
inc. - Angel
From the album "No World" - http://bit.ly/WXCNA3 "Rodeo Clowns" Directed by: Daniel Aged, ...
published: 31 Jul 2013
author: incofficialVEVO
inc. - Angel
inc. - Angel
From the album "No World" - http://bit.ly/WXCNA3 "Rodeo Clowns" Directed by: Daniel Aged, Andrew Aged, Ryan Kuhlman Producer: Lana Kim Director of Photograph...- published: 31 Jul 2013
- views: 96725
- author: incofficialVEVO

FKA x inc.
Written, performed & produced by FKA twigs and inc.
Video directed by Nick Walker and FKA ...
published: 25 Feb 2014
FKA x inc.
FKA x inc.
Written, performed & produced by FKA twigs and inc. Video directed by Nick Walker and FKA twigs. DOP: Jeff Bierman Make Up: Sara Uslan Editor: Blake Benham -Sawhorse LA Buy FKA x inc. here: http://smarturl.it/fkainc Pre-order FKA x inc. 7" and zine here: http://fka-x-inc.com http://f-k-a-twigs.tumblr.com https://twitter.com/FKAtwigs Instagram - @FKAtwigs http://www.official-inc.com https://twitter.com/inc_no_world- published: 25 Feb 2014
- views: 41014

inc. - 5 days
inc. "5 days" forthcoming album "no world" out on 4AD. feb 2013. http://www.official-inc.c...
published: 13 Nov 2012
author: incmusicvideos
inc. - 5 days
inc. - 5 days
inc. "5 days" forthcoming album "no world" out on 4AD. feb 2013. http://www.official-inc.com http://www.facebook/inc.life http://www.twitter.com/inc_no_world.- published: 13 Nov 2012
- views: 128670
- author: incmusicvideos

DUB INC - Chaque nouvelle page
DUB INC ALBUM "Paradise" - Oct 14th 2013
Pre-order itunes : http://bit.ly/1gCl310
published: 07 Oct 2013
DUB INC - Chaque nouvelle page
DUB INC - Chaque nouvelle page
DUB INC ALBUM "Paradise" - Oct 14th 2013 Pre-order itunes : http://bit.ly/1gCl310 Pre-order official Dub inc shop : www.shop-dubinc.org WEBSITE : www.dub-inc.com FACEBOOK : www.facebook.com/dubinc DEEZER : http://www.deezer.com/fr/artist/308253 Captation Maubeuge: Alexis, Jéronimo, Mano Réalisation & montage: Alexis pour Artbreakerz www.artbreakerz.com CHAQUE NOUVELLE PAGE Refrain A chaque nouvelle page, chaque jour son lexique, Notre histoire s'écrit en musique, Devant chaque paysage, puis chaque endroit que l'on quitte, Chaque sourire un souvenir magique. Donc on reprend le large Dans nos mémoires sont inscrits Ces regards sur vos visages Qui rendent toujours nostalgiques Ivre d'amour et de musique. Couplet 1 Une rivière de mots, qu'on lâche au micro C'est de la bonne zic, well dem. C'est ce qu'il nous faut sentir le niveau D'une salle qui s'agite so dem. Jouer dans le monde entier, voir le visage des gens me tarde, Rêver d'une salle blindée pouvoir m'approprier cette flamme. Non ce n'est pas systématique faut trouver la bonne technique, Pour faire bouger le public et trouver les mots. Même si parfois c'est bordélique loin de ces machines à fric, On a la formule magique, du cœur et des flots. Crier dans l'adversité pouvoir ainsi nourrir nos âmes De Bombay à Alger c'est une révolte que l'on propage. Refrain Couplet 2 Partager, se bouger, donner tout ce qu'on a, La chance de vivre de sa passion, de vivre comme on l'aime. Mi singing yes aya, positif roots ragga, Mon cœur se serre toujours sincère quand on retrouve la scène. La faire voyager sans prétention, Dans tous les pays, toutes conditions Chaque fois qu'il faut on installe le son Yagidiyo ! Artisanale est la production. Notre ambition, so well ! Rester libre et voler de nos propres ailes Découvrir la planète et user nos semelles Loin de leur industrie on reste naturel. Car la musique reste universelle On parle tous la même langue quand ces rythmes nous ressemble, sing again. Car c'est un langage universel, On est toujours ensemble si t'écoute t'es de la bande. Refrain Couplet 3 N'larbe n'larbe allami touran Ourdjire amkane Oufire ivardane N chtah n chtah alaminarian Oufire ivardan J'ai le réveil qui sonne, sonne, sonne, Il est temps de partir faire des bornes, bornes, bornes Voyager inspire ce que l'on donne donne, donne, Sur scène nous fait vivre ! Right now Donne moi le microphone que je le fume, C'est un pour les vibes deux pour les scène que l'on consume, On collectionne les bornes comme les big tunes, Toujours dans la place et là bien avant youtube. Branche le microphone monte le volume, Peu importe l'endroit, dans la nature sur le bitume, On ramène du son lourd comme une enclume, Soundbwoy méfie toi, la concurrence sera rude.- published: 07 Oct 2013
- views: 77528

