Last updated: April 29, 2014

Weather: Sydney 15°C - 25°C . Partly cloudy.


Thought for the day 29 April 2014

Whenever we gaze at the sky, don't we feel as if we are appreciating a kind of living picture, an animated masterpiece of colour and cloud, shimmering with sunshine or sprinkled with stars? And on the rare occasion when we get blessed by an eclipse, isn't it more as if we are witnessing the pen of the actual artisan, slowly inscribing a signature? An eclipse is so perfectly precise it makes me think I'm seeing nature itself saying, 'Do you really think this all just happens at random?' Here's proof that a very deliberate designer has been at work.

To coincide with the eclipse there's a 20% discount on all birth charts to help you take advantage of it's potency. For just 48 hours! Get yours here.

Jonathan Cainer

Jan 21 - Feb 19


We don't get to choose our family. Nobody presents us with a list of cousins, uncles or aunts and says, 'Feel free to decide which of these people you are happy to belong to.' Some of us do it anyway. But solicitors report that it is rare for people to deny the connection upon discovering that some long lost relative (no matter how remote) has left them a substantial legacy. The eclipse suggests a drama on the domestic or family front that you feel you could well do without. But it may yet have its benefits. To coincide with the eclipse there's a 20% discount on all birth charts to help you take advantage of it's potency. For just 48 hours! Get yours here.


Feb 20 - Mar 20


It is easy enough to go into business, not so easy to make money. The world, as many bank managers will testify, is full of traders who survive only on the strength of their overdrafts. Although, the banks themselves do well out of this. Perhaps they have a vested interest in ensuring that their customers remain ignorant of the finer skills of attaining a pecuniary advantage. The eclipse now highlights a difficulty that you seem to be having in the area of commerce. But you may yet profit greatly in learning from a mistake. To coincide with the eclipse there's a 20% discount on all birth charts to help you take advantage of it's potency. For just 48 hours! Get yours here.


Mar 21 - Apr 20


They say the darkest hour, is just before dawn. But when it comes to an eclipse, the dark hour can only come some while after the Sun has actually risen. First, things look reasonably normal and reassuring. Then they start to seem disconcertingly different. If you are now starting to contemplate what seems like an unexpected and undesirable development that threatens your future economic well-being, try not to take it too seriously. There is a strong indication that this problem will soon pass. To coincide with the eclipse there's a 20% discount on all birth charts to help you take advantage of it's potency. For just 48 hours! Get yours here.


Apr 21 - May 21


The solar eclipse in your sign, suggests passing discomfort, leading to profound relief. In theory, I ought not to say this. The discomfort only gains its intensity from the fear that it may somehow prove permanent. So if I say, don't take it seriously, you may hardly experience it at all. But I suspect that no matter how much reassurance I give you, when the unnerving event occurs, you somehow won't relate these words of mine to it. So perhaps I cannot protect you. How fortunate then that you don't really need protecting! To coincide with the eclipse there's a 20% discount on all birth charts to help you take advantage of it's potency. For just 48 hours! Get yours here.


May 22 - June 22


Few of us choose our religion. We are born into families that have long upheld traditional beliefs and, even if we go through a phase during which we question some of those principles, we eventually end up following a lifestyle that reflects those ethics and standards so naturally, that we hardly even notice. The Solar Eclipse now obliges you to look at where such ideas and ideals may be preventing you from doing something that you might otherwise be free to enjoy. Is there really a good reason to hold on to all that? To coincide with the eclipse there's a 20% discount on all birth charts to help you take advantage of it's potency. For just 48 hours! Get yours here.


Jun 23 - Jul 23


The strong often perceive themselves as weak, and vice versa. That is one of the many reasons why the world is in such an unsatisfactory state. Half of us are overcompensating and the other half showing restraint for the wrong reasons. Regrettable developments ensue from this. And if the whole world would be a better place, were this to change, your personal world would improve significantly. The eclipse now delivers an important message about your need to be assertive in defending what must be right. To coincide with the eclipse there's a 20% discount on all birth charts to help you take advantage of it's potency. For just 48 hours! Get yours here.


Jul 24 - Aug 23


When you say, 'Jump!' Who says, 'How high?' Or are there people who don't even say that at all? Do some actually reply, 'What gives you the right to say that in the first place?' The eclipse suggests there may even be someone now with the temerity to suggest that if anyone should be jumping at all, it is you! Fortunately, the impact of this unusual celestial alignment will be short lived. So too, will be the apparent power of whoever or whatever now seems to feel able to undermine your authority. To coincide with the eclipse there's a 20% discount on all birth charts to help you take advantage of it's potency. For just 48 hours! Get yours here.


Aug 24 - Sep 23


Our society is cruel to children. We don't recognise this, of course. If we did, we would all have to report ourselves to the authorities. Yet we bring up the poor little dears, generation after generation, with stories that end with the assertion of a happy-ever-after? We raise them to expect such a thing to be possible, then wonder why as adults they get depressed when they find it isn't. The eclipse now causes you to look at something that you always believed or hoped was true, and to see it as a deception. Or is it? To coincide with the eclipse there's a 20% discount on all birth charts to help you take advantage of it's potency. For just 48 hours! Get yours here.


Sep 24 - Oct 23


Polite society requires us to watch our words and mind our manners. We must take great care not to cause offence or to touch upon sensitive subjects. Some of us, indeed, are so fastidious in our adherence to these unwritten rules that we all but avoid saying anything meaningful to anyone, ever. No wonder communication between human beings is often such an unsatisfactory process. The eclipse is now causing something that needs to be said, to be said! And there is a lot to be said for that! To coincide with the eclipse there's a 20% discount on all birth charts to help you take advantage of it's potency. For just 48 hours! Get yours here.


Oct 24 - Nov 22


If people would only do what they said they were going to do, other people wouldn't have to keep reminding them of what it was they said. But, then, if only those other people did remind them, at least they might remember. Sometimes, resentments build up due to frustrations that ought to be expressed, yet which are quietly held back instead. The eclipse now appears to be releasing several such emotions. Yet despite concerns about a tense climate, there is actually now scope for reconciliation and renewed agreement. To coincide with the eclipse there's a 20% discount on all birth charts to help you take advantage of it's potency. For just 48 hours! Get yours here.


Nov 23 - Dec 21


There are some requests that we just can't turn down. Some needs that we must not leave unmet. Even if our resources are strained and stretched, even if we feel entirely unable to respond to situations that are arising, somehow we must do our best. The solar eclipse suggests that you are now faced with such a difficult dilemma, except that it isn't really a dilemma at all. You have got to do what has to be done. The good news? In doing the right thing, you will get the right result. That will help to set right whatever else is wrong. To coincide with the eclipse there's a 20% discount on all birth charts to help you take advantage of it's potency. For just 48 hours! Get yours here.


Dec 22 - Jan 20


Psychologists often speak of our need to engage with our 'inner child'. They are quite right. We limit playful impulses at our peril. Yet astrologers are often too keen to reinforce the notion of Capricorn as a serious sign that bestows upon all born under it an ongoing obligation to engage with their 'inner adult'. Events surrounding the eclipse, now cause you to wonder whether you will ever again find the element of fun within a set of circumstances that have begun to weigh far too heavily on you. But you will! To coincide with the eclipse there's a 20% discount on all birth charts to help you take advantage of it's potency. For just 48 hours! Get yours here.