
October: Ten Days That Shook the World - Sergei M. Eisenstein
October: Ten Days That Shook the World (Russian: Октябрь (Десять дней, которые потрясли ми...
published: 22 Apr 2011
author: solidaritet2010
October: Ten Days That Shook the World - Sergei M. Eisenstein
October: Ten Days That Shook the World - Sergei M. Eisenstein
October: Ten Days That Shook the World (Russian: Октябрь (Десять дней, которые потрясли мир); translit. Oktyabr': Desyat' dney kotorye potryasli mir) is a So...- published: 22 Apr 2011
- views: 78359
- author: solidaritet2010

Oktober by Sergei Eisenstein (English intertitles)
I was fascinated by canislupuslupus video, so i decided to make one with English intertitl...
published: 25 Jun 2010
author: ww2fan39
Oktober by Sergei Eisenstein (English intertitles)
Oktober by Sergei Eisenstein (English intertitles)
I was fascinated by canislupuslupus video, so i decided to make one with English intertitles (A somewhat major pain to make). Hope you enjoy. The song is cal...- published: 25 Jun 2010
- views: 7789
- author: ww2fan39

October: Ten Days That Shook the World - with Soviet Song
published: 18 May 2009
author: kriegsmarine1942
October: Ten Days That Shook the World - with Soviet Song
October: Ten Days That Shook the World - with Soviet Song
- published: 18 May 2009
- views: 6631
- author: kriegsmarine1942

[1928] October: Ten Days That Shook the World - Grigori Aleksandrov, Sergei Eisenstein - Sequence
published: 06 Oct 2013
[1928] October: Ten Days That Shook the World - Grigori Aleksandrov, Sergei Eisenstein - Sequence
[1928] October: Ten Days That Shook the World - Grigori Aleksandrov, Sergei Eisenstein - Sequence
- published: 06 Oct 2013
- views: 3

The Day That Shook The World (1981) Trailer VHS Rip
John Reed: The Ten Days That Shook the World REDS The Day That Shook The World (1981) Trai...
published: 08 Oct 2011
author: Craig Anderson
The Day That Shook The World (1981) Trailer VHS Rip
The Day That Shook The World (1981) Trailer VHS Rip
John Reed: The Ten Days That Shook the World REDS The Day That Shook The World (1981) Trailer VHS Rip A radical American journalist becomes involved with the...- published: 08 Oct 2011
- views: 981
- author: Craig Anderson

October: Ten Days That Shook the World Sergei Eisenstein - 1927
Example of metric montage in the movie October: Ten Days That Shook the World / Oktyabr': ...
published: 10 Feb 2009
author: urssaX
October: Ten Days That Shook the World Sergei Eisenstein - 1927
October: Ten Days That Shook the World Sergei Eisenstein - 1927
Example of metric montage in the movie October: Ten Days That Shook the World / Oktyabr': Desyat' dney kotorye potryasli mir - Sergei Eisenstein - 1927.- published: 10 Feb 2009
- views: 4258
- author: urssaX

10월.October.1927.Ten.Days.That.Shook.The.World.Gods sequence.avi
신들의 시퀀스....
published: 28 Mar 2010
author: lotmania
10월.October.1927.Ten.Days.That.Shook.The.World.Gods sequence.avi
10월.October.1927.Ten.Days.That.Shook.The.World.Gods sequence.avi
신들의 시퀀스.- published: 28 Mar 2010
- views: 488
- author: lotmania

A clip From Eisenstein's 1928 film "October: Ten Days that Shook the World."...
published: 27 Jul 2011
author: zerohourzero
A clip From Eisenstein's 1928 film "October: Ten Days that Shook the World."- published: 27 Jul 2011
- views: 99
- author: zerohourzero

28 Days Later theme song with russian photo (Sergei Eisenstein's October)
An excerpt from Russian filmmaker Sergei Eisenstein's movie October - Ten Days That Shook ...
published: 22 Feb 2009
author: drakirr
28 Days Later theme song with russian photo (Sergei Eisenstein's October)
28 Days Later theme song with russian photo (Sergei Eisenstein's October)
An excerpt from Russian filmmaker Sergei Eisenstein's movie October - Ten Days That Shook the World (aka Oktyabr, original foreign title) from 1927 with a so...- published: 22 Feb 2009
- views: 4036
- author: drakirr

October: 10 Days that Shook the World (1927)
Short segment from Sergei Eisenstein's film that demonstrates the "intellectual" or "overt...
published: 17 Nov 2013
October: 10 Days that Shook the World (1927)
October: 10 Days that Shook the World (1927)
Short segment from Sergei Eisenstein's film that demonstrates the "intellectual" or "overtonal" montage- published: 17 Nov 2013
- views: 8

