Defendo Alliance, www.defendoalliance.com
Information: antti.nurmi(at)defendoalliance.com defendoalliance.com Defendo Alliance Intro...
published: 28 Sep 2009
author: DefendoAlliance
Defendo Alliance, www.defendoalliance.com
Information: antti.nurmi(at)defendoalliance.com defendoalliance.com Defendo Alliance Introduction video. Defendo is a simple and effective self defense and use of force system, which works regardless of the attackers gender or size. The goal of the Defendo Alliance is to provide varied and up to date information about Defendo around the world. We keep you up to date, so you can always find relevant information about national and international events.
published: 28 Sep 2009
views: 41347
Defendo Self Defense system
www.defendo.com Promo video on the Defendo System Defense system...
published: 08 Sep 2008
author: defendocqb4
Defendo Self Defense system
www.defendo.com Promo video on the Defendo System Defense system
published: 08 Sep 2008
author: defendocqb4
views: 15336
Defendo Norway
This is what you get after 6 months of Defendo training in Oslo, Norway. This is a highly ...
published: 13 Jun 2009
author: baardegil
Defendo Norway
This is what you get after 6 months of Defendo training in Oslo, Norway. This is a highly effective self defence system aimed to control unwanted situations on the street. The head instructor is Mr Johnny Brenna. Credits to DJ Prince for his excelent choise of music.
published: 13 Jun 2009
author: baardegil
views: 27740
The Real Defendo
Created on November 10, 2009 using FlipShare....
published: 31 Dec 2010
author: progym1010
The Real Defendo
Created on November 10, 2009 using FlipShare.
published: 31 Dec 2010
author: progym1010
views: 11083
Defendo Blue DVD
shop.spartan.fi international Sales Length 160min www.defendoalliance.com Defendo Blue- Se...
published: 22 Nov 2011
author: madmanvideo
Defendo Blue DVD
shop.spartan.fi international Sales Length 160min www.defendoalliance.com Defendo Blue- Self-defence for professionals in use of force and use of force system, based on realistic self-defence with Defendo Alliance techniques. The situations where your typical civilian would back away from; a person with a profession which requires use of force must know how to bring the situation to an end.Defendo blue gives you model procedures and techniques to control a target person, but also the possible need to handle use of force tools. Pro active judgement of when use of force is needed, even when anticipatory, is an important part of tactical thinking and effective technical function in Defendo blue. Your own ability to function is a must to remain, civilians are not to be subjected to injury and the target persons possible injuries are to be kept at a minimal. This in turn creates the idea that, situations which require active use of force are aimed at remaining controlled. When the situation requires self defence; effective basic Defendo techniques and model procedures are used to bring the situation back to a controlled use of force one. Defendo blue highlights solving procedures which are not contradictory with the regulations set by Finland to be in line with use of force techniques. A certain important Defendo blue section is the use of tools which restrict ones movement (handcuffs and cable ties). Regardless to the positioning or space of the target person; he/she can be ...
published: 22 Nov 2011
author: madmanvideo
views: 5851
Defendo UK instructional dvd's with Clive Elliott
Coming soon a 3dvd video series teaching the foundations of Bill Underwoods defendo. For m...
published: 26 Mar 2009
author: pmadojo
Defendo UK instructional dvd's with Clive Elliott
Coming soon a 3dvd video series teaching the foundations of Bill Underwoods defendo. For more information please visit. www.defendo.co.uk
published: 26 Mar 2009
author: pmadojo
views: 5483
Defendo Kotka
This is Defendo Kotka introduction video.This is not a exhibition or instructional video, ...
published: 23 Dec 2009
author: DefendoKotka
Defendo Kotka
This is Defendo Kotka introduction video.This is not a exhibition or instructional video, this is made of footage filmed during our training and seminars. Video is meant to show some of the atmosphere and what kind of exercises we do in our club, and of course to show different techiniques from Scandinavian Defendo executed in "live action". Defendo Kotka is a self-defence club established in year 2007, located in Kotka, Finland. We train Scandinavian Defendo and we are member of Scandinavian Defendo Finland and Defendo Alliance. In our training we aim to train realistic self-defence including aliveness and scenario training combined with technical training and we also combine Fit to Fight-ideology to that, meaning functional training like kettlebells, ropes, sledgehammers+tires etc. Because we feel that good cardio and condition is very important also in self-defence. For more information about our club, please visit our website www.defendokotka.com or Facebook Group of Defendo Kotka and for more information about Scandinavian Defendo please visit www.defendoalliance.com. Music in this video is from an excellent German metal band called "Rage" and the song is "Down".
published: 23 Dec 2009
author: DefendoKotka
views: 13199
Defendo Alliance 3DVD Box, promo video
WWW.DEFENDOALLIANCE.COM shop.spartan.fi international Sales This is a demonstrational DVD ...
