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Latest green news

Wintry weekend ahead for Sydney

PETER HANNAM 8:28pm Sydney is set for its coldest weekend since last July, with the Bureau of Meteorology expecting patchy rain on both Saturday and Sunday.

$50-million phantom fox under challenge in Tasmania

ANDREW DARBY 5:33pm A $50-million program designed to eradicate foxes in Tasmania was based on flawed science and failed to turn up a single live fox, a review has found.

Joe Hockey warns clean energy and 'utterly offensive' windfarms are in his budget crosshairs

A technician stands on a wind turbine nacelle at Capital Wind Farm in Bungendore, Australia, on Wednesday, Dec. 22, 2010. The wind farm comprises 67 2.1MW wind turbines with a total installed capacity of 140.7MW, which is equivalent to providing the energy needs of approximately 60,000 homes. The electricity generated at the Capital Wind Farm is fed directly into the TransGrid network via an onsite substation, with the majority of output going on to supply the Sydney Desalination Plant at Kurnell. 
Photographer: Ian Waldie/Bloomberg

PETER HANNAM 3:37pm Treasurer Joe Hockey has attacked wind farms as “utterly offensive and “a blight on the landscape” in the latest sign that the Abbott government intends to cut back on renewable energy.

Joe Hockey warns clean energy and 'utterly offensive' windfarms are in his budget crosshairs


PETER HANNAM 7:05pm Treasurer Joe Hockey has attacked windfarms as “utterly offensive and “a blight on the landscape” in the latest sign that the Abbott government has support for the renewable energy in its sights.

Endangered Baw Baw frogs hatched in captivity for first time

Bridie Smith Science Editor 12:15am Keepers at Melbourne Zoo have for the first time managed to hatch and raise young Baw Baw frogs, a Victorian species listed internationally as critically endangered.

Energy expert tells how to save on household bills

PETER HANNAM 11:45pm It is understandable that cold callers who interrupt dinner with supposedly unbeatable offers to switch energy retailers or buy solar PV panels usually get short shrift.

Storing solar power is the key to cutting energy bills, CSIRO says

Boilover: Gas prices are forecast to rise steeply in the near future.

PETER HANNAM 2:16am The electricity market is in for a shake-up.

Australia risks copying US 'ag-gag' laws to turn animal activists into terrorists

Will Potter

Will Potter When Amy Meyer saw a sick cow being pushed by a bulldozer outside a slaughterhouse, she did what any of us would in this age of iPhones and Instagram - she filmed it.

Great Barrier Reef 'facts' TV ads ignore dredge dumping risks

New “Reef Facts” commercials are misleading, writes Jon Brodie.

Jon Brodie, James Cook University New “Reef Facts” commercials are currently airing during prime-time television shows in Australia, purporting to tell the “facts” about the environmental health of the Great Barrier Reef. It comes amid growing international concerns – including from the United Nations overnight – about the future of the reef.


Anti-coal seam gas activists allowed to stay

Protesters at the  Bentley camp.

SAFFRON HOWDEN Less than a week after a council vowed to shut down a large anti-coal seam gas protest camp in the state's north and promised police would be called in to send it packing, the activists have been told they can stay.

Wintry blast to snap Sydney's run of balmy weather

Windy city as Sydney experiences high winds today

PETER HANNAM A wintry blast is heading Sydney’s way that will knock temperatures 14 degrees below where they were last week, Weatherzone said.

UN warns on health of Great Barrier Reef, but gives Abbott government a reprieve on 'in danger' listing

Abbot Point coal terminal near the Great Barrier Reef. The UN says it is concerned about the dredging and dumping of millions of tonnes of sludge into the reef from an expanded coal port.

TOM ARUP The United Nations world heritage body has expressed ‘‘concern’’ and ‘‘regret’’ about Australia’s approval of the dredging and dumping of millions of tonnes of sludge for new coal ports in the waters of the Great Barrier Reef.

Green group refocuses on national issues after funding cut

Beau Donelly Victoria’s green legal centre will turn to national environmental battles in the wake of losing its federal government funding.

China slashes spending on new fossil-fuel power plants


China added nearly 40 per cent less coal- and gas-fired power capacity in the first quarter than it did a year ago mainly due to stronger pollution controls and slower economic growth, a senior government advisor said on Wednesday.

