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Letters to the editor

Health 'solution' will cost more, long-term


MAY 3 There is a wealth of evidence that preventive health is more cost effective than treating.

May 2

Why should some babies be worth more?


Tony Abbott's paid parental leave scheme, even in a much diluted form, should not pass either house of Parliament.

Rights of the children come before needs of parents


Bettina Arndt's one-sided piece on the shared care of infants of separated parents assumes that mothers are always the primary care givers of their infant children.

Still paying a temporary levy after 135 years

APRIL 30 If Tony Abbott's new temporary levy works, it will be here to stay like stamp duty.

April 29

Courageous act brought peace to dying man

The change in my brother after Dr Syme supplied him with Nembutal was profound.

Sometimes we must fight for our beliefs

You have to stand up for what you believe in and sadly, you sometimes have to fight for it.

April 27

Policies repudiate Jesus Christ and his teachings


Almost half of cabinet are Catholics and yet this is the most unchristian government in history.


A concocted crisis not backed by the evidence


26 APRIL Every benchmark of Australia's fiscal position demonstrates there is no crisis.

April 25

Legacy of war passed on for generations


The long-term effects of some who served on the peninsula remained for families to suffer from all those years later.

April 24

Remember the victims of war on the home front

My mother and her five children were assaulted over many years; with fists, the heel of boot, bottles, an iron bar, and on one occasion an axe.

An inclusive celebration not defined by death


APRIL 23 I worry that not only is Gallipoli becoming 'a part of Australia', it is defining Australia.

April 22

Final proof that science is no longer important

The government has fixed beliefs and regards science as a source of modern mythology.

April 21

Let's relish the royals without the reign


Why should Australia, which sees itself as so egalitarian, accept as its rulers the hereditary monarchs of another country?

Right's obsession with dumbed-down public


APRIL 20 For a new government to break election promises has become a routine event.


The heartbreaking grind of poverty


Easter has traditionally been a time for optimism but sadly, for many people, optimism is hard to find.

April 17

When will we choose our own head of state?

Perhaps, as part of the recent free trade deals, our head of state might emerge from China, South Korea or Japan.

Dangerous clique in control of policy


APRIL 16 No wonder the Coalition's vote is going backwards and the Greens' vote is rising.

April 15

Imagine all the extra sick leave needed

Lucky are those with the superannuation to retire when their bodies tell them it's time.

April 14

Why the Treasurer must take a broader view

Austerity in the midst of economic difficulty is a recipe for unemployment and recession.

Leaders' lack of vision comes at a high price

APRIL 13 With a need for clean, renewable energy, it seems our politicians suffer from 'ancient brains'.


Applying uniform laws and putting nature first


The question must be asked: Do any of our governments care about nature?

April 11

Childish battle as to who has the biggest plan

Both sides of politics pander to the corporate sector to get re-elected, rather than work to represent the citizens who elected them. Neither side of politics should be trusted with our priceless environmental assets.


The people's interests must always come first


It is surprising to see the almost universal praise that has been heaped on Australia's free trade agreements with Japan and South Korea.

Fix preselection rules or face years in wilderness

APRIL 9 Voters are forgiving of the muppets that are served up as candidates but have their limits.

April 8

Greed of wealthy never enters the debate

We're told that the average Australian worker's high wages are sending the country broke.

It's a free-for-all when umpires drop the ball

APRIL 7 If AFL umpires fail to pay obvious free kicks, players are encouraged to infringe more.

April 6

A time capsule of 1970s sexism


The article ''Making Waves'' (30/3) reported on Olive Bowers' frustration that Tracks magazine has few if any stories on the numerous excellent female surfers.


End links with banks investing in fossil fuels

The divestment movement offers one significant way to act in the face of climate change.

April 4

Time to respect women and treat them as equals

The Secret Footballer (Sport, 2/4) says that in 2014, AFL players understand that standards of behaviour need to be upheld. Yet his column makes me despair as he describes and sympathises with the view that sex with beautiful women is ''part of the spoils of a footballer's life''.

April 3

Why should those hurting share the pain?

Joe Hockey says all Australians must share the pain of the government bringing its bottom line into line.