Plague Inc : Evolved - FANTATTAX DANS TON CERVEAU !!!
Aujourd'hui je vous crée un nouvel ami ! Le FANTATTAX, ne craignez rien il va juste se gre...
published: 18 Apr 2014
Plague Inc : Evolved - FANTATTAX DANS TON CERVEAU !!!
Plague Inc : Evolved - FANTATTAX DANS TON CERVEAU !!!
Aujourd'hui je vous crée un nouvel ami ! Le FANTATTAX, ne craignez rien il va juste se greffer à votre cerveau, il est très "attachant". MOUAAHH AAHA HAA ! Mettre un "j'aime" sur nos vidéos, c'est une super manière de nous dire merci :) Vous pouvez aussi nous suivre : Sur Facebook : http://goo.gl/avMEZ http://goo.gl/YbwyK Et sur Twitter : http://twitter.com/TheFantasio974 http://twitter.com/RoiLennon Commentez cette vidéo, nous apprécions vos encouragements et nous sommes attentifs à vos suggestions. Bisous et à la prochaine ! Fanta & Bob- published: 18 Apr 2014
- views: 189910

でんぱ組.inc New Single「サクラあっぱれーしょん」
published: 28 Feb 2014
【未来を明るく照らすなんて、お茶の子さいさいさーい!】 でんぱ組.inc New Single「サクラあっぱれーしょん」 2014年3月12日発売 Director:志賀匠 ☆ 初回限定盤A CD+DVD(1.「サクラあっぱれーしょん」2.「ファンシーほっぺ♡ウ・フ・フ」) ☆ 初回限定盤B CD(1.「サクラあっぱれーしょん」2.「ファンシーほっぺ♡ウ・フ・フ」) 封入特典:ステッカー ※当たりには、チュッパチャプス×でんぱ組.incの生チェキも封入 ☆ 初回限定 相沢梨紗盤 (1.「サクラあっぱれーしょん」2.「Promise of the World ~我コソ世界の救世主~」) ☆ 初回限定 成瀬瑛美盤 (1.「サクラあっぱれーしょん」2.「トキメキ☆すちゃらかテキサス」) ☆ 初回限定 藤咲彩音盤 (1.「サクラあっぱれーしょん」2.「P and A」) ☆ 初回限定 古川未鈴盤 (1.「サクラあっぱれーしょん」2.「ソーリー、ロンリー。」) ☆ 初回限定 最上もが盤(1.「サクラあっぱれーしょん」2.「ニューロマンティック」) ☆ 初回限定 夢眠ねむ盤 (1.「サクラあっぱれーしょん」2.「あのね...実はわたし、夢眠ねむなんだ...♡」) ☆ 通常盤(1.「サクラあっぱれーしょん」2.「ファンシーほっぺ♡ウ・フ・フ」) 「サクラあっぱれーしょん」作詞・作曲・編曲/玉屋2060%(Wienners) 「ファンシーほっぺ♡ウ・フ・フ」作詞/かせきさいだぁ 作曲/カジヒデキ 編曲/カジヒデキ・橋本竜樹 「Promise of the World ~我コソ世界の救世主~」作詞/奥井雅美 作曲/きただにひろし 編曲/釣 俊輔 「トキメキ☆すちゃらかテキサス」作詞・作曲・編曲/NAOTO(ORANGE RANGE) 「P and A」作詞・作曲・編曲/PandaBoY 「ソーリー、ロンリー。」作詞/NOBE 作曲・編曲/RONZI(BRAHMAN) 「ニューロマンティック」作詞・作曲/Chara 編曲/ Chara・白根賢一 「あのね...実はわたし、夢眠ねむなんだ...♡」作詞・作曲・編曲/清竜人- published: 28 Feb 2014
- views: 34723