China considers expansion of carbon trading to key industrial zones

Carbon tax

China is developing plans to expand its pilot carbon trading schemes into more of its key industrial regions, a top climate official said, as the country continues its drive to curb emissions.

El Nino seen exacerbating drought in south-east Asia

el nino

The most-severe drought in 17 years is threatening supplies of palm oil from Indonesia and Malaysia, the world's biggest producers, and forecasters say an El Nino weather pattern this year may cause even more damage.

Tony Abbott's climate policies a $40 billion budget slug, says Climate Institute

The Abbott government should rethink its approach to carbon abatement to save the budget bottom line, says the Climate Institute.

PETER HANNAM The Abbott government's changes to existing climate change policies would cost the budget as much as $40 billion by 2020, according to the Climate Institute, and the cost will blow out even further if it weakens the renewable energy target.

First snowfall of the year at Thredbo

Snow at Thredbo.

HENRY BELOT The first snowflakes of winter have fallen on the skiing fields of Thredbo with further snow expected to fall at the mountain later in the week.

Sydney ends gloomiest April since 1990


PETER HANNAM Feel like you’ve been under a cloud lately? There's a reason.


BHP and AGL still expanding fossil fuel holdings

People walk past a power plant.

PETER HANNAM BHP Billiton, Adani Enterprises and AGL are among listed companies expanding fossil fuel holdings.

Ministers agree to work towards improving air quality countrywide by 2016

greg hunt

LISA COX State and territory governments have hammered out a plan to work towards a national agreement by 2016 to improve air quality in cities throughout the country

Households face higher power bills by 2020 if renewable-energy target is scrapped, study finds

Axing our 20% renewable energy target will lead to ... $22 a year savings for households to 2017-18, $50 a year cost to households by 2020, $11b less in investments in renewable energy projects and 34.7m tonnes more greenhouse gas emissions by 2019-20. SOURCE: ROAM CONSULTING, CLEAN ENERGY COUNCIL

TOM ARUP Axing Australia’s renewable-energy target – currently under review by the Abbott government – would halt $11 billion in future investments and mean higher household power bills by decade’s end, new modelling has found.

Peabody and the coal juggernaut


Sharon Beder How’s your carbon footprint going? Did you turn your lights off during earth hour last month? Have you replaced all your light bulbs with energy efficient compact fluorescent or LED bulbs? Do you make an effort to cycle or walk rather than drive your car for short trips?

Solar wind energy tower a 'game changer', company says


Solar Wind Energy Tower won approval to develop a $US1.5 billion project that would use ambient desert heat to create a draft to generate electricity, in a concrete colossus that would be the tallest structure in North America.

Revival beckons for former solar PV giant Suntech

solar Suntech

Wuxi Suntech Power's $519 million acquisition by Shunfeng Photovoltaic International paves the way for the company to rejoin the ranks of the largest solar manufacturers.


Inquiry sparks fears of clash over disaster funding

A man comforts his daughter on their roof as they inspect damage to their neighbourhood.

PETER HANNAM The federal and state governments may be headed for a fiscal fight, with the Productivity Commission launching a probe into natural-disaster funding.

New life breathed into rescued battery hens

Chicken champion: Catherine Smith, founder of Hen Rescue NSW, has saved nearly a thousand battery hens.

ESTHER HAN When a ray of sunlight struck the soil a metre away, Loulou made a dash for the golden patch, flopping down and stretching a sore leg and a wing. It was only the third day the hen had felt the warmth of the sun on her naked skin.

Canberra gets chilly: cold front to hit the ACT

Brindabellas dusted with snow.

HENRY BELOT Warm afternoon comes before one the coldest fronts to cross the territory since spring.

Sydney wakes to a wet Sunday


DAISY DUMAS An unseasonably warm autumn has come to an abrupt end as Sydney awoke to rain on the last day of April’s string of long weekends. 

The tree whisperer

World Vision's Tony Rinaudo near Aileu, East Timor.  He is training farmers the FMNR technique of regrowing previously cut down trees.  The Age. Photo: Angela Wylie. November 19 2013.

MARK BAKER An Australian aid worker's eureka moment has turned the tide for drought-ravaged lands in Africa. Now he is looking to do the same closer to home in East Timor.