Ten Days That Shook the World, John Reed, Chapter 11
Audio presentation of Chapter 11 of John Reed's "Ten Days that Shook the World," eye witne...
published: 23 Nov 2013
Ten Days That Shook the World, John Reed, Chapter 11
Ten Days That Shook the World, John Reed, Chapter 11
Audio presentation of Chapter 11 of John Reed's "Ten Days that Shook the World," eye witness account that describes how Lenin, Trotsky and the Bolsheviks consolidated Soviet power after the November 7, 1917 insurrection. (Adapted from LibriVox recording by Richard Beck.) "Not by compromise with the propertied classes, or with the other political leaders; not by conciliating the old Government mechanism, did the Bolsheviki conquer the power. Nor by the organized violence of a small clique. If the masses all over Russia had not been ready for insurrection it must have failed. The only reason for Bolshevik success lay in their accomplishing the vast and simple desires of the most profound strata of the people, calling them to the work of tearing down and destroying the old, and afterward, in the smoke of falling ruins, cooperating with them to erect the frame-work of the new.... "- published: 23 Nov 2013
- views: 10

Díez días que Extremecieron al Mundo, John Reed, Ten Days That Shook the World TV descargaryoutube c
published: 23 Nov 2013
Díez días que Extremecieron al Mundo, John Reed, Ten Days That Shook the World TV descargaryoutube c
Díez días que Extremecieron al Mundo, John Reed, Ten Days That Shook the World TV descargaryoutube c
- published: 23 Nov 2013
- views: 1

Sergei Eisenstein: The General Line aka The Old and the New (1929)
Breve Storia del Cinema - La scuola del montaggio sovietico:
published: 09 Dec 2013
Sergei Eisenstein: The General Line aka The Old and the New (1929)
Sergei Eisenstein: The General Line aka The Old and the New (1929)
Breve Storia del Cinema - La scuola del montaggio sovietico: http://www.brevestoriadelcinema.org/11-1.html The General Line was begun in 1927 as a celebration of the collectivization of agriculture, as championed by old-line Bolshevik Leon Trotsky. Hoping to reach a wide audience, the director forsook his usual practice of emphasizing groups by concentrating on a single rural heroine. Eisenstein briefly abandoned this project to film October: Ten Days That Shook the World, in honour of the 10th anniversary of the Revolution. By the time he was able to return to this film, the Party's attitudes had changed and Trotsky had fallen from grace. As a result, the film was hastily re-edited and sent out in 1929 under a new title, The Old and the New. In later years, archivists restored The General Line to an approximation of Eisenstein's original concept. Much of the director's montage-like imagery—such as using simple props to trace the progress from the agrarian customs of the 19th-century to the more mechanized procedures of the 20th—was common to both versions of the film. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_General_Line- published: 09 Dec 2013
- views: 6
Youtube results:

Game of Chess
Shot on location in Jasper Place High School in Edmonton, AB.
Game of Chess is an experim...
published: 23 Oct 2013
Game of Chess
Game of Chess
Shot on location in Jasper Place High School in Edmonton, AB. Game of Chess is an experimental film in my Film Studies 25 to present a game of chess for a minute, but show only a single move. This was meant to express "Soviet Montage Theory", which is an approach to rely heavily on editing and the sequencing of shots rather than dialogue to express an idea or evoke an emotion. To better understand what we're trying to accomplish, watch the works of Sergei Eisenstein, such as "Battleship Potemkin", "October: Ten Days That Shook the World" or "Strike".- published: 23 Oct 2013
- views: 10

After October 1917
A video I have created to use with my students as a link between the work studied on the r...
published: 03 Dec 2007
author: ccl1975
After October 1917
After October 1917
A video I have created to use with my students as a link between the work studied on the revolution and Stalin's rise to power. The first three minutes are t...- published: 03 Dec 2007
- views: 5995
- author: ccl1975

Pset - Gibanje
Movement#3: Gibanje Starting with an audio introduction from Želimir Žilnik's "Lipanjska g...
published: 06 Sep 2010
author: Mortacide
Pset - Gibanje
Pset - Gibanje
Movement#3: Gibanje Starting with an audio introduction from Želimir Žilnik's "Lipanjska gibanja" (June Turmoil) which criticizes the "red bourgeoisie" (memb...- published: 06 Sep 2010
- views: 187
- author: Mortacide

Díez días que Extremecieron al Mundo, John Reed, Ten Days That Shook the World (TV)
John Reed, no necesita presentación para ningún comunista, ya que se encargó de narrar los...
published: 11 Nov 2012
author: ordosgonzalo
Díez días que Extremecieron al Mundo, John Reed, Ten Days That Shook the World (TV)
Díez días que Extremecieron al Mundo, John Reed, Ten Days That Shook the World (TV)
John Reed, no necesita presentación para ningún comunista, ya que se encargó de narrar los primeros días de la Revolución bolchevique en primera línea, plasm...- published: 11 Nov 2012
- views: 1300
- author: ordosgonzalo