Ulan-Ude city tour
Discovery of Ulan-Ude city centre, the capital of the Republic of Buryatia, Siberia, Russi...
published: 06 Sep 2010
author: BaikalNature
Ulan-Ude city tour
Ulan-Ude city tour
Discovery of Ulan-Ude city centre, the capital of the Republic of Buryatia, Siberia, Russian Federation. Populated by Buryats and Russians, the city of Ulan-...- published: 06 Sep 2010
- views: 11065
- author: BaikalNature
Ulan-Ude , Buryatia
Ulan-Ude is the Capital of Buryat Republic The City was founded in 1666 by the Russian Cos...
published: 24 Apr 2011
author: RussianDefender100
Ulan-Ude , Buryatia
Ulan-Ude , Buryatia
Ulan-Ude is the Capital of Buryat Republic The City was founded in 1666 by the Russian Cossacks as a fortress. During the Industrial Transformation of Siberi...- published: 24 Apr 2011
- views: 7960
- author: RussianDefender100
One Day In Ulan-Ude
www.buryatia.info - Бурятия.Инфо — это: - Самый полный и самый актуальный справочник компа...
published: 07 Aug 2012
author: Бурятия Инфо
One Day In Ulan-Ude
One Day In Ulan-Ude
www.buryatia.info - Бурятия.Инфо — это: - Самый полный и самый актуальный справочник компаний Улан-Удэ - 8227 компаний. - Сайт, где люди пишут отзывы о компа...- published: 07 Aug 2012
- views: 17690
- author: Бурятия Инфо
Улан-Удэ - Ulan-Ude (part 1)
Фильм рассказывает о городе основанном в 1666г. на слиянии рек Уда и Селенга, являющимся п...
published: 06 Jan 2010
author: Павел Шведов
Улан-Удэ - Ulan-Ude (part 1)
Улан-Удэ - Ulan-Ude (part 1)
Фильм рассказывает о городе основанном в 1666г. на слиянии рек Уда и Селенга, являющимся по праву туристическими и торговыми воротами Забайкалья. Красота при...- published: 06 Jan 2010
- views: 12310
- author: Павел Шведов
Approach and Landing in Ulan Ude on an IrAero An-24B
Approach and Landing in Ulan Ude on an IrAero An-24B (RA-93934) after a flight (RD-172) fr...
published: 05 May 2012
author: crowd1011
Approach and Landing in Ulan Ude on an IrAero An-24B
Approach and Landing in Ulan Ude on an IrAero An-24B
Approach and Landing in Ulan Ude on an IrAero An-24B (RA-93934) after a flight (RD-172) from Irkutsk. The approach path leads directly over the city center. ...- published: 05 May 2012
- views: 145
- author: crowd1011
C-C- Catch in Ulan-Ude (HD)
cccatch concert at 01.09.2012 in Ulan-Ude (Russia) . Big crowd great show....
published: 05 Sep 2012
author: OfficialCCCatchtube
C-C- Catch in Ulan-Ude (HD)
C-C- Catch in Ulan-Ude (HD)
cccatch concert at 01.09.2012 in Ulan-Ude (Russia) . Big crowd great show.- published: 05 Sep 2012
- views: 9302
- author: OfficialCCCatchtube
10.05. Parad Pobedy v Ulan-Ude.Buryatia
Агууехэ Илалтын һайндэртэй дашарамдуулан республика дотор 200 гаран хэмжээ ябуулга үнгэргэ...
published: 10 May 2012
author: Буряад Орон
10.05. Parad Pobedy v Ulan-Ude.Buryatia
10.05. Parad Pobedy v Ulan-Ude.Buryatia
Агууехэ Илалтын һайндэртэй дашарамдуулан республика дотор 200 гаран хэмжээ ябуулга үнгэргэгдөө, эгээл шухалань гэхэдэ, Соведуудай тайлмай дээрэхи Илалтын жаг...- published: 10 May 2012
- views: 470
- author: Буряад Орон
Olympic Torch Relay (Day 46) - Ulan-Ude and Ivolginsky Datsan
Olympic Torch Relay (Day 46) - Ulan Ude and Ivolginsky Datsan
The Olympic Torch Relay has...
