murray on America's Civil Wrongs and Gandhi"
2 Dec Adjunct Prof. Inna Semetsky (Cultural Studies, Waikato University, NZ)
"The Edusemiotics of Images: The Art~Science of Tarot"
3 Feb Dr. Colin Goodwin (Independent Scholar)
"Existentialism and Psychical Phenomena"
3 Mar Dr. David Rathbone (Melbourne School of Continental Philosophy)
"Why there are no Nietzscheans"
7 Apr Phillip Ferguson (Philosophy, La Trobe University)
"Jean-Paul Sartre"
5 May Sherah Bloor (Melbourne School of Continental Philosophy)
"Simone de Beauvoir and the Eternal Feminine"
2 Jun Nigel Sinnot (Former editor, 'The Freethinker' UK)
"Dealing with Major Depression: Managing Malignant Sadness"

EXISTENTIALISM is an 'umbrella' term covering diverse and often conflicting schools of thought. Consequently we are not agreed on who or what is an Existentialist; we simply agree to disagree.

Following the lecture, during the question and discussion period, additional comments are encouraged from those of our audience who may have more knowledge than the speaker on particular aspects of the topic, as well as from those who have an alternative viewpoint.

Sometimes our lecture topics have no direct bearing upon Existentialism. The speakers on such topics may or may not be conversant with Existentialism.

There is no official membership, so we have no membership fee. However, we pass the 'begging-bowls' around in an attempt to cover expenses. If one can afford it, $2 is adequate. Attendances vary from a low of 20 in the winter months to a high of 70-80, depending on speaker and topic.

If you would like more information, please telephone our Secretary, David Miller, on (03) 9467 2063.

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