Clive Palmer aims for NT balance of power

Matthew Knott, Gareth Hutchens April 27, 2014

Clive Palmer:

Clive Palmer: 'They liked our policies on indigenous affairs.' Photo: Rob Homer

Clive Palmer says he is aiming to hold the balance of power in the Northern Territory Parliament, as well as the federal Senate, after three defectors from the governing Country Liberal Party government joined his Palmer United Party.

Mr Palmer said he would push for a greater focus on indigenous health and a re-examination of federal-Territory relations.

Alison Anderson, Larisa Lee and Francis Xavier Kurrupuwu left the NT’s governing Country Liberal Party (CLP) last month and moved to the crossbench after they presented Chief Minister Adam Giles with a list of demands he failed to meet.

Mr Palmer announced on Sunday that the three MLAs would now sit as PUP members, with Ms Anderson serving as leader.

Ms Anderson, a controversial figure, joined the Territory Parliament as a state Labor candidate, quit to join the CLP and then quit the CLP government after being suspended by Mr Giles.

Mr Palmer told Fairfax Media: "They approached us - they liked our policies on indigenous affairs and the economy.

 "Other Country Liberal MLAs have approached us about joining the party, too. We'll be targeting the balance of power [in the Territory Parliament] and the two federal seats as well." 

Mr Palmer said he was in negotiations with members of the Territory government and that he expects at least one to defect and join the PUP "within a month". The CLP currently has a one-seat majority in the Parliament.

Mr Palmer said the three MPs who joined his party had not sought any financial backing. 

Mr Palmer said he was open to a debate about whether the NT should become a state. He also wants more attention given to remote communities, such as Alice Springs, as well as Darwin.

Mr Palmer has also revealed his party won't support a rise in the pension age, which has been a major focus of pre-budget speculation.

Treasurer Joe Hockey last week described any increase in the pension age as an "inevitability", but stopped short of confirming his first budget will lift it to 70.

Mr Palmer, whose Palmer United Party will soon hold the balance of power in the Senate with other crossbenchers, said he would not back a rise in pension age.

"I just couldn't employ Joe Hockey or Tony Abbott at 69, no matter how competent they are," Mr Palmer told ABC Television on Sunday.

"They wouldn't have a good future and I wouldn't invest the time in training them because they would be retiring the next year."

with AAP

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