7.4 Define bicameralism and explain its effects. How do the House and Senate differ?
Got a minute? Take a second or two each day and listen to a quick tutorial from the 2 Teac...
published: 17 Nov 2013
7.4 Define bicameralism and explain its effects. How do the House and Senate differ?
7.4 Define bicameralism and explain its effects. How do the House and Senate differ?
Got a minute? Take a second or two each day and listen to a quick tutorial from the 2 Teachers. Listen as they discuss every salient topic in American government and politics.- published: 17 Nov 2013
- views: 2
Video Glossary: Bicameral Legislature
Congress, Constitution....
published: 10 Jun 2011
author: mypoliscilab
Video Glossary: Bicameral Legislature
Video Glossary: Bicameral Legislature
Congress, Constitution.- published: 10 Jun 2011
- views: 1504
- author: mypoliscilab
25. AP60X - Bicameralism
Advanced Placement Government review in 60 seconds for Xtraordinary results. Workin' it on...
published: 29 Apr 2012
author: MyCitizenU
25. AP60X - Bicameralism
25. AP60X - Bicameralism
Advanced Placement Government review in 60 seconds for Xtraordinary results. Workin' it one word at a time. Presented by citizenu.org and the 2 Teachers.- published: 29 Apr 2012
- views: 3357
- author: MyCitizenU
Bicameralism (psychology)
Please give us a THUMBS UP if you like our videos!!! Source:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B...
published: 21 Jul 2013
author: Max Val
Bicameralism (psychology)
Bicameralism (psychology)
Please give us a THUMBS UP if you like our videos!!! Source:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bicameralism_(psychology) is a hypothesis in psychology that argues ...- published: 21 Jul 2013
- views: 7
- author: Max Val
The Contemporary House of Lords: Westminster Bicameralism Revived
Dr Meg Russell, Deputy Director of the Constitution Unit (School of Public Policy, Univers...
published: 18 Jul 2013
author: uclpoliticalscience
The Contemporary House of Lords: Westminster Bicameralism Revived
The Contemporary House of Lords: Westminster Bicameralism Revived
Dr Meg Russell, Deputy Director of the Constitution Unit (School of Public Policy, University College London) discusses her new book about the House of Lords...- published: 18 Jul 2013
- views: 9
- author: uclpoliticalscience
How to Pronounce Bicameralism
Learn how to say Bicameralism correctly with EmmaSaying's "how do you pronounce" free tuto...
published: 27 Dec 2012
author: Emma Saying
How to Pronounce Bicameralism
How to Pronounce Bicameralism
Learn how to say Bicameralism correctly with EmmaSaying's "how do you pronounce" free tutorials. Definition of bicameral (oxford dictionary): adjective (of a...- published: 27 Dec 2012
- views: 53
- author: Emma Saying
The Making of our Bicameral Legislature
Second place - The Making of our Bicameral Legislature Produced by Daniel Flowers, 7th gra...
published: 20 Apr 2012
author: wveducation
The Making of our Bicameral Legislature
The Making of our Bicameral Legislature
Second place - The Making of our Bicameral Legislature Produced by Daniel Flowers, 7th grade, Mountaineer Middle School, Monongalia County.- published: 20 Apr 2012
- views: 129
- author: wveducation
Bicameralism in whales
In Moby Dick , Herman Melville pointed out that since the eyes of whales are widely separa...
published: 17 Oct 2008
author: kimrathbone
Bicameralism in whales
Bicameralism in whales
In Moby Dick , Herman Melville pointed out that since the eyes of whales are widely separated, they must either, unimaginably, perceive two entirely separate...- published: 17 Oct 2008
- views: 300
- author: kimrathbone
Vimeo results:
Julian Jaynes Review
A short review of the book "The Origin of Consciousness and the Breakdown of the Bicameral...
published: 30 Mar 2011
author: Mesmeric Pass
Julian Jaynes Review
A short review of the book "The Origin of Consciousness and the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind"
I read a lot, and most stuff is boring and not groundbreaking. This actually is, it's the rare idea that is simultaneously very fun and explains so much.
WoO and Incredible Bob @ 319 Scholes, Brooklyn, New York
Event organized by David Last and guys from 319 Scholes.
published: 07 Feb 2012
author: Incredible Bob
WoO and Incredible Bob @ 319 Scholes, Brooklyn, New York
Event organized by David Last and guys from 319 Scholes.
Wo0 (Dis-Patch, Belgrade) Psych-noise
-Beauty Guitar Sculpturesound
David Linton,
-Bicameral Research System
Spinoza (The Bunker)
-Rare peaktime dance set from Bunkers very own resident.
David Last (Konque, Staubgold)
-NYC premiere of new album works, early morning psych-gorgeousness slow-tech set.
Attentat (Communikey, Philly)
-Late nite techno
Incredible Bob
hosted by:
taylan & igal of 31
2011-Video Cosmic Assembly Program
published: 28 Apr 2011
author: Tongil
2011-Video Cosmic Assembly Program
by Taekon Lee
The Era of Universal Peace: God’s Providence and the Abel UN]
In 1935, while his homeland o...f Korea was ruled by imperialist Japan, God gave fifteen-year old Sun Myung Moon the mission to end human suffering.
