
The Guess Who: Greatest Hits (Full Album)
Released in February 1999, this is the remastered recording of the Greatest Hits by one of...
published: 05 Apr 2013
author: 5280tunes
The Guess Who: Greatest Hits (Full Album)
The Guess Who: Greatest Hits (Full Album)
Released in February 1999, this is the remastered recording of the Greatest Hits by one of Canada's finest ever, The Guess Who. If this album or artist have ...- published: 05 Apr 2013
- views: 52957
- author: 5280tunes

Guess Who - Cucubau (Videoclip Oficial)
Booking: Cristi Ochiu: +40 746 224 499; e-mail: cristi@musicexpert.ro
Press: Mihnea Ciobot...
published: 09 Oct 2013
Guess Who - Cucubau (Videoclip Oficial)
Guess Who - Cucubau (Videoclip Oficial)
Booking: Cristi Ochiu: +40 746 224 499; e-mail: cristi@musicexpert.ro Press: Mihnea Ciobotaru: +40 722 705 061; e-mail: pr@okapisound.com Text: Guess Who Muzică: Qishta, Mitză și Guess Who Synth Bass: Grasu XXL Trompetă: Harvis Cuni Padron Mix: Grasu XXL @ Okapi Sound Studio Master: Chris Gehringer @ Sterling Sound Regizor: Spike Scenariu: Guess Who / Spike DOP: Ionuț Meltzer Post-producție: Evil Twin Studio Videoclipul este destinat mediului online. Locație: Casa Vernescu (http://casavernescu.com/) Label: Okapi Sound http://www.facebook.com/GuessWhoRomania http://guess-who.ro/ http://okapisound.com/ http://www.eviltwinstudio.com/ Versuri: Strofa 1 Guess Who, iar tu? Nu te-ai plictisit? Nu! Mi-am pus tot RAM-ul Și dau blană tot anu' Îți tai elanu' cu tobe, cu ce-auzi Începi să m-amuzi Poți să-ncerci și tu la A, nu, nu-mi spune că tu Ai crezut că nu mai vin și-ai zis să iei totu' Și partea mea, așa te-a învățat mama ta? Ce-ai asta, v-ați ascunselea? Frunza, ba da, ba Nu cred c-ar fi momentu' Să te comporți așa că-n curând o să te ia Dracula dacă te-ar vedea ar fi vaide pielea ta Și, sincer, nu m-aș supăra Refren Cucu-bau, click-click - pleau Nu prea pot să stau, te-am pupat, ceau Cucu-bau, click-click - pleau Nu prea pot să stau, te-am pupat, ceau Strofa 2 Headshot, tu m-ai pus să-l fac Nici nu m-ai lăsat să-ți spun ce vreau să-ți fac Cine nu-i gata-l iau cu lopata Poftin whisky, lasă apa Așteaptă puțin, întoarce placa Dă-i cu naiul, ho cu tata Îi dau un fum, zici că plutește Dă-i un pumn, Doamne ferește Eu îi propun, mă lasă rece Îl aprind, nu mă întrece nimeni Din păcate, viața-i scurtă și noi suntem tineri Până nu-i prea târziu îi dăm fără rețineri Luni, marți, miercuri, joi, vineri Bine, hai și-n weekend ca să fie bine (Ghici cine!) Refren (x2) Cucu-bau, click-click - pleau Nu prea pot să stau, te-am pupat, ceau Cucu-bau, click-click - pleau Nu prea pot să stau, te-am pupat, ceau- published: 09 Oct 2013
- views: 139501

Something's different about me... Written by Danny Jolles Directed and Edited by David Sid...
published: 15 Dec 2011
author: ChessClubComedy
Something's different about me... Written by Danny Jolles Directed and Edited by David Sidorov Starring Danny Jolles and Ilana Glazer Director of Photography...- published: 15 Dec 2011
- views: 322473
- author: ChessClubComedy

Guess Who - Onoare (Videoclip)
Download: http://goo.gl/cbtaJ Muzică: Guess Who / Mitză Aranjament muzical: Guess Who Text...
published: 07 Dec 2012
author: OkapiSoundOfficial
Guess Who - Onoare (Videoclip)
Guess Who - Onoare (Videoclip)
Download: http://goo.gl/cbtaJ Muzică: Guess Who / Mitză Aranjament muzical: Guess Who Text: Guess Who Trompetă: Harvis Cuni Padron Synth: Vlad Lucan Bass: Io...- published: 07 Dec 2012
- views: 5928177
- author: OkapiSoundOfficial

