Frequently Asked Questions

Forum FAQs

Q. What are the forum rules?
A. You can view the current forum rules here. Please also check the pinned at the top of each forum that you visit for the guidelines of individual forums. Please note by using the Essential Kids website you are also responsible for adhering to the site Terms of Use.

Q. How can I contact a Moderator or staff member?
A. A list of Moderators and EK staff members can be found here.

Q. Can I edit my posts?
A. Yes. You'll see an 'edit' button at the bottom right of each of your posts.

Q. Can I delete my posts?
A. No - but if you need something deleted, please contact a moderator or Administrator. We remind you not to post anything that you may regret!

Q. Can I change the title of my post?
A. Yes. If you do a "Full Edit" of your post, you can change the title.

Q. When I view a page, the posts are not appearing under each other and I have to click on each one.
A. This problem can be fixed by clearing out both your temporary internet files and cookies. Once they are cleared close all browser windows before opening a new session and logging in again.

Q. What on earth does 'TMI about my DS's TT ROFL' mean?
A. You can read a full list of the popular abbreviations used on Essential Kids here.

Q. Can I change my EK username?
A. Yes! You can change your Essential Kids Display Name by going to Control Panel, Personal Settings and clicking 'Change Display Name'. Please remember that we do have in excess of 200,000 members, so popular names are more than likely to be taken. Keep trying until you find a unique username.

Q. How do I put a picture in my signature?
A. Check out the Forum & Technical Tips and Questions forum, there are always topics in there about pictures and adding them to your signature. You can edit your signature by clicking on the 'Edit my Signature' link in the left side Control Panel menu.

Q. I don't have a photo site to upload my photo to. Where can I get one?
Most members at EK use or

Q. Can I have a 'Flash' signature?
A. No, we don't allow Flash signatures as they cause some members' screens to freeze and can make the forums operate slowly.

Q. What are PMs?
A. PMs are private messages. You can send these to people by clicking on the PM link at the bottom left of another member's post, or by clicking on the 'Compose Message' link in the left member menu, and entering the person's display name in the To box.

Q. A member keeps sending me PMs that I don't like, what can I do?
You can stop the member sending you messages by going into the 'PM Buddies/Block List' in the left member menu and then enter the members name into the box and choose 'No' from the drop down menu. If the PMs you are receiving are offensive, please contact a Moderator or Administrator.

Q. Can I tell another member what I really think in a PM?
A. PMs are subject to the same rules as the forums. You should be polite and courteous to other members, or you may be reported.

Q. I've seen a forums titled 'buddy group' - what are they? Can anyone join?
A. Buddy groups are support groups that have been formed by members. If a particular group pertains to you & your situation, you are welcome to join it.

Q. What about the Due-In and Parents' Groups? Can anyone join?
A. Yes, just find the Due-in group of the month that you are due to give birth, or the Parents' group who had their babies in the same month & year that you had yours - and join in.

Q. Can I advertise my items for sale anywhere in the forums?
A. No, trading is subject to strict guidelines due to fraud issues we have had in the past. Here is a copy of the Trading Rules, which is designed to protect you.

Q. Can I sell things in my State forum?
A. Only large non-postable item may be posted about in a State forum post but cannot conduct a sale there - you should link to your sale in the trading rooms.

Q. I cannot view the Trading Room forums. Why do I keep getting a message telling me I do not have permission to view?
A. You need to apply to be a member of the Trading Rooms - to be given access you need a post count of 50. This is to stop new members easily creating an account with the intention of committing fraud. To find out about become a member click here

Q. How do I search Essential Kids?
A. You can click on the 'Search Forum' link in the left hand Control Panel menu. You can search by keywords and/or member name.


Site FAQs

Q. I'm having trouble logging onto EK, can you help me?
A. Please check that your cookies are enabled and that your privacy settings are not too high. You can check these on your Internet Explorer browser under Tools/Internet Options. Sometimes firewalls or other browsers may cause problems with logging in - but this is rare.
Please contact if you can't rectify the problem.

Q. I am trying to register and I kept being returned to the main page, why is this happening?
A. Most problems with registering are due choosing a member name that is already in use. With over 100,000 members many of the more usual names are already taken. Try repeating the process until you get a member name that is accepted.

Q. I logged in with the email address but my password does not work. What should I do?
A: When you try to login and fail you will see a link to 'I've forgotten my password!' Click here. Follow the prompts to have a password emailed to you.

Q. I logged in with my username and password and kept getting error messages. What am I doing wrong?
A: Remember, that you must login in with an email address, not your username.

Q. What if I cannot remember which email address I used to register at Essential Kids?
A: You can try various email addresses and ask to have a password sent out - the system will automatically advise you if no registration can be found for the addresses you enter.

Q. How do I update my email address?
A: Go to the Forums and login. Click on 'Change Email Address' on the left hand Control Panel and update with the email address you want to use.

Q. What if I have forgotten my password?
A: In the Quick Links box on the left of the page (below member login and navigation links - you will see a "Forgotten Password Recovery" link. Click on that link and follow the prompts.

Q. Why am I getting explicit ads appearing on EK?
A. If you are getting explicit ads on the page your computer has been infected with spyware (it copies our code and replaces it with its own, so their ads appear instead of ours). Do a full scan and empty out all temporary files on your computer. If you do not have spyware download Adware or AVG anti-spyware, both of which are free programs. If the problem persists you will need to get help elsewhere as we are unable to provide technical advice for your computer.

Q: How do I get help?
A: Email Please allow 48 hours for a response. If your query is regarding the forums you can contact the relevant Moderator or you can post in the 'Messages to Mods' forum found in Housekeeping.


Blog / Diary FAQs

Q. What is the blog / diary forum all about? Where are the blogs?
You can find the blogs by clicking on the link in the left hand menu, or by clicking here.

Q. Can I create my own blog?
Yes, you can start your own blogs by clicking on the link in the left hand menu, or by clicking here, then Create a blog link . Follow the instructions and you can manage your blog and add entries by going to "My Controls" under the Community Blog heading.


Newsletter FAQs

Q. I don't get EK newsletters - how do I sign up?
A. Log in and go to 'Newsletter Subscriptions' in the left hand menu. Use the dropdowns to select the newsletters you wish to receive. Make sure you fill in any due or birth dates using the DD-MM-YYYY format.

If you have any further questions that are not answered here, please do not hesitate to contact a moderator, or contact

Please allow 48 hours for a response.


Thank you,
Essential Kids