ZDoom Doom on Zodiac overcloked at 240 mhz with UDMH
ZDoom Doom on Zodiac overcloked at 240 mhz with UDMH
ZDoom Doom on Zodiac overcloked at 240 mhz with UDMH
Play SNES, NES, GENZ games on Palm TX
Play SNES, NES, GENZ games on Palm TX
Playing SNES, NES, and GENZ games with the LJP (Little John Palm) multi-emulator on my Palm TX. The SNES games require the UDMH application to free up RAM. I use the Lightspeed application to overclock the CPU at 520 Mhz. In doing so I get remarkably smooth gameplay. Please comment on how well your palmOS handle the LJP.
Titan III Research and Development 1967 USAF 14min
Titan III Research and Development 1967 USAF 14min
video for embedding at scitech.quickfound.net "Describes characteristics and capabilities of Titan III launch vehicle and its components. documents assembly of Titan III at Cape Kennedy and preparation for launch. also explains Titan's versatility in carrying a variety of space vehicles." The Titan III was essentially a Titan II (a 2-stage ICBM utilizing hypergolic liquid fuel and oxidizer) with two strap on solid rocket boosters attached. The oxidizer for the Titan core vehicle is nitrogen tetroxide, and the fuel is Aerozine 50 (half hydrazine, N2H4, and half unsymmetrical dimethyl hydrazine, N2H2(CH3)2, UDMH) Aerozine 50 is more stable than hydrazine, with a higher density and boiling point than UDMH. propellants.ksc.nasa.gov Only the SRBs are ignited at the launch pad, the two engines of the Titan core first stage are ignited in flight after the SRBs burn out and are jettisoned. Numerous versions of the Titan III included Titan IIIA, Titan IIIB, Titan IIIC, Titan IIID, Titan IIIE, and Titan 34D. Centaur upper stages were utilized on some Titan III launches. Famous Titan III payloads included Voyager 1, Voyager 2, Intelsat 603, and Mars Observer. The later Titan IV is the direct descendant of the Titan III and is very similar to the Titan 34D. A Titan IVB launched the Cassini probe to Saturn in 1997. Work performed by the Titan III and Titan IV was taken over by the Atlas V and Delta IV EELVs in 2005. "Structural Description First stage.- The major sections of the first <b>...</b>
Palm TX Firefox iPhone LJP Duke Nukem 3D
Palm TX Firefox iPhone LJP Duke Nukem 3D
Running various programs on my Palm TX. Here's how to properly install Roms to play games on your Palm with LJP: 1. Make sure your LJP is installed to your palm device. 2. With an SD card in the slot Run the program. (By running the program LJP will automatically create an LJP folder on your SD card) 3. You are going to need NES and SNES Roms. You can download these Roms for free all over the internet, just google it. I actually used Limewire and downloaded complete Rom with Emulator packages. 4. Once you have these Roms, open your LJP folder on your SD card with your PC. Here you see that the program has created various files for all your games. 5. So, again, you will open Palm/Programs/LJP folder. put your NES files (or Roms) in the NES/Roms folder. put your SNES files in the SNES/Roms folder. *Please note the file extension for the SNES games must be SMC files EXAMPLE: supermarioworld.SMC 6. Put your SD Card in your palm and Run LJP. The Program should have located your games for file execution. 7. You will be able to play your NES games, but in order to play SNES games you will need UDMH (Unlimited Dynamic Memory Hack 1.7) This software creates dynamic memory which is needed to Run the SNES games. Download here: udmh-unlimited-dynamic-memory-hack.softonic.de You will need to install and enable (or Run) this software if you want to play SNES games. I do not recommend any Overclocking software. These can be dangerous and damaging to your device when not used correctly <b>...</b>
jugando super nintendo en mi palm tx
jugando super nintendo en mi palm tx
bueno aki jugando super nintendo, game boy color y sega en mi palm tx, solo con el emulador LJP y UDMH 5.3, cualkier consulta agreguen: neo_14_92@hotmail.com
Myungsoo (L) - Can U Smile (infinite)
Myungsoo (L) - Can U Smile (infinite)
Myungsoo is really cute and adorable prince :)
JSauce1's review of LJP
JSauce1's review of LJP
Here is my review of the awesome LJP (little john program) for Palm OS. I'd also advise to install UDMH ( a heap memory booster for palm OS 5.4 handhelds), it allows the emulator to run so much more smoothly.
BSAE2012 Boat Training
BSAE2012 Boat Training
Boat Training at RM Poole as part of the British Services Antarctic Expedition 2012. Part of the Spirit of Scott Expeditions 2012' -www.spiritofscott2012.co.uk.
Tony Clifton Sings Christmas
Tony Clifton Sings Christmas
A video from Humbleman's Holiday 2008
"Shadow" picture slide show recorded 2006
"Shadow" picture slide show recorded 2006
Belizean king of reggae music yuh done know.
Dark power make up{with hands}
Dark power make up{with hands}
This is with the hands. NOW! I did trace the hands but they actuall DO help me to figure how to make hand fists and everything. THis should be the ONLY transformation and ANIMATION to have only little bit of tracing in it. ****************I ONLY OWN THE CHARACTER AND ANIMATION! I DO NOT OWN THE MUSIC VOICE NOR ELEMENTAL GODDESS!***********************
ΚΘΒΕ 2011: Déjà Vu (5/8)
ΚΘΒΕ 2011: Déjà Vu (5/8)
Μια κωμική ιστορία εμπνευσμένη από μοτίβα έργων του Φραντς Κάφκα. Συγγραφέας: Φραντς Κάφκα Διασκευή - σκηνοθεσία - φωτισμοί: Τσέζαρις Γκραουζίνις Μετάφραση: Αλεξάνδρα Ιωαννίδου Σκηνικά - κοστούμια: Βιτάουτας Νάρμπουτας Μουσική: Μαρτίνας Μπιαλομπζέσκις Βοηθός σκηνογράφου: Κλεοπάτρα Αλαγιαλόγλου Οργάνωση παραγωγής: Χριστίνα Ζαχαροπούλου Ηθοποιοί Γιάννης Καραούλης Γιώργος Καύκας Μαργαρίτα Παπαγιάννη Γιώργος Σφυρίδης Ευανθία Σωφρονίδου Κωνσταντίνος Χατζησάββας
Mega Man 7: Mr. Perfect (Part 3)
Mega Man 7: Mr. Perfect (Part 3)
No Damage Run of Mega Man 7 for SNES.
Cfw Para O Firmware 4.11
Cfw Para O Firmware 4.11
PS3 Jailbreak 4.11 Download + Video Tutorial - Download: adf.ly PS3 Jailbreak 4.11 Download + Video Tutorial Before we start, you will need: - USB Drive - Computer with 1 open port - PS3 with 1 open port How to jailbreak PS3 4.11: 1. Download the CFW (Custom Firmware) Here: adf.ly 2. Obtain your USB drive, plug it into your computer. 3. Navigate on your computer Start/My Computer/USB DRIVE 4. Right click, create a folder called PS3. Inside PS3, right click, create a new folder called, UPDATE. 5. Transfer the PS3UPDAT.PUP inside PS3/UPDATE 6. Safely eject your USB drive, head over to your PS3, plug your USB into your PS3. 7. Turn on your PS3 8. Navigate to Settings/Update System 9. Press Update via Storage Device 10. Agree To the Terms of Use 11. Let the PS3 Install the CFW ( Custom Firmware ) 12. Your PS3 will turn off, beep 9 times, then turn on. Congratulations Your Now Jailbroken on Firmware 4.11