NANO CRAP! Plague Inc Evolved with Panda!
Thanks for watching guys leave a Like if you enjoyed!
Like what you see? Subscribe!: http:...
published: 10 Apr 2014
NANO CRAP! Plague Inc Evolved with Panda!
NANO CRAP! Plague Inc Evolved with Panda!
Thanks for watching guys leave a Like if you enjoyed! Like what you see? Subscribe!: http://bit.ly/1lIN9yP ___ T-shirts: http://www.gametee.co.uk/category/panda Music by Kevin Macleod http://www.imcompetech.com Panda Box info! "Panda Box PO BOX 5400 BRIGHTON BN50 8GS" Follow me on : Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/HybridPandaMedia Tumblr: http://www.hybridpanda45.tumblr.com Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/#!/HybridPanda Livestream: http://twitch.tv/hybridpanda ___- published: 10 Apr 2014
- views: 17551

LET'S KILL EVERYONE!! Plague Inc. Evolved
Thanks for watching guys leave a Like if you enjoyed!
Like what you see? Subscribe!: http:...
published: 02 Mar 2014
LET'S KILL EVERYONE!! Plague Inc. Evolved
LET'S KILL EVERYONE!! Plague Inc. Evolved
Thanks for watching guys leave a Like if you enjoyed! Like what you see? Subscribe!: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=hybridpanda ___ T-shirts: http://www.gametee.co.uk/category/panda Music by Kevin Macleod http://www.imcompetech.com Panda Box info! "Panda Box PO BOX 5400 BRIGHTON BN50 8GS" Follow me on : Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/HybridPandaMedia Tumblr: http://www.hybridpanda45.tumblr.com Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/#!/HybridPanda Livestream: http://twitch.tv/hybridpanda ___- published: 02 Mar 2014
- views: 41747

BRRRAAAIINNSSSS - Necroa Virus P.I.E. #9 with YOGSCAST Panda (Zombies in Plagues Inc Evolved)
You hit 5k on hoovering yesterday, can we get 3k likes on this?!
Thanks Plague Pals, stay ...
published: 02 Apr 2014
BRRRAAAIINNSSSS - Necroa Virus P.I.E. #9 with YOGSCAST Panda (Zombies in Plagues Inc Evolved)
BRRRAAAIINNSSSS - Necroa Virus P.I.E. #9 with YOGSCAST Panda (Zombies in Plagues Inc Evolved)
You hit 5k on hoovering yesterday, can we get 3k likes on this?! Thanks Plague Pals, stay hungry for brains. -Panda Like what you see? Subscribe!: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=hybridpanda ___ T-shirts: http://www.gametee.co.uk/category/panda Music by Kevin Macleod http://www.imcompetech.com Panda Box info! "Panda Box PO BOX 5400 BRIGHTON BN50 8GS" Follow me on : Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/HybridPandaMedia Tumblr: http://www.hybridpanda45.tumblr.com Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/#!/HybridPanda Livestream: http://twitch.tv/hybridpanda ___- published: 02 Apr 2014
- views: 68708

