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argentina/uruguay/paraguay / represión / presos Saturday May 10, 2014 00:27 by Columna Cerro-Teja
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La Columna Cerro Teja

Lo que aquí se intenta es acallar legítimas denuncias, reclamos, reivindicaciones. Endemoniar descontentos y rebeldías. Judicializar y criminalizar la protesta. Ha quedado claro que eso no corre para quienes asesinaron, secuestraron, torturaron y violaron y que siguen contando con impunidad que casi todos cubren y amparan.

Que cuando surge una jueza como Motta que quiere solamente investigar enseguida salta de ese lugar y la mandan al último rincón. Eso sí, procesos para quienes protestaron por la tamaña artimaña de la corte. Impunidades y cárceles de lujo. Pero otras impunidades se han ido sumando y no dicen otra cosa que como es que funciona esto.

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southern africa / the left Wednesday May 07, 2014 20:28 by Shawn Hattingh & Jonathan Payn
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There has been much hype, amongst the media and sections of the public, in the run up to this year’s provincial and national elections in South Africa and, for some, the arrival of new parties to the electoral arena has renewed their faith in the possibility of an electoral solution to the myriad of problems facing South Africa. Politicians from across all parties have been using this hype and a seemingly renewed faith in the ballot box to their advantage.

The question, therefore, is: can equality, socialism, national liberation or ‘economic freedom’ – or even a respite from state violence – for a majority be brought about through parties and activists entering into the state or through voting for parties that promise not to use the state for violent or oppressive means; or will this only lead to a dead-end for the working class yet again?

international / workplace struggles Friday May 02, 2014 00:21 by Various anarchist organizations
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For far too long major segments of the working class have been dormant under the illusion that change can be delegated to exterior organizations or parties. When our struggles are bureaucratized and delegated to others, we lose ownership over them and in turn lose many benefits gained through them. A victory for the working class can only be established if our class is active in the struggle leading to victory.

From the battle for the 8 hour day, to the struggles witnessed this past year, these examples cry out for the need to organize the fight back against the war that is being waged on workers at home and abroad. Through these examples we can begin to see an alternate future and experiment towards it. This new workers' movement must be established on class struggle lines, a movement that no longer waits for politicians and bureaucrats to resolve the growing inequalities and oppressions. A movement of workers organized through our own self-activity for democratic, combative and autonomous labor and community organizations must replace the stale forms of unionism and social democratic lobbyism that have dominated and compromised most struggles of the last decades.

[Italiano] [Castellano]

See also:

russia / ukraine / belarus / repression / prisoners Wednesday April 16, 2014 16:20 by Editorial Collective
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Days after the Sochi Olympic Games, in the course of which the dictatorial Russian government allowed multinationals firms and other States to satisfy their capitalist pretensions by muzzling opposition and banning demonstrations, the repression of anticapitalists, anarchists, trade-union activists, and the feminist and anti-homophobe movements is still going on.

On the 24th February, 7 opponents to the regime have been sentenced for taking part in a demonstration against Putin in 2012, a protest which denounced the fixing of the presidential election by the State. They have been sentenced to up to 4 years detention in a camp for "mass disorder" and "violence against the forces of law and order". This political trial has been greatly criticized by the opposition who have gathered together in great number in front of the court to protest against authoritarianism and repression in the Russian State. In reply, between 200 and 400 people have been arrested with some being tried and given similar sentences. Among them are many anarchist comrades, but also anti-capitalists, feminists and anti-fascist activists.

[Français] [Italiano] [Ελληνικά]

argentina/uruguay/paraguay / community struggles Saturday April 05, 2014 14:48 by Federación de Organizaciones de Base
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El pasado Domingo 23 de Marzo cerca de las 18hs la militante social de la Federación de Organizaciones de Base (FOB) Iris Velasquez sufrió un atentado en la puerta de su domicilio, cuando descubre la quema completa intencionada de su moto (adjuntamos foto).

Previamente le habían llamado para amenazarla y advertirle del hecho. Minutos más tarde las mismas personas que habían realizado ese hecho llaman telefónicamente al compañero Emilio Crisi para amenazarlo de muerte y advertirle que él sería la próxima víctima.

No nos amedrentaremos por las amenazas y el atentado, no nos quedaremos de brazos cruzados cuando estamos viviendo la inflación, el desempleo, la injusticia social, la judicialización de la protesta social... y ahora los atentados y la persecución política de parte de las mafias organizadas que tienen entre sus enemigos a los movimientos sociales autónomos.

Mensagem da Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira de solidariedade à Federación de Organizaciones de Base

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E' uscito Alternativa Libertaria, aprile 2014

Sat 17 May, 10:11

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