Game: Turbo Dismount
Sorry this one was so short, didnt feel to hot today
Click Here To Su...
published: 24 Apr 2014
Game: Turbo Dismount Sorry this one was so short, didnt feel to hot today Click Here To Subscribe! ► http://bit.ly/JoinBroArmy Like my headphones? http://rzr.to/QhxzU Facebook ► http://facebook.com/pewdiepie Twitter ► https://twitter.com/pewdiepie Awesome PewDiePie merch ► Newest collection! http://bit.ly/TshirtsPewdiepie ► http://pewdiepie.spreadshirt.com/ (EU+US) ------------------------------------------- Please: Respect each other in the comments. Thanks for all your support bros, rating the video and leaving a comment is always appreciated! ........... ...................__ ............./´¯/'...'/´¯¯`·¸ ........../'/.../..../......./¨¯\ ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...') .........\.................'...../ ..........''...\.......... _.·´ ............\..............( BROFIST ...........- published: 24 Apr 2014
- views: 1546430

GUESS - Spring/Summer 2011 Fashion Show
For Spring / Summer 2011, GUESS introduces a men's and women's collection that incorporate...
published: 22 Mar 2011
author: GUESS
GUESS - Spring/Summer 2011 Fashion Show
GUESS - Spring/Summer 2011 Fashion Show
For Spring / Summer 2011, GUESS introduces a men's and women's collection that incorporates vintage Americana influences which the GUESS brand was built upon...- published: 22 Mar 2011
- views: 235829
- author: GUESS

Priyanka Chopra for GUESS Holiday 2013 BTS
This holiday season, GUESS will introduce its new advertising campaign featuring the multi...
published: 13 Nov 2013
Priyanka Chopra for GUESS Holiday 2013 BTS
Priyanka Chopra for GUESS Holiday 2013 BTS
This holiday season, GUESS will introduce its new advertising campaign featuring the multiple award-winning, Bollywood icon, Priyanka Chopra. Priyanka, a former Miss World, actor, and recording artist, is one of the most recognized and celebrated talents in India and International cinema.- published: 13 Nov 2013
- views: 1469

Guess Who - Manifest (videoclip)
Guess Who - Manifest (videoclip) [2010] Regie: Andrei Staruiala Muzica: Agresiv/Guess who ...
published: 10 Nov 2010
author: OkapiSoundOfficial
Guess Who - Manifest (videoclip)
Guess Who - Manifest (videoclip)
Guess Who - Manifest (videoclip) [2010] Regie: Andrei Staruiala Muzica: Agresiv/Guess who Text: Guess Who Mix & Master: Cristi Dobrica Label: MusicExpertComp...- published: 10 Nov 2010
- views: 8927118
- author: OkapiSoundOfficial

Cabron feat. Smiley si Guess Who - Da-o Tare (Official Video HD)
Facebook official page: http://fb.com/CatMusicRomania
iTunes download link: https://itunes...
published: 28 Nov 2013
Cabron feat. Smiley si Guess Who - Da-o Tare (Official Video HD)
Cabron feat. Smiley si Guess Who - Da-o Tare (Official Video HD)
Facebook official page: http://fb.com/CatMusicRomania iTunes download link: https://itunes.apple.com/ro/album/da-o-tare-feat.-smiley-guess/id768681053?uo=4 Cat Music Online: http://www.catmusic.ro http://www.twitter.com/catmusicromania http://www.youtube.com/catmusicoffice- published: 28 Nov 2013
- views: 82692

hope you enjoyed the video :)
If you subscribed to us, tweet us at http://www.twitter.com...
published: 28 Apr 2014
hope you enjoyed the video :) If you subscribed to us, tweet us at http://www.twitter.com/mannntv_ and we'll DM you thanking you for the support!! :) FOLLOW US ON TWITTER!! NOLAN - http://www.twitter.com/nolanemme NICK - http://www.twitter.com/nick_thehat ADAM - http://www.twitter.com/adambongo FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM! NOLAN - http://www.instagram.com/nolanemme NICK - http://www.instagram.com/nick_thehat ADAM - http://www.instagram.com/adambongo OUR NEW VLOG CHANNEL: http://www.youtube.com/MANNNvlogs OUR GROUP VINE: @mannntv FOLLOW US ON TUMBLR! imadambongo.tumblr.com OUR COLLAB CHANNEL: http://www.youtube.com/SDK- published: 28 Apr 2014
- views: 13833