published: 16 Aug 2010
author: madmanvideo
Defendo Alliance 3DVD Box, promo video
WWW.DEFENDOALLIANCE.COM shop.spartan.fi international Sales This is a demonstrational DVD packet for Defendo Alliance which will be out for sale in the Autumn of 2010. The packet will contain 3 DVDs with a generous 200 minutes worth of effective training. We will go through techniques such as punches, kicks, dangerous attacks, gun threats etc. Bonus material will consist of physical training for fighters with Kettlebells and your own body exercises. More about the DVD packet, visit: www.defendoalliance.com
published: 16 Aug 2010
author: madmanvideo
views: 13748
DEFENDO - a TV2 Mokka című műsorában
DEFENDO - a TV2 Mokka című műsorában...
published: 15 Sep 2009
author: zanshindojo
DEFENDO - a TV2 Mokka című műsorában
Defendo Alliance
antti.nurmi(at)defendoalliance.com defendoalliance.com Defendo Alliance Introduction video...
published: 15 Apr 2010
author: madmanvideo
Defendo Alliance
antti.nurmi(at)defendoalliance.com defendoalliance.com Defendo Alliance Introduction video. Defendo is a simple and effective self defense and use of force system, which works regardless of the attackers gender or size. The goal of the Defendo Alliance is to provide varied and up to date information about Defendo around the world. We keep you up to date, so you can always find relevant information about national and international events.
published: 15 Apr 2010
author: madmanvideo
views: 11871
published: 28 Mar 2008
author: guillermo1753
published: 28 Mar 2008
author: guillermo1753
views: 9340
Vimeo results:
Defendo Alliance
Defendo Alliance...
published: 07 Oct 2010
author: Dvorkin Max
Defendo Alliance
Defendo Alliance
Defendo de minoritataj lingvoj.
Kun partopreno de 92 homoj el kvin brazilaj ŝtato...
published: 21 Apr 2009
author: Parolu Mondo
Defendo de minoritataj lingvoj.
Kun partopreno de 92 homoj el kvin brazilaj ŝtatoj, el 26 urboj, okazis en bonega etoso kaj densa programo la 3-a Kongreso de Esperanto en Ŝtato San-Paŭlo, inter la 10-a kaj 12-a de oktobro 2008, en la urbo Lorena. La temo de la kongreso estis: “Internacia Jaro de Lingvoj”. Tri atentovekaj rubandoj informis pri la kongreso en oportunaj lokoj en la urbo, jam de dek tagoj antaŭ la malferma tago. Radio Cultura de Lorena kaj Radio Piratininga, en najbara urbo Guaratinguetá, po du fojoj intervjuis pri la evento kaj gazeto “Atos” raportis. Kulturdomo de Lorena vigle apogis per livero de la sidejo, noto en sia programa informilo, aparataro kaj oficistoj. Amaso da aŭtoritatuloj en la urbo ricevis skriban inviton kaj informojn. La Episkopa Domo senpage disponigis sufiĉe komfortan Komunan Loĝejon. La kongreson honore prezidis S-ro Milton Serra, pioniro de la movado en la urbo. Krom la organizantoj el Esperanto-Asocio de San-Paŭlo, sub la estrado de Prof-o Genildo M. Coelho, vigle kunlaboris la lokaj samideanoj: Alexandre Prado, Genésio Marcondes, José P. Bezerra, Marli Correia, Sonia Ferreira, Delza Andrade, João Nascimento, Walter Brandes, Paulo S. Viana.
La malferman ceremonion ĉeestis la reprezentanto de la Sekretario pri Kulturo, kiu salutis kaj donacis materialon pri la urbo al la organizantoj. Pri la temo de la kongreso festparoladis Prof-o José Passini, Prezidanto de Brazila Esperanto-Ligo, post kantado de la himnoj kaj salutoj. La malfermo brile finiĝis per pianludado kaj deklamado de Prof-o Olavo R.L.Ferreira, filo de aktiva Esperantistino en Lorena, kiu forpasis antaŭ kelkaj jaroj. Elizabeth Viana legis la Esperantajn tradukojn de la poemoj.
Dum la kongreso okazis la jenaj prelegoj: “Esprimoj por via sliparo” (Floriano Pessoa); “Kio estas fizioterapio: koncepto kaj historio” (Alexandre Prado); “Konkurintoj de Esperanto en la tempo-maŝino” (James Pitton); “Lecionoj de la unua generacio de Esperanto” (Marcos Slotovich); “Esperanto kaj etnaj lingvoj – kiel aldoni vortojn?” (Sylla Chaves); “Neŭrologiaj aspektoj de idealismo” (Floriano Pessoa Filho); “Influo de nacia kulturo kaj emocioj sur lernadon de fremdaj lingvoj” (Luiz G. Jardim); “Centjariĝo de la japana enmigrado” (Osmar Alves); “La ignorata Fundamento” (Geraldo Mattos); “Intelekta disvolviĝo de infanoj ĝis aĝo de tri jaroj laŭ Piaget” (Isis Pitton); “Homa Voĉo laŭ muzika vidpunkto” (Alfredo Aragon); “Bazaj principoj de ĝardenkulturo” (Francisco Wechsler); “Alfabetumado” (Sylla Chaves). Dum la dua tago, matene kaj posttagmeze, Jair Salles instruis per “Ekspresa Kurso”. La lastan tagon de la kongreso oni okazigis viglan debaton kun partopreno de multaj ĉeestantoj pri la temo de la kongreso, sub kunordigo de la Prezidanto de EASP, Genildo M. Coelho. La vesperon de la meza kongresa tago, oni aŭskultis altnivelan violonan kaj gitaran ludadon kaj kantadon, fare de José Inácio, Ivan Guimarães kaj Pedro F. Silva.