From that day until the end of the Second World War in 1945,
he invested everything to understand God’s will for humankind, and the principles by which it might be fulfilled.
While still a student, Sun Myung Moon had become involved in the movement to free his country from Japan’s domination; he was arrested by the Japanese police and tortured almost to death.
At 26, he crossed the border into communist North Korea in response to God’s call.
He began evangelizing but was arrested on charges of disturbing the peace and served two-years and eight-months in a brutal concentration camp, where prisoners were systematically worked and starved to death. After surviving hellish conditions, he went south with thousands displaced by the Korean War.
By 1951, Rev. Moon was in Busan, a city on the south coast overflowing with refugees. He stayed at a laborer’s shelter, where he began to write down the principles that would form the basis of the doctrine of the Unification faith.
He began his church from a hut that he built from army ration boxes on the side of a hill in Busan’s Beomnaetgol district.
Three years later, in a humble house in Seoul, he put up the sign “Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity.” This was the formal beginning of the Unification Church.
Within months of launching this mission, an explosion of growth in membership occurred, as students and professors joined from Ewha Woman’s University and Yonsei University, both well-renowned in Korea.
Since those days, Rev. and Mrs. Moon have inspired men and women in nations far from their native land, in accord with Rev. Moon’s original experience with God in the Korean countryside.
Whether Rev. Moon is speaking to one person or ten thousand, he fervently conveys the heart and will of Heaven.
On global speaking tours, he poured out his heart to his fellow human beings, rich and poor alike.
He has spoken in the halls of power, in the parliament or congress of at least ten different nations, and at the United Nations.
He has always done his best to convey God’s love and a vision of the human potential, in the hope that those hearing his message will be transformed.
The cold war era:
Rev. and Mrs. Moon organized a common stand against communism, in Korea, Japan, Central and South America, and other parts of the world threatened with the totalitarian political system. In so doing, they felt responsible to bring an end to the cold war.
The Washington Times, which Rev. Moon founded, played a pivotal role in this.
[Ronald Reagan, 40th president of the United States]
[Margaret Thatcher, former prime minister of the United Kingdom]
Rev. Moon has planted the seeds of peace always hoping and believing that others would join him in helping them germinate and grow.
His major projects include the Middle East Peace Initiative and interfaith activities to engender cooperative harmony among religious leaders;
Business initiatives to equalize the distribution of technology;
Educational institutions to foster global thinking;
Media organizations that champion responsibility and moral values.
The 21st century, a new millennium begins…
Rev. Moon unveiled a number of initiatives that he hoped would promote reform of the United Nations.
Rev. Moon has advocated the installation of a bicameral system in the UN through the installation of an interreligious council, and the creation of peace parks in disputed areas (including a soccer field straddling Israel and Gaza)—to assist the United Nations in fulfilling its great mandate.
Rev. Moon has sought to reveal God’s suffering over the sorrowful situation of the human race, and the hope that knowing God’s love brings.
Believing that the solutions to our deepest problems will be found in reconnecting to God, Rev. and Mrs. Moon spend time in prayer and study of scripture, and encourage this as a way of life.
Rev. Moon is no stranger to life’s challenges. He speaks his mind and this has made him a controversial figure. He has been unjustly imprisoned six times—by the Japanese who’d annexed his homeland, in Korea, and even in the United States.
Yet he has always responded to persecution and misunderstanding with the heart to embrace those who have stood against him.
[Rev. Hyung Jin Moon, International President of the Unification Church]
With such true love, True Parents have bestowed their blessings on humankind. They have found and proclaimed the truth to us.
Through this assembly we must, more than anything else, come to
Informe "Papel Prensa, la Verdad"
Informe "Papel Prensa, la Verdad" en Casa Rosada (Cadena nacional de Cristina F. Kirchner ...
published: 25 Aug 2010
author: César Zamboni
Informe "Papel Prensa, la Verdad"
Informe "Papel Prensa, la Verdad" en Casa Rosada (Cadena nacional de Cristina F. Kirchner el 24/08/2010)
La presidenta Cristina Fernández presentó el informe sobre la actuación administrativa establecida en la resolución 126 de la Secretaría de Comercio Interior del Ministerio de Economía de la Nación de fecha 31 de marzo de 2010, documentando los hechos ocurridos en torno a la transferencia accionaria a favor de Sociedad Anónima de La Nación, Arte Gráfico Editorial Argentino Grupo Clarín y La Razón Sociedad Anónima, del capital social de Papel Prensa Sociedad Anónima. Además anunció que el Gobierno presentará una denuncia judicial por la apropiación ilegal realizada por los socios privados de la compañía, y que remitirá al Congreso de la Nación proyectos de ley para declarar de interés público la producción de celulosa y papel, su distribución y comercialización.
El informe revela graves irregularidades cometidas durante el gobierno militar por las cuales se realizó la transacción, como así también cuestiona la administración de la empresa por parte de los actuales socios privados, al tiempo que refuta terminantemente las versiones sobre la historia de la empresa Papel Prensa Sociedad Anónima que publicaron los diarios Clarín y La Nación en sus ediciones de 27 de marzo y 4 de abril del corriente año.
