
The Chinese parents who give their babies away online

Lavinia Mo In China, expectant couples who are unwilling or unable to keep their children go to a special website to adopt their babies out, rather than aborting or abandoning them.

Social surrogacy rids mums of the 'inconvenience' of pregnancy


LETITIA ROWLANDS Surrogate mothers help women who can't carry their own baby achieve their dreams of motherhood. But a growing number of women in the US are seeking the services of a surrogate simply because they don't like the idea of going through pregnancy and childbirth themselves.

Comments 8

Choosing to be a solo parent

IVF leaves woman pregnant with another couple's twins

Danish couples told to take a holiday and make a baby to win a prize

Adoption paved the way for love


How one woman hid her pregnancy from online marketers

Matt Petronzio The average person's marketing data is worth 10 cents; a pregnant woman's data skyrockets to $1.50. And once targeted advertising finds a pregnant woman, it won't let up.

Why do pregnant women nest?


Angela Tufvesson You’re not far off giving birth and the excitement is palpable … so much so that you get the urge to clean the fridge and rearrange your lounge room furniture in the middle of the night. No, you're not going crazy - it's all a normal part of pregnancy.

Pregnant women urged to check fine print on babymoon travel insurance

Can you make your baby smarter even before birth?

Making labour less painful, naturally

Pregnant woman dies after doctor removes ovary instead of appendix


Delayed cord clamping no barrier to skin-to-skin contact

LETITIA ROWLANDS Delayed umbilical cord clamping has been shown to benefit babies, but until now the practice had been cumbersome.

Why I loved my third home water birth


Shylah Huisman After two water births at home, I was determined to give birth to my son the same way. I just hoped this birth would be quicker than my last two.

What you need for the 'fourth trimester'

Mum's the word when it comes to baby news

Birth photos: Birth photos on the rise

New drug to replace pethidine as birth pain relief


Hacker screams at child through baby monitor

LETITIA ROWLANDS Baby monitors are supposed to help parents keep an eye on their sleeping child, but one family was shocked recently when a hacker was also able to remotely see - and speak - into their daughter's bedroom.

Rozibaby: the pram system with a difference or two

Rosh Ghadamian and Tahir Baig

Adam Courtenay Two childless men in their late twenties wouldn't usually be your first port of call when looking for advice on baby prams, but the pair behind Rozibaby are finding much success with their range of customisable prams.

The babies who can't grow hair or teeth

Your baby's first shoes, made with your own hands

Is this the world's most expensive daycare?

Medication helps mums with depression succeed at breastfeeding

Top baby buys from Big W


Mother bites off pit bull's ear to save toddler

LETITIA ROWLANDS What would you do if your child was being attacked by a vicious dog? One mother recently had to learn the hard way.

Being Dad

Stay-at-home dad tries, fails to crowdfund a salary

Kasey Edwards Imagine launching a crowdfunding campaign to ask strangers to pay you an income for parenting. That was one dad's grand plan - but it didn't go quite as planned.

Comments 1

To my girls on their first birthday


You don’t know is how the past year has affected me as a person. You don’t know how I’ve changed, and how my perspectives have been completely displaced and realigned. This is comforting to me – I want you to know me for who I am now.


The rise of the vasectomy party

A great dad, but not a super hero

Couvade syndrome: when dads have pregnancy pains too

Dad and daughter's loving tribute in mum's memory


Parents warned about posting kids' photos online

RACHEL BROWNE Parents could be putting their kids at risk by posting images and information online which give away personal details, such as where they go to school and which parks they frequent.

A message for the 'just you wait' brigade

mum toddler

JO HARTLEY In today’s parenting culture, it seems competitive negativity has become something of a sport. Heaven forbid we should contemplate for even one moment that our journeys are about to get any smoother.


The heartwarming moment a dad learns he's going to be a grandpa

Call the Midwife strikes the right chord of times past

Zara demands name change for mum's home business

5 autism simulations to help explain sensory overload