
The Chinese parents who give their babies away online

Lavinia Mo In China, expectant couples who are unwilling or unable to keep their children go to a special website to adopt their babies out, rather than aborting or abandoning them.


When 'mumnesia' attacks

JO HARTLEY Baby brain, or ‘mumnesia’, affects a lot of women at some stage during pregnancy. Despite many dismissing its existence, several studies - and women around the world - say it’s completely normal and very real.



Does swearing during labour help reduce pain?

CATHERINE RODIE During my child's birth I had cursed like a sailor. It wasn't just the odd F-Bomb - it was more like an F-Annihilation.



Dad takes newborn to soccer game on way home from hospital

Melanie Mahoney It’s never too early to try to get your kids interested in sport – at least, that’s the thinking of one soccer-mad dad.


When will my baby walk? Advice from an expert

KATHY LAUER-WILLIAMS My one-year old daughter has not started talking or walking. My friend has a child about the same age who seems developmentally further ahead. Do you think there is something wrong with my daughter?

Being Dad

Red spot first sign of former premier Nick Greiner's breast cancer

Jill Margo Nick Greiner, the former premier of NSW, has spoken publicly about being diagnosed with breast cancer, and the subsequent removal of his left breast.

Stay-at-home dad tries, fails to crowdfund a salary


Kasey Edwards Imagine launching a crowdfunding campaign to ask strangers to pay you an income for parenting. That was one dad's grand plan - but it didn't go quite as planned.

Comments 1

To my girls on their first birthday

The rise of the vasectomy party

A great dad, but not a super hero

Couvade syndrome: when dads have pregnancy pains too


Man to sue after being given mistake vasectomy

A man in the UK is set to sue the Royal Liverpool Hospital after doctors gave him a vasectomy "by mistake".

The case for separate beds


Holly Allen For many couples, sharing a bed is good for 'sleeping' together, but not actually getting a good nights' sleep together. So why don't more couples have separate beds?

The thing mums aren't supposed to admit

Viral 'Look Up' video has millions looking down

Info: Mum finds 3m python under daughter's bed

Why I don't celebrate Mother's Day: a mum's letter to her son