

Politics takes my time while food can make my time. Chronic cinema goer

Csatlakozott 2009. július
Születési dátum: február 24.


Letiltottad @Sharanyashettyy felhasználót

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  1. Kitűzött tweet
    jan. 22.

    I write Regulating E-Commerce Companies: How Much Is Too Much?

  2. 48 perccel ezelőtt

    This.. This confidence.. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Ps: Help me find the connection!

  3. 9 órával ezelőtt

    I had no idea who Gunja was till today morning :D

  4. 10 órával ezelőtt

    When I was probably 12 13yrs old..Spent a day prepping for Gobi Manchuri.. Finally dish was almost done and I tried to add a tsp of soya sauce directly from the bottle..but to my horror. The plastic stopper fell in and so did the entire new bottle of soya sauce..I cried so much!

  5. 11 órával ezelőtt

    Omg.. take on pathetic Asim's photography was hilarious. :D

  6. 11 órával ezelőtt

    The small interaction between SidharthShukla, Asim and Paras was more entertaining than any frikking scene with Shehnaaz and her jealousy ridden face .

  7. 13 órával ezelőtt
  8. retweetelte
    17 órával ezelőtt

    जब ख़ुद कहने से ही हो जाता है तो ये भी मान लोगे?

  9. retweetelte
    18 órával ezelőtt

    Indian PM Narendra Modi checks out a virtual firing range product at .

  10. retweetelte
    23 órával ezelőtt

    Today we take a historic step ahead towards building a grand Ram Temple in Ayodhya! It was my honour to address the Lok Sabha on this subject, which is special to many. I also applauded the remarkable spirit of the people of India. This is what I said...

  11. retweetelte
    18 órával ezelőtt

    Recently: - 4 days ago, ex AMUSU leader Mr. Sajjad Subhan was wearing Burkha in a protest. - Maa Kaali was shown wearing Hijab in poster. - Indulekha wore Burkha in anti CAA protest. But how dare YouTuber Gunja Kapoor went to Shaheen Bagh in Burkha for undercover reporting?

  12. retweetelte
    21 órával ezelőtt

    "I have already lost a child. I don’t mind if the lives of my other two kids are sacrificed for the same cause. My family might not support my decision, but it is for a greater cause.” Shaheen Bagh organisers should ensure that she is kept away from site.

  13. retweetelte
    19 órával ezelőtt

    Something tells us this is going to make the front pages. Indian PM checks out a virtual firing range product at .

  14. 21 órával ezelőtt

    There are many pockets like Shaheen Bagh in India.. In places close to where we live. Nothing surprising..but the fact that media is supporting this is laughable.. They will be the first to fall prey if the number of such areas increase in India.

  15. 22 órával ezelőtt

    Omg.. This is a lynch mod at ShaheenBagh.. Do hope is ok.. Anybody can wear whatever the F she wants to and shoot videos in a public space.. This repulsive act at ShaheenBagh is just not ok. Is this India or some ISIS terror spot.

  16. retweetelte
    23 órával ezelőtt

    How often does Jadhav do this? We don't give him enough credit for playing a difficult role

  17. 23 órával ezelőtt

    Love is doing good things to mindspace and confidence. ;)

  18. retweetelte
    febr. 5.

    Yes, mallus are the paragons of getting pronounication right.

  19. 24 órával ezelőtt

    Finally finally 👏👏

  20. retweetelte
    febr. 5.

    Liberals who wanted Hindu women centuries ago to stick to modern feminist standards and not prefer suicide over sex slavery, now find it impractical that a concept like 'child rights' should be applied to Shaheen Bagh women who killed infants by taking them to political protests.

    Hozzászóláslánc megjelenítése
  21. febr. 5.

    Keanu Reeves Brad Pitt Matt Damon


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