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Bendigo Bank to buy Rural Finance for $1.8b

Will Willitts, Lucille Keen and Joyce Moullakis

Bendigo and Adelaide Bank said it has agreed to purchase the business and assets of Victoria’s Rural Finance for $1.78 billion as its shares entered a trading halt ahead of a capital raising.

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0.9280 0.02%
0.6693 0.10%
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0.5500 -0.04%

Comment & Analysis

Markets Live: Miners lead rise

Jens Meyer Live

Stocks are off to a surprisingly strong start, with most blue chips trading higher, after Westpac became the latest bank to post a bumper first-half result.

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Business News Wire


Inflation gauge edges 0.4pc higher

A private gauge of Australian inflation jumped in April as the cost of postal services, tobacco, communication and travel all rose.

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The Economy


Banking & Finance

Mining & Resources

World Business


China PMI figures disappoint

China's manufacturing grew less than economists estimated in April, underscoring weakness in the world's second-biggest economy.

Pigs not flying as Asia's biggest IPO canned

China's WH Group Ltd, the world's biggest pork company, has postponed its planned Hong Kong initial public offering (IPO) due to weak demand for the deal even after it cut the offer size by two-thirds.

Property Focus

Inns in high demand


Pubs as an investment class are booming - more than $60 million has changed hands in recent times, and more than one group is now testing the appeal with a stockmarket listing.

Executive Style


Small Business

Should interns be paid?

James Adonis

Let's face it, they're just slaves of rich corporations that should be ashamed of themselves.

Business Video

Business Week: no good news

It's been three months since Australia's immediate economic outlook took a turn for the better, a turn the federal government has insisted on ignoring at any price.