Direct action could fail even without Palmer United Party

Independent Senator Nick Xenophon and DLP Senator John Madigan

LISA COX Legislation to implement Tony Abbott’s direct action policy is almost certain to fail in the new Senate in its present form, even if Palmer United Party senators were to vote in favour of the plan.

Lightning may have sparked Newcastle house fire

MEGAN LEVY Firefighters are battling a blaze at a Newcastle home that may have been sparked by a lightning strike as thunderstorms and heavy rain swept over the area on Friday morning.

Coalition's emissions reduction fund poses more questions than answers

Sheep graze against a backdrop of wind turbines at Whitelee wind farm on Eaglesham Moor, near Glasgow, Scotland, U.K., on Tuesday, Dec. 1, 2009. Iberdrola SA's Scottish Power unit has finished the 322-megawatt Whitelee wind park, Europe's largest onshore project and will supply power to more than 180,000 homes, cutting 500,000 metric tons of carbon-dioxide emissions a year, the Glasgow-based company said. Photographer: Jason Alden/Bloomberg

ADAM MORTON From the subject of prime ministerial launches promising solutions for the moral challenge of a generation, to a lonely minister holding an afternoon press conference in the shadow of the nation’s most-revered public holiday: climate change policy has fallen so far in Australia’s political life that the government gives a good impression of hoping we ignore it.

Comments 245

White paper leaves carbon questions unanswered

Environment Minister Greg Hunt addresses the media during a press conference at Parliament House in Canberra on Thursday 24 April 2014.
Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Lisa Cox and Mark Kenny Economists and environment groups have rounded on the Abbott government’s "direct action" climate change policy after key details of its centrepiece, an emissions reduction fund, were revealed on Thursday.

Sydney weather: final burst of summer breaks 28-year record

Sydney weather sunshine warm weather hot weather

Brett Dutschke Sydneysiders enjoyed a final burst of summer on Thursday, experiencing the warmest day for this late in autumn in 28 years.

'Direct action' will achieve 5% emissions reduction 'easily': Greg Hunt

Environment Minister Greg Hunt says companies that exceed carbon emission benchmarks will face no penalties before 2015 under

Lisa Cox and Mark Kenny Environment Minister Greg Hunt has said the government will easily meet its 2020 target of a 5 per cent reduction on emissions, despite concerns that the government’s "direct action" scheme will not generate the necessary reductions.

$20m WA native land deal clears way for Anketell Port

Premier Colin Barnett and Aboriginal elders with Ngarluma Aboriginal Corporation CEO Paul Stenson (centre).

NARELLE TOWIE Aboriginal land owners have signed a $20 million deal with the West Australian government paving the way for the development of a new port and iron ore export route from the Pilbara.

Sydney bathes in autumn warmth

sunbaker, sunbather

Brett Dutschke, Weatherzone Sydneysiders are being bathed by late-season warmth, the warmest for this late in autumn in 28 years, with the city exceeding 29 degrees at lunchtime.

Bentley coal seam gas protesters given marching orders

Saffron Howden Anti-coal seam gas protesters in the state's north are on a collision path with police after vowing to defy a move by the local council to shut down their camp by Saturday.

eReefs tool to assess health of the Great Barrier Reef

Just Great: the Reef still amazes.

CAMERON ATFIELD Measuring the impact on the Great Barrier Reef of industry and disasters such as the recent tropical cyclone Ita has been made a whole lot easier with the introduction of a new satellite based tracking system.

Comments 4

WA drivers warned to watch for black cockatoos

85 black cockatoos have been killed after being struck by vehicles in the region.

ALEISHA ORR More than 85 black cockatoos have died after being hit by cars in the past two months prompting a warning for south coast motorists to be extra cautious.

Comments 1

Spotty the frog puts in a magnificent Easter Show performance


ESTHER HAN Colourful reptiles come to the fore as the Easter Show starts to wind down.

Injection culls reef-killing crown of thorns starfish


It's a killer jab that's injecting new life into the Great Barrier Reef.

Just chilling until it's time to switch on the heaters

heating in canberra

JOHN-PAUL MOLONEY Like planting tomatoes after Melbourne Cup Day, the "rule" of Canberra is that heaters shouldn’t go on till Anzac Day.