Contiene además constancias documentales, expedientes administrativos, papeles comerciales, constancias de causas judiciales, registros de archivos y actuaciones de la dictadura consistentes en actas de las Juntas de Comandantes y de la Comisión Nacional de Responsabilidad Patrimonial, que insumen más de 26 mil fojas.
El documento será remitido a los organismos correspondientes para la prosecución de trámites administrativos y judiciales a los que dé lugar, dado que contiene probanzas irrefutables de la apropiación ilegal de la empresa por parte de los actuales sectores controlantes del sector privado de la firma.
El informe da cuenta de que en el año 1977 se cometieron una variedad de delitos de lesa humanidad contra el denominado Grupo Graiver, cuya cabeza fuera el empresario David Graiver, fallecido en una en una catástrofe aérea el 7 de agosto de 1976. Y presenta tres ejes que tipifican el desempeño desleal de los accionistas del sector privado en Papel Prensa Sociedad Anónima:
- La apropiación de las acciones de clase A, decisivas para acceder al control de la empresa, por parte de los actuales socios privados de la empresa, con la utilización de instrumentos del terrorismo de Estado tales como amenazas, secuestros, desaparición forzosa de personas, tortura y privación ilegal de la libertad.
- La obtención de ventajas competitivas por parte de los socios privados de la empresa en detrimento de numerosos diarios de todo el país que pudieran constituir una competencia para sus empresas.
- La puesta en marcha de un "pacto de sindicalización" por el cual los socios privados acordaron acciones en beneficio de sus propias empresas y en detrimento de la propia compañía Papel Prensa Sociedad Anónima, violando la normativa vigente.
La Jefa de Estado remarcó que el informe se encargó debido a la sistemática negativa de los socios privados de Papel Prensa Sociedad Anónima de otorgar información, lo que llevó también a designar un administrador judicial que participa de las reuniones de directorio de la compañía para "llegar a la documentación".
Señaló que el diario Clarín publicó el pasado domingo una editorial en la que sostiene que "el gobierno avanza en Papel Prensa para controlar la palabra impresa". "Esto demuestra que Clarín cree que quien controla Papel Prensa controla la palabra impresa", observó la Mandataria, y al respecto, expresó: "Papel Prensa es la única empresa que produce en el país pasta celulosa para fabricar papel de diario, lo distribuye y lo comercializa, en lo que se conoce como una empresa monopólica controlada verticalmente".
Por eso, anunció que "enviará un proyecto de ley para declarar de interés público la producción de pasta celulosa y papel de diario, su distribución y comercialización". "Ese proyecto encomendará al Ejecutivo para instruir un marco regulatorio de la actividad", explicó.
La iniciativa dispondrá el "tratamiento igualitario para toda la Argentina y precio, condiciones y calidad de papel, para que no deba importarse papel en la República Argentina".
Además, afirmó que el proyecto de ley "impulsará también la construcción de una Comisión Bicameral de Seguimiento" para que "cada uno de los legisladores, de los partidos políticos, opinen y voten como mejor les parezca" ese Marco Regulatorio.
"Queremos que miembros de esa Comisión participen también en las reuniones de Directorio de Papel Prensa para que realmente haya control" y "darle transparencia absoluta" a la iniciativa, expresó la Mandataria, quien además aclaró:
"El informe no es para controlar
Youtube results:
How to Pronounce Bicameral
Learn how to say Bicameral correctly with EmmaSaying's "how do you pronounce" free tutoria...
published: 27 Dec 2012
author: Emma Saying
How to Pronounce Bicameral
How to Pronounce Bicameral
Learn how to say Bicameral correctly with EmmaSaying's "how do you pronounce" free tutorials. Definition of bicameral (oxford dictionary): adjective (of a le...- published: 27 Dec 2012
- views: 71
- author: Emma Saying
Parliament resolves in a joint informal sitting between members of the two houses
The standoff between the Judiciary and the legislature appears far from over with parliame...
published: 26 Feb 2014
Parliament resolves in a joint informal sitting between members of the two houses
Parliament resolves in a joint informal sitting between members of the two houses
The standoff between the Judiciary and the legislature appears far from over with parliament resolving in a joint informal sitting between members of the two houses to continue summoning Governors despite a court order halting the summons. This comes even as Bicameral Parliament speakers Justin Muturi and Ekwe Ethuro met with the Chief Justice Willy Mutunga in a bid to resolve the ongoing stalemate pitting the judiciary and the legislature.- published: 26 Feb 2014
- views: 24
Conlaw1 Class 4 - The Legislative Powers
Bicameralism and Presentment, INS v. Chadha, Clinton v. City of New York, and Bills of Att...
published: 29 Jan 2014
Conlaw1 Class 4 - The Legislative Powers
Conlaw1 Class 4 - The Legislative Powers
Bicameralism and Presentment, INS v. Chadha, Clinton v. City of New York, and Bills of Attainder, Ex Post Facto Clause, and Contracts Clause- published: 29 Jan 2014
- views: 0