Vevo - Rick Ross - No Games (Vevo's Guess The Video)
Rick Ross - No Games (Vevo's Guess The Video)
Vevo's new original series 'Guess The Video'...
published: 17 Apr 2014
Vevo - Rick Ross - No Games (Vevo's Guess The Video)
Vevo - Rick Ross - No Games (Vevo's Guess The Video)
Rick Ross - No Games (Vevo's Guess The Video) Vevo's new original series 'Guess The Video' stars Emmanuel and Phillip Hudson, two Atlanta-based comedians. The Hudsons roam the streets, showing a passersby a few seconds of a music video, and issuing a challenge. The right guess earns $100. The wrong guess gets a pie in the face. Check out upcoming episodes of 'Guess The Video' every other Thursday on Vevo! Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/VEVO Follow: http://www.twitter.com/VEVO Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/VEVO Instagram: http://instagram.com/VEVO- published: 17 Apr 2014
- views: 24734

Bet You Can't Guess The YOUTUBER ! • Sawyer & Cyr
-Check Out My Show On Door3 http://bit.ly/1iOUIAv
-Be First To See My New Video With Marcu...
published: 30 Mar 2014
Bet You Can't Guess The YOUTUBER ! • Sawyer & Cyr
Bet You Can't Guess The YOUTUBER ! • Sawyer & Cyr
-Check Out My Show On Door3 http://bit.ly/1iOUIAv -Be First To See My New Video With Marcus B http://bit.ly/ZMLOuV -Funny Ass Photos Of Me http://www.instagram.com/sawyerhartman Here's How To Win The Signed iPad Mini by Tyler Oakley & Myself The Signed iPad Mini Giveaway Is open Internationally! Here's What You Have To Do •Subscribe To Both Mine and Tyler Oakley's Channels - Mine http://bit.ly/ZMLOuV -Tyler's http://bit.ly/1gr4ad6 • "Like" Both Of Our Drunk Challenge Videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RYTNhB3GBc •Click This "Click To Tweet" Link http://ctt.ec/A6Jb3 We'll Be Announcing The Winner On Twitter!! Make sure not to miss your name!! http://twitter.com/sawyerhartman Watch A New Film I Wrote & Directed HERE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crx9BZFSWOY Watch A New Music Video I Wrote & Directed HERE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HItJsyktnw8 Find Sawyer: Videos: http://youtube.com/sawyerhartman Twitter: http://twitter.com/sawyerhartman Instagram: http://instagram.com/sawyerhartman Find Cyr: Videos: http://youtube.com/Iamcyr Twitter: http://twitter.com/cyr Check Out My Channel and A lot of Other Videos I've Made! Youtube.com/SawyerHartman- published: 30 Mar 2014
- views: 202365

Big Haul de la Folie - Guess, Hollister, Victoria's Secrets, Steve Madden...
** Si ce genre de vidéo risquerait de vous offenser, vous êtes les bienvenues de ne pas la...
published: 07 Mar 2014
Big Haul de la Folie - Guess, Hollister, Victoria's Secrets, Steve Madden...
Big Haul de la Folie - Guess, Hollister, Victoria's Secrets, Steve Madden...
** Si ce genre de vidéo risquerait de vous offenser, vous êtes les bienvenues de ne pas la regarder :) Je fais mes hauls et montre mes achats uniquement parce que je sais que c'est quelque chose que mes auditeurs fidèles aiment voire de temps en temps. *Je ne fume pas, ne bois pas, ne sort jamais en soirée :D Mon plaisir (et péché mignon) à moi c'est le shopping :) haha Sur Moi: Ma veste en jeans: Hollister Tshirt: Aéropostale Mon Nail Art: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3zwR61ugck ✿´`·♡·´`✿ INFORMATION POUR LE CONCOURS✿´`·♡·´`✿ Click le lien ci dessous pour savoir exactement comment faire pour participer à ce concours! http://sandrea26france.blogspot.com/2014/03/mini-concours-everything-happens-for.html Si un des critères n'est pas respecté, la participation ne sera pas valide. ✿Les sites mentionnés: http://www.hollisterco.com/shop/us http://victoriassecret.com https://www.dailylook.com http://www.stevemadden.com http://www.guessfactory.com http://www.talullahtu.co.uk **** Apres la publication de la vidéo j'ai reçu un message de TalullahTu et figurez vous qu'ils vous offrent -15% sur tout le site avec le code: TUSANDREA *Tyson, mon chien, est un boxer/beagle qui a eu 1 an en novembre 2013 :) Il a atteint sa taille adulte depuis juillet 2013 :) ** Toute ma décoration vient de chez Target Voire le tour de ma chambre: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNk57vC19P8 **J'utilise Final Cut Pro X pour faire le montage de mes vidéos, et j'ai utilisé la Canon EOS 60D pour filmer cette vidéo. ♡ OU ME TROUVER: ♡ ♡Ma Chaine Vlog: http://www.youtube.com/user/Sandrea26Vlog ♡ Instagram: Sandrea26France ♡Twitter: https://twitter.com/Sandrea26France ♡ Page Fan Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Sandrea26France ♡Le Blog de ma Partenaire: http://goldenwendybeauty.blogspot.fr ♡La Chaine YouTube de ma Partenaire, Melissa: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpllsafQY7SKlfrKVvNj-Xw JE VOUS AIME!!!♥♥♥ FTC Disclaimer: Cette vidéo n'est pas une vidéo en sponsorisé ou en partenariat avec une entreprise.- published: 07 Mar 2014
- views: 26766

