4 steps to the perfect proposal

4 steps to the perfect proposal
Love and Sex
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YouTube has a lot answer for. Have you seen the sheer volume of marriage proposal clips on there? From flash mobs to the Hollywood-style “movie” trailer played at the cinema, proposals these days seem to be bolder and more elaborate than ever before. Bad news: the girl you’re about to pop the question to has likely seen a bunch of these. Good news: there’s no need to compete. Here’s your step-by-step guide to planning the perfect moment.

1. Test the waters
You’re ready for commitment, but before you begin planning a proposal, make sure she’s on the same page. There’s no need to explicitly ask, but gauge her reaction to her friends’ engagements and wedding-talk in general. Does she believe in marriage? And is she ready?  If you’re sure, permission to move on to the planning phase granted.

2. Get permission
Asking the in-laws if you can marry their daughter may seem old-fashioned, but it’s an important sign of respect. After all, if your proposal goes as planned, these people will be in your life forever. Best to get them on side now. Word of warning: don’t ask them at a family gathering after a bottle of merlot. They may just loudly announce: “Brian just asked if he could marry Amy!” Thus ruining any chance of a surprise.

3. Pick the Ring
The ring is the most complicated part of the proposal. Make sure you choose one she’ll love. A Tiffany & Co. Princess Cut diamond in platinum is a popular choice for good reason, but be sure to match the ring to the girl.
Next, figure out her ring size. It’ll make popping the question seamless. She says ‘Yes!’ you slide it onto her finger. Perfect. None of that take-it-to-back-to-get-it-resized nonsense.

4. Plan the moment
Sure those YouTube guys got a bunch of internet fame from their proposals, but remember your only goal here is to get the girl you love to marry you. So grand gesture or quiet moment doesn’t matter in the end. A few guidelines: Choose a place that’s special to you as a couple. Try to surprise her. Tell her how much she means to you. Do so in a way that’s natural to you.

To get down on one knee or not? Yes. Always yes. Moving on.
In the end, a beautiful proposal is one that is sincere and heartfelt. All the parades and balloons in the world won’t change her answer. You probably had her at hello.

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