Comments 32

Clearer skies ahead after winds rip through Victoria

High winds

Aisha Dow, Deborah Gough Trains back on schedule as rain clouds clear following a morning of weather-related chaos.

Above average temperatures consign doonas to the cupboard


James Robertson A few days out from the Anzac Day dividing line used by many, Sydney is deciding whether it's time to get out the doona.

Sick puppy: the photo that sparked an online backlash against Westfield


AMANDA HOH It's the pitiful photo that launched an online backlash against Westfield. But there's more to the situation than the photo would suggest.

Comments 50

Foreign predators threaten bilbies


INGA TING If meeting the royal family - including two future kings - is not enough to boost your public profile and help save your species from extinction, who knows what is?

Little penguins big in scientific studies


NICKY PHILLIPS The kill takes no more than a few seconds. When little penguins are about to snaffle a fish they speed up on their prey before stopping mid-water where, with head down and tail up, they swallow their catch whole.

Recycling issue brewing in George Clooney's Nespresso campaign


Neil McMahon In marketing terms it's a match made in moneymaking heaven - but George Clooney, king of cool turned emperor of the coffee-pod people, may be serving up a less-than-perfect brew as a caffeine pitchman. Clooney promotes a product whose invasion of our homes may come with serious environmental consequences.

Japan strikes back on whaling

Antarctic whaling clash escalates (Thumbnail)

ANDREW DARBY Japan has laid out a roadmap back to commercial whaling in its first comprehensive response to the International Court of Justice ban on its Antarctic "scientific" hunt.

Japan will 'redesign' Antarctic whaling program to make it more scientific

Japan's Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi

Japan could have harpoon ships back in the Southern Ocean next year, giving a bullish response to a UN ruling calling its whaling a commercial hunt masquerading as research.

Abbott urged to ensure Japan abides by International Court's whaling decision

World court orders halt to Japan's whaling (Thumbnail)

ANDREW DARBY The Abbott government has been warned it must ensure that Japan abides by an International Court of Justice ban on Antarctic whaling after lawmakers in Tokyo passed a resolution effectively rejecting the judgment.

Bio-energy to reduce emissions


TOM ARUP Technologies that suck greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere, surveyed this week in a major report by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, could play a significant role in cutting Australia's emissions by 2050, according to local modelling.

NSW government divided over allowing anglers to fish in marine parks


PETER HANNAM The O'Farrell government remains divided over to whether to make permanent a so-called amnesty allowing anglers to fish in marine parks, delaying a decision possibly until after the elections next March.

Sydney commuters face a wet trip home

Wet weather in Newcastle. Picture shows a couple huddle under a umbrella. The breakwall, near Nobbys Beach.
28th January 2013 Newcastle

Rob Sharpe Sydney, the Illawarra and Hunter coastlines are expecting a wet afternoon and evening.

Total lunar eclipse to turn moon red

Lunar eclipse. Image credit Fred Espenek

Deborah Gough, Ed Bodkin Sky-watchers are expected to forgo Creedence Clearwater Revival's warning and venture out for a ''bad moon on the rise'' on Tuesday night.

Rare whale fossil sets jawbones wagging at Museum Victoria

Erich Fitzgerald

BRIDIE SMITH A rare fossilised whale skull found by chance deep in the remote waters of the Southern Ocean has been donated to Museum Victoria.

Canberra's autumn rainfall average exceeded in just six weeks

Sturt Ave Griffith flooded

HENRY BELOT Canberra has exceeded the average autumn rainfall just six weeks into the season.

Acidic water robs reef fish of survival instinct

Humbug damselfish

BRIDIE SMITH An acidic environment makes reef fish become attracted to the smell of their predators.


Live cattle trade

Animals Australia has uncovered terrible cruelty in Indonesian abattoirs. Here is our record of events.

weather special index

Too hot? Or too cold?

And what lies ahead on the horizon? Visit our special index for the pick of the weather stories.

BP Gulf of Mexico oil spill

Gulf of Mexico oil spill

An oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico threatens an environmental disaster. See our special index.

puppy puff

Dogs too cute for their own good

What to do with unwanted pets is a major issue. See our special index.

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