published: 29 Nov 2013
Olympic Torch Relay (Day 46) - Ulan-Ude and Ivolginsky Datsan
Olympic Torch Relay (Day 46) - Ulan-Ude and Ivolginsky Datsan
Olympic Torch Relay (Day 46) - Ulan Ude and Ivolginsky Datsan The Olympic Torch Relay has got under way to Sochi on 7 October 2013. 90% of the Russian population will be within an hour's reach of the Torch Relay route at some time or other, and this means that approximately 130 million Russian citizens will be able to watch or participate directly in the Relay. In total, it will cover more than 65,000 kilometers, including by car, train, plane, Russian troika and even reindeer sleigh. The Sochi 2014 Olympic Torch Relay is going to be the longest in the entire history of the Olympic Winter Games. During the Olympic Torch Relay, 14,000 torchbearers will carry the Sochi 2014 Olympic torch through 2,900 settlements of 83 regions of the country. The Relay will end with the Olympic Winter Games Opening Ceremony in Sochi on February 7, 2014.- published: 29 Nov 2013
- views: 163
Transsibiřská magistrála: Chabarovsk - Ulan Ude
Transsibiřská magistrála / Transsiberian railway Chabarovsk - Ulan Ude....
published: 08 Oct 2009
author: platypuscz
Transsibiřská magistrála: Chabarovsk - Ulan Ude
Transsibiřská magistrála: Chabarovsk - Ulan Ude
Transsibiřská magistrála / Transsiberian railway Chabarovsk - Ulan Ude.- published: 08 Oct 2009
- views: 6103
- author: platypuscz
Chita to Ulan-Ude | Trans-Siberian Railway (EP.5)
CLICK FOR MORE INTRANSIT - fbook - http://www.facebook.com/intransitTV twitter - http://ww...
published: 06 Jun 2013
author: pdrop
Chita to Ulan-Ude | Trans-Siberian Railway (EP.5)
Chita to Ulan-Ude | Trans-Siberian Railway (EP.5)
CLICK FOR MORE INTRANSIT - fbook - http://www.facebook.com/intransitTV twitter - http://www.twitter.com/peterbragiel instagram - http://www.intstagram.com/p...- published: 06 Jun 2013
- views: 4982
- author: pdrop
Ulan Ude to Baikal on the Trans-Siberian
Views from the train from Ulan Ude to Lake Baikal....
published: 27 Nov 2009
author: uicttc2009
Ulan Ude to Baikal on the Trans-Siberian
Ulan Ude to Baikal on the Trans-Siberian
Views from the train from Ulan Ude to Lake Baikal.- published: 27 Nov 2009
- views: 1515
- author: uicttc2009
Vimeo results:
Siberia 2012
some impresions of a 3 week vacation in sibiria.
Olchon (lake Baikal)
published: 03 Nov 2012
author: CkMuc
Siberia 2012
some impresions of a 3 week vacation in sibiria.
Olchon (lake Baikal)
Ust Ordinski
Panasonic G3
Panasonic 20mm f/1.7
Panasonic 45-200mm f/4.0-5.6
Panasonic 14-45mm f/3.5.-5.6
Gizzo Tripod
Balmorhea: Limmat
Rally sprint Drift battle Ulan-ude 2013
published: 28 Aug 2013
author: Gaydemskiy Artur
Rally sprint Drift battle Ulan-ude 2013
Course Évasion Autour du Monde 2012
Je me suis réveillé un matin il y a sept ans, wanderlust. J’avais envie de découvrir autre...
published: 08 Apr 2012
author: Marc-André Baril
Course Évasion Autour du Monde 2012
Je me suis réveillé un matin il y a sept ans, wanderlust. J’avais envie de découvrir autre chose que le boulevard Gouin qui reliait mon travail, mon appartement et mon Cégep. J’ai acheté une vieille Dodge Caravan et je suis parti au Mexique.
C’est au volant de ma Dodge que ma course autour du monde a commencée… Depuis, j’ai eu comme bonne « ou mauvaise » habitude de partir, revenir et rêver de repartir.
Partir à l’aventure, c’est la quête de la liberté, le rêve de tout bon explorateur. Partir découvrir l’inconnu, des nouvelles cultures, pour se sentir un peu moins comme une aiguille dans une botte de foin.
