
Gm11 (pelagic) - Chord - Progression - 2010
http://chordgroup.bandcamp.com For this album, three single-chord compositions were charte...
published: 04 Dec 2011
author: AwArDRzD
Gm11 (pelagic) - Chord - Progression - 2010
Gm11 (pelagic) - Chord - Progression - 2010
http://chordgroup.bandcamp.com For this album, three single-chord compositions were charted out, one free form and tone driven, one long-form piece with char...- published: 04 Dec 2011
- views: 155
- author: AwArDRzD
Vimeo results:

Music Fundamentals: House chord progressions meet Live 9
This Ableton tutorial uncovers a classic technique for interesting chord progressions and ...
published: 07 Jun 2013
author: Ableton Liveschool
Music Fundamentals: House chord progressions meet Live 9
This Ableton tutorial uncovers a classic technique for interesting chord progressions and how to make them sound fresh with Live 9. Read more about this technique here: http://ow.ly/mzv29
For more tutorials like this go to www.blog.liveschool.net
Yama Indra teaches the course Music Theory For Electronic Music Production at Liveschool, Sydney
- next intake is 14 Oct. 2013.

microtonal chord progressions
Lougi Verona's (http://louigiverona.ru/) friend asks can drones be on chords and can chord...
published: 17 Feb 2011
author: al dinja
microtonal chord progressions
Lougi Verona's (http://louigiverona.ru/) friend asks can drones be on chords and can chords progress by dragging midi sliders?
Yes. din accepts MIDI input you can manipulate with Tcl scripts. In this case, droner.patch.tcl (http://pastebin.com/ch1PUkzz) assigns selected drones to midi sliders & controls their volume when you drag the sliders.
din is a Free software musical instrument for GNU/Linux.
Download your copy at http://dinisnoise.org
Follow din on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/al_dinja
On Facebook search for Al Dinja

Basic Chord And Scale Theory Through Ableton Live
Learn to play any Major or Minor chords/scales in minutes. Using Ableton's Piano Roll wind...
published: 11 May 2010
author: Ryan
Basic Chord And Scale Theory Through Ableton Live
Learn to play any Major or Minor chords/scales in minutes. Using Ableton's Piano Roll window, I show how to program and manipulate notes allowing you to instantly write better melodies and chord progressions.

Music Foundations Tutorial: Chord Progressions + Improvisation w/ Mark de Clive-Lowe
More info - http://bit.ly/wVK7ce
In this special masterclass recorded for Future Music Ma...
published: 12 Jan 2012
author: Andrew Ponochovnyi
Music Foundations Tutorial: Chord Progressions + Improvisation w/ Mark de Clive-Lowe
More info - http://bit.ly/wVK7ce
In this special masterclass recorded for Future Music Magazine, guest instructor Mark de Clive-Lowe demonstrates the use of the Minor Pentatonic scale over a simple two chord progression. The students present in the video are part of Dubspot's three level Music Foundations program designed and developed by Martin Perna, an Austin, Texas based musician, educator and social entrepreneur. Currently available in our school in New York City and Dubspot Online, this program provides the best possible start to the newcomer in electronic music production as well as DJing.
Did you know that there are three distinct types of musicians in today's global music scene? These types of musicians direct their attention to different aspects of the compositional process: one is focused primarily on pitch/melody, another on rhythm/beats, and the last on timbre/sound design. Today, the well-rounded musician will be well versed in all three of these areas and that is the main idea behind Dubspot's Music Foundations program.
Using material from Music Foundations Level 2: Keys and Melodic Theory, Mark de Clive-Lowe focuses on pitch and melody with the goal of using a set of pitches to improvise over a two chord progression, namely the Pentatonic scale (a common five note scale). The said progression goes from a C Minor chord to an F Minor chord, and that fits nicely underneath the C Minor Pentatonic scale. WIth the addition of some tension filled note choices, such as the #4/b5 "blue note", more melodic variations can quickly be created. By the end of this video we see all of the elements put together in two musical examples in different genres and at different tempi. This is a small taste of what you will learn in the Music Foundations program at Dubspot. Be sure to check out other music theory related articles here in the Dubspot Blog.