B.B. King - Guess Who
September 23, 2003 - New York Guess Who P.S: I do not own any license....
published: 09 Nov 2008
author: cnumb06
B.B. King - Guess Who
B.B. King - Guess Who
September 23, 2003 - New York Guess Who P.S: I do not own any license.- published: 09 Nov 2008
- views: 489206
- author: cnumb06
Youtube results:

Guys Guess Bra Prices
Turns out they've never bought them.
Post to Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1bwlfwE
Like BuzzF...
published: 28 Jan 2014
Guys Guess Bra Prices
Guys Guess Bra Prices
Turns out they've never bought them. Post to Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1bwlfwE Like BuzzFeedVideo on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1ilcE7k Post to Twitter: http://bit.ly/1bwlgkj- published: 28 Jan 2014
- views: 301

Guess The YouTuber
Me, Zoe & Joe Play Guess The YouTuber!
•Feeling Nice? http://bit.ly/1dXAx3m
•Join The Poin...
published: 25 Jan 2014
Guess The YouTuber
Guess The YouTuber
Me, Zoe & Joe Play Guess The YouTuber! •Feeling Nice? http://bit.ly/1dXAx3m •Join The Pointless Gang: http://bit.ly/PointlessBlog ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ •Give this video a cheeky Thumbs Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ •If you read this comment: "Deyes is better than Suggs" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ •Joe: http://youtube.com/ThatcherJoe •Zoe: http://youtube.com/Zoella ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ •My Links: Twitter: http://Twitter.com/PointlessBlog Vlogging Channel: http://YouTube.com/PointlessBlogTv Gaming Channel: http://YouTube.com/AlfieGames Facebook: http://fb.com/PointlessBlogTv Instagram: http://instagram.com/PointlessBlog ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ •Contact: Enquiries@PointlessBlog.co.uk ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- published: 25 Jan 2014
- views: 820086

Minecraft: GUESS WHO! - Mini Game
Previous Episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBxnBhC5Iqw
Next Episode: Soon
published: 18 Apr 2014
Minecraft: GUESS WHO! - Mini Game
Minecraft: GUESS WHO! - Mini Game
Previous Episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBxnBhC5Iqw Next Episode: Soon Aureylian: https://www.youtube.com/user/Aureylian Mini-games playlist ► http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSUHnOQiYNg3eMF6e6g_mY8hFdRhbNzcX Merch store! http://captainsparklez.spreadshirt.com/ ● Minecraft Server: http://www.mineplex.com ● Twitter: http://twitter.com/CaptainSparklez ● Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CptSparklez ● Instagram: http://instagram.com/jordanmaron ● TwitchTV: http://www.twitch.tv/CaptainSparklez Download: http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/cave-in-a-vanilla-minecraft-minigame-by-zorigami-18-2830852/ Stephen Walking - Top of the World http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fy68No-L6Pg https://monstercatco-lab.bandcamp.com/album/captainsparklez-soundtrack Supplied by Monstercat: http://www.YouTube.com/MonstercatMedia Thanks for watching, dudes! Ratings, favorites, and general feedback is always appreciated :)- published: 18 Apr 2014
- views: 390879

Guess Who - Decat sa minti (cu Mitza) 2011
published: 03 Nov 2011
author: iulyana92ify
Guess Who - Decat sa minti (cu Mitza) 2011
Guess Who - Decat sa minti (cu Mitza) 2011
- published: 03 Nov 2011
- views: 6466988
- author: iulyana92ify