Paralele al la oficiala programo, okazis rapidaj demonstroj de kalkulado per abako, fare de José Linck. Dum la kongreso funkciis Libroservo de EASP kaj de Eldonejo “Oportuno”, kiu oni lanĉis du librojn: “Geedza Kanzono”, (rakontoj) de Machado de Assis kaj “Breno kaj Lilika” (infanlibreto), responde traduko kaj originalaĵo de Paulo S. Viana. Amarílio Carvalho vendadis siajn Esperantochemizojn kaj Mirna Duarte intervjuis plurajn kongresanojn por sia radiprogramo "Parolu, mondo!"
Post la fermo oni vizitis la monumenton al Zamenhof en proksima placo, kaj tie oni fotis parton de la kongresanaro. Por la proksima kongreso en la Ŝtato San-Paŭlo, en 2009, sin proponis grupo el la urbo San-Karlo.
Informis Paulo Sergio Viana
Defendo: Self defense in a disco
The extremesportok.hu crew tested the Defendo self defense in a discotheqe. 2010, Budapest...
published: 08 Apr 2010
author: Extremesportok.hu
Defendo: Self defense in a disco
The extremesportok.hu crew tested the Defendo self defense in a discotheqe. 2010, Budapest, Hungary.
Youtube results:
Defendo Kotka 2012
Defendo Kotka is a 2007 established self defence-club. We are a member of Scandinavian Def...
published: 04 Aug 2012
author: DefendoKotka
Defendo Kotka 2012
Defendo Kotka is a 2007 established self defence-club. We are a member of Scandinavian Defendo Finland and Defendo Alliance. All our instructors are licensed instructors of Scandinavian Defendo. Our nex basic course begins on MON 17.9.2012. Book your place and join our club, which is known both in Finland and abroad from hard training, quality teaching and suberb atmosphere. Join the basic course and you´re more than welcome to our defendo-family!:) More info from www.defendokotka.com
published: 04 Aug 2012
author: DefendoKotka
views: 1117
Defendo Norway Nov09
In this video Defendo Norway is training the heart of the system (the clinch) in November ...
published: 11 May 2010
author: baardegil
Defendo Norway Nov09
In this video Defendo Norway is training the heart of the system (the clinch) in November 2009. This is what you get after a year of Defendo training in Oslo Norway. The instructor is Mr. Johnny Brenna, IDF Norway. Credits to DJ Prince for his cool choise of music.
published: 11 May 2010
author: baardegil
views: 3101
Defendo - europejski system walki wręcz i samoobrony, zawierający wpływy również z innych ...
published: 30 Aug 2012
author: Rookix
Defendo - europejski system walki wręcz i samoobrony, zawierający wpływy również z innych części świata. Choć jest to system nowoczesny, jego korzenie sięgają aż do starożytnej historii naszego kontynentu. Defendo uchodzi za system europejski, pomimo, iż zawiera wpływy z systemów walk z innych części świata. Choć jest to system nowoczesny, jego korzenie sięgają aż do starożytnej historii naszego kontynentu. Opiera się on na technikach, które wywodzą się z podstawowych reakcji obronnych w wypadku realnego zagrożenia życia i które w dużej mierze były dobrze znane przez naszych przodków. DEFENDO oferuje unikalny program treningowy, w którym każdy poziom koncentruje się na innym aspekcie samoobrony. Na różnych poziomach nabędziesz rozmaite umiejętności, takie jak: odpowiednia postawa walki, umiejętność obrony przed atakami nadchodzącymi z różnych stron, walka w parterze, dźwignie, taktyka i techniki kontroli przeciwnika, przygotowanie psychiczne i umiejętności obrony przed uzbrojonym napastnikiem. Zróżnicowany model treningowy przygotuje Cię do obrony w każdej sytuacji. Więcej informacji na www.defendo.pl
published: 30 Aug 2012
author: Rookix
views: 4721
Porque eu defendo o Movimento Zeitgeist.
This video was not made by me but it translates accurately what i think and feel about the...
published: 26 Jan 2011
author: Thales Paco
Porque eu defendo o Movimento Zeitgeist.
This video was not made by me but it translates accurately what i think and feel about the Movement. Legendado por: Thales Paco Thanks for watching! Please join us! Zeitgeist Movement
published: 26 Jan 2011
author: Thales Paco
views: 1192