Le Monde c’est grand, j’aime m’y perdre; me mettre dans le pétrin.
Je trouve toujours refuge dans les yeux des gens que je rencontre.
Je cherche à être déstabilisé.
Je cherche le « vrai ».
Je cherche des petits moments tout simples.
Parce que,
quand on part, loin…
quand on prend la décision de quitter ceux qu’on aime...
quand on s’éloigne de notre petite routine...
on devient tout à coup plus réceptif au Monde qui nous entoure.
On s’ouvre aux nouvelles possibilités, aux autres.
Et tout à coup, c’est les petits moments simples de la vie qui émergent de partout.
Comme à Ghorokhovets, Ulan-Ude, Ulaanbaatar, Tubhun Hiid, Pingyao, Kathmandou, Varanasi, Kho Tao, Nha Trang, Cuernavaca, San Ignacio…
Ma course, elle n’est pas sur le point de s’arrêter !
Si vous voulez en faire partie, je vous invite, vous êtes les bienvenus…
JAMINFEST 2008 part. 4ª (Rusia)
The group was created in 1985, in the cap...
published: 19 Oct 2009
author: Jorge Larroya
JAMINFEST 2008 part. 4ª (Rusia)
The group was created in 1985, in the capital of the Republic of Buriatia, in Ulan-Ude city. Buriatia is in the south of oriental Siberia and its mountainous territory, covered by vast forests, we found the famous “Baikal”, the deepest lake in the world. It has 336 rivers that take their waters to one of the lakes, the biggest, is called “ Selenga” and gives name to the group. The most popular religion there is Buddhism.
The group is formed by dancers and an orchestra of national Buriatia music. The artists are from 20 to 25 years old.
In its programs they include music and traditional dances of Buriatia, such as “ The Pearl of Baikal”, “ Shun-Shubun” -some Buddhist Buriata dances, “ Janam, Javar”- an impetuous dance of nomad tribes, “Bulgue”- a dance of Buriata girls using hands and body movements, “ Yojar”- the most popular dance, and some others.
In every performance of the group, they show their youth, their beauty and their skills. The interpretation of these dances expresses the nature and the temperament of Buriatras. The group uses very picturesque national dresses and some ornaments where we could see a strong influence of Buddhism.
The group is often touring abroad. They have participated in France, Japan, United States, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Slovenia, Croatia, Korea, Mongolia and China.
The group is directed by Irina Danilova- a celebrity of Buriatia culture.
Youtube results:
Ulan-Ude Investment Projects / Russia
http://www.videal.ru - video production company - videos, presentation videos, animation, ...
published: 26 Dec 2013
Ulan-Ude Investment Projects / Russia
Ulan-Ude Investment Projects / Russia
http://www.videal.ru - video production company - videos, presentation videos, animation, advertising The capital of the Buryat Republic - the city of Ulan-Ude, is one of the oldest cities in Siberia and the Russian Far East. The city lies 75 km, (or 47 miles) from the Great Lake Baikal - a UNESCO World Heritage site. Ulan-Ude is in a great location from the economic and geographical point of view. It is here that the territorial and economic interests of Siberia, the Far East and North-East Asia meet and intersect. The city of Ulan-Ude has all of the prerequisites to become a place for international exhibitions, technology, innovation, information and cultural exchanges and cooperation. See a movie for more information (с) Videal, 2013- published: 26 Dec 2013
- views: 8
Uudam Wudamu "Father in Ulan Baator" (in Ulan Ude 2012)
Uudam Wudamu "Father in Ulan Baator" (in Ulan Ude 2012) 乌达木( 梦中的额吉) Uudam (MOTHER IN THE D...
published: 12 Oct 2012
author: Lee Jolie
Uudam Wudamu "Father in Ulan Baator" (in Ulan Ude 2012)
Uudam Wudamu "Father in Ulan Baator" (in Ulan Ude 2012)
Uudam Wudamu "Father in Ulan Baator" (in Ulan Ude 2012) 乌达木( 梦中的额吉) Uudam (MOTHER IN THE DREAM) www.facebook.com/uudam.wudamu www.uudam.forum-viet.com.- published: 12 Oct 2012
- views: 658
- author: Lee Jolie