Afflicted, Inc.
The Creative Director at Afflicted, Inc. comes to a decision.
The man behind the monsters...
published: 24 Mar 2014
Afflicted, Inc.
Afflicted, Inc.
The Creative Director at Afflicted, Inc. comes to a decision. The man behind the monsters: http://youtube.com/BarnyardFX Written & Directed by Anna Akana Produced by Kaja Martin http://youtube.com/TheKajaMartin Director of Photography Lan Bui http://castandcrewcall.com/lanbui/ Assistant Director William Akana http://youtube.com/WillAkanaVlogs Starring Heidi Koling - http://HeidiKoling.com Megan Rosati - http://MeganRosati.com Sophie Bell - http://SophieTheBell.com Kaja Martin - http://youtube.com/TheKajaMartin Melissa Hunter - http://MelissaHunter.com Assistant Camera Misa Garcia http://MisaGarcia.com Sound Matt Burgette http://www.imdb.com/name/nm5102800 Associate Producer Chloe Mae http://castandcrewcall.com/chloe-mae-loop/ Make up by Barnyard FX Greg Aronowitz Alynne "Red 5" Schripsema Alison Korth http://www.youtube.com/BarnyardFX Hair Stylist Gwendolyn Grant http://www.facebook.com/gwendolina.rose Sound Editor / Sound Re-Recording Engineer David Schatanoff D Studios Productions http://www.dstudiosonline.com/ Music By Alexander Arntzen http://AlexanderArntzen.com Scoring Mixer Jordan King https://vimeo.com/jordankingsound Vocals Jess Disraeli https://soundcloud.com/jessdisraeli Special Thanks Aaron Dieppa Andrew Fillmore Print & Art Aronowtiz- published: 24 Mar 2014
- views: 108795

Survive 8 intense waves in this Mini-Game!
Smash the like button and let's hit 3000!
published: 12 Apr 2014
Survive 8 intense waves in this Mini-Game! Smash the like button and let's hit 3000! Don't forget to subscribe for epic Minecraft content! Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/pages/PopularMMOs/327498010669475 Twitter! https://twitter.com/popularmmos Download - http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/940521-monsters-inc-redstone-minigame/ In this video: minecraft, minecraft monsters inc mini game, monsters inc mini game, monsters inc, monsters inc mod, minecraft mini-games, mini games, dungeon, mini game map, minecraft map, skeleton dungeon, spider dungeon, zombie dungeon, redstone mini-game, restone, waves on mobs, waves of monsters, mods, mod, modded, map, fun mini-game, hard mini-game, cool mini games, climbing game, weapons, armor, cake, same, difficult, hard, impossible, deadly, epic, monsters, monsters game Intro by: https://www.youtube.com/calzone442 Intro song: Spag Heddy - Pink Koeks provided by Play Me Records: https://www.youtube.com/user/playmerecords https://www.facebook.com/playmerecords Follow Spag Heddy: https://www.facebook.com/SpagHeddy http://soundcloud.com/spagheddy- published: 12 Apr 2014
- views: 153678

Plague Inc. Evolved - Necroa Virus [Zombies!]
Had to change my plans! Because Zombies... basically.
Like'n'sub ;)
Facebook : http://ww...
published: 30 Mar 2014
Plague Inc. Evolved - Necroa Virus [Zombies!]
Plague Inc. Evolved - Necroa Virus [Zombies!]
Had to change my plans! Because Zombies... basically. Like'n'sub ;) Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/SheepdogGaming?ref=hl Twitter: https://twitter.com/Sheepdog42 Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/sheepdog42 Plague Inc: Evolved is a unique mix of high strategy and terrifyingly realistic simulation. Your pathogen has just infected 'Patient Zero' - now you must bring about the end of human history by evolving a deadly, global Plague whilst adapting against everything humanity can do to defend itself. Infectious Multiplayer - cooperative and competitive gameplay modes let you team up to fight the cure with friends, or compete in a race to kill the world. 9 Different Disease Types -- Master every pathogen; from bacteria to bio-weapons and mind control to zombies, end humanity by any means possible -- different diseases will need radically different approaches.- published: 30 Mar 2014
- views: 329
Youtube results:

NANO OWNAGE - Plague Inc Evolved with Plaguemaster Panda
Thanks for watching guys leave a Like if you are a badass!
Like what you see? Subscribe!: ...
published: 07 Apr 2014
NANO OWNAGE - Plague Inc Evolved with Plaguemaster Panda
NANO OWNAGE - Plague Inc Evolved with Plaguemaster Panda
Thanks for watching guys leave a Like if you are a badass! Like what you see? Subscribe!: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=hybridpanda ___ T-shirts: http://www.gametee.co.uk/category/panda Music by Kevin Macleod http://www.imcompetech.com Panda Box info! "Panda Box PO BOX 5400 BRIGHTON BN50 8GS" Follow me on : Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/HybridPandaMedia Tumblr: http://www.hybridpanda45.tumblr.com Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/#!/HybridPanda Livestream: http://twitch.tv/hybridpanda ___- published: 07 Apr 2014
- views: 48810

Plague Inc. Evolved: The Zombie Apocalypse #1
The dead begin to rise.
Checking out the newly added Necroa Virus in Plague Inc Evolved!...
published: 31 Mar 2014
Plague Inc. Evolved: The Zombie Apocalypse #1
Plague Inc. Evolved: The Zombie Apocalypse #1
The dead begin to rise. Checking out the newly added Necroa Virus in Plague Inc Evolved! Part 2: http://youtu.be/hFAlab0T9ZA Intro Music: "With You" by CruciA.- published: 31 Mar 2014
- views: 1686

Butt Shrooms! - Plague Inc. Evolved #3
Thanks for watching guys leave a Like if you enjoyed!
Like what you see? Subscribe!...
published: 11 Mar 2014
Butt Shrooms! - Plague Inc. Evolved #3
Butt Shrooms! - Plague Inc. Evolved #3
Thanks for watching guys leave a Like if you enjoyed! -Panda Like what you see? Subscribe!: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=hybridpanda ___ T-shirts: http://www.gametee.co.uk/category/panda Music by Kevin Macleod http://www.imcompetech.com Panda Box info! "Panda Box PO BOX 5400 BRIGHTON BN50 8GS" Follow me on : Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/HybridPandaMedia Tumblr: http://www.hybridpanda45.tumblr.com Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/#!/HybridPanda Livestream: http://twitch.tv/hybridpanda ___- published: 11 Mar 2014
- views: 28819

CURLY FRIES OF DOOM - Plague Inc Evolved with YOGSCAST Panda
Thanks for watching guys leave a Like if you enjoyed!
Like what you see? Subscribe!...
published: 30 Mar 2014
CURLY FRIES OF DOOM - Plague Inc Evolved with YOGSCAST Panda
CURLY FRIES OF DOOM - Plague Inc Evolved with YOGSCAST Panda
Thanks for watching guys leave a Like if you enjoyed! -Panda Like what you see? Subscribe!: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=hybridpanda ___ T-shirts: http://www.gametee.co.uk/category/panda Music by Kevin Macleod http://www.imcompetech.com Panda Box info! "Panda Box PO BOX 5400 BRIGHTON BN50 8GS" Follow me on : Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/HybridPandaMedia Tumblr: http://www.hybridpanda45.tumblr.com Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/#!/HybridPanda Livestream: http://twitch.tv/hybridpanda ___- published: 30 Mar 2014
- views: 38082